
# author: Hauke Sonnenberg
# instructions:
#   - source the whole script to load the functions defined below
#   - go interactively through the main sections in "if (FALSE)"

# Provide a vector of paths ----------------------------------------------------
if (FALSE)
  file_info_dir <- "//medusa/processing/CONTENTS/file-info_by-department/2019-01/"
  path_list <- kwb.fakin:::read_path_information(file_info_dir, "path-info_20190101")

  # All paths together!
  paths <- unlist(use.names = FALSE, lapply(
    path_list, kwb.utils::selectColumns, "path"

  paths <- path_list$`path-info-ps-1_20191215_SUW_Department`$path
  paths <- path_list$`path-info-ps-1_20191215_WWT_Department`$path

  #kwb.fakin:::store(paths, "paths_to_treenodes_2")

  paths <- kwb.fakin:::restore("paths")

  paths <- kwb.pathdict::random_paths()


# MAIN 1: Get information on the tree leaves -----------------------------------
if (FALSE)
  # Split paths and put them into an efficient data structure
  system.time(leaves <- get_leaves_in_depths(paths))

  # Check if paths can be reconstructed from the new structure
  check_path_reconstruction(leaves, paths)

  # What can we use the data structure for?

  # Filter for depth levels
  depth <- 6
  p1 <- reconstruct_paths(leaves, depths = depth + 5)

  # For comparison: Use pathlist structure
  system.time(pl <- pathlist::pathlist(paths))
  p2 <- pl[pl@depths == depth]
  identical(as.character(p2), p1)

  # Get IDs of the parent nodes
  parent_ids <- lapply(leaves, kwb.utils::getAttribute, "parent_ids")

  # Get paths of the parent nodes
  parent_paths <- unlist(use.names = FALSE, lapply(
    leaves, kwb.utils::getAttribute, "parent_paths"

  # Get the leaves of the parent paths and check their reconstruction
  system.time(parent_leaves <- get_leaves_in_depths(parent_paths))
  check_path_reconstruction(parent_leaves, parent_paths)


  stopifnot(anyDuplicated(parent_paths) == 0)


# MAIN 2: Get full tree information --------------------------------------------
if (FALSE)
  #backup <- network
  #identical(network, backup)
  system.time(network <- get_nodes_and_edges(paths, dbg = FALSE))
  system.time(network_lists <- get_nodes_and_edges(paths, result_type = "lists"))


    v1 = get_nodes_and_edges(p, method = 1, dbg = FALSE),
    v2 = get_nodes_and_edges(p, method = 2, dbg = FALSE),
    check = "identical"


  plot_network(network, n_levels = 3L)

  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`

  network %>%
    select_subtree(node_id = c(2, 4, 9, 4, 5, 3, 3, 3)) %>%
    plot_network(n_levels = 30L)

# get_leaves_in_depths ---------------------------------------------------------
#' @importFrom kwb.utils catIf
get_leaves_in_depths <- function(paths, method = 1, dbg = TRUE)
  # Get the positions of the slashes separating folder and file names
  sep_pos <- get_separator_positions(paths, dbg = dbg)

  # Depths of the node paths a/b/c => 2 separators => node in depth 3
  node_depths <- lengths(sep_pos) + 1

  # Separator positions by depth
  original_index <- split(seq_along(paths), node_depths)

  depths <- as.integer(names(original_index))

  kwb.utils::catIf(dbg, "Extracting paths in depth   /  ")

  # Loop through the depth levels
  result <- lapply(stats::setNames(nm = depths), function(depth) {
    #depth <- depths[1]
    kwb.utils::catIf(dbg, sprintf("\b\b\b\b\b%2d/%2d", depth, max(depths)))

    in_depth <- node_depths == depth

    node_paths <- paths[in_depth]

    split_pos <- sapply(sep_pos[in_depth], "[", depth - 1L)

    parents <- substr(node_paths, 1L, split_pos - 1L)
    nodes <- substr(node_paths, split_pos + 1L, nchar(node_paths))

    unique_parents <- unique(parents)

      parent_ids = match(parents, unique_parents),
      parent_paths = unique_parents

  kwb.utils::catIf(dbg, "\n")

  structure(result, original_index = original_index, class = "leaves")

# get_separator_positions ------------------------------------------------------
get_separator_positions <- function(paths, attribs = TRUE, dbg = TRUE)

  # If paths is a matrix of subdirectory names, create vector of paths first
  if (is.matrix(paths)) {
    paths <- subdir_matrix_to_paths(subdirs, dbg = dbg)

  result <- kwb.utils::catAndRun("Finding path separators", dbg = dbg, {
    gregexpr("/", paths, fixed = TRUE)

  if (attribs) {

  kwb.utils::catAndRun("Removing gregexpr() specific attributes", dbg = dbg, {
    lapply(result, c)

# subdir_matrix_to_paths -------------------------------------------------------
#' @importFrom kwb.utils stopIfNotMatrix catAndRun
subdir_matrix_to_paths <- function(subdirs, depths = NULL, dbg = TRUE)

  if (is.null(depths)) {

    depths <- kwb.utils::catAndRun("Calculating path depths", dbg = dbg, {
      rowSums(matrix(nzchar(subdirs), nrow = nrow(subdirs)))

  kwb.utils::catAndRun("Pasting subdirectory names together", dbg = dbg, {
    pathlist:::paste_segments(subdirs, depths)

# check_path_reconstruction ----------------------------------------------------
check_path_reconstruction <- function(leaves, paths)
  # Reconstruct paths
  system.time(paths_reconstructed <- reconstruct_paths(leaves))

  # Was the reconstruction successful?
  identical(paths, paths_reconstructed)

# reconstruct_paths ------------------------------------------------------------
#' @importFrom kwb.utils defaultIfNULL getAttribute
reconstruct_paths <- function(x, depths = NULL)
  #x <- leaves;depths = NULL
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "leaves"))

  depths <- kwb.utils::defaultIfNULL(depths, as.integer(names(x)))
  depth_names <- as.character(depths)

  is_invalid <- ! depth_names %in% names(x)

  if (any(is_invalid)) {
    stop(call. = FALSE, sprintf(
      "There are no paths in depth(s): %s.\nAvailable depths: %s",
      paste(depths[is_invalid], collapse = ", "),
      paste(names(x), collapse = ", ")

  x_depths <- x[depth_names]

  paths_by_depth <- lapply(x_depths, function(xx) {
    ids <- kwb.utils::getAttribute(xx, "parent_ids")
    paste(kwb.utils::getAttribute(xx, "parent_paths")[ids], xx, sep = "/")

  indices_list <- kwb.utils::getAttribute(x, "original_index")
  indices <- order(unlist(indices_list[depth_names], use.names = FALSE))

  unlist(paths_by_depth, use.names = FALSE)[indices]

# get_nodes_and_edges ----------------------------------------------------------
#' @importFrom kwb.utils catIf catAndRun
get_nodes_and_edges <- function(
  paths, depths, result_type = "data.frames", dbg = TRUE, method = 1
  stopifnot(result_type %in% c("lists", "data.frames"))
  stopifnot(method %in% 1:2)

  kwb.utils::catIf(dbg, "Number of paths:", length(paths), "\n")

  # Remove "//" at the beginning to avoid empty fields after splittig
  paths <- remove_double_slash_left(paths, dbg = dbg)

  # Store the lengths of all paths
  path_lengths <- nchar(paths)

  # Get the positions of the slashes separating folder and file names
  sep_pos <- get_separator_positions(paths, dbg = dbg)

  # Number of depth levels for each path (= number of slashes + 1)
  n_levels <- lengths(sep_pos) + 1L

  # Maximal depth level
  max_depth <- max(n_levels)

  offset <- 0L
  nodes <- list()
  edges <- list()
  node_names <- list()

  parents <- character(length(paths))

  kwb.utils::catIf(dbg, "Analysing nodes in depth   /  ")

  for (depth in seq_len(max_depth)) {

    #depth <- 2
    kwb.utils::catIf(dbg, sprintf("\b\b\b\b\b%2d/%2d", depth, max_depth))

    in_depth <- n_levels >= depth

    pos <- sep_pos[in_depth]

    is_leaf <- n_levels[in_depth] == depth

    stop_pos <- integer(length(pos))
    stop_pos[  is_leaf] <- path_lengths[in_depth][is_leaf]
    stop_pos[! is_leaf] <- unlist(lapply(pos[! is_leaf], "[", depth)) -1L

    stopifnot(all(stop_pos > 0))

    subdirs <- substr(paths[in_depth], 1L, stop_pos)

    is_unique <- ! duplicated.default(subdirs)

    parent_ids <- if (depth > 1) {
      unname(nodes[[depth - 1]][parents[in_depth][is_unique]])
    } # else NULL


    parents[in_depth] <- subdirs

    node_paths <- subdirs[is_unique]

    ids <- seq_along(node_paths) + offset

    offset <- offset + length(node_paths)

    nodes[[depth]] <- stats::setNames(ids, node_paths)

    if (depth > 1L) {

      node_names[[depth]] <- substr(
        x = paths[in_depth][is_unique],
        start = unlist(lapply(pos[is_unique], "[", depth - 1L)) + 1L,
        stop = stop_pos[is_unique]

      edges[[depth]] <- cbind(node = ids, parent = parent_ids)

  } # next depth

  kwb.utils::catIf(dbg, "\n")

  # If requested, convert lists "nodes" and "edges" to data frames
  if (result_type == "data.frames") {

    kwb.utils::catAndRun("Converting lists to data frames", dbg = dbg, {

      node_ids <- unlist(nodes)

      nodes <- data.frame(
        id = as.integer(node_ids),
        depth =, lengths(nodes)),
        name = c(names(nodes[[1]]), unlist(node_names[-1])),
        path = names(node_ids),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

      edges <-, edges))

    list(nodes = nodes, edges = edges),
    if (result_type == "lists") list(node_names = node_names)

# remove_double_slash_left -----------------------------------------------------
#' @importFrom kwb.utils catAndRun
remove_double_slash_left <- function(paths, dbg = dbg)
  kwb.utils::catAndRun("Removing '//' at the beginning", dbg = dbg, {
    gsub("^//(?=[^/])", "", paths, perl = TRUE)

# check_network ----------------------------------------------------------------
check_network <- function(network)
  nodes <- kwb.utils::selectElements(network, "nodes")
  edges <- kwb.utils::selectElements(network, "edges")

  stopifnot(all(edges$node %in% nodes$id))
  stopifnot(all(edges$parent %in% nodes$id))
  stopifnot(anyDuplicated(edges) == 0)
  stopifnot(identical(nodes$id, seq_len(nrow(nodes))))

  node_paths <- kwb.utils::selectColumns(nodes, "path")
  node_names <- kwb.utils::selectColumns(nodes, "name")
  path_lengths <- nchar(node_paths)
  start <- path_lengths - nchar(node_names) + 1L
  stopifnot(all(substr(node_paths, start, path_lengths) == node_names))

# plot_network -----------------------------------------------------------------
plot_network <- function(network, n_levels = 2L, cex = 0.6)
  stopifnot(n_levels > 0L)

  nodes <- network$nodes[network$nodes$depth <= n_levels, ]

  if (nrow(nodes) < 2L) {
    message("Less than two nodes to plot.")

  node_ids <- nodes$id

  from_selected <- network$edges$parent %in% node_ids
  to_selected <- network$edges$node %in% node_ids

  edges <- network$edges[from_selected & to_selected, , drop = FALSE]

  if (nrow(edges) < 1L) {
    message("Less than one edge to plot.")

  graph <- igraph::make_graph(
    as.integer(t(as.matrix(edges[, c("parent", "node")]))),
    directed = FALSE

  vertex.label <- sprintf("%d:%s", nodes$id, nodes$name)
  vertex.label[nodes$depth > 2L] <- ""

    vertex.size = 3,
    vertex.label = vertex.label,
    vertex.label.cex = cex

# select_subtree ---------------------------------------------------------------
select_subtree <- function(network, node_id, n_levels = NULL, dbg = TRUE)
  if (length(node_id) > 1L) {
    for (id in node_id) {
      network <- select_subtree(network, id, n_levels, dbg)

  nodes <- kwb.utils::selectElements(network, "nodes")
  edges <- kwb.utils::selectElements(network, "edges")

  node_ids <- kwb.utils::selectColumns(nodes, "id")

  node_index <- which(node_ids == node_id)

  if (length(node_index) == 0) {
    stop("No such node: ", node_id)

  # Collect the ids of all child nodes
  ids <- node_id
  level_count <- 0

  result_ids <- list()

  while (length(ids) && (is.null(n_levels) || level_count <= n_levels)) {

    kwb.utils::catAndRun(paste("Adding", length(ids), "ids"), dbg = dbg, {
      result_ids[[level_count + 1]] <- ids
      ids <- edges$node[edges$parent %in% ids]

    level_count <- level_count + 1

  result_ids <- unlist(result_ids)

  result_nodes <- nodes[nodes$id %in% result_ids, ]

  stopifnot(anyDuplicated(result_nodes$id) == 0)

  edge_selected <- edges$node %in% result_ids & edges$parent %in% result_ids

  if (any(edge_selected)) {

    result_edges <- edges[edge_selected, ]

    # Renumber edge nodes
    result_edges[] <- match(as.matrix(result_edges[]), result_nodes$id)

  # Renumber nodes
  result_nodes$id <- seq_len(nrow(result_nodes))

  # Renumer depth
  result_nodes$depth <- result_nodes$depth - min(result_nodes$depth) + 1L

  # Return list of new nodes and new edges
  list(nodes = result_nodes, edges = result_edges)
KWB-R/kwb.fakin documentation built on June 14, 2022, 2 p.m.