
Defines functions normalizeRAVEL

Documented in normalizeRAVEL

# Assuming images are registered and normalized beforehand

#' RAVEL intensity normalization
#' RAVEL intensity normalization.
#' @param input.files Vector of filenames for the input images. Must be NIfTI
#' files.
#' @param output.files Optional vector of filenames for the output images.  By
#' default, will be the \code{input.files} with suffix "RAVEL".
#' @param brain.mask Filename for the brain binary mask specifying the template
#' space brain.  Must be a NIfTI file.
#' @param control.mask Filename for the control region binary mask to be used
#' in RAVEL.  Must be a NIfTI file.
#' @param mod Model matrix for outcome of interest and other covariates 
#' @param WhiteStripe Should White Stripe intensity normalization be performed
#' prior to RAVEL?.
#' @param WhiteStripe_Type What modality is used for WhiteStripe? Should be one
#' of T1, T2 or FLAIR.
#' @param stripped Is the image skull stripped? TRUE by default. 
#' @param k Number of unwanted factors to be included in the RAVEL model.
#' @param writeToDisk Should the scans be saved to the disk? FALSE by default. 
#' @param returnMatrix Should the matrix of intensities be returned? TRUE by default.
#' @param verbose Should messages be printed?
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass to \code{\link{whitestripe}}
#' @return if \code{returnMatrix} is \code{FALSE}, no value returned, but
#' RAVEL-corrected images are saved. If \code{returnMatrix} is \code{TRUE},
#' RAVEL-corrected images are saved and a matrix of normalized intensities is
#' returned.
#' @author Jean-Philippe Fortin
#' @importFrom pbapply pboptions pblapply
#' @importFrom oro.nifti readNIfTI
#' @importFrom WhiteStripe whitestripe whitestripe_norm
#' @importFrom neurobase check_nifti
#' @export
normalizeRAVEL <- function(input.files,
                          output.files = NULL,
                          brain.mask = NULL,
                          control.mask = NULL,
                          WhiteStripe = TRUE,
                          WhiteStripe_Type = c("T1", "T2", "FLAIR"),
                          k = 1,
                          returnMatrix = TRUE,
                          writeToDisk = FALSE,
                          verbose = TRUE,
  # RAVEL correction procedure:
  if (!is.null(mod)){
    message("[normalizeRAVEL] Performing RAVEL with covariates adjustment \n")
  WhiteStripe_Type <- match.arg(WhiteStripe_Type)
  if (WhiteStripe_Type == "FLAIR") {
    WhiteStripe_Type <- "T2"
  if (!verbose) {
    pboptions(type = "none")
  if (!is.null(brain.mask)) {
    brain.mask = neurobase::check_nifti(brain.mask, 
                                        reorient = FALSE, 
                                        allow.array = FALSE)
    brain.indices <- brain.mask == 1
  } else {
    stop("brain.mask must be provided.")

  if (!is.null(control.mask)) {
    control.mask = check_nifti(control.mask, 
                             reorient = FALSE, 
                             allow.array = FALSE)
  } else {
    stop("control.mask must be provided.")

  if (verbose) {
    message("[normalizeRAVEL] Creating the voxel intensities matrix V. \n")
    if (WhiteStripe) {
          "[normalizeRAVEL] WhiteStripe intensity normalization",
          " is applied to each scan. \n"
    } else {
          "[normalizeRAVEL] WhiteStripe intensity normalization",
          " not applied (not recommended).  \n"))
  # Matrix of voxel intensities:
  V <- pblapply(input.files, function(x) {
    brain = neurobase::check_nifti(x, reorient = FALSE, 
                                   allow.array = FALSE)    
    if (WhiteStripe) {
      indices <- whitestripe(brain,
                    type = WhiteStripe_Type, 
                    verbose = FALSE, ...)
      brain  <- whitestripe_norm(brain, indices$whitestripe.ind)
    if (!is.null(brain.mask)) {
      brain <- as.vector(brain[brain.indices])
  V <- do.call(cbind, V)
  input.files = checkimg(input.files)
  if (is.null(output.files)) {
    output.files <- gsub(".nii.gz|.nii", "_RAVEL.nii.gz", input.files)
  lout = length(output.files)
  lin = length(input.files)
  if (lout != lin) {
    warning("Length output files not the same as input files!")
  # Submatrix of control voxels:
  if (verbose)
    message("[normalizeRAVEL] Creating the control voxel matrix Vc. \n")
  control.indices <- control.mask == 1  
  control.indices <- control.indices[brain.mask == 1]
  Vc <- V[control.indices, , drop = FALSE]
  if (verbose) {
    message("[normalizeRAVEL] Estimating the unwanted factors Z. \n")
  Z  <- svd(Vc)$v[, 1:k, drop = FALSE] # Unwanted factors
  .checkDesign <- function(design, n.z){
    # Check if the design is confounded
            stop('The covariates in mod are confounded. Please remove one or more of the covariates so the design is not confounded.')
          } else {
            stop("At least one covariate is confounded with the estimated Z components. Please remove confounded covariates and rerun RAVEL.")

  .ravel_correction <- function(V, Z, mod=NULL) {
    A <- rowMeans(V)
    if (is.null(mod)){
      gamma  <- solve(t(Z) %*% Z) %*% t(Z) %*% t(V)
    } else {
      # Creating design matrix:
      design <- cbind(Z,mod)
      check  <- apply(design, 2, function(x) all(x == 1))
      design <- as.matrix(design[,!check,drop=FALSE]) #Removing intercept
      n.z <- ncol(Z)
      design <- .checkDesign(design, n.z)
      n.covariates <- ncol(design)-n.z
      # Jointly fitting gamma and beta:
      gamma_beta <- solve(t(design) %*% design) %*% t(design) %*% t(V)
      gamma <- gamma_beta[1:n.z,,drop=FALSE]
    fitted <- t(Z %*% gamma)
    res    <- V - fitted
    res    <- res + A

  if (verbose) {
    message("[normalizeRAVEL] Performing RAVEL correction \n")
  V.norm <- .ravel_correction(V, Z, mod=mod)
  if (writeToDisk) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("[normalizeRAVEL] Writing out the corrected images \n")
    pblapply(1:ncol(V.norm), function(i) {
        brain.norm = V.norm[, i],
        output.file = output.files[i],
        brain.mask = brain.mask
  if (returnMatrix) {
Jfortin1/RAVEL documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 10:33 a.m.