#' Convert from Lat-Long to UTM
#' \code{project_coordinates} converts from Latitude-Longitude to Universal Transverse Mercator projections for a given location
#' @param projargs A character string of projection arguments; the arguments must be entered exactly as in the PROJ.4 documentation; if the projection is unknown, use \code{as.character(NA)}, it may be missing or an empty string of zero length and will then set to the missing value. With \pkg{rgdal} built with PROJ >= 6 and GDAL >= 3, the \code{+init=} key may only be used with value \code{epsg:<code>}. From \pkg{sp} version 1.4-4, the string associated with the SRS_string argument may be entered as-is and will be set as SRS_string if the projargs argument does not begin with a \code{+} (suggested by Mikko Vihtakari).
#' @param X vector of horizontal-coordinates (e.g., longitude by default)
#' @param Y vector of vertical-coordinates (e.g., latitude by default)
#' @param zone DEPRECATED INPUT; UTM zone (integer between 1 and 60) or alphanumeric CRS code used by package rgdal to convert latitude-longitude coordinates to projection in kilometers; \code{zone=NA} uses UTM and automatically detects the appropriate zone
#' @param flip_around_dateline DEPRECATED INPUT; boolean specifying whether to flip Lat-Lon locations around the dateline, and then retransform back (only useful if Lat-Lon straddle the dateline)
#' @return A data frame with the following columns
#' \describe{
#' \item{X}{The horizonal coordinates after projection (e.g., Eastings in UTM kilometers by default)}
#' \item{Y}{The vertical coordinates after projection (e.g., Northings in UTM kilometers by default)}
#' }
#' @export
project_coordinates <-
function( X,
projargs = NA,
origargs = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84",
zone = NA,
flip_around_dateline = FALSE,
silent = FALSE ){
# Original projection
origCRS = sp::CRS(origargs)
# Default -- Use zone value if supplied for backwards compatibility
if( !is.na(zone) ){
if( !is.na(projargs) ){
stop("Please do not specify both `zone` and `projargs`")
# Transform around dateline if requested
if( flip_around_dateline==TRUE ){
zone = zone + 30
X = X + 180
# Project to UTM
xy_sp = sp::SpatialPoints( coords=cbind(X,Y), proj4string=origCRS ) # expects in long-lat format
projargs = paste0("+proj=utm +datum=WGS84 +units=km",ifelse(mean(Y)<0," +south","")," +zone=",zone)
if(silent==FALSE) message("For the UTM conversion, used zone ",zone," as specified")
# New option
if( is.na(zone) ){
# Auto-detect the UTM zone to match PBSmapping
if( is.na(projargs) && length(grep("+proj=longlat",origargs))==1 ){
lon1 = X
lon2 = ifelse( lon1 < 0, lon1 + 360, lon1 )
# Determine whether to transform around dateline or not
if( diff(range(lon1)) < diff(range(lon2)) ){
mean_lon = mean(lon1)
mean_lon = mean(lon2)
# Detect UTM based on mean of longitudes to match PBSmapping behavior
zone = 1 + floor( (mean_lon-180)/6 )
zone = (zone-1) %% 60 + 1
projargs = paste0("+proj=utm +datum=WGS84 +units=km",ifelse(mean(Y)<0," +south","")," +zone=",zone)
if(silent==FALSE) message("For the UTM conversion, automatically detected zone ",zone,".")
xy_sp = sp::SpatialPoints( coords=cbind(X,Y), proj4string=origCRS ) # expects in long-lat format
# Check for issues
if( !is.na(zone) && (zone<1 | zone>60) ) stop("Check zone in `project_coordinates(.)`")
projCRS = sp::CRS( projargs )
# Conduct projection
xynew = sp::spTransform( xy_sp, projCRS )
xynew_i = xynew@coords
colnames(xynew_i) = c("X", "Y")
# Add attributes such that it includes everything in `PBSmapping::convUL`, i.e., attribute "zone"
attr(xynew_i,"zone") = zone
attr(xynew_i,"origargs") = origargs
attr(xynew_i,"projargs") = projargs
attr(xynew_i,"origCRS") = origCRS
attr(xynew_i,"projCRS") = projCRS
# Return results
return( xynew_i )
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