
Defines functions Effect.fit_model

Documented in Effect.fit_model

#' Calculate effects for plotting
#' @title Adapts package \code{effects}
#' @inheritParams effects::Effect
#' @param which_formula which formula to use e.g., \code{"X1"}
#' @param category_number which category code{c_i} to use when plotting density covariates
#' If getting the error \code{non-conformable arguments}, consider exploring \code{pad_values}
#'   The error arises in when constructing the linear predictor without an intercept,
#'   and the default \code{pad_values = 1} attempts to insert a dummy intercept with estimate and SE
#'   equal to zero.
#' @rawNamespace S3method(effects::Effect, fit_model)
#' @export
Effect.fit_model <-
function( focal.predictors,
          which_formula = "X1",
          pad_values = c(1),
          category_number = NULL,
          ...) {

  message("please read `?Effect.fit_model` for details")

  # Error checks
  #if( mod$data_list$n_c>1 & which_formula%in%c("X1","X2") ){
  #  stop("`Effect.fit_model` is not currently designed for multivariate models using density covariates")
  if( !all(c("covariate_data_full","catchability_data_full") %in% ls(.GlobalEnv)) ){
    stop("Please load `covariate_data_full` and `catchability_data_full` into global memory")
  if( !requireNamespace("effects") ){
    stop("please install the effects package")
  if( !("effects" %in% names(mod)) ){
    stop("`effects` slot not detected in input to `Effects.fit_model`. Please update model using later package version.")
  if( which_formula %in% c("X1","X2") ){
    if( is.null(category_number) ){
      message("Using `category_number=1` as default within `Effect.fit_model`")
      category_number = 1
      if(category_number > mod$data_list$n_c) stop("Supplied `category_number` is greater than number of categories `n_c` in `Effect.fit_model`")
    if( !is.null(category_number) ) stop("`category` not used for catchaility covariates")

  # Identify formula-speific stuff
  if( which_formula=="X1" ){
    formula_orig = mod$X1_formula
    parname = "gamma1_cp"
    mod$call = mod$effects$call_X1
  }else if( which_formula=="X2" ){
    formula_orig = mod$X2_formula
    parname = "gamma2_cp"
    mod$call = mod$effects$call_X2
  }else if( which_formula=="Q1" ){
    formula_orig = mod$Q1_formula
    parname = "lambda1_k"
    mod$call = mod$effects$call_Q1
  }else if( which_formula=="Q2" ){
    formula_orig = mod$Q2_formula
    parname = "lambda2_k"
    mod$call = mod$effects$call_Q2
    stop("Check `which_formula` input")

  # Identify which parameters to extract from par and cov
  whichnum = which( names(mod$parameter_estimates$par) == parname )
  map_indices = mod$tmb_list$Parameters[[parname]]
  if( parname %in% names(mod$tmb_list$Obj$env$map) ){
    map_indices[] = mod$tmb_list$Obj$env$map[[parname]]
    if( any(table(map_indices)>1) ) stop("`Effects.fit_model` not designed to work with mapping of duplicate values")
    map_indices[] = 1:length(as.vector(mod$tmb_list$Parameters[[parname]]))
  if( which_formula %in% c("X1","X2") ){
    whichnum = whichnum[map_indices[category_number,]]
    whichnum = whichnum[map_indices]

  # Extract parameters / covariance
  mod$parhat = mod$parameter_estimates$par[whichnum]
  if( is.null(mod$parameter_estimates$SD$cov.fixed) ){
    mod$covhat = array(0, dim=rep(length(mod$parhat),2) )
    mod$covhat = mod$parameter_estimates$SD$cov.fixed[whichnum,whichnum,drop=FALSE]
  mod$parhat = ifelse( is.na(mod$parhat), 0, mod$parhat)
  mod$covhat = ifelse( is.na(mod$covhat), 0, mod$covhat)

  # Fill in values that are mapped off
  #if( parname %in% names(mod$tmb_list$Obj$env$map) ){
  #  mod$parhat = mod$parhat[ mod$tmb_list$Obj$env$map[[parname]] ]
  #    mod$covhat = mod$covhat[ mod$tmb_list$Obj$env$map[[parname]], mod$tmb_list$Obj$env$map[[parname]], drop=FALSE ]
  #  mod$parhat = ifelse( is.na(mod$parhat), 0, mod$parhat)
  #    mod$covhat = ifelse( is.na(mod$covhat), 0, mod$covhat)

  # add names
  names(mod$parhat)[] = parname
  if( length(pad_values) != 0 ){
    parhat = rep(NA, length(mod$parhat) + length(pad_values))
    parhat[setdiff(1:length(parhat),pad_values)] = mod$parhat
    covhat = array(NA, dim=dim(mod$covhat)+rep(length(pad_values),2))
    covhat[setdiff(1:length(parhat),pad_values),setdiff(1:length(parhat),pad_values)] = mod$covhat
    mod$parhat = ifelse( is.na(parhat), 0, parhat )
    mod$covhat = ifelse( is.na(covhat), 0, covhat )
    #parname = c("padded_intercept", parname)
  #rownames(mod$covhat) = colnames(mod$covhat) = names(mod$parhat)

  # Augment stuff
  formula_full = stats::update.formula(formula_orig, linear_predictor~.+1)
  mod$coefficients = mod$parhat
  mod$vcov = mod$covhat
  mod$formula = formula_full
  mod$family = stats::gaussian(link = "identity")

  if( FALSE ){
    formula_full = update.formula(mod$formula, linear_predictor~.+0)
    mod$call = lm( formula_full, data=catchability_data_full)$call

  if( FALSE ){
    Tmp = model.matrix( formula_full, data=fit$effects$catchability_data )

  # Functions for package
  family.fit_model = function(x,...) x$family
  vcov.fit_model = function(x,...) x$vcov

  # dummy functions to make Effect.default work
  dummyfuns = list(variance = function(mu) mu,
                    initialize = expression(mustart = y + 0.1),
                    dev.resids = function(...) stats::poisson()$dev.res(...) )

  # Replace family (for reasons I don't really understand)
  fam = mod$family
  for( i in names(dummyfuns) ){
    if( is.null(fam[[i]]) ) fam[[i]] = dummyfuns[[i]]

  # allow calculation of effects ...
  if (length(formals(fam$variance))>1) {
    warning("overriding variance function for effects: computed variances may be incorrect")
    fam$variance = dummyfuns$variance

  # Bundle arguments
  args = list( call = mod$call,
               coefficients = mod$coefficients,
               vcov = mod$vcov,
               family = fam,
               formula = formula_full)

  # Do call
  tmp = effects::Effect.default(focal.predictors,
    sources = args)
James-Thorson/VAST documentation built on June 23, 2024, 9:44 p.m.