
Defines functions circles

Documented in circles

#' Draw Circles on a Plot
#' Draw circles on a plot, with control over circle size.
#' @param x
#'   Numeric vector of x coordinates.
#' @param y
#'   Numeric vector of y coordinates.
#' @param z
#'   Numeric vector of data used to inform the radii of the drawn circles.  
#'   In general, this should be the square root of the quantity that you want
#'   to represent, because viewers will tend to judge the circles by their area
#'   not their radii.
#' @param data.range
#'   Numeric vector, length 2, minimum and maximum \code{z}z data to plot,
#'  default \code{range(z, na.rm=TRUE)}.
#' @param circle.size.range
#'   Numeric vector, length 2, minimum and maximum circle radii in inches,
#'   default 0.1 to 1.
#' @param outx
#'   Numeric scalar of x coordinate beyond the figure margins, default NA
#'   (see details).
#' @param outy
#'   Numeric scalar of y coordinate beyond the figure margins, default NA
#'   (see details).
#' @param add
#'   Logical scalar specifying if circles are added to existing plot (TRUE),
#'   default FALSE (a new plot is created).
#' @param xlim
#'   Numeric vector, length 2, x-axis limits, unused if \code{add=TRUE}.
#' @param ylim
#'   Numeric vector, length 2, y-axis limits, unused if \code{add=TRUE}.
#' @param ...
#'   Additional parameters supplied to the \code{\link{symbols}} function.
#' @return
#'   A data frame with the name, class, dimension, and size of each member of
#'   the environment.
#' @details
#'   The size of the circles plotted corresponds directly with the range of
#'   data.
#'   For example, if there is a \code{z} of size \code{data.range[1]},
#'   it will be plotted as a circle with radius \code{circle.size.range[1]},
#'   and if there is a \code{z} of size \code{data.range[2]},
#'   it will be plotted as a circle with radius \code{circle.size.range[2]}.
#'   The default of NA for \code{outx} and \code{outy} places unseen smallest
#'   and biggest circles at a location where the x and y coordinates are
#'   10 times the range observed plus the maximum observed.
#'   In most instances this should be well beyond the figure margins.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' circles(trees$Height, trees$Girth, sqrt(trees$Volume),
#'  data.range=sqrt(c(0, max(trees$Volume))), circle.size.range=c(0, 0.3),
#'  xlab="Height (ft)", ylab="Diameter (in)", main="Tree Volume")

circles <- function(x, y, z, data.range=range(z, na.rm=TRUE),
    circle.size.range=c(0.1, 1), outx=NA, outy=NA, add=FALSE,
    xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, ...) {
  # control the plotting of circles
  # fix the data range to be plotted (data.range)
  # and fix the corresponding range of circle sizes (circle.size.range)
  # rescale data range so it matches circle size range
  newz <- ((z - data.range[1])/diff(data.range)) * diff(circle.size.range) +
  # add two data points that plot the min and max circle sizes
  #   outside the plot area
  if (is.na(outx)) {
    outx <- max(x) + 10 * diff(range(x))
  if (is.na(outy)) {
    outy <- max(y) + 10 * diff(range(y))
  addx <- c(x, outx, outx)
  addy <- c(y, outy, outy)
  addz <- c(newz, circle.size.range)
  # plot the circles
  if (add) {
    symbols(addx, addy, circles=addz, inches=circle.size.range[2],
      add=TRUE, ...)
  } else {
    if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- extendrange(x, f=0.1)
    if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- extendrange(y, f=0.1)
    symbols(addx, addy, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, circles=addz,
      inches=circle.size.range[2], add=FALSE, ...)
JVAdams/GLFC documentation built on Jan. 5, 2023, 12:59 a.m.