
Defines functions predict.gllvm

Documented in predict.gllvm

#' @title Predict Method for gllvm Fits
#' @description Obtains predictions from a fitted generalized linear latent variable model object.
#' @param object an object of class 'gllvm'.
#' @param type the type of prediction required. The default (\code{"link"}) is on the scale of the linear predictors; the alternative \code{"response"} is on the scale of the response variable. that is, the predictions for the binomial model are predicted probabilities. In case of ordinal data, \code{type = "response"} gives predicted probabilities for each level of ordinal variable.
#' @param newX A new data frame of environmental variables. If omitted, the original matrix of environmental variables is used.
#' @param newTR A new data frame of traits for each response taxon. If omitted, the original matrix of traits is used.
#' @param newLV A new matrix of latent variables.  If omitted, the original matrix of latent variables is used. Note that number of rows/sites must be the same for \code{newX} (if X covariates are included in the model).
#' @param level specification for how to predict. Level one (\code{level = 1}) attempts to use the predicted site scores from variational approximations or laplace approximation or given site scores in \code{newLV}. Level 0 sets the latent variable to zero. Defaults to 1.
#' @param offset specification whether of not offset values are included to the predictions in case they are in the model, defaults to \code{TRUE} when offset values that are used to fit the model are included to the predictions. Alternatives are matrix/vector (number of rows must match with the \code{newX}) of new offset values or \code{FALSE}, when offsets are ignored.
#' @param ... not used.
#' @details
#' If \code{newX}, \code{newTR} and \code{newLV} are omitted the predictions are based on the data used for fitting the model. Notice that \code{newTR} need to match with the number of species in the original data.
#' Instead, new sites can be specified in \code{newX}. If predictors \code{newX} (and \code{newTR}) are given, and \code{newLV} is not, latent variables are not used in the predictions.
#' @return A matrix containing requested predictor types.
#' @author Jenni Niku <jenni.m.e.niku@@jyu.fi>,  David Warton
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'# Load a dataset from the mvabund package
#'y <- as.matrix(antTraits$abund)
#'X <- scale(antTraits$env[, 1:3])
#'# Fit gllvm model
#'fit <- gllvm(y = y, X, family = poisson())
#'# fitted values
#'predfit <- predict(fit, type = "response")
#'# linear predictors
#'predlin <- predict(fit)
#'# Predict new sites:
#'# Generate matrix of environmental variables for 10 new sites
#'xnew <- cbind(rnorm(10), rnorm(10), rnorm(10))
#'colnames(xnew) <- colnames(X)
#'predfit <- predict(fit, newX = xnew, type = "response", level = 0)
#'TR <- (antTraits$tr[, 1:3])
#'fitt <- gllvm(y = y, X, TR, family = poisson())
#'# linear predictors
#'predlin <- predict(fitt)
#'# Predict new sites:
#'# Generate matrix of environmental variables for 10 new sites
#'xnew <- cbind(rnorm(10), rnorm(10), rnorm(10))
#'colnames(xnew) <- colnames(X)
#'# Generate matrix of traits for species
#'trnew <- data.frame(Femur.length = rnorm(41), No.spines = rnorm(41),
#'  Pilosity = factor(sample(0:3, 41, replace = TRUE)))
#'predfit <- predict(fitt, newX = xnew, newTR = trnew, type = "response", level = 0)
#'@aliases predict predict.gllvm
#'@method predict gllvm
#'@export predict.gllvm
predict.gllvm <- function(object, newX = NULL, newTR = NULL, newLV = NULL, type ="link", level = 1, offset = TRUE, ...){
  r0 <- NULL
  newdata <- newX
  p <- ncol(object$y)
  if(object$family == "betaH")p <- p*2
  n <- max(nrow(object$y), nrow(newdata), nrow(newLV))
  if (!is.null(newdata)) 
    n <- nrow(newdata)
  if (is.null(newdata) && !is.null(object$X) && !is.null(newLV)) {
    if (nrow(newLV) != nrow(object$y)) {
      stop("Number of rows in newLV must equal to the number of rows in the response matrix, if environmental variables are included in the model and newX is not included.")
  if (is.null(newdata) & !is.null(newLV)) {
    n <- nrow(newLV)
    if(!is.null(object$X) || !is.null(object$lv.X)){
        stop("Number of rows in 'newLV' must be the same as the number of rows in the data used for model fitting, if new X values for the corresponding units (in 'newLV') are not given.")
  if (!is.null(object$X)) {
    formula <- formula(terms(object))
  else {
    formula <- NULL
  if (object$row.eff != FALSE) {
    if(!is.null(newX) & length(all.vars(object$call$row.eff))>0){
      if(all.vars(object$call$row.eff) %in% colnames(newX)) {
        warning("Using row effects for predicting new sites does not work yet.")
  b0 <- object$params$beta0
  eta <- matrix(b0, n, p, byrow = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(newTR)) 
    if (nrow(newTR) != p) 
      stop("Number of rows in newTR must match to the number of responses in the original data matrix.")
  if (is.null(colnames(object$y))) {
    colnames(object$y) <- paste("y", 1:p, sep = "")
  if (!is.null(object$X) && is.null(object$TR)) {
    B <- object$params$Xcoef
    if (is.null(newdata)) {
      X.d <- Xnew <- object$X
    else {
      X.d <- Xnew <- newdata
    if (!is.null(newdata)) {
      if (is.null(object$call$formula)) {
        n1 <- colnames(newdata)
        formula1 <- paste("~ ", n1[1], sep = "")
        if (length(n1) > 1) {
          for (i1 in 2:length(n1)) {
            formula1 <- paste(formula1, n1[i1], sep = "+")
        formula1 <- paste(formula1, "1", sep = "-")
        formula1 <- formula(formula1)
        Xnew <- as.matrix(model.matrix(formula1, data = data.frame(newdata)))
      formula <- nobars1_(object$call$formula) # due to potential REs
      xb <- as.matrix(model.matrix(formula, data = data.frame(Xnew)))
      X.d <- as.matrix(xb[, !(colnames(xb) %in% c("(Intercept)")), 
                          drop = F])
      colnames(X.d) <- colnames(xb)[!(colnames(xb) %in% 
    else {
      X.d <- object$X.design
    eta <- eta + X.d %*% t(B)
  if (!is.null(object$X) && !is.null(object$TR)) {
    B <- object$params$B
    X.d <- object$X.design
    if (!is.null(newdata) && !is.null(newTR)) {
      Xnew <- newdata
      TRnew <- newTR
      y1 <- object$y[sample(1:nrow(object$y), nrow(Xnew), 
                            replace = TRUE), ]
      yX <- reshape(data.frame(cbind(y1, Xnew)), direction = "long", 
                    varying = colnames(data.frame(y1)), v.names = "y", 
                    timevar = "species")
      TR2 <- data.frame(species = 1:p, TRnew)
      yXT <- merge(yX, TR2, by = "species")
      X.d <- as.matrix(model.matrix(formula, data = yXT))
    if (!is.null(newdata) && is.null(newTR)) {
      formula <- formula(object$formula)
      n1 <- colnames(newdata)
      formula1 <- paste("~", n1[1], sep = "")
      if (length(n1) > 1) {
        for (i1 in 2:length(n1)) {
          formula1 <- paste(formula1, n1[i1], sep = "+")
      formula1 <- paste(formula1, "1", sep = "-")
      formula1 <- formula(formula1)
      Xnew <- as.matrix(model.matrix(formula1, data = data.frame(newdata)))
      TRnew <- object$TR
      y1 <- object$y[sample(1:nrow(object$y), nrow(Xnew), 
                            replace = TRUE), ]
      yX <- reshape(data.frame(cbind(y1, Xnew)), direction = "long", 
                    varying = colnames(data.frame(y1)), v.names = "y", 
                    timevar = "species")
      TR2 <- data.frame(species = 1:p, TRnew)
      yXT <- merge(yX, TR2, by = "species")
      X.d <- as.matrix(model.matrix(formula, data = yXT))
    if (is.null(newdata) && !is.null(newTR)) {
      if (nrow(newTR) != p) 
        stop("Number of rows in TRnew must equal to the number of response variables.")
      formula <- formula(object$formula)
      TRnew <- newTR
      n1 <- colnames(newTR)
      formula1 <- paste("~", n1[1], sep = "")
      if (length(n1) > 1) {
        for (i1 in 2:length(n1)) {
          formula1 <- paste(formula1, n1[i1], sep = "+")
      formula1 <- paste(formula1, "1", sep = "-")
      formula1 <- formula(formula1)
      TRnew <- as.matrix(model.matrix(formula1, data = data.frame(newTR)))
      Xnew <- object$X
      y1 <- object$y[sample(1:nrow(object$y), nrow(Xnew), 
                            replace = TRUE), ]
      yX <- reshape(data.frame(cbind(y1, Xnew)), direction = "long", 
                    varying = colnames(data.frame(y1)), v.names = "y", 
                    timevar = "species")
      TR2 <- data.frame(species = 1:p, TRnew)
      yXT <- merge(yX, TR2, by = "species")
      X.d <- as.matrix(model.matrix(formula, data = yXT))
    X.d <- as.matrix(X.d[, colnames(X.d) != "(Intercept)"])
    eta <- eta + matrix(X.d %*% B, n, p)
    if (!is.null(object$randomX)) {
      if (!is.null(newdata)) {
        tr <- try(X.xr <- as.matrix(model.matrix(object$randomX, 
                                                 data = yXT)), silent = TRUE)
        if (inherits(tr, "try-error") | (object$randomX=="~.")) {
          X.xr <- as.matrix(yXT[, colnames(object$Xrandom)])
          colnames(X.xr) <- colnames(object$Xrandom)
        rnam <- colnames(X.xr)[!(colnames(X.xr) %in% 
        xr <- as.matrix(X.xr[1:n, !(colnames(X.xr) %in% 
        if (NCOL(xr) == 1) 
          colnames(xr) <- rnam
      } else {
        xr <- object$Xrandom
      eta <- eta + matrix(xr %*% object$params$Br, n, p)
  if (level == 1) {
    if (is.null(newLV) && !is.null(newdata) & (object$num.lv + 
                                               object$num.lv.c) > 0) {
      if (nrow(newdata) != nrow(object$y)) {
        stop("Level 1 predictions cannot be calculated for new X values if new latent variable values are not given. Change to 'level = 0' predictions.")
    if (object$num.lv > 0 | (object$num.lv.c + object$num.RR) > 
        0) {
        if(nrow(object$lvs)!=n) object$lvs = object$TMBfn$env$data$dLV%*%object$lvs # !!!
      if (!is.null(newLV)) {
        if (ncol(newLV) != (object$num.lv + object$num.lv.c)) 
          stop("Number of latent variables in input doesn't equal to the number of latent variables in the model.")
        if (!is.null(newdata)) {
          if (nrow(newLV) != nrow(newdata)) 
            stop("Number of rows in newLV must equal to the number of rows in newX, if newX is included, otherwise same as number of rows in the response matrix.")
        if (object$num.RR == 0) {
          lvs <- t(t(newLV) * object$params$sigma.lv)
        } else {
          if (object$num.lv.c > 0) {
            lvs <- cbind(t(t(newLV[, 1:object$num.lv.c]) * 
                         matrix(0, ncol = object$num.RR, nrow = n), 
                         t(t(newLV[, -c(1:object$num.lv.c)]) * 
          else if (object$num.lv > 0 & object$num.lv.c == 0) {
            lvs <- cbind(matrix(0, ncol = object$num.RR, 
                                nrow = n), t(t(newLV) * object$params$sigma.lv))
          } else {
            lvs <- matrix(0, ncol = object$num.RR, nrow = n)
      } else {
        if (object$num.RR == 0) {
          lvs <- t(t(object$lvs) * object$params$sigma.lv)
        } else {
          if (object$num.lv.c > 0) {
            lvs <- cbind(t(t(object$lvs[, 1:object$num.lv.c]) * 
                         matrix(0, ncol = object$num.RR, nrow = n), 
                         t(t(object$lvs[, -c(1:object$num.lv.c)]) * 
          else if (object$num.lv > 0 & object$num.lv.c == 
                   0) {
            lvs <- cbind(matrix(0, ncol = object$num.RR, 
                                nrow = n), t(t(object$lvs) * object$params$sigma.lv))
          else {
            lvs <- matrix(0, ncol = object$num.RR, nrow = n)
      if ((object$num.lv.c + object$num.RR) > 0 & !is.null(newdata)) {
        lv.X <- model.matrix(object$lv.formula, as.data.frame(newdata))[,-1, drop = F]
      } else {
        lv.X <- object$lv.X
      theta <- (object$params$theta[, 1:(object$num.lv + 
                                          (object$num.lv.c + object$num.RR)), drop = F])
      eta <- eta + lvs %*% t(theta)
      if ((object$num.lv.c + object$num.RR) > 0) {
        eta <- eta + lv.X %*% object$params$LvXcoef %*% 
          t((theta[, 1:(object$num.lv.c + object$num.RR), drop = F]))
      if (object$quadratic != FALSE) {
          theta2 <- (object$params$theta[, -c(1:(object$num.lv.c + object$num.RR+object$num.lv)), drop = F])
          theta2 <- (theta2[, (object$num.lv.c + object$num.RR+1):ncol(theta2), drop = F])
          eta <- eta + (lvs[,(ncol(lvs)-object$num.lv+1):ncol(lvs), drop = F])^2 %*% t(theta2)
        if ((object$num.lv.c + object$num.RR) > 0) {
          theta2 <- object$params$theta[,-c(1:(object$num.lv+object$num.lv.c+object$num.RR))]
          theta2C <- abs(theta2[, 1:(object$num.lv.c + 
                                       object$num.RR), drop = F])
          lvs <- lvs[,1:(object$num.lv.c+object$num.RR)] + lv.X%*%object$params$LvXcoef
          for (j in 1:p) {
            eta[, j] <- eta[, j] - lvs^2%*%theta2C[j, ]
  if ((object$row.eff %in% c("random", "fixed", "TRUE")) && is.null(r0) & is.null(newX)) {
    if(!is.null(object$params$row.params) & !(object$row.eff %in% c("fixed", "TRUE"))){
     object$params$row.params = object$TMBfn$env$data$dr0%*%object$params$row.params # !!!
    } else {
      object$params$row.params = as.matrix(object$params$row.params)
    r0 <- object$params$row.params
    if((object$row.eff %in% "random") && (level==0)) r0 = r0*0
    eta <- eta + r0%*%rep(1,ncol(object$y))
  if (object$col.eff$col.eff == "random" && is.null(newX)) {
    eta <- eta + as.matrix(object$col.eff$spdr%*%object$params$Br)
    eta <- eta + as.matrix(object$col.eff$spdr[,names(object$params$B),drop=FALSE]%*%matrix(object$params$B, ncol = ncol(object$y), nrow = length(object$params$B)))
  }else if(object$col.eff$col.eff == "random" && !is.null(newX) && level == 1){
    stop("Prediction with column effects not yet implemented.")
      # bar.f <- findbars1(object$col.eff$col.eff.formula) # list with 3 terms
      # mf <- model.frame(subbars1(object$col.eff$col.eff.formula),data=data.frame(newX))
      # RElist <- mkReTrms1(bar.f,mf)
      # newspdr <- Matrix::t(RElist$Zt)
      # eta <- eta + as.matrix(newspdr%*%object$params$Br)
      # eta <- eta + model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~", paste0(all.vars(object$col.eff$col.eff.formula), collapse = "+"))), newX)[,-1, drop = FALSE]%*%t(object$params$Xcoef[,grepl("RE_mean_",colnames(object$params$Xcoef)),drop=FALSE])

        if((NROW(offset) == NROW(eta))){
          eta <- eta+object$offset
        } else {stop(paste("Incorrect dimension for the 'offset', number of rows should now be ", NROW(eta)))}
      } else if((NROW(object$offset) == NROW(eta))){
        eta <- eta+object$offset
        } else {warning(paste("Could not include offset values as 'object$offset' has incorrect dimension, set 'offset = FALSE' or include new offset values"))}
  if(object$family %in% c("poisson", "negative.binomial", "tweedie", "gamma", "exponential"))
    ilinkfun <- exp
  if (object$family == "binomial" || (object$family == "beta") || (object$family == "betaH") || (object$family == "orderedBeta")) 
    ilinkfun <- binomial(link = object$link)$linkinv
  if (object$family == "ordinal") 
    ilinkfun <- pnorm
  if (object$family %in% c("ZIP","ZINB")) 
    ilinkfun <- function(eta) exp(eta) * (1 - matrix(object$params$phi, 
                                                     n, p, byrow = TRUE))
  if (object$family == "gaussian") 
    ilinkfun <- gaussian()$linkinv
  out <- NULL
  preds <- NULL
  if ("link" %in% type) 
    out <- eta
  if ("response" %in% type) 
    out <- ilinkfun(eta)
  if (is.null(newdata) && is.null(newTR) && is.null(newLV) && 
      "logL" %in% type) 
    out <- object$logL
  if (object$family == "ordinal" && type == "response") {
    if (object$zeta.struc == "species") {
      k.max <- apply(object$params$zeta, 1, function(x) length(x[!is.na(x)])) + 
      preds <- array(NA, dim = c(max(k.max), nrow(eta), 
                                 p), dimnames = list(paste("level", 1:max(k.max), 
                                                           sep = ""), NULL, NULL))
      for (i in 1:n) {
        for (j in 1:p) {
          probK <- NULL
          probK[1] <- pnorm(object$params$zeta[j, 1] - 
                              eta[i, j], log.p = FALSE)
          probK[k.max[j]] <- 1 - pnorm(object$params$zeta[j, 
                                                          k.max[j] - 1] - eta[i, j])
          if (k.max[j] > 2) {
            j.levels <- 2:(k.max[j] - 1)
            for (k in j.levels) {
              probK[k] <- pnorm(object$params$zeta[j, 
                                                   k] - eta[i, j]) - pnorm(object$params$zeta[j, 
                                                                                              k - 1] - eta[i, j])
          preds[, i, j] <- c(probK, rep(NA, max(k.max) - 
      out <- preds
    else {
      k.max <- length(object$params$zeta) + 1
      preds <- array(NA, dim = c(k.max, nrow(eta), p), 
                     dimnames = list(paste("level", 1:max(k.max), 
                                           sep = ""), NULL, NULL))
      for (i in 1:n) {
        for (j in 1:p) {
          probK <- NULL
          probK[1] <- pnorm(object$params$zeta[1] - eta[i, 
                                                        j], log.p = FALSE)
          probK[k.max] <- 1 - pnorm(object$params$zeta[k.max - 
                                                         1] - eta[i, j])
          levels <- 2:(k.max - 1)
          for (k in levels) {
            probK[k] <- pnorm(object$params$zeta[k] - 
                                eta[i, j]) - pnorm(object$params$zeta[k - 
                                                                        1] - eta[i, j])
          preds[, i, j] <- c(probK)
      out <- preds
    dimnames(preds)[[3]] <- colnames(object$y)
  try(rownames(out) <- 1:NROW(out), silent = TRUE)
  if(any(class(out) %in% "dgeMatrix")) out <- as.matrix(out)
JenniNiku/gllvm documentation built on April 22, 2024, 11:41 p.m.