
#' @title Check and prepare a corpus for use with functions in this package
#' @description For best use with this function it is best that data frames have
#'   values for the following columns:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{Title}{Character vector containing the title of each document}
#'     \item{Author}{Character vector containing the name of the associated
#'     author}
#'     \item{Date}{Vector of publication dates in either the "Date","POSIXct",
#'     or "POSIXt" format}
#'     \item{}{Dates should be one of the following forms:}
#'       \item{}{yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss ex.("20170806 00:00:00")}
#'       \item{}{yyyy-mm-dd ex.("2017-08-06")}
#'       \item{}{yyyymmdd ex.("20170806")}
#'       \item{}{mm-dd-yyyy ex.("08-06-2017")}
#'       \item{}{dd-mm-yyyy ex.("06-08-2017")}
#'       \item{}{ddmmyyyy ex.("06082017")}
#'     \item{URL}{Character vector of associated url links}
#'     \item{source}{Character vector of associated publication sources}
#'     \item{ArticleNo}{Numeric vector of associated identification numbers of
#'     each document}
#'     \item{Text}{Character vector containing the body of the text to be
#'     analyzed}
#'     }
#' @param data.td A tidy dataset
#' @return Returns the corpus with correct column names and classes for further
#'   analysis
#' @export
#' @import tidyr 
#' @import dplyr
#' @import stringr
#' @import tidytext
#' @import rlang
#' @import tm
#' @importFrom lubridate ymd_hms ymd mdy dmy
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' clean_data<-corpusPrep(mayAritcles) 
#' }

#Bring in the data
corpusPrep <- function(data.td){
  `%>%` <- dplyr::`%>%`
#Error check for correct data class
  if(as.logical(sum(class(data.td) %in% c("tbl_df","tbl","data.frame")==0))) stop('Data is not in the correct form Data must be in a tibble or data frame')
columns<- names(data.td)

for(i in 1:length(columns)){
writeLines(paste('Column Header',i,":",columns[i], sep=" "))
# Clean text column

##Identify text column
text_col <- readline("What is the name of the column where your text is found?  ")

###Error check
  while(!text_col %in% columns){
    text_col <- readline("Please enter the correct name of the Column Header in your dataframe.")

text_col <- as.character(unlist(strsplit(text_col, ",")))


##Rename text column to "Text"
colnames(data.td)[text_col_num]<- "Text"

##Convert all rows to character
data.td$Text<- unlist(lapply(data.td$Text, as.character))
##Remove all special characters from text
data.td$Text <- stringr::str_replace_all(data.td$Text,'[^([:alnum:]|\\.|\\")]'," ")
##Encode all text within the Text column as "UTF-8"
Encoding(data.td$Text)  <- "UTF-8"
##Remove all "enter" and "tab" sequences in text
data.td$Text <- gsub("\n","",data.td$Text)
data.td$Text <- gsub("\t","",data.td$Text)

# Check for dates---------------------------------------------------------------
date_info<-readline("Does your data use date/time? Please Enter (Y/N):   ")
while(!date_info %in% c("Y","y","N","n")){
  date_info<-readline("Does your data use date/time? Please Enter (Y/N):   ")

# Clean date column

   ##Identify date column
   date_col <- readline("What is the name of the column where your dates are found?  ")
   ###Error check
   while(!date_col %in% columns){
     date_col <- readline("Please enter the correct name of the Column Header in your dataframe.  ")
   date_col <- as.character(unlist(strsplit(date_col, ",")))
   ##Rename text column to "Date"
   colnames(data.td)[date_col_num]<- "Date"
   #Format Date
   if(!as.logical(sum(class(data.td$Date) %in% c("Date","POSIXct","POSIXt")==0))){
    stop('Data is not in the correct form Data must be in a tibble or data frame')
    } else {
     ##Convert all rows to character
     data.td$Date<- unlist(lapply(data.td$Date, as.character))
       data.td$Date <- lubridate::ymd_hms(data.td$Date)
     }else if (!is.na(lubridate::ymd(data.td$Date[1]))){
       data.td$Date <-lubridate::ymd(data.td$Date)
     }else if (!is.na(lubridate::mdy(data.td$Date[1]))){
       data.td$Date <-lubridate::mdy(data.td$Date)

     }else if (!is.na(lubridate::dmy(data.td$Date[1]))){
       data.td$Date <-lubridate::mdy(data.td$Date)

     } else {
        writeLines('Please ensure that dates in your date column follow one of the following formats:\n
       yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
       yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss

}else if (date_info=="N"|date_info=="n"){
  writeLines("You will not have access to the following functions:\n word.Assocs()\n kwsearch()\n iso.date()\n corp.plot")

# Clean/create title column-----------------------------------------------------

## Check for titles
title_info<-readline('Does the data frame have titles associtated with each instance? (Y/N):  ')

while(!title_info %in% c("Y","y","N","n")){
  title_info<-readline("Does the data frame have titles associtated with each instance? (Y/N):   ")

title_col<-readline("What is the name of the column where the titles are found?  ")
###Error check
while(!title_col %in% columns){
  title_col <- readline("Please enter the correct name of the Column Header in your dataframe. ")

title_col <- as.character(unlist(strsplit(title_col, ",")))

##Rename text column to "Date"
colnames(data.td)[title_col_num]<- "Title"

##Convert all rows to character
data.td$Title <- unlist(lapply(data.td$Title, as.character))

}else if (date_info=="N"|date_info=="n"){
    data.td$Title <-rep (NA,dim(data.td)[1])

# Clean/create author column----------------------------------------------------

## Check for author
author_info<-readline('Does the data frame have authors associtated with each instance? (Y/N):  ')

while(!author_info %in% c("Y","y","N","n")){
  author_info<-readline("Does the data frame have authors associtated with each instance? (Y/N):   ")

  author_col<-readline("What is the name of the column where the author information is found?  ")
  ###Error check
  while(!author_col %in% columns){
    author_col <- readline("Please enter the correct name of the Column Header in your dataframe. ")
  author_col <- as.character(unlist(strsplit(author_col, ",")))
  ##Rename author column to "Author"
  colnames(data.td)[author_col_num]<- "Author"
  ##Convert all rows to character
  data.td$Author<- unlist(lapply(data.td$Author, as.character))
}else if (author_info=="N"|author_info=="n"){

# Clean/create URL column-------------------------------------------------------

## Check for URLs
url_info<-readline('Does the data frame have urls associtated with each instance? (Y/N):  ')

while(!url_info %in% c("Y","y","N","n")){
  url_info<-readline("Does the data frame have urls associtated with each instance? (Y/N):   ")

  url_col<-readline("What is the name of the column where the url information is found?  ")
  ###Error check
  while(!url_col %in% columns){
    url_col <- readline("Please enter the correct name of the Column Header in your dataframe. ")
  url_col <- as.character(unlist(strsplit(url_col, ",")))
  ##Rename author column to "URL"
  colnames(data.td)[url_col_num]<- "URL"
  ##Convert all rows to character
  data.td$URL<- unlist(lapply(data.td$URL, as.character))
} else if (url_info=="N"|url_info=="n"){

# Clean/create NewsSource column------------------------------------------------

## Check for NewsSource
newssource_info<-readline('Does the data frame have news sources associtated with each instance? (Y/N):  ')

while(!newssource_info %in% c("Y","y","N","n")){
  newssource_info<-readline("Does the data frame have news sources associtated with each instance? (Y/N):   ")

  newssource_col<-readline("What is the name of the column where the news source information is found?  ")
  ###Error check
  while(!newssource_col %in% columns){
    newssource_col <- readline("Please enter the correct name of the Column Header in your dataframe. ")
  newssource_col <- as.character(unlist(strsplit(newssource_col, ",")))
  ##Rename author column to "NewsSource"
  colnames(data.td)[newssource_col_num]<- "NewsSource"
  ##Convert all rows to character
  data.td$NewsSource<- unlist(lapply(data.td$NewsSource, as.character))
}else if (newssource_info=="N"|newssource_info=="n"){

# Clean/create ID Number column-------------------------------------------------

## Check for ID Numbers
articleno_info<-readline('Does the data frame have identifiers associtated with each instance? (Y/N):  ')

while(!articleno_info %in% c("Y","y","N","n")){
  articleno_info<-readline("Does the data frame have identifiers associtated with each instance? (Y/N):   ")

  articleno_col<-readline("What is the name of the column where the identifier information is found?  ")
  ###Error check
  while(!articleno_col %in% columns){
    articleno_col <- readline("Please enter the correct name of the Column Header in your dataframe. ")
  articleno_col <- as.character(unlist(strsplit(articleno_col, ",")))
  ##Rename ID column to "ArticleNo"
  colnames(data.td)[articleno_col_num]<- "ArticleNo"
  ##Convert all rows to integer
  # data.td$ArticleNo<- unlist(lapply(data.td$ArticleNo, as.numeric))
}else if (articleno_info=="N"|articleno_info=="n"){
  data.td$ArticleNo <- seq(dim(data.td)[1])
  # data.td$ArticleNo<- unlist(lapply(data.td$ArticleNo, as.integer))

# Create custom_reader map
custom_reader <- readTabular(
  mapping = list(title = "Title",author = "Author",
                 date = "Date", url = "URL", source = "NewsSource",
                 content = "Text", id = "ArticleNo"))
# Convert dataframe to corpus
data.corpus <- tm::VCorpus(
  readerControl = list(reader = custom_reader))


JSmith146/CoRpEx documentation built on May 17, 2019, 10:11 p.m.