
Defines functions cv_abm

Documented in cv_abm

#'Estimate and Test an ABM
#'\code{cv_abm} uses cross-validation to test an ABM's predictive power.
#'The function returns an S4 object. See \linkS4class{cv_abm} for the details of
#'the \code{slots} (objects) that this type of object will have.
#'@param data \code{data.frame} with each row (obervational unit) being an 
#'  individual decision. With a column named "group" specifying which group of 
#'  \code{agg_patterns} each obseravtion is in, and a column named "period" 
#'  specifying at what time period each behavior was taken.
#'@param features \code{list} of the variables (columns in \code{data}) to be 
#'  used in the prediction \code{Formula}. As many elements in the \code{list} 
#'  as we want discrete models for different times. Each element of the 
#'  \code{list} is a \code{character vector}, with each element of the 
#'  \code{character vector} being a feature to use for training an 
#'  individual-level model.
#'@param Formula \code{list} where each element is a length one character vector
#'  that specifies a formula, e.g. \code{"y ~ x"}. The character vector makes 
#'  sense in the context of the \code{features} and \code{data}. There are as 
#'  many elements in the list as there are discrete models for different times.
#'@param agg_patterns data.frame with rows (observational unit) being the group 
#'  and columns: (a.) those aggregate level variables needed for the prediction 
#'  with the specified \code{formula} (with same names as the variables in the 
#'  formula); (b.) a column named "action" with the proportion of the relevant 
#'  outcome action taken in that group; (c.) columns named 
#'  \code{paste(seq(tseries_len))} with the mean/median levels (\code{STAT}) of 
#'  the action for each time period.
#'@param abm_simulate function with these arguments: \code{model, features, 
#'  parameters, tuning_parameters, iterations, time_len, STAT = c("mean", 
#'  "median")}. Where \code{model} is the output of \code{\link{training}}. 
#'  Output of the function is a list with three named elements: \code{dynamics, 
#'  action_avg, simdata}. Where \code{dynamics} is a numeric vector length 
#'  \code{tseries_len}, \code{action_avg} is a numeric vector length one, and 
#'  \code{simdata} is a \code{data.frame} with the numeric results of the 
#'  simulation.
#'@param abm_vars a list with either (1.) a numeric vector named "lower" AND a 
#'  numeric vector named "upper" each the length of the number of tuning_params 
#'  of ABM (the names of the elements of these vecs should be the names of the 
#'  variables and they should be in the same order that the \code{abm_simulate} 
#'  function uses them); or (2.) a numeric vector named "value" the length of 
#'  the number of tuning_params of the ABM (variables should be in the same 
#'  order that the \code{abm_simulate} function uses them). Either provide lower
#'  and upper elements of the list or provide a value element of the list.
#'@param iters numeric vector length one specifying number of iterations to 
#'  simulate ABM for.
#'@param tseries_len numeric vector length one specifying maximum number of time
#'  periods to use for model training and testing. If some groups have less than
#'  the maximum then you need to provide a vector to the \code{tp} argument.
#'@param tp optional numeric vector length number of rows of \code{agg_patterns}
#'  specifying how long the time series for each group should be. Default is 
#'  \code{rep(tseries_len, nrow(agg_patterns))}.
#'@param package optional character vector length one, default is 
#'  \code{"caretglm", "caretglmnet", "glm", "caretnnet", "caretdnn"}.
#'@param sampling optional logical vector length one, default is \code{FALSE}. 
#'  If \code{sampling == TRUE}, we sample equal numbers of observations from 
#'  each 'group' to reduce potential problems with the final estimated model 
#'  being too affected by groups with more observations.
#'@param sampling_size optional numeric vector length one specifying how many 
#'  observations from each group that \code{\link{training}} should sample to 
#'  train the model, default is 1000. Only applicable when \code{sampling} 
#'  argument is set to \code{TRUE}.
#'@param STAT optional character vector length one, default is \code{c("mean", 
#'  "median")}.
#'@param saving optional logical vector length one, default is \code{FALSE}.
#'@param filename optional character vector length one, default is \code{NULL}.
#'@param abm_optim optional character vector length one, default is 
#'  \code{c("GA", "DE")}.
#'@param validate optional character vector length one, default is 
#'  \code{c("lgocv", "cv")}.
#'@param folds optional numeric vector length one, default is 
#'  \code{ifelse(validate == "lgocv", max(data$group), 10)}.
#'@param drop_nzv optional logical vector length one, default is \code{FALSE}.
#'@param verbose optional logical vector length one, default is \code{TRUE}.
#'@param predict_test_par optional logical vector length one, default is 
#'  \code{FALSE}. If you are getting any errors with this function, make sure 
#'  you set args like this to FALSE because debugging in parallel is much 
#'  harder.
#'@param optimize_abm_par optional logical vector length one, default is 
#'  \code{FALSE}. This is passed to the optimization algorithm.
#'@param parallel_training optional logical vector length one, default is 
#'  \code{FALSE}. This is passed to \code{\link{training}}.
#'@return Returns an S4 object of class \linkS4class{cv_abm}. With slots for 
#'  \code{call = "language", predicted_patterns = "list", timing = "numeric", 
#'  and diagnostics = "character"}.
#' @examples
#'# Create data:
#'cdata <- data.frame(period = rep(seq(10), 1000),
#'                    action = rep(0:1, 5000),
#'                  my.decision1 = sample(1:0, 10000, TRUE),
#'                  other.decision1 = sample(1:0, 10000, TRUE),
#'                  group = c(rep(1, 5000), rep(2, 5000)))
#'time_len <- 2
#'agg_patterns <- data.frame(group = c(1,2),
#'                         action = c( mean(as.numeric(cdata[cdata$group==1, "action"])),
#'                                     mean(as.numeric(cdata[cdata$group==2, "action"]))),
#'                         c(eat::period_vec_create(cdata[cdata$group==1, ], time_len)[1],
#'                           eat::period_vec_create(cdata[cdata$group==2, ], time_len)[1]),
#'                         c(eat::period_vec_create(cdata[cdata$group==1, ], time_len)[2],
#'                           eat::period_vec_create(cdata[cdata$group==2, ], time_len)[2]))
#'names(agg_patterns)[3:4] <- c("1", "2")
#'# Create ABM:
#'simulate_abm <- function(model, features, parameters, time_len, 
#'                         tuning_parameters,
#'                       iterations = 1250, STAT = "mean"){
#'matrixOut <- data.frame(period = rep(1:10, 1000),
#'                        action = rep(0:1, 5000),
#'                        my.decision1 = sample(1:0, 10000, TRUE),
#'                        other.decision1 = sample(1:0, 10000, TRUE))
#'action_avg <- mean(matrixOut$action, na.rm=TRUE) 
#'dynamics <- period_vec_create(matrixOut, time_len)
#'list(dynamics = dynamics, action_avg = action_avg, simdata = matrixOut)
#'# Create features and formula lists:
#'k <- 1
#'features <- as.list(rep(NA, k)) # create list to fill
#'features[[1]] <- c("my.decision1", "other.decision1")
#'Formula <- as.list(rep(NA, k)) # create list to fill
#'Formula[[1]] <- "action ~ my.decision1 + other.decision1"
#'# Call cv_abm():
#'res <- cv_abm(cdata, features, Formula, agg_patterns,
#'              abm_simulate = simulate_abm,
#'              abm_vars = list(values = c(0.3, 0.5)),
#'              iters = 1000,
#'              tseries_len = time_len,
#'              tp = c(1, 2),
#'              package = "caretglm",
#'              STAT = "mean",
#'              saving = FALSE, filename = NULL,
#'              validate = "lgocv", 
#'              drop_nzv = FALSE, 
#'              predict_test_par = FALSE)
#'#performance(res, "cor_pval")

cv_abm <- function(data, features, Formula, agg_patterns,
                   tp = rep(tseries_len, nrow(agg_patterns)),
                   package = c("caretglm", "caretglmnet", "glm", "caretnnet", "caretdnn"),
                   sampling = FALSE, sampling_size = 1000,
                   STAT = c("mean", "median"),
                   saving = FALSE, filename = NULL,
                   abm_optim = c("GA", "DE"), 
                   validate = c("lgocv", "cv"), 
                   folds = ifelse(validate == "lgocv", max(data$group), 10), 
                   drop_nzv = FALSE, 
                   verbose = TRUE,
                   predict_test_par = FALSE,
                   optimize_abm_par = FALSE,
                   parallel_training = FALSE){
  # iterations= parameter[1]*15000 inside the fitness() for GA optimization
  # because more noise (parameter[1]), more iterations are needed to determine how good that param set is
  # Extract the desired function object while avoiding undesired matching to objects of other types:
  abm_simulate <- match.fun(abm_simulate, descend = FALSE)
  if(saving & missing(filename)) 
    stop("If saving the file, supply a 'filename'. Every fold, this will save the cv_results and the counter for what fold you are on.")
  if(length(tp) != nrow(agg_patterns)) 
    stop("The length of the 'tp' vector supplied is not the same as the number of rows of the 'agg_patterns' supplied.")
  msg <- "\n\n"
  start_time <- as.numeric(proc.time()[[3]])
  call <- match.call()
  # Make sure the 'data' has the features that the formula needs:
  if (!all(features[[1]] %in% colnames(data))) stop("Not all of the features specified are in the data provided.")
  abm_optim <- match.arg(abm_optim)
  validate <- match.arg(validate)
  package <- match.arg(package)
  STAT <- match.arg(STAT)
  if(!(identical(length(features), length(Formula))))
    stop("identical(length(features), length(Formula)) should be TRUE, but it's FALSE.")
  k <- length(Formula)
  predicted_patterns <- lapply(as.list(rep(NA, max(data$group))), 
                               function(x) list(predicted=NA, actual=NA,
                                                dynamics=rep(NA, tseries_len), simdata=data.frame()))
  # The non-caret version of creating fold assignments:
  #     group_folds <- sample(seq(folds), length(unique(data$group)), replace=TRUE) # try to allocate each obs to one of k folds
  #     while(length(unique(group_folds)) != folds){
  #       group_folds <- sample(seq(folds), length(unique(data$group)), replace=TRUE) # keep trying to allocate each obs to one of k folds
  #     }
  group_folds <- caret::createFolds(y = unique(data$group), k = folds, list = FALSE)
  if(length(group_folds) != length(unique(data$group))) stop("Assignment of groups to folds didn't work.")
  if(length(unique(group_folds)) != folds) stop("Assignment of groups to folds didnt work.")
  if(verbose) cat("Group folds:", group_folds ,"\n")
  msg <- paste0(msg, "Group folds: ", paste(group_folds, collapse = ", "), "\n")
  # create a vector same length as data with assignments of each row to a fold:
  fold_ass <- rep(NA, nrow(data))
  for (s in seq(nrow(data))) fold_ass[s] <- group_folds[data[s, "group"]]
  if (length(fold_ass) != nrow(data)) stop("Creating a vector same length as data with assignments of each row to a fold didnt work.")
  data <- cbind(data, fold_ass = fold_ass)
  # In the ith fold, the elements of folds that equal i are in the test set, and the remainder are in the training set.
  for(i in seq(folds)){
    if(verbose) cat("\n--------- + Starting with training data (all data but fold ", i, "). + ---------\n", sep="")
    msg <- paste0(msg, "\n--------- + Starting with training data (all data but fold ", i, "). + ---------\n")
    training_data <- data[data$fold_ass!=i, ] # use all data but i for TRAINING
    training_features <- features
    training_Formula <- Formula
    nzvs <- caret::nearZeroVar(training_data[ , which(names(training_data) %in% features[[k]])], freqCut = 95/5, uniqueCut=10) 
    if (length(nzvs) > 0){
      to_drop <- colnames(training_data)[which(names(training_data) %in% features[[k]])[nzvs]]
      if(verbose) cat("We should be dropping", length(to_drop), "feature(s), which is (are):", to_drop, "\n")
      msg <- paste0(msg, "We should be dropping ", length(to_drop), " feature(s), which is (are): ", paste(to_drop, collapse = ", "), "\n")
      if (drop_nzv){
        # just names in features[[k]] so we dont drop group, folds and training vars
        if(verbose) cat("Dropping", length(to_drop), "feature(s), which is (are):", paste(to_drop, collapse = ", "), ".\n")
        msg <- paste0(msg, "Dropping ", length(to_drop), " feature(s), which is (are): ", paste(to_drop, collapse = ", "), ".\n")
        # TODO: check that the features to be droppped are ACTUALLY IN the formula. If they arent then skip this next expr.
        for (m in seq(k)) {
          if (length(features[[m]][!(features[[m]] %in% to_drop)]) > 0){
            # this conditional makes sure that there is some features in there
            # this is important for any "constant" only feature sets.
            training_features[[m]] <- features[[m]][!(features[[m]] %in% to_drop)]
            for(f in seq(length(to_drop))){
              # remove all to_drop features from the character vec: 
              dropping <- to_drop[f]
              # find where 'dropping' occurs in the char vec and take it out:
              fterms <- attr(terms(as.formula(training_Formula[[m]])), "term.labels")
              frhs <- paste(fterms[-grep(dropping, fterms)], collapse=" + ")
              flhs <- formula.tools::lhs.vars(as.formula(training_Formula[[m]]))
              training_Formula[[m]] <- paste(c(flhs, frhs), collapse=" ~ ")
            cat("New training formula:", training_Formula[[m]])
            msg <- paste0(msg, "New training formula: ", training_Formula[[m]], ".\n")
    if (verbose) cat("Training data has ", nrow(training_data), " rows. And has groups ", paste(sort(unique(training_data$group)), collapse = ", "), ".\n", sep="")
    msg <- paste0(msg, "Training data has ", nrow(training_data), " rows. And has groups ", paste(sort(unique(training_data$group)), collapse = ", "), ".\n")
    model <- training(training_data, features, training_Formula,
                      sampling = sampling, sampling_size = sampling_size,
                      package = package,
                      parallel = parallel_training) # TRAINING
    if(verbose) cat("\nFinished training agent-level model on training data (all data but fold ", i, ").\n", sep="")
    msg <- paste0(msg,"\nFinished training agent-level model on training data (all data but fold ", i, ").\n")
    test <- data[data$fold_ass==i, ] # use just i for TESTING
    predict_test <- function(tuning_params, par){
      if (par){
        num_cores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
        doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = num_cores)
        foreach::`%dopar%`(foreach::foreach(x = sort(unique(data$group))), {
          if (x %in% sort(unique(test$group))){
            abm_simulate(model=model, features=features, 
                         parameters=as.numeric(agg_patterns[x, ]), # have to convert df row to numeric vector
                         time_len = tp[x],
                         tuning_parameters = tuning_params, 
                         iterations = iters,
                         STAT = STAT)
          } else {
            NA # foreaching through all unique(data$group) so result of predict_test is a list length of number of groups
          } # with results for each test$group stored in the element of the list corresponding to that test group
        }) # and everything else is an NA
      } else {
        foreach::`%do%`(foreach::foreach(x = sort(unique(data$group))), {
          if (x %in% sort(unique(test$group))){
            abm_simulate(model=model, features=features, 
                         parameters=as.numeric(agg_patterns[x, ]), # have to convert df row to numeric vector
                         time_len = tp[x],
                         tuning_parameters = tuning_params,  
                         iterations = iters,
                         STAT = STAT)
          } else {
            NA # foreaching through all unique(data$group) so result of predict_test is a list length of number of groups
          } # with results for each test$group stored in the element of the list corresponding to that test group
        }) # and everything else is an NA
    if(verbose) cat("Test data has ", nrow(test), " rows. And has groups ", paste(sort(unique(test$group)), collapse = ", "), ".\n", sep="")
    msg <- paste0(msg, "Test data has ", nrow(test), " rows. And has groups ", paste(sort(unique(test$group)), collapse = ", "), ".\n")
    if ((nrow(test) + nrow(training_data)) != nrow(data))
      stop("(nrow(test) + nrow(training_data)) != nrow(data). So, the function did not divide up the data into test and training right.")
    if (is.null(abm_vars$value)) {
      if (is.null(abm_vars$lower) | is.null(abm_vars$upper)) 
        stop("'abm_vars$lower' and/or 'abm_vars$upper' was NULL (missing) and 'abm_vars$value' was also missing. Either provide lower and upper or provide value.")
      if (verbose) cat("Starting to do ABM optimization with training data.\n") # TRAINING
      msg <- paste0(msg, "Starting to do ABM optimization with training data.\n")
      fitness <- function(parameter){
        abm_predicted <- rep(NA, nrow(agg_patterns))
        abm_dynamics <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(agg_patterns), ncol= tseries_len)
        for (u in unique(training_data$group)){ # make prediction for each of the groups 
          abm_results <- abm_simulate(model= model, features = features, 
                                      parameters = as.numeric(agg_patterns[u, ]),
                                      tuning_parameters = parameter,
                                      time_len = tp[u],
                                      iterations = iters,
                                      STAT = STAT) 
            stop(paste("Fitness function tried to return an NA value for avg action of group", u, "with param values as", parameter))
            stop(paste("Fitness function tried to return an NA value for dynamic action of group", u, 
                       "at time", which(is.na(abm_results$dynamics)) , "with param values as", parameter))
          abm_predicted[u] <- abm_results$action_avg
          abm_dynamics[u, seq(tp[u])] <- abm_results$dynamics
        # leaving out groups in vec unique(test$group) in this comparison because it not used for the training, its the test.
        avg_action_error <- compute_rmse(abm_predicted[-unique(test$group)], 
                                         agg_patterns[-unique(test$group), which(names(agg_patterns) %in% "action")]) 
          stop(paste("Fitness function tried to return an NA value for avg action error with param values as", parameter))
        dynamic_action_error <- rep(NA, nrow(agg_patterns))
        for (l in unique(training_data$group)){
          dynamic_action_error[l] <- compute_rmse(abm_dynamics[l, seq(tp[l])], 
                                                  as.numeric(agg_patterns[l, which(names(agg_patterns) %in% paste(seq(tp[l])))]))
          stop(paste("Fitness function tried to return an NA value for dynamic action error with param values as", 
                     paste(parameter, collapse = ", ")))
        result <- -(avg_action_error + mean(dynamic_action_error[-unique(test$group)], na.rm=TRUE)) # MSE of the avg action + mean of the MSE's of the time series of all training data groups
        if(is.na(result)) stop(paste("Fitness function tried to return an NA value with param values as",
                                     paste(parameter, collapse = ", ")))
        if(length(result) != 1) stop(paste("Fitness function returned a result that is not of length one with param values as", 
                                           paste(parameter, collapse = ", ")))
      num_cores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
      popSize <- ifelse(num_cores > 20, num_cores, 21)
      if (optimize_abm_par){
        doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = num_cores)
      if (abm_optim == "GA"){
        ga_solution <- GA::ga(type = "real-valued", fitness = fitness,
                              min = abm_vars$lower, max = abm_vars$upper,
                              popSize = popSize, run = 3, maxfitness = 0,
                              names = names(abm_vars$lower),
                              parallel = optimize_abm_par)
        solution <- ga_solution@solution[1, ]
      if (abm_optim == "DE"){
        fitness_min <- function(parameter) -fitness(parameter) # this optimization routine minimizes objective function
        de_solution <- DEoptim::DEoptim(fitness_min, lower = abm_vars$lower, upper = abm_vars$upper, 
                                        control = DEoptim::DEoptim.control(parallelType = 2,
                                                                           foreachArgs = list(.packages = c("caret", "dplyr", "DEoptim"),
                                                                                              .export = c("agg_patterns", "training_data",
                                                                                                          "abm_simulate", "model", "features",
                                                                                                          "compute_rmse", "fitness",
                                                                                                          "fitness_min"), .verbose = TRUE),
                                                                           NP = popSize, itermax = 20,
                                                                           steptol = 3))
        solution <- de_solution$optim$bestmem
      if (verbose) cat("\nOptimal values of parameters are ", paste(solution, collapse = " ,"), ".\n", sep="")
      msg <- paste0(msg, "\nOptimal values of parameters are ", paste(solution, collapse = " ,"), ".\n")
      # build abm with predictive models trained on all data but i then predict on i data
      if (verbose) cat("Starting to do ABM simulations to predict test data.\n") # TESTING
      msg <- paste0(msg, "Starting to do ABM simulations to predict test data.\n")
      predicted_test <- predict_test(tuning_params = solution,
                                     par = predict_test_par)
      for (x in sort(unique(test$group))) {
        predicted_patterns[[x]]$predicted <- predicted_test[[x]]$action_avg
        predicted_patterns[[x]]$dynamics <- predicted_test[[x]]$dynamics
        predicted_patterns[[x]]$simdata <- predicted_test[[x]]$simdata
    } else {
      predicted_test <- predict_test(tuning_params = abm_vars$value,
                                     par = predict_test_par)
      for(x in sort(unique(test$group))){ 
        predicted_patterns[[x]]$predicted <- predicted_test[[x]]$action_avg
        predicted_patterns[[x]]$dynamics <- predicted_test[[x]]$dynamics
        predicted_patterns[[x]]$simdata <- predicted_test[[x]]$simdata
    if (verbose) cat("Finished ABM simulations.\n")
    msg <- paste0(msg, "Finished ABM simulations.\n")
    for(x in sort(unique(test$group))){
      predicted_patterns[[x]]$actual <- agg_patterns[x, "action"]
      if(verbose) cat("Predicted: ", predicted_patterns[[x]]$predicted, ". Actual: ", predicted_patterns[[x]]$actual, ".\n", sep="")
      if(verbose) cat("Predicted Dynamics: ", paste(predicted_patterns[[x]]$dynamics[1:tp[x]], collapse = ", "), ".\n Actual Dynamics: ", 
                      paste(as.numeric(agg_patterns[x, which(names(agg_patterns) %in% paste(1:(tp[x])))]), collapse = ", "), ".\n", sep="")
      msg <- paste0(msg, "Predicted: ", predicted_patterns[[x]]$predicted, ". Actual: ", predicted_patterns[[x]]$actual, ".\n",
                    "Predicted Dynamics: ", paste(predicted_patterns[[x]]$dynamics[1:tp[x]], collapse = ", "), ".\n Actual Dynamics: ", 
                    paste(as.numeric(agg_patterns[x, which(names(agg_patterns) %in% paste(1:(tp[x])))]), collapse = ", "), ".\n")
    if (saving) {
      if (verbose) cat("Saving file.\n")
      msg <- paste0(msg, "Saving file.\n")
      save(predicted_patterns, i, file = filename)
      call = call,
      predicted_patterns = predicted_patterns,
      timing = as.numeric(proc.time()[[3]]) - start_time,
      diagnostics = msg,
      session = sessionInfo())
JohnNay/eat documentation built on May 7, 2019, noon