
#' Determine the Largest Fish that can Pass through a Net
#' Determine the largest height (or depth) of a fish that can pass through a
#' single diamond-shaped mesh of a net.
#' @param BarMesh
#'   A numeric scalar, the length of one side of a square mesh (in inches).
#' @param H2WRatio
#'   A numeric scalar, the ratio of the height (vertex to vertex) of a single
#'   square mesh (oriented as a diamond) to its width (vertex to vertex).
#' @param L2HRatio
#'   A numeric scalar, > 1, the ratio of the length of a fish to its height
#'   (or depth).
#'   If set to NA, the default, no length calculations will be done.
#' @param Plot
#'   A logical scalar, indicating if a diagram (drawn to scale) of the mesh and
#'   the largest fish should be shown, default TRUE.
#' @return
#'   A named vector with 2 elements: fish height (in inches) and fish length
#'   (in mm).
#' @details
#'   The cross sectional shape of the fish (looking it right in the nose) is
#'   assumed to be a geometric shape similar to an ellipse,
#'   two vertically-oriented tangential circles of equal size (like a figure 8).
#' @import
#'   MASS plotrix
#' @export
#' @references
#' This function is based on a modification of MATLAB
#' \href{http://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab/}{[link]}
#' code provided by Kresimir Williams,
#' NOAA-AFSC \href{http://www.afsc.noaa.gov}{afsc.noaa.gov},
#' at the Great Lakes Acoustic Users Group's Workshop on Trawl Performance,
#' hosted by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission
#' \href{http://www.glfc.org/}{glfc.org}, 22-24 April 2014, in
#' Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
#' @examples
#' MeshPass(BarMesh=2, H2WRatio=0.3)
#' MeshPass(BarMesh=2, H2WRatio=0.3, L2HRatio=4)
#' MeshPass(BarMesh=2, H2WRatio=1/0.3, L2HRatio=4)

MeshPass <- function(BarMesh, H2WRatio, L2HRatio=NA, Plot=TRUE) {
  if (length(BarMesh)!=1 | length(H2WRatio)!=1 | length(L2HRatio)!=1 |
      length(Plot)!=1) {
    stop("All arguments to the MeshPass() function should be scalars of length 1.")
  hwr <- 1/H2WRatio
  # half width of partially open mesh
  W <- BarMesh / sqrt(1 + hwr^2)
  # half height of partially open mesh
  H <- W * hwr
  # half angle of mesh peak (should be > 90 degrees, or pi/2)
  theta <- atan(1/hwr)
  # radius of biggest circle that can fit inside right (or upper) half of
  #   partially open mesh
  r <- H * tan(theta/2)
  # fish body depth in inches
  fheight <- 4*r
  # fish length in mm
  flength <- fheight*L2HRatio*25.4

  if (Plot) {
    addfish <- function(radius) {
      # draw a "fish" on the mesh ... consisting of two tangent circles,
      #   with an overlaying square
      polygon(c(-radius, radius, radius, -radius),
        c(-radius, -radius, radius, radius), col="lightgray", border=NA)
      draw.ellipse(x=0, y= radius, a=radius, b=radius, angle=0, col="lightgray",
      draw.ellipse(x=0, y=-radius, a=radius, b=radius, angle=0, col="lightgray",
      arrows(0, -2*radius, 0, 2*radius, length=0.1, code=3, col=gray(0.3),
    if (is.na(L2HRatio)) {
      title1 <- paste0('Fish height = ', signif (fheight, 3), '"')
      title2 <- paste0('Bar mesh = ', BarMesh, '", mesh ratio = ',
        signif (H2WRatio, 3))
    } else {
      title1 <- paste0('Fish height = ', signif (fheight, 3), '", length = ',
        signif (flength, 3), ' mm')
      title2 <- paste0('Bar mesh = ', BarMesh, '", mesh ratio = ',
        signif (H2WRatio, 3), ', fish length/height = ', signif (L2HRatio, 3))
#    dev.new(rescale="fit")
    eqscplot(0, 0, type="n", xlim=c(-H, H), ylim=c(-W, W), las=1,
      xlab="Inches", ylab="Inches", main=title1)
    polygon(c(0, H, 0, -H), c(-W, 0, W, 0), lwd=2, density=0)
    mtext(title2, side=3, cex=1.2, line=0.2)

  c(FishHeight.in=fheight, FishLength.mm=flength)
JVAdams/artiFISHal documentation built on May 7, 2019, 10:14 a.m.