
Defines functions e_locale_manual e_locale e_dims e_arrange e_disconnect_group e_connect_group e_group e_connect e_text_style e_flip_coords e_utc e_animation e_axis_pointer e_polar e_title e_brush e_datazoom e_toolbox e_toolbox_feature e_legend e_tooltip_pointer_formatter e_tooltip_pie_formatter e_tooltip_choro_formatter e_tooltip_item_formatter e_tooltip e_visual_map_ e_visual_map

Documented in e_animation e_arrange e_axis_pointer e_brush e_connect e_connect_group e_datazoom e_dims e_disconnect_group e_flip_coords e_group e_legend e_locale e_locale_manual e_polar e_text_style e_title e_toolbox e_toolbox_feature e_tooltip e_tooltip_choro_formatter e_tooltip_item_formatter e_tooltip_pie_formatter e_tooltip_pointer_formatter e_utc e_visual_map e_visual_map_

#' Visual Map
#' @inheritParams e_bar
#' @param serie Column name of serie to scale against.
#' @param calculable Whether show handles, which can be dragged to adjust "selected range".
#' @param type One of \code{continuous} or \code{piecewise}.
#' @param scale A function that takes a vector of \code{numeric} and returns a vector of \code{numeric}
#' of the same length.
#' @section Scaling function: defaults to \code{e_scale} which is a basic function that rescales \code{size}
#' between 1 and 20 for that makes for decent sized points on the chart.
#' @examples
#' # scaled data
#' mtcars |>
#'   e_charts(mpg) |>
#'   e_scatter(wt, qsec, scale = e_scale) |>
#'   e_visual_map(qsec, scale = e_scale)
#' # dimension
#' # color according to y axis
#' mtcars |>
#'   e_charts(mpg) |>
#'   e_scatter(wt) |>
#'   e_visual_map(wt, dimension = 1)
#' # color according to x axis
#' mtcars |>
#'   e_charts(mpg) |>
#'   e_scatter(wt) |>
#'   e_visual_map(mpg, dimension = 0)
#' v <- LETTERS[1:10]
#' matrix <- data.frame(
#'   x = sample(v, 300, replace = TRUE),
#'   y = sample(v, 300, replace = TRUE),
#'   z = rnorm(300, 10, 1),
#'   color = rnorm(300, 10, 1),
#'   size = rnorm(300, 10, 1),
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' ) |>
#'   dplyr::group_by(x, y) |>
#'   dplyr::summarise(
#'     z = sum(z),
#'     color = sum(color),
#'     size = sum(size)
#'   ) |>
#'   dplyr::ungroup()
#' matrix |>
#'   e_charts(x) |>
#'   e_scatter_3d(y, z, color, size) |>
#'   e_visual_map(
#'     z,
#'     # scale to z
#'     inRange = list(symbolSize = c(1, 30)),
#'     # scale size
#'     dimension = 3 # third dimension 0 = x, y = 1, z = 2, size = 3
#'   ) |>
#'   e_visual_map(
#'     z,
#'     # scale to z
#'     inRange = list(color = c("#bf444c", "#d88273", "#f6efa6")),
#'     # scale colors
#'     dimension = 4,
#'     # third dimension 0 = x, y = 1, z = 2, size = 3, color = 4
#'     bottom = 300 # padding to avoid visual maps overlap
#'   )
#' @seealso \href{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option.html#visualMap}{Additional arguments}
#' @rdname e_visual_map
#' @export
e_visual_map <- function(e, serie, calculable = TRUE, type = c("continuous", "piecewise"), scale = NULL, ...) {
  if (missing(e)) {
    stop("must pass e", call. = FALSE)

  if (!missing(serie)) {
    serie <- deparse(substitute(serie))
  } else {
    serie <- NULL

  e_visual_map_(e, serie, calculable, type, scale, ...)

#' @rdname e_visual_map
#' @export
e_visual_map_ <- function(e, serie = NULL, calculable = TRUE, type = c("continuous", "piecewise"), scale = NULL, ...) {
  if (missing(e)) {
    stop("must pass e", call. = FALSE)

  if (!length(e$x$opts$visualMap)) {
    e$x$opts$visualMap <- list()

  vm <- list(...)
  vm$calculable <- calculable
  vm$type <- type[1]

  if (!is.null(serie)) {
    dat <- .get_data(e, serie)
    if (!is.null(scale)) {
      dat <- scale(dat)
    rng <- range(dat, na.rm = TRUE) |> .get_validate_range()
    vm$min <- rng$min
    vm$max <- rng$max

  if (!e$x$tl) {
    e$x$opts$visualMap <- append(e$x$opts$visualMap, list(vm))
  } else {
    e$x$opts$baseOption$visualMap <- append(e$x$opts$baseOption$visualMap, list(vm))


#' Tooltip
#' Customise tooltip
#' @inheritParams e_bar
#' @param trigger What triggers the tooltip, one of \code{item} or \code{axis}.
#' @param formatter Item and Pointer formatter as returned
#' by \code{\link{e_tooltip_item_formatter}}, \code{\link{e_tooltip_pointer_formatter}},
#' \code{\link{e_tooltip_pie_formatter}}.
#' @param style Formatter style, one of \code{decimal}, \code{percent}, or \code{currency}.
#' @param currency Currency to to display.
#' @param digits Number of decimals.
#' @param locale Locale, if \code{NULL} then it is inferred from \code{Sys.getlocale}.
#' @section Formatters:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\code{\link{e_tooltip_pie_formatter}}: special helper for \code{\link{e_pie}}.}
#'   \item{\code{\link{e_tooltip_item_formatter}}: general helper, this is passed to the \href{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option.html#tooltip.formatter}{tooltip \code{formatter}}.}
#'   \item{\code{\link{e_tooltip_pointer_formatter}}: helper for pointer, this is passed to the
#'   \href{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option.html#tooltip.axisPointer.label}{\code{label} parameter under \code{axisPointer}}.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' # basic
#' USArrests |>
#'   e_charts(Assault) |>
#'   e_scatter(Murder) |>
#'   e_tooltip()
#' # formatter
#' cars |>
#'   dplyr::mutate(
#'     dist = dist / 120
#'   ) |>
#'   e_charts(speed) |>
#'   e_scatter(dist, symbol_size = 5) |>
#'   e_tooltip(
#'     formatter = e_tooltip_item_formatter("percent")
#'   )
#' # axis pointer
#' cars |>
#'   e_charts(speed) |>
#'   e_scatter(dist, symbol_size = 5) |>
#'   e_tooltip(
#'     formatter = e_tooltip_pointer_formatter("currency"),
#'     axisPointer = list(
#'       type = "cross"
#'     )
#'   )
#' @seealso \href{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option.html#tooltip}{Additional arguments}
#' @rdname e-tooltip
#' @export
e_tooltip <- function(e, trigger = c("item", "axis"), formatter = NULL, ...) {
  if (missing(e)) {
    stop("must pass e", call. = FALSE)

  tooltip <- list(trigger = trigger[1], ...)

  if (!is.null(formatter)) {
    if (inherits(formatter, "item_formatter") || inherits(formatter, "pie_formatter") || inherits(formatter, "JS_EVAL")) {
      tooltip$formatter <- formatter

    if (inherits(formatter, "pointer_formatter")) {
      tooltip$axisPointer$label <- formatter

  if (!e$x$tl) {
    e$x$opts$tooltip <- tooltip
  } else {
    e$x$opts$baseOption$tooltip <- tooltip


#' @rdname e-tooltip
#' @export
e_tooltip_item_formatter <- function(
  style = c("decimal", "percent", "currency"),
  digits = 0,
  locale = NULL,
  currency = "USD"
) {
  if (is.null(locale)) {
    locale <- .get_locale()

  style <- match.arg(style)
  opts <- list(
    style = style,
    minimumFractionDigits = digits,
    maximumFractionDigits = digits,
    currency = currency

  tip <- htmlwidgets::JS(sprintf("function(params, ticket, callback) {
        var fmt = new Intl.NumberFormat('%s', %s);
        var idx = 0;
        if (params.name == params.value[0]) {
            idx = 1;
        return params.value[0] + '<br>' +
               params.marker + ' ' +
               params.seriesName + ': ' + fmt.format(parseFloat(params.value[idx]));
    }", locale, jsonlite::toJSON(opts, auto_unbox = TRUE)))

  tip <- structure(tip, class = c("JS_EVAL", "item_formatter"))

#' @rdname e-tooltip
#' @export
e_tooltip_choro_formatter <- function(
  style = c("decimal", "percent", "currency"),
  digits = 0,
  locale = NULL,
  currency = "USD"
) {
  if (is.null(locale)) {
    locale <- .get_locale()

  style <- match.arg(style)
  opts <- list(
    style = style,
    minimumFractionDigits = digits,
    maximumFractionDigits = digits,
    currency = currency

  tip <- htmlwidgets::JS(sprintf("function(params, ticket, callback) {
        var fmt = new Intl.NumberFormat('%s', %s);
        var value = parseFloat(params.value) || 0;
        return params.marker + ' ' +
               params.name + ': ' + fmt.format(value);
    }", locale, jsonlite::toJSON(opts, auto_unbox = TRUE)))

  tip <- structure(tip, class = c("JS_EVAL", "item_formatter"))

#' @rdname e-tooltip
#' @export
e_tooltip_pie_formatter <- function(
  style = c("decimal", "percent", "currency"),
  digits = 0,
  locale = NULL,
  currency = "USD",
) {
  if (is.null(locale)) {
    locale <- .get_locale()

  style <- match.arg(style)

  opts <- list(
    style = style,
    minimumFractionDigits = digits,
    maximumFractionDigits = digits,
    currency = currency

  fmt <- htmlwidgets::JS(sprintf("function(params, ticket, callback) {
    var fmt = new Intl.NumberFormat('%s', %s);
    return params.marker + ' ' +
           params.name + ': ' +
    }", locale, jsonlite::toJSON(opts, auto_unbox = TRUE)))

  tip <- list(
    formatter = fmt,

  tip <- structure(tip, class = "pie_formatter")


#' @rdname e-tooltip
#' @export
e_tooltip_pointer_formatter <- function(
  style = c("decimal", "percent", "currency"),
  digits = 0,
  locale = NULL,
  currency = "USD"
) {
  if (is.null(locale)) {
    locale <- .get_locale()

  style <- match.arg(style)
  opts <- list(
    style = style,
    minimumFractionDigits = digits,
    maximumFractionDigits = digits,
    currency = currency

  tip <- htmlwidgets::JS(sprintf("function(params, ticket, callback) {
        var fmt = new Intl.NumberFormat('%s', %s);
        var res = params[0].value[0];
        for (i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
            res += '<br />' +
                   params[i].marker + ' ' +
                   params[i].seriesName + ': ' +
        return res;
    }", locale, jsonlite::toJSON(opts, auto_unbox = TRUE)))
  tip <- structure(tip, class = c("JS_EVAL", "pointer_formatter"))

#' Legend
#' Customise the legend.
#' @inheritParams e_bar
#' @param show Set to \code{FALSE} to hide the legend.
#' @param type Type of legend, \code{plain} or \code{scroll}.
#' @param icons A optional list of icons the same length as there are series, see example.
#' @examples
#' e <- cars |>
#'   e_charts(speed) |>
#'   e_scatter(dist, symbol_size = 5)
#' # with legend
#' e
#' # without legend
#' e |>
#'   e_legend(show = FALSE)
#' # with icon
#' # path is taken from http://svgicons.sparkk.fr/
#' path <- paste0(
#'   "path://M11.344,5.71c0-0.73,0.074-1.122,1.199-1.122",
#'   "h1.502V1.871h-2.404c-2.886,0-3.903,1.36-3.903,3.646",
#'   "v1.765h-1.8V10h1.8v8.128h3.601V10h2.403l0.32-2.718h",
#'   "-2.724L11.344,5.71z"
#' )
#' e |>
#'   e_legend(
#'     icons = list(path)
#'   )
#' @seealso \href{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option.html#legend}{Additional arguments}
#' @export
e_legend <- function(e, show = TRUE, type = c("plain", "scroll"), icons = NULL, ...) {
  if (missing(e)) {
    stop("must pass e", call. = FALSE)

  if (!is.null(icons)) {
    if (length(icons) == 1) {
      e$x$opts$legend$icon <- icons
      icons <- NULL
    } else if (length(icons) < length(e$x$opts$legend$data)) {
        "invalid number of icons; ",
        " icons passed but ",
        " legend items."

    for (i in seq_along(e$x$opts$legend$data)) {
      e$x$opts$legend$data[[i]] <- list(name = e$x$opts$legend$data[[i]])
      e$x$opts$legend$data[[i]]$icon <- icons[[i]]

  legend <- list(
    show = show,
    type = type[1],

  if (!e$x$tl) {
    e$x$opts$legend <- append(e$x$opts$legend, legend)
  } else {
    e$x$opts$baseOption$legend <- append(e$x$opts$baseOption$legend, legend)


#' Toolbox
#' Add toolbox interface.
#' @inheritParams e_bar
#' @param feature Feature to add, defaults to all.
#' @details Valid \code{feature}:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\code{saveAsImage}}
#'   \item{\code{brush}}
#'   \item{\code{restore}}
#'   \item{\code{dataView}}
#'   \item{\code{dataZoom}}
#'   \item{\code{magicType}}
#' }
#' @examples
#' USArrests |>
#'   e_charts(UrbanPop) |>
#'   e_line(Assault) |>
#'   e_area(Murder, y_index = 1, x_index = 1) |>
#'   e_datazoom(x_index = 0)
#' mtcars |>
#'   tibble::rownames_to_column("model") |> 
#'   e_charts(model) |>
#'   e_line(qsec) |>
#'   e_toolbox() |>
#'   e_toolbox_feature(
#'     feature = "magicType",
#'     type = list("line", "bar")
#'   )
#' @seealso \href{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option.html#toolbox}{Additional arguments}
#' @rdname toolbox
#' @export
e_toolbox_feature <- function(e, feature, ...) {
  if (missing(e)) {
    stop("must pass e", call. = FALSE)

  if (missing(feature)) {
    feature <- c("saveAsImage", "restore", "dataView", "dataView", "dataZoom", "magicType", "brush")

  options <- list(...)

  if (!e$x$tl) {
    if (!length(e$x$opts$toolbox)) {
      e$x$opts$toolbox <- list(feature = list())

    for (i in seq_along(feature)) {
      e$x$opts$toolbox$feature[[feature[i]]] <- list()

    if (length(options)) {
      for (i in seq_along(options)) {
        e$x$opts$toolbox$feature[[feature]][[names(options)[i]]] <- options[[i]]
  } else {
    if (!length(e$x$opts$baseOption$toolbox)) {
      e$x$opts$baseOption$toolbox <- list(feature = list())

    for (i in seq_along(feature)) {
      e$x$opts$baseOption$toolbox$feature[[feature[i]]] <- list()

    if (length(options)) {
      for (i in seq_along(options)) {
        e$x$opts$baseOption$toolbox$feature[[feature]][[names(options)[i]]] <- options[[i]]


#' @rdname toolbox
#' @export
e_toolbox <- function(e, ...) {
  if (!e$x$tl) {
    e$x$opts$toolbox <- list(...)
  } else {
    e$x$opts$baseOption$toolbox <- list(...)


#' Data zoom
#' Add data zoom.
#' @inheritParams e_bar
#' @param toolbox Whether to add the toolbox, \code{\link{e_toolbox_feature}}, (\code{e_toolbox_feature(e, "dataZoom")}).
#' @examples
#' USArrests |>
#'   e_charts(UrbanPop) |>
#'   e_line(Assault) |>
#'   e_area(Murder, y_index = 1, x_index = 1) |>
#'   e_y_axis(gridIndex = 1) |>
#'   e_x_axis(gridIndex = 1) |>
#'   e_grid(height = "35%") |>
#'   e_grid(height = "35%", top = "50%") |>
#'   e_toolbox_feature("dataZoom", title = list(zoom = "zoom", back = "back")) |>
#'   e_datazoom(x_index = c(0, 1))
#' @seealso \href{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option.html#dataZoom}{Additional arguments}
#' @export
e_datazoom <- function(e, x_index = NULL, y_index = NULL, toolbox = TRUE, ...) {
  if (missing(e)) {
    stop("must pass e", call. = FALSE)

  if (!is.null(x_index) && !is.null(y_index)) {
    stop("pass x_index or y_index, not both", call. = FALSE)

  if (!e$x$tl) {
    if (!length(e$x$opts$dataZoom)) { # initiatilise if not existing
      e$x$opts$dataZoom <- list()
  } else {
    if (!length(e$x$opts$baseOption$dataZoom)) { # initiatilise if not existing
      e$x$opts$baseOption$dataZoom <- list()

  if (!e$x$tl) {
    if (!length(e$x$opts$toolbox$feature$dataZoom) && isTRUE(toolbox)) {
      e <- e_toolbox_feature(e, "dataZoom")
  } else {
    if (!length(e$x$opts$baseOption$toolbox$feature$dataZoom) && isTRUE(toolbox)) {
      e <- e_toolbox_feature(e, "dataZoom")

  opts <- list(...)
  if (!is.null(x_index)) opts$xAxisIndex <- x_index
  if (!is.null(y_index)) opts$yAxisIndex <- y_index

  if (!e$x$tl) {
    e$x$opts$dataZoom <- append(e$x$opts$dataZoom, list(opts))
  } else {
    e$x$opts$baseOption$dataZoom <- append(e$x$opts$baseOption$dataZoom, list(opts))


#' Brush
#' Add a brush.
#' @inheritParams e_bar
#' @param brush_link Links interaction between selected items in different series.
#' @section \code{brush_link}:$
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\code{c(3, 4, 5)}, for interacting series with seriesIndex as 3, 4, or 5.}
#'   \item{\code{all}, for interacting all series.}
#'   \item{\code{none} for disabling.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' quakes |>
#'   e_charts(long) |>
#'   e_geo(
#'     boundingCoords = list(
#'       c(190, -10),
#'       c(180, -40)
#'     )
#'   ) |>
#'   e_scatter(lat, mag, stations, coord_system = "geo", name = "mag") |>
#'   e_data(quakes, depth) |>
#'   e_scatter(mag, mag, stations, name = "mag & depth") |>
#'   e_grid(right = 40, top = 100, width = "30%") |>
#'   e_y_axis(type = "value", name = "depth", min = 3.5) |>
#'   e_brush() |>
#'   e_theme("dark")
#' @seealso \href{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option.html#brush}{Additional arguments}
#' @export
e_brush <- function(e, x_index = NULL, y_index = NULL, brush_link = "all", ...) {
  if (missing(e)) {
    stop("must pass e", call. = FALSE)

  if (!is.null(x_index) && !is.null(y_index)) {
    stop("pass x_index or y_index, not both", call. = FALSE)

  if (!e$x$tl) {
    if (!length(e$x$opts$brush)) { # initiatilise if not existing
      e$x$opts$brush <- list()
  } else {
    if (!length(e$x$opts$baseOption$brush)) { # initiatilise if not existing
      e$x$opts$baseOption$brush <- list()

  if (!e$x$tl) {
    if (!length(e$x$opts$toolbox$feature$brush)) {
      e <- e_toolbox_feature(e, "brush")
  } else {
    if (!length(e$x$opts$baseOption$toolbox$feature$brush)) {
      e <- e_toolbox_feature(e, "brush")

  opts <- list(brushLink = brush_link, ...)
  opts$xAxisIndex <- x_index
  opts$yAxisIndex <- y_index

  if (!e$x$tl) {
    e$x$opts$brush <- append(e$x$opts$brush, opts)
  } else {
    e$x$opts$baseOption$brush <- append(e$x$opts$baseOption$brush, opts)


#' Title
#' Add title.
#' @inheritParams e_bar
#' @param text,subtext Title and Subtitle.
#' @param link,sublink Title and Subtitle link.
#' @examples
#' quakes |>
#'   dplyr::mutate(mag = exp(mag) / 60) |>
#'   e_charts(stations) |>
#'   e_scatter(depth, mag) |>
#'   e_visual_map(min = 3, max = 7) |>
#'   e_title("Quakes", "Stations and Magnitude")
#' @seealso \href{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option.html#title}{Additional arguments}
#' @export
e_title <- function(e, text = NULL, subtext = NULL, link = NULL, sublink = NULL, ...) {
  if (missing(e)) {
    stop("missing e", call. = FALSE)

  title <- list(...)
  title$text <- text
  title$subtext <- subtext
  title$link <- link
  title$sublink <- sublink

  if (!e$x$tl) {
    e$x$opts$title <- append(e$x$opts$title, list(title))
  } else {
    e$x$opts$baseOption$title <- append(e$x$opts$baseOption$title, list(title))


#' Polar
#' Customise polar coordinates.
#' @inheritParams e_bar
#' @param show Whether to display the axis.
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = seq(1, 20, by = 2))
#' df |>
#'   e_charts(x) |>
#'   e_polar() |>
#'   e_angle_axis() |>
#'   e_radius_axis() |>
#'   e_line(y, coord_system = "polar", smooth = TRUE)
#' @seealso \href{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option.html#polar}{Additional arguments}
#' @export
e_polar <- function(e, show = TRUE, ...) {
  if (missing(e)) {
    stop("missing e", call. = FALSE)

  if (!e$x$tl) {
    e$x$opts$yAxis <- NULL
    e$x$opts$xAxis <- NULL

    e$x$opts$polar <- list(show = show, ...)
  } else {
    e$x$opts$baseOption$yAxis <- NULL
    e$x$opts$baseOption$xAxis <- NULL

    e$x$opts$baseOption$polar <- list(show = show, ...)


#' Axis pointer
#' Customise axis pointer.
#' @inheritParams e_bar
#' @seealso \href{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option.html#axisPointer}{Additional arguments}
#' @export
e_axis_pointer <- function(e, ...) {
  if (missing(e)) {
    stop("missing e", call. = FALSE)

  if (!e$x$tl) {
    e$x$opts$axisPointer <- list(...)
  } else {
    e$x$opts$baseOption$axisPointer <- list(...)


#' Animation
#' Customise animations.
#' @inheritParams e_bar
#' @param show Set to show animation.
#' @param threshold Whether to set graphic number threshold to animation.
#' Animation will be disabled when graphic number is larger than threshold.
#' @param duration Duration of the first animation.
#' @param easing Easing method used for the first animation.
#' @param delay Delay before updating the first animation.
#' @param duration.update Time for animation to complete.
#' @param easing.update Easing method used for animation.
#' @param delay.update Delay before updating animation.
#' @examples
#' mtcars |>
#'   e_charts(mpg) |>
#'   e_area(drat) |>
#'   e_animation(duration = 10000)
#' @seealso \href{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option.html#animation}{Additional arguments}
#' @export
e_animation <- function(
  show = TRUE,
  threshold = NULL,
  duration = NULL,
  easing = NULL,
  delay = NULL,
  duration.update = NULL,
  easing.update = NULL,
  delay.update = NULL
) {
  if (!e$x$tl) {
    e$x$opts$animation <- show
    e$x$opts$animationThreshold <- threshold
    e$x$opts$animationDuration <- duration
    e$x$opts$animationEasing <- easing
    e$x$opts$animationDelay <- delay
    e$x$opts$animationDurationUpdate <- duration.update
    e$x$opts$animationEasingUpdate <- easing.update
    e$x$opts$animationDelayUpdate <- delay.update
  } else {
    e$x$opts$baseOption$animation <- show
    e$x$opts$baseOption$animationThreshold <- threshold
    e$x$opts$baseOption$animationDuration <- duration
    e$x$opts$baseOption$animationEasing <- easing
    e$x$opts$baseOption$animationDelay <- delay
    e$x$opts$baseOption$animationDurationUpdate <- duration.update
    e$x$opts$baseOption$animationEasingUpdate <- easing.update
    e$x$opts$baseOption$animationDelayUpdate <- delay.update


#' Use UTC
#' Use UTC
#' @inheritParams e_bar
#' @export
e_utc <- function(e) {
  if (!e$x$tl) {
    e$x$opts$useUTC <- TRUE
  } else {
    e$x$opts$baseOption$useUTC <- TRUE


#' Flip coordinates
#' Flip cartesian 2D coordinates.
#' @inheritParams e_bar
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(
#'   x = LETTERS[1:5],
#'   y = runif(5, 1, 5),
#'   z = runif(5, 3, 10)
#' )
#' df |>
#'   e_charts(x) |>
#'   e_bar(y) |>
#'   e_line(z) -> plot
#' plot # normal
#' e_flip_coords(plot) # flip
#' @export
e_flip_coords <- function(e) {
  if (!e$x$tl) {
    n <- names(e$x$opts)
    n <- gsub("xAxis", "RENAME", n)
    n <- gsub("yAxis", "xAxis", n)
    n <- gsub("RENAME", "yAxis", n)

    names(e$x$opts) <- n

    for (i in seq_along(e$x$opts$series)) {
      for (j in 1:length(e$x$opts$series[[i]]$data)) {

            vals <- e$x$opts$series[[i]]$data[[j]]$value
            e$x$opts$series[[i]]$data[[j]]$value <- rev(vals)
          }, silent = TRUE)
        } else {
            vals <- e$x$opts$series[[i]]$data[[j]]
            e$x$opts$series[[i]]$data[[j]] <- rev(vals)
          }, silent = TRUE)
  } else {
    n <- names(e$x$opts$baseOption)
    n <- gsub("xAxis", "RENAME", n)
    n <- gsub("yAxis", "xAxis", n)
    n <- gsub("RENAME", "yAxis", n)

    names(e$x$opts$baseOption) <- n

    for (i in 1:length(e$x$opts$options)) {
      for (j in 1:length(e$x$opts$options[[i]]$series)) {
        for (k in 1:length(e$x$opts$options[[i]]$series[[j]]$data)) {
            vals <- e$x$opts$options[[i]]$series[[j]]$data[[k]]$value
            e$x$opts$options[[i]]$series[[j]]$data[[k]]$value <- rev(vals)
          }, silent = TRUE)


#' Text style
#' Define global font style.
#' @inheritParams e_bar
#' @note Do not use \code{e_arrange} in R markdown or Shiny.
#' @seealso \href{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option.html#textStyle}{official documentation}
#' @examples
#' cars |>
#'   e_charts(dist) |>
#'   e_scatter(speed) |>
#'   e_labels() |>
#'   e_text_style(
#'     color = "blue",
#'     fontStyle = "italic"
#'   )
#' @export
e_text_style <- function(e, ...) {
  if (!e$x$tl) {
    e$x$opts$textStyle <- list(...)
  } else {
    e$x$opts$baseOption$textStyle <- list(...)


#' Connect charts
#' Connect charts together.
#' @inheritParams e_bar
#' @param ids Scalar, vector or list of ids of chart to connect with.
#' @param rows,cols Number of rows and columns.
#' @param ... Any \code{echarts} objects.
#' @param width Width of columns, one of \code{xs}, \code{md}, \code{lg}.
#' @param group Group name.
#' @param title Title of charts.
#' @section Functions:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\code{e_connect}: connects charts by \code{ids}, \emph{cannot} be disconnected.}
#'   \item{\code{e_group}: assigns a group to chart.}
#'   \item{\code{e_connect_group}: connects chart with another group.}
#'   \item{\code{e_disconnect_group}: diconnects chart from group.}
#'   \item{\code{e_arrange}: arrange charts.}
#' }
#' @return \code{e_arrange}: in an interactive session, returns a \code{htmltools::browsable}, in \code{rmarkdown} returns a
#' container (\code{htmltools::div}).
#' @examples
#' # linked datazoom
#' e1 <- cars |>
#'   e_charts(
#'     speed,
#'     height = 200
#'   ) |>
#'   e_scatter(dist) |>
#'   e_datazoom(show = FALSE) |>
#'   e_group("grp") # assign group
#' e2 <- cars |>
#'   e_charts(
#'     dist,
#'     height = 200
#'   ) |>
#'   e_scatter(speed) |>
#'   e_datazoom() |>
#'   e_group("grp") |> # assign group
#'   e_connect_group("grp") # connect
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   e_arrange(e1, e2, title = "Linked datazoom")
#' }
#' @note \code{e_arrange} may not work properly in the RStudio viewer.
#' @name connections
#' @export
e_connect <- function(e, ids) {
  if (missing(ids)) stop("missing ids", call. = FALSE)
  e$x$connect <- as.list(ids)

#' @rdname connections
#' @export
e_group <- function(e, group) {
  if (missing(group)) {
    stop("missing group", call. = FALSE)

  e$x$chartGroup <- group


#' @rdname connections
#' @export
e_connect_group <- function(e, group) {
  if (missing(group)) {
    stop("missing group", call. = FALSE)

  e$x$groupConnect <- group


#' @rdname connections
#' @export
e_disconnect_group <- function(e, group = NULL) {
  e$x$groupDisconnect <- group


#' @rdname connections
#' @export
e_arrange <- function(..., rows = NULL, cols = NULL, width = "xs", title = NULL) {
  plots <- list(...)

  if (is.null(rows)) {
    rows <- length(plots)

  if (is.null(cols)) {
    cols <- 1

  w <- "-xs"
  if (!isTRUE(getOption("knitr.in.progress"))) {
    w <- ""

  x <- 0
  tg <- htmltools::tagList()
  for (i in 1:rows) {
    r <- htmltools::div(class = "row")

    for (j in 1:cols) {
      x <- x + 1
      cl <- paste0("col", w, "-", 12 / cols)
      if (x <= length(plots)) {
        c <- htmltools::div(class = cl, plots[[x]])
      } else {
        c <- htmltools::div(class = cl)
      r <- htmltools::tagAppendChild(r, c)
    tg <- htmltools::tagAppendChild(tg, r)

  if (!isTRUE(getOption("knitr.in.progress"))) {
        class = "container-fluid",
            rel = "stylesheet",
            href = "https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.1.3/css/bootstrap.min.css",
            integrity = "sha384-MCw98/SFnGE8fJT3GXwEOngsV7Zt27NXFoaoApmYm81iuXoPkFOJwJ8ERdknLPMO",
            crossorigin = "anonymous"
  } else {
    if (!is.null(title)) {
      htmltools::div(title, tg)
    } else {

#' Dimensions
#' Sets the dimensions of the chart _internally._
#' This will only affect the dimensions of the
#' chart within its parent container.
#' Use the `height` and `width` arguments of 
#' [e_charts] if you want to change the dimensions
#' of said parent (recommended).
#' @inheritParams e_bar
#' @param height,width Dimensions in pixels, percentage or string.
#' @export 
e_dims <- function(e, height = "auto", width = "auto") {
  e$x$mainOpts$width <- width
  e$x$mainOpts$height <- height

#' Locale
#' Change the locale to auto-translate
#' days of the week, etc.
#' @section Locales:
#' - CS
#' - DE
#' - EN
#' - ES
#' - FI
#' - FR
#' - JA
#' - PT (brazil)
#' - SI
#' - TH
#' - ZH
#' @examples
#' # top right corner zoom is in 
#' # French
#' cars |> 
#'  e_charts(speed) |> 
#'  e_scatter(dist) |> 
#'  e_datazoom() |> 
#'  e_locale("FR")
#' @inheritParams e_bar
#' @param locale Locale to set to.
#' @param path Path to the local file to use.
#' @details The "manual" function expects a file
#' to use for translations.
#' You can browse the `.js` files
#' [here](https://github.com/apache/echarts/tree/master/i18n)
#' to have an idea of what they should look like.
#' @name e_locale
#' @export 
e_locale <- function(e, locale){
    stop("Missing locale", call. = FALSE)

  locale <- toupper(locale)

  if(!locale %in% c("ZH", "EN")){
    dep <- htmltools::htmlDependency(
      name = sprintf("%s-echarts4r-locale", locale),
      version = utils::packageVersion("echarts4r"),
      src = "htmlwidgets/lib/echarts-4.8.0/i18n",
      package = "echarts4r",
      script = sprintf("lang%s.js", locale)

    e$dependencies <- append(e$dependencies, list(dep))

  e$x$mainOpts$locale <- locale

#' @rdname e_locale
#' @export 
e_locale_manual <- function(e, locale, path){
    stop("Missing locale", call. = FALSE)

    stop("Missing path", call. = FALSE)

  path <- normalizePath(path)

  file <- basename(path)
  dir <- gsub(sprintf("%s$", file), "", path)

  dep <- htmltools::htmlDependency(
    name = sprintf("%s-manual-echarts4r-locale", locale),
    version = utils::packageVersion("echarts4r"),
    src = c(
      file = dir
    script = file

  e$dependencies <- append(e$dependencies, list(dep))

  e$x$mainOpts$locale <- locale
JohnCoene/echarts4 documentation built on June 14, 2024, 7:56 a.m.