
Defines functions makeTransClusters setCutoffs makeKnownTransClusters makeSNPClusters convertToClueFormat setTransThresholds setSNPThresholds setParams createModel withinCluster nTransCutoff cutoffLevel

Documented in createModel cutoffLevel makeSNPClusters makeTransClusters nTransCutoff setCutoffs setParams setSNPThresholds setTransThresholds withinCluster

# James Stimson 28/02/2018
# Model for beyond SNP thresholds

# Model list contains the data for the project
# 1. Create the model with at least minimal inputs
# 2. Run one of the functions to get outputs

# Inputs for thresholds can be vectors of integers or just one integer

#' create levels at which number of transmissions passes the threshold
#' @param maxK number of transmissions
#' @param beta transmission rate
#' @param perc_cutoff cut-off percentage
#' @return time length of cutoff
cutoffLevel = function(t, maxK, beta, perc_cutoff){
  total_prob = 0.0
  for (k in seq(0, maxK)){
    this_prob = ProbTrans(t, k, beta)
    total_prob = total_prob + this_prob
    if (total_prob > perc_cutoff) {return (k)}
  return (maxK)

#' create levels at which number of transmissions passes the threshold
#' @param N SNP distance
#' @param t1 date of first sample
#' @param t2 date of second sample
#' @param lambda clock rate
#' @param beta transmission rate
#' @param perc_cutoff cut-off percentage
#' @param maxN for optimisation, SNP distance greater than this considered not in same cluster
#' @return number of transmissions reached
nTransCutoff = function(N, t1, t2, lambda, beta, perc_cutoff, maxN=25, maxK=25, pSpatial=1.0){
  if (N > maxN) {return (maxK)}
  total_prob = 0.0
  for (k in seq(0, maxK)){
    this_prob = pSpatial*ProbKTransmissions(N, k, t1, t2, lambda, beta)
    total_prob = total_prob + this_prob
    if (total_prob > perc_cutoff) {return (k)}
  return (maxK)

#' test whether two cases are within the same transmission cluster
#' @param N SNP distance
#' @param k_cutoff number of transmissions below this threshold considered to be in same cluster
#' @param t1 date of first sample
#' @param t2 date of second sample
#' @param lambda clock rate
#' @param beta transmission rate
#' @param perc_cutoff cut-off percentage
#' @param maxN for optimisation, SNP distance greater than this considered not in same cluster
#' @param N_resist number of resistance-conferring SNPs as a subset of N
#' @param lambda_resist clock rate for resistance-conferring SNPs
#' @return TRUE if within cluster, FALSE otherwise
#' @export
#' @examples
#' isWithinCluster <- WithinCluster(N=5, k_cutoff=3, t1=2012.13, t2=2015.76, lambda=0.7, beta=1.3, perc_cutoff=0.2)
withinCluster = function(N, k_cutoff, t1, t2, lambda, beta, perc_cutoff, maxN=25, N_resist=0, lambda_resist=0.0){
  if (N > maxN) {return (FALSE)}
  total_prob = 0.0
  for (k in seq(0, k_cutoff)){
    this_prob = ProbKTransmissions(N, k, t1, t2, lambda, beta)
    total_prob = total_prob + this_prob
    if (total_prob > perc_cutoff) {return (TRUE)}
  return (FALSE)

#' create model to be used for cluster analysis
#' @param ids (optional) vector of unique sample IDs
#' @param dates (optional) vector of dates (formatted as numbers)
#' @param snpMatrix (optional) symmetric matrix of SNP distances supplied in the same order as ids
#' @param lambda (optional) clock rate
#' @param beta (optional) transmission rate
#' @param percCutOff (optional) cut-off percentage
#' @param thSNP (optional) SNP threshold values as a vector of integers
#' @param thTrans (optional) transmission threshold values as a vector of integers
#' @return model object for further analysis
#' @export
#' @examples
#' myModel <- createModel()
createModel <- function(ids=NULL, dates=NULL, snpMatrix=matrix(,0,0), lambda=1.0, beta=1.0, percCutOff=0.2, thSNP=seq(1,10), thTrans=seq(1,10)){

  if (!(length(ids)==length(dates) && length(ids)==nrow(snpMatrix) && length(ids)==ncol(snpMatrix))){
    print("Inconsistent inputs")

  tcutoffMatrix = matrix(0, nrow=nrow(snpMatrix), ncol=ncol(snpMatrix))

  thisModel = list(id=ids, date=dates, snp=snpMatrix, tcutoff=tcutoffMatrix, lambda=lambda, beta=beta, perc=percCutOff, thSNP=thSNP, thTrans=thTrans)


#' set parameters for existing cluster analysis model
#' @param thisModel cluster analyis model created using createModel()
#' @param lambda (optional) clock rate
#' @param beta (optional) transmission rate
#' @param percCutOff (optional) cut-off percentage
#' @return model object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' myModel <- setParams(myModel, lambda=0.5)
setParams <- function(thisModel, lambda=-1, beta=-1, percCutOff=-1){
  if (lambda>0)     {thisModel$lambda = lambda}
  if (beta>0)       {thisModel$beta = beta}
  if (percCutOff>0) {thisModel$perc = percCutOff}

#' set SNP thresholds for existing cluster analysis model
#' @param thisModel cluster analsyis model created using createModel()
#' @param thSNP (optional) SNP threshold values as a vector of integers
#' @return model object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' myModel <- setSNPThresholds(myModel, seq(12))
setSNPThresholds <- function(thisModel, thSNP=seq(1,10)){
  if (length(thSNP)>0){
    thisModel$thSNP <- thSNP
    print("Invalid input")

#' set transmission thresholds for existing cluster analysis model
#' @param thisModel cluster analysis model created using createModel()
#' @param thTrans (optional) transmission threshold values as a vector of integers
#' @return model object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' myModel <- setTransThresholds(myModel, seq(12))
setTransThresholds <- function(thisModel, thTrans=seq(1,10)){
  if (length(thTrans)>0){
    thisModel$thTrans <- thTrans
    print("Invalid input")

# Requires index of ids, hence use of which
convertToClueFormat <- function(ids, clusters){
  grouping <- NULL
  for (i in seq(1,length(clusters))){
    for (j in seq(1, length(clusters[[i]]))){
      grouping[which(ids==clusters[[i]][[j]])] <- i

#' make SNP-based clusters for each threshold set in the model
#' @param thisModel cluster analysis model created using createModel()
#' @param nameBase (optional) basis of name to be used for output cluster files
#' @param writeFile (optional) cluster files will be written if TRUE
#' @return list of clusters
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mySNPClusters <- makeSNPClusters(myModel, 'test')
makeSNPClusters <- function(thisModel, nameBase='SNPcluster', writeFile=TRUE){
  allClusters <- NULL
  for (threshold in thisModel$thSNP){
    clusters <- getClustersNonRecursive(threshold, thisModel$snp, thisModel$id) #TESTING
      writeClusterFile(clusters, threshold, FALSE, nameBase)
    clueClusters <- convertToClueFormat(thisModel$id, clusters)
    allClusters[[length(allClusters)+1]] <- clueClusters
  names(allClusters) <- thisModel$thSNP

makeKnownTransClusters <- function(thisModel, nameBase, writeFile=TRUE){
  allClusters <- NULL
  for (threshold in thisModel$thTrans){
    # Need to cut the trans matrix down to snp matrix size
    clusters = getClustersNonRecursive(threshold, thisModel$trans[1:ncol(thisModel$snp), 1:ncol(thisModel$snp)], thisModel$id) #TESTING
      writeClusterFile(clusters, threshold, FALSE, nameBase, TRUE)
    clueClusters <- convertToClueFormat(thisModel$id, clusters)
    allClusters[[length(allClusters)+1]] <- clueClusters
  names(allClusters) <- thisModel$thTrans

#' set levels at which number of transmissions passes the threshold
#' @param thisModel the model
#' @param maxK max number of transmissions looked for
#' @export
#' @return the model
setCutoffs <- function(thisModel, maxK=25){
  thisModel$tcutoff <- matrix(0, nrow(thisModel$snp), ncol(thisModel$snp))
  for (i in seq(1, nrow(thisModel$snp)-1)){
    for (j in seq(i+1, ncol(thisModel$snp))){
      level = nTransCutoff(thisModel$snp[i,j], thisModel$date[i], thisModel$date[j], thisModel$lambda, thisModel$beta, thisModel$perc, maxK, maxK)
      thisModel$tcutoff[i,j] = level
      thisModel$tcutoff[j,i] = level

#' make transmission-based clusters for each threshold set in the model
#' @param thisModel cluster analysis model created using createModel()
#' @param nameBase (optional) basis of name to be used for output cluster files
#' @param writeFile (optional) cluster files will be written if TRUE
#' @return list of clusters
#' @keywords cluster
#' @export
#' @examples
#' myTransClusters <- makeTransClusters(myModel, 'test')
makeTransClusters <- function(thisModel, nameBase='transcluster', writeFile=TRUE){
  allClusters <- NULL
  thisModel <- setCutoffs(thisModel)
  for (threshold in thisModel$thTrans){
    clusters = getClustersNonRecursive(threshold, thisModel$tcutoff, thisModel$id)
      writeClusterFile(clusters, threshold, TRUE, nameBase)
    clueClusters <- convertToClueFormat(thisModel$id, clusters)
    allClusters[[length(allClusters)+1]] <- clueClusters
  names(allClusters) <- thisModel$thTrans

JamesStimson/transcluster documentation built on May 24, 2020, 10:39 p.m.