#' @title
#' Sample from predictive distribution of a variable
#' @description
#' \code{sample_variable} samples from the joint distribution of random and fixed effects to approximate the predictive distribution for a variable
#' Using \code{sample_fixed=TRUE} (the default) in \code{\link{sample_variable}} is similar to using \code{type=3} in \code{\link{simulate_data}}, while
#' using \code{sample_fixed=TRUE} in \code{\link{sample_variable}} is similar to using \code{type=4} in \code{\link{simulate_data}}.
#' Sampling fixed effects will sometimes cause numerical under- or overflow (i.e., output values of \code{NA}) in cases when
#' variance parameters are estimated imprecisely. In these cases, the multivariate normal approximation being used is a poor
#' representation of the tail probabilities, and results in some samples with implausibly high (or negative) variances,
#' such that the associated random effects then have implausibly high magnitude.
#' @param Sdreport TMB output from `\code{TMB::sdreport(Obj)}`
#' @param Obj Fitted TMB object from package `VAST`, i.e., output from `\code{fit_model(...)$tmb_list$Obj}`
#' @param variable_name name of variable available in report using \code{Obj$report()} or parameters using \code{Obj$env$parList()}
#' @param n_samples number of samples from the joint predictive distribution for fixed and random effects. Default is 100, which is slow.
#' @param seed integer used to set random-number seed when sampling variables, as passed to \code{set.seed(.)}
#' @param sample_fixed whether to sample fixed and random effects, \code{sample_fixed=TRUE} as by default, or just sample random effects, \code{sample_fixed=FALSE}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Run model using selected inputs, but also with getJointPrecision=TRUE
#' fit = fit_model( ...,
#' getJointPrecision=TRUE )
#' # Run sample_variable
#' sample = sample_variable( Sdreport=fit$parameter_estimates$SD,
#' Obj=fit$tmb_list$Obj, variable_name="D_gct" )
#' }
#' @export
sample_variable <-
function( Sdreport,
n_samples = 100,
sample_fixed = TRUE,
seed = 123456 ){
# Informative error messages
if( !("jointPrecision" %in% names(Sdreport)) ){
stop("jointPrecision not present in Sdreport; please re-run with `getJointPrecision=TRUE`")
# Combine Report and ParHat, and check for issues
Report = Obj$report()
ParHat = Obj$env$parList()
Intersect = intersect(names(Report), names(ParHat))
if( isFALSE(all.equal(Report[Intersect],ParHat[Intersect])) ){
stop("Duplicate entries in `Obj$report()` and `Obj$env$parList()` are not identical when calling `sample_variable`")
Output = c( Report, ParHat )
# Check that variable_name is available
if( !(variable_name %in% names(Output)) ){
stop( variable_name, " not found in `Obj$report()` or `Obj$env$parList()`; please choose check your requested variable name from available list: ", paste(names(Output),collapse=", ") )
#### Local function
# Sample from GMRF using sparse precision
rmvnorm_prec <- function(mu, prec, n.sims, seed) {
z <- matrix(rnorm(length(mu) * n.sims), ncol=n.sims)
L <- Matrix::Cholesky(prec, super=TRUE)
z <- Matrix::solve(L, z, system = "Lt") ## z = Lt^-1 %*% z
z <- Matrix::solve(L, z, system = "Pt") ## z = Pt %*% z
z <- as.matrix(z)
return(mu + z)
# Sample from joint distribution
if( sample_fixed==TRUE ){
u_zr = rmvnorm_prec( mu=Obj$env$last.par.best, prec=Sdreport$jointPrecision, n.sims=n_samples, seed=seed)
# apply( u_zr, MARGIN=2, FUN=function(vec){sum(abs(vec)==Inf)})
# u_zr[-Obj$env$random,1]
u_zr = Obj$env$last.par.best %o% rep(1, n_samples)
MC = Obj$env$MC( keep=TRUE, n=n_samples, antithetic=FALSE )
u_zr[Obj$env$random,] = attr(MC, "samples")
# Extract variable for each sample
message( "# Obtaining samples from predictive distribution for variable ", variable_name )
for( rI in 1:n_samples ){
if( rI%%max(1,floor(n_samples/10)) == 0 ){
message( " Finished sample ", rI, " of ",n_samples )
Report = Obj$report( par=u_zr[,rI] )
ParHat = Obj$env$parList( x=u_zr[,rI][Obj$env$lfixed()], par=u_zr[,rI] )
if( isFALSE(all.equal(Report[Intersect],ParHat[Intersect])) ){
stop("Duplicate entries in `Obj$report()` and `Obj$env$parList()` are not identical when calling `sample_variable`")
Output = c( Report, ParHat )
Var = Output[[variable_name]]
if(is.vector(Var)) Var = as.array(Var)
if(rI==1) Var_zr = Var
Var_zr = abind::abind( Var_zr, Var, along=length(dim(Var))+1 )
# Return
return( Var_zr )
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