#' MS/MS spectrum grouping and retention time deviation modelling for
#' adductomicsR
#' @param MS2Dir character a full path to a directory containing either
#' .mzXML or .mzML data
#' @param runOrder character a full path to a csv file specifying the
#' runorder for each of the files
#' the first column must contain the precise file name and the second
#' column an integer representing the precise run order.
#' @param nCores numeric the number of cores to use for parallel computation.
#' The default is to use all available cores detected using the function
#' parallel::detectCores()
#' @param TICfilter numeric minimimum total ion current of an MS/MS scan.
#' Any MS/MS scan below this value will be filtered out (default=0).
#' @param intStdPeakList character a comma seperated list of expected
#' fragment ions
#' for the internal standard spectrum (no white space).
#' @param intStdMass numeric expected mass-to-charge ratio of
#' internal standard
#' precursor (default = 834.77692).
#' @param intStd_MaxMedRtDrift numeric the maximum retention time
#' drift window (in seconds)
#' to identify internal standard MS/MS spectrum scans (default = 600).
#' @param intStd_MaxPpmDev numeric the maximum mass accuracy window (in ppm)
#' to identify internal standard MS/MS spectrum scans (default = 200 ppm).
#' @param minSpecEx numeric the minimum percentage of the total ion current
#' explained by the internal standard fragments (default = 40).
#' Sometimes spectra are not
#' identified due to this cutoff being set too high. If unexpected datapoints
#' have been interpolated then reduce this value.
#' @param minDotProd numeric. Minimum mean dot product spectral similarity
#' score to keep a spectrum within an MS/MS group (default = 0.8).
#' @param percMissing numeric. percentage of missing files
#' for a MS/MS scan group to be
#' utilized in the loess retention time deviation model.
#' Roughly 15 percent missing values (default = 15\%) is a good starting point
#' (e.g. nMissing=10 for 68 samples).
#' @param percExtra numeric percentage of extra scans above the total number of
#' files for a MS/MS scan group to be utilized in the
#' loess retention time deviation model.
#' If a MS/MS scan group consists of many scans far in
#' excess of the number of files
#' then potentially MS/MS scans from large tailing peaks or
#' isobars may be erroneously
#' grouped together and used to adjust retention time incorrectly
#' (default = 100\% i.e. the peak group can only have one scan per file,
#' this value can be increased if two or more consecutive scans for
#' example can be considered).
#' @param smoothingSpan numeric. fixed smoothing span,
#' argument to \code{\link{loess}}.
#' If argument is not supplied then optimal smoothing span
#' is calculated for each file seperately using 7-fold CV.
#' @param saveRtDev integer (default = 1) should just the retention time
#' deviation model be saved (TRUE = 1) or the AdductSpec class object
#'(FALSE = 0) as .RData workspace files.
#' @param outputPlotDir character (default = NULL) where to save plots
#' and int standard table. Default option of NULL does not save plots.
#' @examples
#' eh = ExperimentHub();
#' temp = query(eh, 'adductData');
#' temp[['EH2061']]; #first mzXML file
#' file.rename(cache(temp["2061"]), file.path(hubCache(temp),
#' 'data42_21221_2.mzXML'));
#' rtDevModelling(MS2Dir=hubCache(temp),nCores=4,runOrder=paste0(
#' system.file("extdata",package="adductomicsR"),
#' '/runOrder.csv'))
#' @return LOESS RT models as adductSpectra AdductSpec object
#' @import adductData
#' @usage rtDevModelling(MS2Dir = NULL, runOrder = NULL,
#' nCores = 2, TICfilter = 0,
#' intStdPeakList=c(290.21, 403.30, 516.38, 587.42,849.40, 884.92, 958.46,
#' 993.97,1050.52, 1107.06, 1209.73, 1337.79,1465.85),
#' intStdMass = 834.77692, intStd_MaxMedRtDrift = 600, intStd_MaxPpmDev = 200,
#' minSpecEx = 40,
#' minDotProd = 0.8, percMissing = 15, percExtra = 100, smoothingSpan = 0.8,
#' saveRtDev = 1, outputPlotDir = NULL)
#' @export
rtDevModelling <- function(MS2Dir = NULL,
runOrder = NULL,
nCores = NULL,
TICfilter = 0,
intStdPeakList = c(
intStdMass = 834.77692,
intStd_MaxMedRtDrift = 600,
intStd_MaxPpmDev = 200,
minSpecEx = 40,
minDotProd = 0.8,
percMissing = 15,
percExtra = 100,
smoothingSpan = 0.8,
saveRtDev = 1,
outputPlotDir = NULL) {
#intStdPeakList <- as.numeric(strsplit(intStdPeakList, ",")[[1]])
if (is.null(MS2Dir)) {
stop("Please provide an .mzXML data directory")
fSlashIndx <- grepl("/$", MS2Dir)
MS2Dir <-
ifelse(fSlashIndx == FALSE, paste0(MS2Dir, "/"), MS2Dir)
if (is.null(runOrder)) {
stop("Please provide an run order file")
adductSpectra <-
mzXmlDir = MS2Dir,
nCores = nCores,
runOrder = runOrder,
DNF = 0,
minInt = 0,
TICfilter = TICfilter,
intStdPeakList = intStdPeakList,
intStd_MaxMedRtDrift = intStd_MaxMedRtDrift,
intStd_MaxPpmDev = intStd_MaxPpmDev,
outputPlotDir = outputPlotDir,
intStdMass = intStdMass,
minSpecEx = minSpecEx,
maxRtDrift_intStd <-
max(abs(metaData(adductSpectra)[, 'intStdRtDrift'])) *
#adductSpectra@metaData$intStdPpmDrift <- NULL
#adductSpectra@metaData$intStdRtDrift <- NULL
adductSpectra <- ms2Group(
ms1mzError = 0.01,
ms2mzError = 1,
maxRtDrift = maxRtDrift_intStd,
dotProdClust = TRUE,
compSpecGen = FALSE,
minDotProd = minDotProd
nExtra <- round(length(Specfile.paths(adductSpectra)) * {
percExtra / 100
}, 0)
nMissing <- round(length(Specfile.paths(adductSpectra)) * {
percMissing / 100
}, 0)
# # retention time correction
adductSpectra <-
nMissing = nMissing,
nExtra = nExtra,
smoothingSpan = smoothingSpan,
outputFileDir = outputPlotDir
if (saveRtDev == 1) {
"saving retention-time deviation
model .RData file:\n",
"rtDevModels.RData\n\nThis file is neccessary for the adduct
identification and adduct quantification workflows."
rtDevModelSave(adductSpectra, outputDir = MS2Dir)
} else {
"saving AdductSpec class object as an
.RData file:\n",
save(adductSpectra, file = paste0(MS2Dir,
} # end function
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