
Defines functions rARMA rExamples1D rExamples2D

Documented in rARMA rExamples1D rExamples2D

#' Simulate vARMA(2,2) time series
#' \code{rARMA} generates \code{d}-dimensional time series observations from a vARMA(2,2)
#' (vector-autoregressive-moving-average) process based on Gaussian white noise for testing and simulation
#' purposes.
#' @param n  number of time series observations to be generated.
#' @param d  dimension of the multivariate time series.
#' @param Phi a (\eqn{d, d, 2})-dimensional array, with \code{Phi[, , 1]} and \code{Phi[, , 2]}
#'  the autoregressive (AR) coefficient matrices.
#' @param Theta a (\eqn{d, d, 2})-dimensional array, with \code{Theta[, , 1]} and \code{Theta[, , 2]}
#'  the moving-average (MA) coefficient matrices.
#' @param Sigma the covariance matrix of the Gaussian white noise component.
#' @param burn  a burn-in period when generating the time series observations, by default \code{burn = 100}.
#' @param freq  an optional vector of frequencies, if \code{!is.null(freq)} the function also returns the
#' underlying Fourier spectral matrix of the stationary generating process evaluated at the frequencies in \code{freq}.
#' @return The function returns a list with two components:
#'    \item{\code{X} }{ generated time series observations, the \code{d} columns correspond to the components of
#'     the multivariate time series.}
#'    \item{\code{f} }{ if \code{!is.null(freq)}, \code{f} is a \code{(d, d, length(freq))}-dimensional array corresponding
#'    to the underlying Fourier spectral matrix curve of \eqn{(d,d)}-dimensional HPD matrices evaluated at the frequencies
#'    in \code{freq}. If \code{is.null(freq)}, \code{f} is set to \code{NULL}.}
#' @references
#' \insertRef{BD06}{pdSpecEst}
#' @examples
#' ## ARMA(1,1) process: Example 11.4.1 in (Brockwell and Davis, 1991)
#' freq <- seq(from = pi / 100, to = pi, length = 100)
#' Phi <- array(c(0.7, 0, 0, 0.6, rep(0, 4)), dim = c(2, 2, 2))
#' Theta <- array(c(0.5, -0.7, 0.6, 0.8, rep(0, 4)), dim = c(2, 2, 2))
#' Sigma <- matrix(c(1, 0.71, 0.71, 2), nrow = 2)
#' ts.sim <- rARMA(200, 2, Phi, Theta, Sigma, freq = freq)
#' ts.plot(ts.sim$X) # plot generated time series traces.
#' @export
rARMA <- function(n, d, Phi, Theta, Sigma, burn = 100, freq = NULL) {

  ## Check arguments
  if (missing(Phi)) {
    warning("Phi is not specified. By default the AR-components are equal to the zero matrices")
    Phi <- array(0, c(d, d, 2))
  } else if (!isTRUE(all.equal(dim(Phi), c(d, d, 2)))) {
    warning("Phi is incorrectly specified. By default the AR-components are equal to the zero matrices")
    Phi <- array(0, c(d, d, 2))
  if (missing(Theta)) {
    warning("Theta is not specified. By default the MA-components are equal to the zero matrices")
    Theta <- array(0, c(d, d, 2))
  } else if (!isTRUE(all.equal(dim(Theta), c(d, d, 2)))) {
    warning("Theta is incorrectly specified. By default the MA-components are equal to the zero matrices")
    Theta <- array(0, c(d, d, 2))
  if (missing(Sigma)) {
    warning("Sigma is not specified. By default Sigma is equal to the diagonal matrix")
    Sigma <- diag(d)
  } else if(!isTRUE(all.equal(dim(Sigma), c(d, d)))) {
    warning("Sigma is incorrectly specified. By default Sigma is equal to the diagonal matrix")
    Sigma <- diag(d)
  if (!isTRUE(all(eigen(Sigma, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values >= 0))) {
    stop("Sigma is not a PSD matrix")

  ## Generate time series
  Se <- Sqrt(Sigma)
  Z <- replicate(n + burn, Se %*% stats::rnorm(d), simplify = TRUE)
  X <- t(ARMA(Phi, Theta, Z, n + burn)[, (burn + 1):(n + burn)])

  ## Compute spectrum
  f <- NULL
  if (!is.null(freq)) {
    f.nu <- function(nu) {
      PhiB <- diag(d) - Phi[, , 1] * exp(complex(imaginary = -nu)) - Phi[, , 2] *
          exp(complex(imaginary = -2 * nu))
      ThetaB <- diag(d) + Theta[, , 1] * exp(complex(imaginary = -nu)) + Theta[, , 2] *
          exp(complex(imaginary = -2 * nu))
      return((((solve(PhiB) %*% ThetaB) %*% Sigma) %*% t(Conj(ThetaB))) %*% t(solve(Conj(PhiB))))
    f <- sapply(freq, function(freq) 1/(2 * pi) * f.nu(freq), simplify = "array")
  return(list(X = X, f = f))

#' Several example curves of HPD matrices
#' \code{rExamples1D()} generates several example (locally) smooth target \emph{curves} of HPD matrices corrupted by
#' noise in a manifold of HPD matrices for testing and simulation purposes. For more details, see also Chapter 2 and 3 in
#' \insertCite{C18}{pdSpecEst}.
#' The examples include: (i) a \eqn{(3,3)}-dimensional \code{'bumps'} HPD matrix curve containing peaks and bumps of various smoothness degrees;
#' (ii) a \eqn{(3,3)}-dimensional \code{'two-cats'} HPD matrix curve visualizing the contour of two side-by-side cats, with inhomogeneous
#' smoothness across the domain; (iii) a \eqn{(3,3)}-dimensional \code{'heaviSine'} HPD matrix curve consisting of smooth sinosoids with a break;
#' (iv) a \eqn{(2,2)}-dimensional \code{'gaussian'} HPD matrix curve consisting of smooth Gaussian functions; (v) a \eqn{(d,d)}-dimensional
#' \code{'mix-gaussian'} HPD matrix curve consisting of a weighted linear combination of smooth Gaussian functions; (vi) a \eqn{(2,2)}-dimensional
#' \code{'arma'} HPD matrix curve generated from the smooth spectral matrix of a 2-dimensional stationary ARMA(1,1)-process; (vii) a \eqn{(d, d)}-
#' dimensional \code{'peaks'} HPD matrix curve containing several sharp peaks across the domain; and (viii) a \eqn{(d, d)}-\code{'blocks'} HPD matrix
#' curve generated from locally constant segments of HPD matrices.\cr
#' In addition to the smooth target curve of HPD matrices, the function also returns a noisy version of the target curve of HPD matrices, corrupted
#' by a user-specified noise distribution. By default, the noisy HPD matrix observations follow an intrinsic signal plus i.i.d. noise model with
#' respect to the affine-invariant Riemannian metric, with a matrix log-Gaussian noise distribution (\code{noise = 'riem-gaussian'}), such that the
#' Riemannian Karcher means of the observations coincide with the target curve of HPD matrices. Additional details can be found in Chapters 2, 3,
#' and 5 of \insertCite{C18}{pdSpecEst}. Other available signal-noise models include: (ii) a Log-Euclidean signal plus i.i.d. noise model, with
#' a matrix log-Gaussian noise distribution (\code{noise = 'log-gaussian'}); (iii) a Riemannian signal plus i.i.d. noise model, with a complex
#' Wishart noise distribution (\code{noise = 'wishart'}); (iv) a Log-Euclidean signal plus i.i.d. noise model, with a complex Wishart noise
#' distribution (\code{noise = 'log-wishart'}); and (v) noisy periodogram observations obtained with \code{pdPgram} from a stationary time series
#' generated via the Cramer representation based on the transfer function of the target HPD spectral matrix curve and complex normal random variates
#' (\code{noise = 'periodogram'}). If \code{return.ts = TRUE}, the function also returns the generated time series observations, which are not generated
#' by default if \code{noise != 'periodogram'}.
#' @param n number of sampled matrices to be generated.
#' @param d row- (resp. column-)dimension of the generated matrices. Defaults to \code{d = 3}.
#' @param example the example target HPD matrix curve, one of \code{'bumps'}, \code{'two-cats'}, \code{'heaviSine'},
#'     \code{'gaussian'}, \code{'mix-gaussian'}, \code{'arma'}, \code{'peaks'} or \code{'blocks'}.
#' @param user.f user-specified target HPD matrix curve, should be a (\eqn{d,d,n})-dimensional array, corresponding to a length \eqn{n} curve of
#'   \eqn{(d,d)}-dimensional HPD matrices.
#' @param return.ts a logical value, if \code{return.ts = TRUE} the function also returns time series observations generated via the Cramer representation
#' based on the transfer function of the example HPD spectral matrix and complex normal random variates. Defaults to \code{return.ts = FALSE}.
#' @param replicates a positive integer specifying the number of replications of noisy HPD matrix curves to be generated based on the
#' target curve of HPD matrices. Defaults to \code{replicates = 1}
#' @param noise noise distribution for the generated noisy curves of HPD matrices, one of \code{'riem-gaussian'},
#' \code{'log-gaussian'}, \code{'wishart'}, \code{'log-wishart'} or \code{'periodogram'}, defaults to \code{'riem-gaussian'}.
#' Additional details are given below.
#' @param noise.level parameter to tune the signal-to-noise ratio for the generated noisy HPD matrix observations, only used if \code{noise != 'periodogram'}.
#' If \code{noise.level = 0}, the noise distributions are degenerate and the noisy HPD matrix observations coincide with the target HPD matrices.
#' Defaults to \code{noise.level = 1}.
#' @param df.wishart optional parameter to specify the degrees of freedom in the case of a Wishart noise distribution (\code{noise = 'wishart'} or
#' \code{noise = 'log-wishart'}); or the number of DPSS tapers in the case of generated periodogram matrices if \code{noise = 'periodogram'}.
#' By default \code{df.wishart} is equal to the dimension \code{d} to guarantee positive definiteness of the generated noisy matrices.
#' @param nblocks optional parameter to specify the number of constant segments in the \code{'blocks'} HPD matrix curve. Only used if \code{example = 'blocks'}.
#' @return Depending on the input arguments returns a list with two or three components:
#'   \item{\code{f} }{ a (\eqn{d,d,n})-dimensional array, corresponding to the length \eqn{n} example target curve of
#'   \eqn{(d,d)}-dimensional HPD matrices.}
#'   \item{\code{P} }{ a (\eqn{d,d,n})-dimensional array, corresponding to a length \eqn{n} curve of noisy \eqn{(d,d)}-dimensional
#'   HPD matrices centered around the smooth target HPD matrix curve \code{f}. If \code{replicates > 1}, \code{P} is a \code{(d,d,n,length(replicates))}-dimensional
#'   array, corresponding to a collection of replicated length \eqn{n} curves of noisy \eqn{(d,d)}-dimensional HPD matrices centered around
#'   the smooth target HPD matrix curve \code{f}.}
#'   \item{\code{ts} }{ generated \eqn{d}-dimensional time series observations, only available if \code{return.ts = TRUE}.}
#' @note
#' If \code{noise = 'wishart'}, the generated noisy HPD matrix observations are independent complex Wishart matrices, which can be
#' interpreted informally as pseudo-periodogram matrix observations, as the periodogram matrices based on strictly stationary time series
#' observations obtained with \code{noise = 'periodogram'} are asymptotically independent and asymptotically complex Wishart distributed,
#' see e.g., \insertCite{B81}{pdSpecEst}.
#' @examples
#' example <- rExamples1D(100, example = "bumps", return.ts = TRUE)
#' plot.ts(Re(example$ts), main = "3-d time series") # plot generated time series
#' @seealso \code{\link{rExamples2D}}, \code{\link{pdPgram}}, \code{\link{rARMA}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @export
rExamples1D <- function(n, d = 3, example = c("bumps", "two-cats", "heaviSine", "gaussian", "mix-gaussian", "arma", "peaks", "blocks"), user.f = NULL,
    return.ts = FALSE, replicates = 1, noise = "riem-gaussian", noise.level = 1, df.wishart = NULL, nblocks = 10) {

  ## Set variables
  if(!is.null(user.f)) {
    example <- "user.f"
  example <- match.arg(example, c("heaviSine", "bumps", "two-cats", "gaussian",
          "mix-gaussian", "arma", "peaks", "blocks", "user.f"))
  noise <- match.arg(noise, c("riem-gaussian", "periodogram", "log-gaussian", "wishart", "log-wishart"))
  d <- switch(example,
      "heaviSine" = 3,
      "bumps" = 3,
      "two-cats" = 3,
      "gaussian" = 2,
      "arma" = 2,

  df.wishart <- (if(is.null(df.wishart)) d else df.wishart)
  if(df.wishart < d & noise %in% c("wishart", "log-wishart")) {
    warning("'df.wishart' is smaller than the dimension 'd';
            the generated wishart matrices are not positive definite!")
    if(noise == "log-wishart") {
      stop("Matrix logarithm of generated wishart matrices fails due to zero eigenvalues;
              increase value of 'df.wishart' to resolve problem.")
  x <- seq(0, 1, length.out = n)

  if(!is.null(user.f)) {
    ## Use 'user.f' if supplied
    if(!(is.array(user.f) && dim(user.f) == c(d, d, n))) {
      stop("'user.f' should be a (d,d,n)-dimensional real or complex array")
    f <- user.f
  } else if(identical(example, "heaviSine")){
    ## Discontinuous heavisine matrix curve (d = 3)
    f <- sapply(x, function(t){
          Expm(diag(2, 3), H.coeff(sin(HeaviSine[ifelse(t < 0.5, 2, 4),] * pi * t +
                          HeaviSine[ifelse(t < 0.5, 1, 3),]), inverse = TRUE))
        }, simplify = "array")
  } else if(example == "two-cats"){
    ## Locally smooth two-cats matrix curve (d = 3)
    v1 <- c(2, 0.4961828, -0.8595843, -0.82906, 2.5, -1.3037704, -1.4214866, 1.7449149, 3)
    f0 <- sapply(1:n, function(i){
          H.coeff(v1 * cat_fun[ceiling(1024 / n * i)] + c(0.05, 0, 0, 0, 0.05, 0, 0, 0, 0.05), inverse = TRUE)
        }, simplify = "array")
    f <- Ptransf2D_C(f0, TRUE, FALSE, "rootEuclidean")
  } else if(example == "bumps"){
    ## Locally smooth bumps matrix curve (d = 3)
    f <- sapply(x, function(t){
          Expm(diag(3), (1 - 0.4 * t) * H.coeff(sqrt(t * (1 - t) + 1) *
                      sin(pi / (0.4 * t + 0.1)) * (1 + Bumps), inverse = TRUE))
        }, simplify = "array")
  } else if(example == "gaussian"){
    ## Gaussian matrix curve (d = 2)
    v0 <- c(7.21935, 13.05307, 12.70734, 14.73554)
    f <- sapply(x, function(t){
          Expm(diag(2, 2), H.coeff(v0 / sqrt(2 * pi) * exp(-((t - 0.5) / 0.3)^2 / 2), inverse = TRUE))
        }, simplify = "array")
  } else if(example == "mix-gaussian"){
    ## Random mixture of gaussian matrix curves
    pars <- list(mu = runif(4, min = -3, max = 3),
        sd = abs(rnorm(4)),
        w = abs(rnorm(4)),
        w.comp = replicate(4, rnorm(d^2, mean = 1)))
    pars$w <- pars$w / sum(pars$w)
    f0 <- apply(sapply(1:4, function(i){
              pars$w[i] * sapply(2 * pi * x - pi, function(t) {
                    H.coeff(pars$w.comp[, i] * pars$sd[i] / sqrt(2 * pi) *
                            exp(-(t - pars$mu[i])^2/(2 * pars$sd[i]^2)), inverse = TRUE)
                  }, simplify = "array")
            }, simplify = "array"), c(1,2,3), sum)
    f <- sapply(1:n, function(i) Expm(diag(0.25, d), f0[, , i]), simplify = "array")
  } else if(example == "arma") {
    ## smooth ARMA(1,1) spectral matrix
    freq <- seq(from = pi / n, to = pi, length = n)
    Phi <- array(c(0.7, 0, 0, 0.6, rep(0, 4)), dim = c(2, 2, 2))
    Theta <- array(c(0.5, -0.7, 0.6, 0.8, rep(0, 4)), dim = c(2, 2, 2))
    Sigma <- matrix(c(1, 0.71, 0.71, 2), nrow = 2)

    f.nu <- function(nu) {
      PhiB <- diag(d) - Phi[, , 1] * exp(complex(imaginary = -nu)) - Phi[, , 2] *
          exp(complex(imaginary = -2 * nu))
      ThetaB <- diag(d) + Theta[, , 1] * exp(complex(imaginary = -nu)) + Theta[, , 2] *
          exp(complex(imaginary = -2 * nu))
      return((((solve(PhiB) %*% ThetaB) %*% Sigma) %*% t(Conj(ThetaB))) %*% t(solve(Conj(PhiB))))
    f <- sapply(freq, function(freq) 1/(2 * pi) * f.nu(freq), simplify = "array")
  } else if(example == "peaks") {
    ## Spectrum containing sharp peaks
    tloc <- c(-0.75, -0.25, 0, 0.75)
    f0 <- apply(sapply(1:4, function(ii) {
              1 / 4 * sapply(seq(from = -1, to = 1, length = n), function(t) {
                    H.coeff(exp(-(abs(t - tloc[ii])^(c(0.1 * diag(d))))), inverse = TRUE)
                  }, simplify = "array")
            }, simplify = "array"), c(1, 2, 3), sum)
    f <- sapply(1:n, function(i) Expm(diag(0.01, d), f0[, , i]), simplify = "array")
    f <- f / mean(sapply(1:n, function(i) NormF(f[,,i]))) # normalize spectrum
    f <- sapply(1:n, function(i) f[, , i] + 0.01 * diag(d), simplify = 'array')
  } else if(example == "blocks") {
    ## locally constant matrix curve
    segments <- sapply(1:nblocks, function(i) {
          if(i %% 2 == 1) {
            Expm(diag(d), H.coeff(rep(1, d^2), inverse = TRUE))
          } else {
            Expm(diag(d), H.coeff(rep(0.1, d^2), inverse = TRUE))
        }, simplify = "array")
    seglen <- abs(rt(nblocks, df = 5))
    seglen <- pmax(floor(seglen / sum(seglen) * n), 1)
    seglen[which.min(seglen)] <- seglen[which.min(seglen)] + (n - sum(seglen))
    f <- sapply(rep(1:nblocks, times = seglen), function(i) segments[, , i], simplify = "array")

  ## Standardize int. Frob. norm of f
  f <- f / mean(sapply(1:n, function(i) NormF(f[,,i]))) * 100
  f1 <- Ptransf2D_C(f, FALSE, FALSE, ifelse(noise %in% c("riem-gaussian", "wishart", "periodogram"),
          "rootEuclidean", "logEuclidean"))

  ## Construct (# replicates) noisy HPD curves
  ts <- array(dim = c(2 * n, d, replicates))
  P <- array(dim = c(d, d, n, replicates))

  for(s in 1:replicates) {

    if(return.ts | noise == "periodogram") {

      ## Generate time series via Cramer representation
      chi <- matrix(nrow = d, ncol = 2 * n)
      chi[, 1:(n - 1)] <- replicate(n - 1, complex(d, rnorm(d, sd = sqrt(1/2)), rnorm(d, sd = sqrt(1/2))))
      chi[, c(n, 2 * n)] <- replicate(2, rnorm(d))
      chi[, (n + 1):(2 * n - 1)] <- Conj(chi[, 1:(n - 1)])
      f2 <- array(c(f1, Conj(f1[, , n:1])), dim = c(d, d, 2 * n))
      ts[, , s] <- sqrt(2 * pi) / sqrt(2 * n) * mvfft(t(sapply(1:(2 * n), function(i) f2[, , i] %*% chi[, i])), inverse = TRUE)

      ## Generate multitaper periodogram from time series
      if(noise == "periodogram") {
        P[, , , s] <- pdPgram(ts[, , s], B = df.wishart, method = "multitaper")$P

    if(noise %in% c("riem-gaussian", "log-gaussian")) {
      ## Generate iid zero mean (intrinsic) gaussian noise
      W0 <- replicate(n, H.coeff(rnorm(d^2, sd = sqrt(noise.level)), inverse = TRUE))
      if(noise == "riem-gaussian") {
        W <- Ptransf2D_C(W0, TRUE, FALSE, "logEuclidean")
        P[, , , s] <- sapply(1:n, function(i) (t(Conj(f1[, , i])) %*% W[, , i]) %*% f1[, , i], simplify = "array")
      } else if(noise == "log-gaussian") {
        P[, , , s] <- Ptransf2D_C(f1 + W0, TRUE, FALSE, "logEuclidean")
    } else if(noise %in% c("wishart", "log-wishart")) {
      ## Generate iid zero mean (intrinsic) wishart noise
      X0 <- replicate(n * df.wishart, complex(d, rnorm(d, sd = sqrt(1/2)), rnorm(d, sd = sqrt(1/2))))
      W0 <- array(apply(X0, 2, function(x) x %*% t(Conj(x))), dim = c(d, d, n * df.wishart))
      W <- sapply(1:n, function(i) apply(W0[, , (i - 1) * df.wishart + 1:df.wishart], c(1, 2), mean), simplify = "array")
      if(noise.level != 1 & df.wishart >= d) {
        W <- Ptransf2D_C(sqrt(noise.level) * Ptransf2D_C(W, FALSE, FALSE, "logEuclidean"), TRUE, FALSE, "logEuclidean")
      if(noise == "wishart") {
        P[, , , s] <- sapply(1:n, function(i) (t(Conj(f1[, , i])) %*% W[, , i]) %*% f1[, , i], simplify = "array")
      } else {
        P[, , , s] <- Ptransf2D_C(f1 + Ptransf2D_C(W, FALSE, FALSE, "logEuclidean"), TRUE, FALSE, "logEuclidean")

  ## return list with objects
  if(return.ts) {
    res <-  list(f = f, P = P[, , , 1:replicates], ts = ts[, , 1:replicates])
  } else {
    res <- list(f = f, P = P[, , , 1:replicates])


#' Several example surfaces of HPD matrices
#' \code{rExamples2D()} generates several example (locally) smooth target \emph{surfaces} of HPD matrices corrupted by
#' noise in a manifold of HPD matrices for testing and simulation purposes. For more details, see also Chapter 2 and 5 in
#' \insertCite{C18}{pdSpecEst}.
#' The examples include: (i) a \eqn{(d,d)}-dimensional \code{'smiley'} HPD matrix surface consisting of constant surfaces of random HPD matrices in
#' the shape of a smiley face; (ii) a \eqn{(d,d)}-dimensional \code{'tvar'} HPD matrix surface generated from a time-varying vector-auto-
#' regressive process of order 1 with random time-varying coefficient matrix (\eqn{\Phi}); (iii) a \eqn{(d,d)}-dimensional \code{'facets'} HPD matrix
#' surface consisting of several facets generated from random geodesic surfaces; and (iv) a \eqn{(d,d)}-dimensional \code{'peak'} HPD matrix surface
#' containing a pronounced peak in the center of its 2-d (e.g., time-frequency) domain.\cr
#' In addition to the (locally) smooth target surface of HPD matrices, the function also returns a noisy version of the target surface of HPD matrices, corrupted
#' by a user-specified noise distribution. By default, the noisy HPD matrix observations follow an intrinsic signal plus i.i.d. noise model with
#' respect to the affine-invariant Riemannian metric, with a matrix log-Gaussian noise distribution (\code{noise = 'riem-gaussian'}), such that the
#' Riemannian Karcher means of the observations coincide with the target surface of HPD matrices. Additional details can be found in Chapters 2, 3,
#' and 5 of \insertCite{C18}{pdSpecEst}. Other available signal-noise models include: (ii) a Log-Euclidean signal plus i.i.d. noise model, with
#' a matrix log-Gaussian noise distribution (\code{noise = 'log-gaussian'}); (iii) a Riemannian signal plus i.i.d. noise model, with a complex
#' Wishart noise distribution (\code{noise = 'wishart'}); (iv) a Log-Euclidean signal plus i.i.d. noise model, with a complex Wishart noise
#' distribution (\code{noise = 'log-wishart'}).
#' @param n integer vector \code{c(n1, n2)} specifying the number of sampled matrices to be generated on a rectangular surface.
#' @param d row- (resp. column-)dimension of the generated matrices. Defaults to \code{d = 2}.
#' @param example the example target HPD matrix surface, one of \code{'smiley'}, \code{'tvar'}, \code{'facets'} or \code{'peak'}.
#' @param replicates a positive integer specifying the number of replications of noisy HPD matrix surfaces to be generated based on the
#' target surface of HPD matrices. Defaults to \code{replicates = 1}
#' @param noise noise distribution for the generated noisy surfaces of HPD matrices, one of \code{'riem-gaussian'},
#' \code{'log-gaussian'}, \code{'wishart'}, \code{'log-wishart'} or \code{'periodogram'}, defaults to \code{'riem-gaussian'}.
#' Additional details are given below.
#' @param noise.level parameter to tune the signal-to-noise ratio for the generated noisy HPD matrix observations.
#' If \code{noise.level = 0}, the noise distributions are degenerate and the noisy HPD matrix observations coincide with the target HPD matrices.
#' Defaults to \code{noise.level = 1}.
#' @param df.wishart optional parameter to specify the degrees of freedom in the case of a Wishart noise distribution (\code{noise = 'wishart'} or
#' \code{noise = 'log-wishart'}). By default \code{df.wishart} is equal to the dimension \code{d} to guarantee positive definiteness of the
#' generated noisy matrices.
#' @return Returns a list with two components:
#'   \item{\code{f} }{ a (\code{d,d,n[1],n[2]})-dimensional array, corresponding to the \eqn{(n_1 \times n_2)}-sized example target surface of
#'   \eqn{(d,d)}-dimensional HPD matrices.}
#'   \item{\code{P} }{ a (\code{d,d,n[1],n[2]})-dimensional array, corresponding to the \eqn{(n_1 \times n_2)}-sized surface of noisy \eqn{(d,d)}-dimensional
#'   HPD matrices centered around the smooth target HPD matrix surface \code{f}. If \code{replicates > 1}, \code{P} is a
#'   \code{(d,d,n[1],n[2],length(replicates))}-dimensional array, corresponding to a collection of replicated \eqn{(n_1 \times n_2)}-sized surfaces
#'   of noisy \eqn{(d,d)}-dimensional HPD matrices centered around the smooth target HPD matrix surface \code{f}.}
#' @examples
#' example <- rExamples2D(n = c(32, 32), example = "smiley")
#' @seealso \code{\link{rExamples1D}}, \code{\link{pdPgram2D}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @export
rExamples2D <- function(n, d = 2, example = c("smiley", "tvar", "facets", "peak"), replicates = 1,
    noise = "riem-gaussian", noise.level = 1, df.wishart = NULL){
  ## Set variables
  example <- match.arg(example, c("smiley", "tvar", "peak", "facets"))
  noise <- match.arg(noise, c("riem-gaussian", "log-gaussian", "wishart", "log-wishart"))
  df.wishart <- (if(is.null(df.wishart)) d else df.wishart)
  if(df.wishart < d & noise %in% c("wishart", "log-wishart")) {
    warning("'df.wishart' is smaller than the dimension 'd';
            the generated wishart matrices are not positive definite!")
    if(noise == "log-wishart") {
      stop("Matrix logarithm of generated wishart matrices fails due to zero eigenvalues;
              increase value of 'df.wishart' to resolve problem.")
  grid.n <- expand.grid(1:n[1], 1:n[2])
  ast <- function(A, B) (t(Conj(A)) %*% B) %*% A
  ## wrapper for Ptransf2D_C
  Ptransf2D <- function(X, inv, metric){
    array(Ptransf2D_C(array(X, dim = c(dim(X)[1], dim(X)[2], dim(X)[3] * dim(X)[4])), inv, FALSE, metric),
        dim = dim(X))

  ## Create spectrum
  if(example == "smiley"){

    ## Create 2D smiley spectrum
    f <- array(dim = c(d, d, n))
    center <- n / 2
    eye1 <- c(1/3, 2/3) * n
    eye2 <- c(2/3, 2/3) * n
    p_i <- replicate(4, Expm(diag(2, d), H.coeff(rnorm(d^2, sd = 2), inverse = TRUE)))
    for(i1 in 1:n[1]){
      for(i2 in 1:n[2]){
        if(((i1 - center[1])^2 / (n[1] * 3/7)^2 + (i2 - center[2])^2 / (n[2] * 2/5)^2) <= 1){
          f[, , i1, i2] <- p_i[, , 1]
        } else {
          f[, , i1, i2] <- p_i[, , 3]
        if(((i1 - center[1])^2 / (n[1] / sqrt(10))^2 + (i2 - center[2])^2 / (n[2] / sqrt(10))^2) <= 1 &
            ((i1 - center[1])^2/(n[1] / sqrt(25))^2 + (i2 - center[2])^2 / (n[2] / sqrt(25))^2) >= 1 &
            (i2 - center[2]) < -0.25 * abs(i1 - center[1])) {
          f[, , i1, i2] <- p_i[, , 2]
        if(((i1 - eye1[1])^2/(n[1] / 10)^2 + (i2 - eye1[2])^2 / (n[2] / 10)^2) <= 1 |
            ((i1 - eye2[1])^2/(n[1] / 10)^2 + (i2 - eye2[2])^2 / (n[2] / 10)^2) <= 1) {
          f[, , i1, i2] <- p_i[, , 4]

  } else if(example == "tvar"){

    ## Create 2D (smooth) arma spectrum
    Sigma <- Expm(diag(d), H.coeff(rnorm(d^2), inverse = TRUE))
    x <- head(seq(0, 1, length.out = n[2] + 1), -1)
    v0 <- matrix(0.1, d, d) + diag(0.5, d)
    v1 <- rnorm(d^2, sd = 2)
    v2 <- 2 + rnorm(d^2)
    Phi.t <- sapply(x, function(t) matrix(c(v0 * sin(v2 * pi * t + v1)), d), simplify = "array")
    f.nu_t <- function(nu, t) {
      PhiB <- solve(diag(d) - Phi.t[, , t] * exp(-1i * pi * nu / n[1]))
      return(1/(2 * pi) * ((PhiB %*% Sigma) %*% t(Conj(PhiB))))
    f <- array(c(mapply(function(nu, t) f.nu_t(nu, t), grid.n$Var1, grid.n$Var2)), dim = c(d, d, n))

  } else if(example == "peak"){

    ## Create 2D peak spectrum
    v1 <- abs(rnorm(d^2, 0.5, 0.5))
    grid.x <- expand.grid(seq(-1, 1, length.out = n[1]), seq(-1, 1, length.out = n[2]))
    mu <- Expm(diag(d), H.coeff(rnorm(d^2), inverse = TRUE))
    f <- array(c(mapply(function(x, y) Expm(mu, H.coeff(exp(-(abs(x)^v1 + abs(y)^v1)),
                          inverse = TRUE)), grid.x$Var1, grid.x$Var2)), dim = c(d, d, n))

  } else if(example == "facets"){

    ## Create 2D facets spectrum
    p <- replicate(2, Expm(diag(d), H.coeff(rnorm(d^2), inverse = TRUE)))
    facets <- sapply(1:2, function(i) pdNeville(array(replicate(4, Expm(i * diag(d), H.coeff(rnorm(d^2), inverse = TRUE))),
                  dim=c(d, d, 2, 2)), X = list(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 1)),
              x = list(x = seq(0, 1, length.out = n[1]), y = seq(0, 1, length.out = n[2]))), simplify = "array")
    select <- function(i1, i2){
      if((n[2] / n[1] * i1) < i2 & i2 <= (n[2] - n[2] / n[1] * i1)){
        res <- facets[, , i1, i2, 1]
      } else if((n[2] / n[1] * i1) < i2 & i2 > (n[2] - n[2] / n[1] * i1)){
        res <- facets[, , i1, i2, 2]
      } else if((n[2] / n[1] * i1) >= i2 & i2 >= (n[2] - n[2] / n[1] * i1)){
        res <- ast(p[, , 1], facets[, , i1, i2, 1])
      } else if((n[2] / n[1] * i1) >= i2 & i2 < (n[2] - n[2] / n[1] * i1)){
        res <- ast(p[, , 2], facets[, , i1, i2, 2])
    f <- array(c(mapply(select, grid.n$Var1, grid.n$Var2)), dim = c(d, d, n))


  ## Standardize int. Frob. norm of f
  f <- f / mean(apply(f, c(3, 4), NormF))
  f1 <- Ptransf2D(f, FALSE, ifelse(noise %in% c("riem-gaussian","wishart"), "rootEuclidean", "logEuclidean"))

  ## Construct (# replicates) noisy HPD surfaces
  P <- array(dim = c(d, d, n, replicates))

  for(s in 1:replicates) {

    if(noise %in% c("riem-gaussian", "log-gaussian")) {
      ## Generate iid zero mean (intrinsic) gaussian noise
      W0 <- replicate(n[2], replicate(n[1], H.coeff(rnorm(d^2, sd = sqrt(noise.level)), inverse = TRUE)))
      if(noise == "riem-gaussian") {
        W <- Ptransf2D(W0, TRUE, "logEuclidean")
        P[, , , , s] <- array(c(mapply(function(i, j) ast(f1[, , i, j], W[, , i, j]), grid.n$Var1, grid.n$Var2)), dim = dim(W))
      } else if(noise == "log-gaussian") {
        P[, , , , s] <- Ptransf2D(f1 + W0, TRUE, "logEuclidean")
    } else if(noise %in% c("wishart", "log-wishart")) {
      ## Generate iid zero mean (intrinsic) wishart noise
      X0 <- array(c(replicate(n[1] * n[2] * df.wishart, complex(d, rnorm(d, sd = sqrt(1/2)),
                      rnorm(d, sd = sqrt(1/2))))), dim = c(d, n[1] * df.wishart, n[2]))
      W0 <- array(c(apply(X0, c(2,3), function(x) x %*% t(Conj(x)))), dim = c(d,d, n[1] * df.wishart, n[2]))
      W <- array(c(mapply(function(i1, i2) apply(W0[, , (i1 - 1) * df.wishart + 1:df.wishart, i2], c(1, 2), mean),
                  grid.n$Var1, grid.n$Var2)), dim = c(d, d, n))
      if(noise.level != 1 & df.wishart >= d) {
        W <- Ptransf2D(sqrt(noise.level) * Ptransf2D(W, FALSE, "logEuclidean"), TRUE, "logEuclidean")
      if(noise == "wishart") {
        P[, , , , s] <- array(c(mapply(function(i1, i2) ast(f1[, , i1, i2], W[, , i1, i2]), grid.n$Var1,
                    grid.n$Var2)), dim = dim(W))
      } else {
        P[, , , , s] <- Ptransf2D(f1 + Ptransf2D(W, FALSE, "logEuclidean"), TRUE, "logEuclidean")
  return(list(f = f, P = P[, , , , 1:replicates]))
JorisChau/pdSpecEst documentation built on Jan. 13, 2020, 6:08 p.m.