
Defines functions createpartitions

Documented in createpartitions

#' Create partitions needed for MRA
#' This function creates the object needed
#' before the Multi Resolution Analisys (MRA)
#' with global and regional models output

#' @keywords MRA, 2D partitions, Climate data
#' @export
#' @param regionaldata Data frame object generated by NC2DFR function
#' @param globaldata Data frame object generated by NC2DFG function
#' @param partitions A list that specify the way of the algorithm will generate the partitions, the length of the list will be number of levels that the MRA will have.
#' @param nc
#' @param nn
#' @param graphs Logical, show or not the proccess with graphs
#' @import dplyr fields sf rgeos plotly raster
#' @examples
#' ###Not run
#' partitions <- list(1,c(1:4),seq(1,2*2*2*11),
#'   seq(1,2*2*3*2*11),
#'   seq(1,2*2*3*3*2*11))
#' length(partitions)
#'  nc <- list(1, 2, 2*2,  2*2*3, 2*2*3*3)
#'  nr <- list(1, 2, 2*11, 2*11,  2*11)
#' part <- createpartitions(globaldata, regionaldata, partitions, nc=nc, nr=nr ,graphs=T)


## Cut a window:
# 230 a 300 y de 30 a 60
createpartitions <- function(globaldata, regionaldata, partitions, graphs=F){

  final <- globaldata %>%
    filter(Year==min(Year), Month==min(Month)) %>%
    select(lat,lon) %>%
    group_by(lat) %>%
    mutate(latid=seq(1:91)) %>% ungroup() %>%
    group_by(lon) %>%
    mutate(lonid=seq(1:39)) %>% ungroup() %>%
    mutate(latid=latid+81, lonid=lonid+146)

  aa <- regionaldata %>%
    filter(Year==min(Year), Month==min(Month)) %>% select(lat,lon) %>% as.matrix() %>% t()

  global<-final[final$lonval>240 &final$lonval<290
                & final$latval>30 & final$latval<60,c("lonval","latval")]
  # plot(global, cex=0.01)
  # points(regional,cex=0.01,col="blue")

  N <- dim(global)[1] #Number of spatial points global
  n <- dim(regional)[1] #Number of spatial points regional
  k <- 1 #Observations through time

  beta0 <- 0
  beta1 <- 1
  kappa <- 1.5
  sigma2 <- 1/4
  ncov <- 1
  rho <- c(0.7, 0.5)
  rMatern <- function(n, coords, kappa, variance, nu=1) {
    m <- as.matrix(dist(coords))
    m <- exp((1-nu)*log(2) + nu*log(kappa*m)-
               lgamma(nu))*besselK(m*kappa, nu)
    diag(m) <- 1
                          matrix(rnorm(nrow(coords)*n), ncol=n))))
  beta1s <- rMatern(ncov, regional, kappa, sigma2)

  ## simulate the covariate values (equal values for same quadrant)
  hh<-SpatialPointsDataFrame(global, data.frame(ID=1:dim(global)[1],
  proj4string(hh) <- '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84'
  regionalpoints <- SpatialPoints(regional)
  globalpoints <- SpatialPoints(global)
  proj4string(regionalpoints) <- '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84'
  proj4string(globalpoints) <- '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84'

  hh2<-gBuffer(hh, width=0.7, quadsegs=1, capStyle='SQUARE', byid=T)

    plot(hh2, add=TRUE,col="red")
    points(regionalpoints, cex=0.1)
    points(globalpoints, cex=0.5, col="blue")
    points(cbind(c(242.5754, 245.3777),	c(33.59025,31.27250)),cex=1, col="blue")}

  ## match regional with global
  AA <- over(regionalpoints, geometry(hh2),
             returnList = TRUE)

  coo <- cbind(regional,global[unlist(AA),], unlist(AA))
  names(coo)<-c("lonreg", "latreg", "longlo", "latglo", "IDglo")

  taue <- 20 ##Precision parameter for error
  error <- rnorm(n*k, 0, sqrt(1/taue)) ### error in the observation


  y <- beta0+(beta1+beta1s)*hh4+error ##Simulate the observations

  ### y is the response variable with regional resolution
  ### hh4 are     the xs with global resolution

  # if(graphs=T){
  #   ggplot(data = dataset, mapping = aes(x = coo$lonreg,
  #                                        y = coo$latreg,
  #                                        color=resp)) +
  #     geom_tile(size=2, alpha=0.4) + theme_bw() +
  #     scale_color_continuous(low="blue", high="yellow") +
  #     ylab("latitude") + xlab("longitude")
  #   ggplot(data = dataset, mapping = aes(x = coo$lonreg,
  #                                        y = coo$latreg,
  #                                        color=covariate)) +
  #     geom_tile(size=2, alpha=0.4) + theme_bw() +
  #     scale_color_continuous(low="blue", high="yellow") +
  #     ylab("latitude") + xlab("longitude")
  #   plot(dataset$covariate,dataset$resp, ylab="Response", xlab="Covariate")}

  ### Use MRA to analyze this dataset:

  # create a raster with the points and a data table:

  bordes <- bbox(hh2)
  crsglobal <- CRS('+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84')

  indicesglob  <- list()
  indicesreg   <- list()
  cellloc.glob <- list()
  cellloc.reg  <- list()

  # ¿Cuántas veces queremos partir el dominio y cuál es el borde?
  nn <- length(nc)
  temp <- raster(xmn=bordes[1],ymn=bordes[2],xmx=bordes[3],

  for(i in 1:nn){
    globraster <- raster(xmn=bordes[1],ymn=bordes[2],xmx=bordes[3],

    indicesglob[[i]]    <- extract(globraster,globalpoints, cellnumbers=TRUE)[,1]
    cellloc.glob[[i]]   <- rowColFromCell(globraster,indicesglob[[i]])
    indicesreg[[i]]     <- extract(globraster,regionalpoints, cellnumbers=TRUE)[,1]
    cellloc.reg[[i]]    <- rowColFromCell(globraster,indicesreg[[i]])


  # table for regional indices:
  indicesreg   <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(indicesreg), ncol=nn,
  names(indicesreg) <- as.character(unlist(lapply(1:nn,

  all <- cbind(dataset, indicesreg)

  regionalpoints <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(cbind(all$coo$lonreg,
                                             longlo= all$coo$longlo,
                                             latglo= all$coo$latglo,
                                             IDglo = all$coo$IDglo,
                                             Yresp = all$resp,
                                             Xcov  = all$covariate,
                                             iP1   = all$iP1,
                                             iP2   = all$iP2,
                                             iP3   = all$iP3,
                                             iP4   = all$iP4,
                                             iP5   = all$iP5)),
                                           proj4string = CRS('+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84'),
                                           bbox = bordes)

  regionalpoints = st_as_sf(regionalpoints)
  #plot(regionalpoints %>% filter(iP3==1) )
JohanFR198/NarccapRDD documentation built on Oct. 14, 2019, 10:04 p.m.