
Defines functions hsSafeName hsMatrixToListForm warnIfEmpty breakInSequence getGlobally assignGlobally assignPackageObjects assignAll extendLimits getEvenNumbers getOddNumbers quotient recursiveNames makeUnique naToLastNonNa parallelNonNA callWithStringsAsFactors randomValuesWithSum

Documented in assignAll assignGlobally assignPackageObjects breakInSequence callWithStringsAsFactors extendLimits getEvenNumbers getGlobally getOddNumbers hsMatrixToListForm hsSafeName makeUnique naToLastNonNa parallelNonNA quotient randomValuesWithSum recursiveNames warnIfEmpty

# randomValuesWithSum ----------------------------------------------------------

#' Vector of random Integer Values of given Sum
#' @param n number of values
#' @param sumOfValues sum of values in the result vector
#' @param names names of elements in the result vector. Default:
#'   \code{seq_len(n)}
#' @return named vector of integer values with \code{sum(values) == sumOfValues}
#' @export
randomValuesWithSum <- function(n, sumOfValues, names = seq_len(n))
  breaks <- sort(sample(sumOfValues, n - 1))

  values <- diff(c(0, breaks, sumOfValues))

  valueSum <- sum(values)

  if (valueSum != sumOfValues) {
    stop("Bug in randomValuesWithSum(): The sum of generated values is not ",
         sumOfValues, " as requested but ", valueSum, "!")

  structure(values, names = names)

# callWithStringsAsFactors -----------------------------------------------------

#' Call a Function with Option "stringsAsFactors" set temporarily
#' Set the option "stringsAsFactors", run a function and reset the option.
#' @param stringsAsFactors TRUE or FALSE. Before calling \code{FUN} the option
#'   "stringsAsFactors" is set to the value given here. After the function call
#'   the option is reset to what it was before.
#' @param FUN function to be called
#' @param \dots arguments passed to \code{FUN}
#' @return This function returns what \code{FUN} returns when called with the
#'   arguments given in \code{...}
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' option.bak <- getOption("stringsAsFactors")
#' d1 <- callWithStringsAsFactors(
#'   TRUE,
#'   rbind,
#'   data.frame(id = 1, name = "Peter"),
#'   data.frame(id = 2, name = "Paul"),
#'   data.frame(id = 3, name = "Mary")
#' )
#' d2 <- callWithStringsAsFactors(
#'   FALSE,
#'   rbind,
#'   data.frame(id = 1, name = "Peter"),
#'   data.frame(id = 2, name = "Paul"),
#'   data.frame(id = 3, name = "Mary")
#' )
#' str(d1)
#' str(d2)
#' # The option "stringsAsFactors" has not changed!
#' stopifnot(option.bak == getOption("stringsAsFactors"))
callWithStringsAsFactors <- function(stringsAsFactors, FUN, ...)
  if (! identical(TRUE, stringsAsFactors) &&
      ! identical(FALSE, stringsAsFactors)) {
    stop("stringsAsFactors must be TRUE or FALSE")

  # Save current value of option "stringsAsFactors"
  stringsAsFactors.bak <- getOption("stringsAsFactors")

  # Set option "stringsAsFactors"
  options(stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors)

  # Call the given function
  result <- FUN(...)

  # Reset option "stringsAsFactors"
  options(stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors.bak)

  # Return the result

# parallelNonNA ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Merge two Vectors selecting non-NA Values
#' two vectors \emph{a} and \emph{b} of same length are merged in such a way 
#' that at index i the result vector contains (1) a[i] if a[i] is not NA and
#' b[i] is NA or b[i] == a[i], (2) b[i] if b[i] is not NA and a[i] is NA or a[i]
#' == b[i], (3) "" if a[i] is not NA and b[i] is not NA and a[i] != b[i] or if
#' both a[i] and b[i] are NA
#' @param a vector 1
#' @param b vector 2
#' @return character vector of same length as \emph{a} and \emph{b}
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' parallelNonNA(c(1, NA, 3), c(NA, 2, NA))  # "1" "2" "3"
#' parallelNonNA(c(1, NA, NA), c(NA, 2, NA)) # "1" "2" ""
#' ## A warning is given if (non-NA) values at the same index differ
#' y <- parallelNonNA(c(1, 2, 3), c(1, 2, 4))
#' y # "1" "2" ""
#' ## attribute "invalid" contains the index and values of the differing values
#' attr(y, "invalid")
parallelNonNA <- function(a, b)
  stopifnot(length(a) == length(b))

  # Create result vector of NA, as long as "a" and of same class as "a"
  result <- `class<-`(rep(NA, length(a)), class(a))

  onlyA <- !is.na(a) & is.na(b)
  onlyB <- is.na(a) & !is.na(b)
  aAndB <- !is.na(a) & !is.na(b)
  aAndBAndEqual <- aAndB & (a == b)
  aAndBAndDiffer <- aAndB & (a != b)
  result[onlyA] <- a[onlyA]
  result[onlyB] <- b[onlyB]
  result[aAndBAndEqual] <- a[aAndBAndEqual]

  if (any(aAndBAndDiffer)) {

    attr(result, "invalid") <- data.frame(
      index = which(aAndBAndDiffer),
      a = a[aAndBAndDiffer],
      b = b[aAndBAndDiffer]

    warning("There are differences in parallel non-NA values ",
            "(returned in attribute 'invalid')")


# naToLastNonNa ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Replace NA With "Last" non-NA
#' replace NA values in a vector with the "last" non-NA values (at the nearest
#'   smaller indices in each case) in the vector
#' @param x vector in which NA are to be replaced with the last non-NA value 
#'   (at greatest of smaller indices) in the vector
#' @param method integer (1 or 2) distinguishing two different methods
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' naToLastNonNa(c(1, 2, NA, NA, 3, NA, NA, 4, NA, NA, 5))
#' ## Result: [1] 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5
#' # You will get an error if method = 1 and the first element is NA!
#' # naToLastNonNa(c(NA, 1, NA, 2), method = 1)
#' ## Error in naToLastNonNa(c(NA, 1, NA, 2)) :
#' ##   The first element must not be NA
naToLastNonNa <- function(x, method = 2)
  is_na <- is.na(x)
  if (method == 1 && is_na[1]) {
    stop("The first element must not be NA")
  indices_ok <- which(! is_na)
  if (method == 1) {
    indices_to <- which(is_na)
    indices_from <- sapply(indices_to, function(index_ok) {
      lastElement(indices_ok[indices_ok < index_ok])

  } else { # method = 2

    indices_from <- rep(indices_ok, times = diff(c(indices_ok, length(x) + 1)))
    indices_to <- seq_along(indices_from) + indices_ok[1] - 1
  x[indices_to] <- x[indices_from]


# makeUnique -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Make Duplicated Character Strings Unique
#' adds ".1", ".2", etc. to duplicate values
#' @param x vector of character strings
#' @param warn if \code{TRUE} (default) a warning showing the duplicated values is 
#'   given
#' @param sep separator between name and suffix number. Default: "."
#' @param simple if \code{TRUE} all elements with identical name (e.g. "a") are 
#'   numbered (e.g. "a.1", "a.2", "a.3"), otherwise the first element is kept
#'   unchanged and all but the first one are numbered (e.g. "a", "a.1", "a.2").
#'   The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return \code{x} with duplicate elements being modified to "element.1",
#'   "element.2", etc.
#' @export
makeUnique <- function(x, warn = TRUE, sep = ".", simple = FALSE)
  if (anyDuplicated(x)) {

    is.duplicated <- duplicated(x)
    duplicates <- unique(x[is.duplicated])

    if (warn) {
      warning("There are duplicate values: ", stringList(duplicates))

    for (duplicate in duplicates) {

      indices <- which(x == duplicate)

      if (! simple) {
        indices <- indices[-1L]

      x[indices] <- paste(x[indices], seq_along(indices), sep = sep)

  # Now there must not be any duplicates any more!
  stopifnot(! anyDuplicated(x))


# recursiveNames ---------------------------------------------------------------

#' names of all sublists of a list
#' returns the names of all sublists of \emph{x} in the "$"-notation, e.g.
#'   list$sublist$subsublist$subsubsublist
#' @param x R list.
#' @param basename name to be used as prefix for all names found. Default: ""
#' @export
recursiveNames <- function(x, basename = "")
  if (! is.list(x) || is.null(names(x))) {

  elementNames <- character()

  for (elementName in names(x)) {
    child <- x[[elementName]]
    if (is.list(child)) {
      newBasename <- paste(basename, elementName, sep = "$")
      elementNames <- c(
        elementNames, newBasename, recursiveNames(child, newBasename)


# quotient ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Quotient
#' Calculate the quotient of two numbers
#' @param dividend number to be devided
#' @param divisor number by which dividend is to be devided
#' @param substitute.value value to be returned if divisor is 0
#' @param warn if TRUE, a warning is given if the divisor is zero
#' @return quotient of dividend and divisor: dividend/divisor
#' @export
quotient <- function(dividend, divisor, substitute.value = Inf, warn = TRUE)
  resultLength <- max(length(dividend), length(divisor))

  result <- rep(substitute.value, times = resultLength)

  division <- dividend / divisor
  if (any(is.infinite(division))) {
    if (warn) {
      warning("Division by zero. Using substitute value of ", substitute.value)

  result[is.finite(division)] <- division[is.finite(division)]


# getOddNumbers ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Get odd Numbers out of a Vector of Integers
#' @param x vector of integer
#' @export
getOddNumbers <- function(x)

# getEvenNumbers ---------------------------------------------------------------

#' Get even Numbers out of a Vector of Integers
#' @param x vector of integer
#' @export
getEvenNumbers <- function(x)

# extendLimits -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Extend the Limits of a Range Vector
#' @param limits vector of two elements as e.g. used for xlim or ylim
#' @param left percentage of limit range (\emph{absolute == FALSE}) or absolute value
#'   (\emph{absolute == TRUE}) by which the left limit is extended to the left.
#' @param right percentage of limit range (\emph{absolute == FALSE}) or absolute value
#'   (\emph{absolute == TRUE}) by which the right limit is extended to the
#'   right.
#' @param absolute Default: FALSE
#' @export
extendLimits <- function(limits, left = 0.05, right = left, absolute = FALSE)
  baseWidth <- if (absolute) 1 else diff(as.numeric(limits))

  newLimits <- limits + c(-left, right) * baseWidth
  hsRestoreAttributes(newLimits, attributes(limits))

# assignAll --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Call assign for each List Element
#' Provide all assignments of a list as objects in the environment
#' @param x list of \code{key = value} assignments
#' @param pos passed to \code{assign},
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to \code{assign}
#' @export
assignAll <- function(x, pos = 1, ...)

  for (key in names(x)) {
    assign(key, x[[key]], pos = pos, ...)

# assignPackageObjects ---------------------------------------------------------

#' Assign all Package Objects to the Global Environment
#' @param package package name
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' assignPackageObjects("kwb.utils")
assignPackageObjects <- function(package)
  for (name in ls(getNamespace(package))) {
    object <- get(name, envir = asNamespace(package), inherits = FALSE)
    assign(name, object, envir = .GlobalEnv)

# assignGlobally ---------------------------------------------------------------

#' assignGlobally
#' assign variable in .GlobalEnv
#' @param x name of variable
#' @param value value of variable
#' @export
assignGlobally <- function(x, value)
    old_name = "assignGlobally()", 
    new_name = "'assign(x, value, envir = .GlobalEnv)'", 
    parentheses = FALSE
  assign(x, value, envir = .GlobalEnv)

# getGlobally ------------------------------------------------------------------

#' getGlobally
#' gat variable from .GlobalEnv
#' @param x name of variable
#' @param default default value to which the variable is assigned (if
#'   create.if.not.existing = TRUE) in case that it does not yet exist. Default:
#'   NULL
#' @param create.if.not.existing if TRUE and if the variable does not yet exist,
#'   it is created and initialised with the value given in \code{default}.
#'   Default: TRUE
#' @export
getGlobally <- function(x, default = NULL, create.if.not.existing = TRUE)
  if (!exists(x, envir = .GlobalEnv) && create.if.not.existing) {
    assign(x, default, envir = .GlobalEnv)

  get(x, envir = .GlobalEnv)

# breakInSequence --------------------------------------------------------------

#' Find "Breaks" in a Sequence of Numbers
#' @param x vector of numeric
#' @param expectedDiff expected difference between elements in x. A bigger
#'   difference is recognised as a break. Default: 1
#' @return index of elements after which a break occurs or integer(0) if no
#'   break occurs at all
#' @export
breakInSequence <- function(x, expectedDiff = 1)

  which(diff(x) != expectedDiff)

# warnIfEmpty ------------------------------------------------------------------

#' warnIfEmpty
#' Gives a warning if the object is NULL or empty and returns the object
#' @param x object to be tested for NULL or being empty (vector of length 0 or
#'   data frame with no rows)
#' @export
warnIfEmpty <- function(x)
  if (isNullOrEmpty(x)) {
    warning("\n\n*** The object is empty!\n")


# hsMatrixToListForm -----------------------------------------------------------

#' Convert "Matrix Form" (wide format) to "List Form" (long format)
#' Converts a data frame in "matrix form" to a data frame in "list form"
#' @param df data frame
#' @param keyFields names of key fields (e.g. date/time)
#' @param parFields names of fields representing differen parameters. Default:
#'   column names that are not in \emph{keyFields}
#' @param colNamePar name of column in result data frame that will contain the
#'   parameter names
#' @param colNameVal name of column in result data frame that will contain the
#'   parameter values
#' @param stringsAsFactors if TRUE, columns of type character in the result data
#'   frame are converted to factors. Parameter is passed to cbind, rbind.
#' @return data frame in "list form" (long format)
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{reshape}}
hsMatrixToListForm <- function(
  df, keyFields, parFields = setdiff(names(df), keyFields), 
  colNamePar = "parName", colNameVal = "parVal", stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  ## set options "stringsAsFactors" and reset on exit
  options.now <- options(stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors)

  ## loop through column names
  result <- rbindAll(lapply(parFields, function(field) {
    cbind(df[, keyFields, drop = FALSE], field, df[, field])

  structure(result, names = c(keyFields, colNamePar, colNameVal))

# hsSafeName -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Non-existing desired name
#' Returns a name that is not yet contained in a vector \emph{myNames}
#'   of existing names.
#' @param myName desired name.
#' @param myNames vector of existing names.
#' @return If \emph{myName} is not contained in \emph{myNames} it is returned.
#'   Otherwise \emph{myName} is modified to \emph{myName}_01, \emph{myName}_02,
#'   ... until a non-existing name is found that is then returned.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' existing <- c("a", "b")
#' myName <- hsSafeName("c", existing)
#' myName                               # "c"
#' myName <- hsSafeName("a", existing)
#' myName                               # "a_1"
#' hsSafeName("a", c(existing, myName)) # "a_2"
hsSafeName <- function(myName, myNames)
  ptrn <- "_(\\d+)$" ## numeric digits at the end, separated by underscore
  ## While the name is in the list of existing names
  while (myName %in% myNames) {
    ## If the name ends with a version number...
    if (grepl(ptrn, myName)) {
      ## Get the version number
      pos <- regexpr(ptrn, myName) + 1 ## Position of the "version" number
      vnr <- as.integer(substr(myName, pos, nchar(myName)))
      ## Remove the version number
      myName <- sub(ptrn, "", myName)
      ## Append the incremented version number
      myName <- sprintf("%s_%d", myName, vnr + 1)
    ## If the name does not end with a number, append "_1"
    else {
      myName <- sprintf("%s_1", myName)
KWB-R/kwb.utils documentation built on April 1, 2024, 7:12 a.m.