
Defines functions vs2dh.ConfigureBasicTime vs2dh.ConfigureBasicUnits vs2dh.ConfigureBasicOutputTimes vs2dh.ConfigureBasicOutputMain vs2dh.ConfigureBalance vs2dh.ConfigureObsPoints vs2dh.ConfigureBasicOutput vs2dh.ConfigureBasicSolver vs2dh.ConfigureBasicGrid vs2dh.ConfigureGenuchten vs2dh.ConfigureTrans vs2dh.ConfigureSoil vs2dh.ConfigureSoilGrid vs2dh.ConfigureSoils vs2dh.ConfigureInitialFlow vs2dh.ConfigureInitialTemp vs2dh.ConfigureInitial vs2dh.ConfigureBoundaryCondition nodePairs vs2dh.ConfigureSeepageFace vs2dh.ConfigureSeepage vs2dh.ConfigureRechargePeriodOptions vs2dh.ConfigureRechargePeriodSolver vs2dh.ConfigureRechargePeriods vs2dh.ConfigureBasicOptions vs2dh.ConfigureBasic vs2dh.Configure

Documented in nodePairs vs2dh.Configure vs2dh.ConfigureBalance vs2dh.ConfigureBasic vs2dh.ConfigureBasicGrid vs2dh.ConfigureBasicOptions vs2dh.ConfigureBasicOutput vs2dh.ConfigureBasicOutputMain vs2dh.ConfigureBasicOutputTimes vs2dh.ConfigureBasicSolver vs2dh.ConfigureBasicTime vs2dh.ConfigureBasicUnits vs2dh.ConfigureBoundaryCondition vs2dh.ConfigureGenuchten vs2dh.ConfigureInitial vs2dh.ConfigureInitialFlow vs2dh.ConfigureInitialTemp vs2dh.ConfigureObsPoints vs2dh.ConfigureRechargePeriodOptions vs2dh.ConfigureRechargePeriods vs2dh.ConfigureRechargePeriodSolver vs2dh.ConfigureSeepage vs2dh.ConfigureSeepageFace vs2dh.ConfigureSoil vs2dh.ConfigureSoilGrid vs2dh.ConfigureSoils vs2dh.ConfigureTrans

#' Helper function: replace a list index with a name
#' @param inpLst  input list
#' @param labelTxt user defined txt used for naming list 
#' @return Labeled list

labeledList <- function (inpLst, labelTxt = "id")
  if (length(inpLst) > 0) {
    names(inpLst) <- sprintf("%s%d", labelTxt, seq_along(inpLst) - 1)

### Configure Time

#' Configure time parameters
#' @param stim  Initial time (usually set to 0). (default: 0)
#' @param tmax  Maximum simulation time. (default: 10.1)
#' @return Time parameters

vs2dh.ConfigureBasicTime <- function(stim = 0, tmax = 10.1)
  list(stim = stim, tmax = tmax)

### Configure Units

#' Configure unit parameters
#' @param zunit  Units used for length, "m" for meters. (default: "m")
#' @param tunit  Units used for time, "sec" for seconds, "day" for day (default:
#'   "day")
#' @param cunx  Units used for heat, "J" for Joules. (default: "J")
#' @return Model units

vs2dh.ConfigureBasicUnits <- function(zunit = "m", tunit = "day", cunx = "J")
  list(zunit = zunit, tunit = tunit, cunx = cunx)

### Configure Output

#' Configure model output times
#' @param pltim Elapsed times at which pressure heads and temperatures are to be
#' written to file "variables.out", and heads, temperatures, saturations, 
#' velocities, and/or moisture contents to file "vs2dt.out", T. (default: seq(0,10,0.5))
#' @param numt Maximum number of time steps. (default: 1000), will be set 
#' automatically if called from higher level function vs2dh.ConfigureBasic()
#' @param enhancedPrecision if TRUE enhanced results are written with enhanced 
#' precision to files6 (vs2dh.out) & file9 (variables.out), (default: FALSE)
#' @param dbg if TRUE additional information printed on screen (default: TRUE)
#' @return Model output times

vs2dh.ConfigureBasicOutputTimes <- function(
  pltim = seq(0, 10, 0.5),
  numt = 1000,
  enhancedPrecision = FALSE,
  dbg = TRUE
  if (enhancedPrecision == TRUE) {
      dbg, "Enhanced precision selected for writting files6 (vs2dh.out) &", 
      "file9 (variables.out)\n"
    numt <- numt * (-1)
  list(pltim = pltim, numt = numt, nplt = length(pltim))

#' Configure main output file ("vs2dh.out")
#' @param f6p If TRUE  mass balance is to be written to file "vs2dt.out" for
#'   each time step; if FALSE mass balance is to be written to file "vs2dt.out"
#'   only at observation times and ends of recharge periods (default: TRUE)
#' @param thpt If TRUE volumetric moisture contents are to be written to file
#'   "vs2dt.out", otherwise: FALSE (default: TRUE)
#' @param spnt  If TRUE saturation is written to file "vs2dt.out", otherwise:
#'   FALSE (default: TRUE)
#' @param ppnt If TRUE pressure heads are written to file "vs2dt.out",
#'   otherwise: FALSE (default: TRUE)
#' @param hpnt If TRUE total heads are written to file "vs2dt.out", otherwise:
#'   FALSE (default: TRUE)
#' @param vpnt If TRUE velocities are written to file "vs2dt.out", otherwise:
#'   FALSE (default: TRUE)
#' @return Output config of vs2dh.out file

vs2dh.ConfigureBasicOutputMain <- function(
  f6p = TRUE, thpt = TRUE, spnt = TRUE, ppnt = TRUE, hpnt = TRUE, vpnt = TRUE
    f6p = f6p, thpt = thpt, spnt = spnt, ppnt = ppnt, hpnt = hpnt, vpnt = vpnt 

#' Configure balance output file ("balance.out")
#' @param mb9 The index number of each mass balance component to be written to
#'   file "balance.out".(See table 7, from p. 66, in Healy (1990)
#' @param outputEachTimeStep  FALSE if output to file 9 ("balance.out") is
#'   desired only at selected output times rather than at each time step
#'   (default: TRUE)
#' @return Selected components and temporal resolution for "balance.out" file

vs2dh.ConfigureBalance <- function(mb9 = c(1:72), outputEachTimeStep = TRUE)
  ### Number of different mass balance components
  n <- length(mb9)
  f9p <- (n > 0)
  ### If output 
  if (! outputEachTimeStep) {
    n <- n * (-1)
    nmb9 = n,  # /A17 -- NMB9
    mb9 = mb9, # /A18 -- MB9
    f9p = f9p  # /A7 -- F9P

### Optional outout: Configure Observation points

#' Configure Observation points
#' @param obs_n grid column "n" (if NULL no observation points will be written
#'   to file obsPoints.out)
#' @param obs_j grid row "j" (if NULL no observation points will be written to
#'   file obsPoints.out)
#' @param outputEachTimeStep If FALSE output to obsPoints.out is desired only at
#'   selected output times rather than at each time step (default: TRUE)
#' @return Observation point parameterisation

vs2dh.ConfigureObsPoints <- function(
  obs_n = NULL, # column "n"
  obs_j = NULL, # row "j"
  outputEachTimeStep = TRUE
  n_obs_n <- length(obs_n)
  n_obs_j <- length(obs_j)
  if (n_obs_n == n_obs_j && n_obs_n > 0) {
    obsNodes <- data.frame(
      obs_j = obs_j, 
      obs_n = obs_n
  } else {
    commonLength <- min(n_obs_n, n_obs_j)
    commonIndices <- seq_len(commonLength)
    obsNodes <- data.frame(
      obs_j = obs_j[commonIndices], 
      obs_n = obs_n[commonIndices]
    if (commonLength == 0) {
      warning("No observation points (n & j == 0) are defined! 
               No file 'obsPoints.out' will be written in a vs2dh run")
      return(list(f11p = FALSE))
    } else {
      warning(sprintf(obs_n, obs_j, commonLength, fmt = paste(
        "n (n=%d) and j (n=%d) have different length! Only the first %d", 
        "elements will be used as observation points"          
  nobs <- nrow(obsNodes)
  if (! outputEachTimeStep) {
    nobs <- nobs * (-1)
  ###/A15 -- NOBS. A16 begines next line: J, N
  list(f11p = TRUE, nobs = nobs, obs_jn = obsNodes)

#' Configure Boundary fluxes 
#' @param nodes data.frame with columns "idbf" (id of boundary face), "bf_j" (grid row)
#' and "bf_n" (grid column)
#' @return Boundary fluxes parameterisation
#' @examples
#' nodes <- data.frame(idbf = c(rep(1,5), rep(2,6)), 
#'                     bf_j = 1:11, 
#'                     bf_n = rep(1,11))
#' vs2dh.ConfigureBoundaryFluxes(nodes = nodes) 
vs2dh.ConfigureBoundaryFluxes <- function (nodes = NULL)
  x <- list()
  if (is.data.frame(nodes)) {
    if (nrow(nodes) > 0) { 
      bf <- stats::aggregate(bf_j ~ idbf, nodes, length)
      names(bf)[names(bf) == "bf_j"] <- "numcells"
      x <- list(
        f7p = TRUE, 
        numbf = max(bf$numcells), 
        maxcells = max(bf$numcells), 
        bf_nodes = nodes
  } else {
    x <- list(f7p = FALSE)

#' Configure model output 
#' @param times as retrieved by \code{vs2dh.ConfigureBasicOutputTimes()}
#' @param main as retrieved by \code{vs2dh.ConfigureBasicOutputMain()}
#' @param variables If TRUE output of pressure heads (and temperatures if TRANS
#'   = T) to file "variables.out" is desired at selected observation times
#'   (default: TRUE)
#' @param balance  IF TRUE one-line mass balance summary for each time step is
#'   written to file "balance.out"; (default: TRUE)
#' @param obsPoints as retrieved by  vs2dh.ConfigureObsPoints(), default: no
#'   output of observation points to file "obsPoints.out"
#' @param boundaryFluxes as retrieved by vs2dh.ConfigureBoundaryFluxes(),
#'   default: no output of boundary fluxes to file "boundaryFluxes.out"
#' @param enhancedPrecision If TRUE results are written with enhanced precision
#'   to files9 ("variables.out") and file11 ("obsPoints.out"), (default: FALSE)
#' @return Configuration of model output

vs2dh.ConfigureBasicOutput <- function(
  times = vs2dh.ConfigureBasicOutputTimes(),
  main = vs2dh.ConfigureBasicOutputMain(),
  variables = TRUE,
  balance = vs2dh.ConfigureBalance(),
  obsPoints = vs2dh.ConfigureObsPoints(),
  boundaryFluxes = vs2dh.ConfigureBoundaryFluxes(),
  enhancedPrecision = FALSE 
  ### /A7 -- F11P, F7P, F8P, F9P, F6P
    times = times, 
    main = main, 
    variables = variables, 
    balance = balance,
    obsPoints = obsPoints,
    boundaryFluxes = boundaryFluxes

### Configure basic solver

#' Basic solver configuration
#' @param cis If TRUE spatial discretisation is realised by centered-in-space
#'   differencing; if FALSE backward-in-space differencing is to be used for
#'   transport equation. (default: TRUE)
#' @param cit If TRUE temporal discretisation is realised by centered-in-time
#'   differencing; if FALSE backward-in-time or fully implicit differencing is
#'   to be used. (default: TRUE)
#' @param numt  Maximum number of time steps.(default: 1000). (NOTE: if enhanced
#'   precision in print out to file "balance.out" and file 11 "obsPoints.out",
#'   is desired set NUMT equal to a negative number. That is, multiply actual
#'   maximum number of time steps by -1)1
#' @param minit Minimum number of iterations per time step. (default: 2)
#' @param itmax Maximum number of iterations per time step. (default: 80)
#' @param eps Head closure criterion for iterative solution of flow equation, L.
#'   (default: 0.0001)
#' @param eps1 Temperature closure criterion for iterative solution of transport
#'   equation, C. (default: 0.001)
#' @param eps2 Velocity closure criterion for outer iteration loop at each time
#'   step, L/T. (default: 0.001)
#' @param hmax Relaxation parameter for iterative solution. See discussion in
#'   Lappala and others (1987) for more detail. Value is generally in the range
#'   of 0.4 to 1.2.  (default: 0.7)
#' @param itstop If TRUE simulation is terminated after ITMAX iterations in one
#'   time step; otherwise = F. (default: TRUE)
#' @return Configuration of basic solver

vs2dh.ConfigureBasicSolver <- function(
  cis = TRUE, 
  cit = TRUE,
  numt = 1000,
  minit = 2,
  itmax = 80,
  eps = 0.0001,
  eps1 = 0.001,
  eps2 = 0.001,
  hmax = 0.7,
  itstop = TRUE
    cis = cis, 
    cit = cit, 
    numt = numt,
    minit = minit,
    itmax = itmax,
    eps = eps,
    eps1 = eps1,
    eps2 = eps2,
    hmax = hmax,
    itstop = itstop

### Configure Grid

#' Configure Grid 
#' @param nxr  Number of cells in horizontal or radial direction. (default: 46)
#' @param nly  Number of cells in vertical direction. (default: 34)
#' @param ang  Angle by which grid is to be tilted (Must be between -90 and +90
#'   degrees, ang = 0 for no tilting, see Healy (1990) for further discussion),
#'   degrees. (default: 0)
#' @param rad  Logical variable. TRUE if radial coordinates are used; otherwise
#'   = FALSE (default: FALSE)
#' @param dx  Constant value for grid spacing in horizontal or radial direction.
#'   (default: 0.5)
#' @param dy  Constant value for grid spacing in vertical direction. (default:
#'   0.5)
#' @return Grid parameterisation

vs2dh.ConfigureBasicGrid <- function(
  nxr = 46, 
  nly = 34,
  ang = 0,
  rad = FALSE,
  dx = 0.5,
  dy = 0.5
  matrix <- list(nxr = nxr, nly = nly, ang = ang, rad = rad)
  if (length(dx) == 1) {
    ifac <- 1
    facx <- dx
    dxr <- NA
  } else if (length(dx) == nxr) {
    ifac <- 0
    facx <- 1
    dxr <- dx
  } else {
    stop("dx neither a scalar nor a vector of length equal to nxr")
  if (length(dy) == 1) {
    jfac <- 1
    facz <- dy
    delz <- NA
  } else if (length(dy) == nly) {
    jfac <- 0
    facz <- 1
    delz <- dy
  } else {
    stop("dy neither a scalar nor a vector of length equal to nly")
  spacing <- list(
    dxr = dxr, 
    delz = delz,
    facx = facx,
    facz = facz,
    ifac = ifac, ### only 0 and 1 are implemented 
    jfac = jfac  ### only 0 and 1 are implemented 
  list(matrix = matrix, spacing = spacing)

### Configure soil

#' Configure Genuchten flow parameters  
#' @param ratioKzKh  Ratio of hydraulic conductivity in the z-coordinate
#'   direction to that in the x-coordinate direction (Default:1)
#' @param satKh  Saturated hydraulic conductivity (K) at 20 C in the
#'   x-coordinate direction for class ITEX, L/T. (Default: 750 m/d)
#' @param ss  Specific storage (Ss), L^-1. (Default: 0)
#' @param porosity Porosity (f), (Default: 0.39)
#' @param alpha  van Genuchten alpha. NOTE: alpha is as defined by van Genuchten
#'   (1980) and is the negative reciprocal of alpha' used in earlier versions
#'   (prior to version 3.0) of VS2DT, L., (Default: 2.3/m)
#' @param rmc	Residual moisture content,  (Default: 0.05)
#' @param beta van Genuchten parameter, beta' in Healy (1990) and Lappala and
#'   others (1987), (Default:5.8)
#' @return Genuchten flow parameters
#' @seealso \url{http://pubs.usgs.gov/circ/2003/circ1260/pdf/Circ1260.pdf} p.87
#'   for default parameterisation

vs2dh.ConfigureGenuchten <- function(
  ratioKzKh = 1, 
  satKh = 750, 
  ss = 0, 
  porosity = 0.39,
  alpha = 2.3,
  rmc = 0.05, 
  beta = 5.8
    ratioKzKh = ratioKzKh, 
    satKh = satKh, 
    ss = ss, 
    porosity = porosity,
    alpha = alpha,
    rmc = rmc, 
    beta = beta

#' Configure soil transport parameters  
#' @param alphaL  Longitudinal dispersivity, L. (Default: 1 m)
#' @param alphaT  Transverse dispersivity, L. (Default: 0.1 m)
#' @param cs  Heat capacity of dry solids (Cs), Q/L3 C. (Default: 2180000.0
#'   J/m3C)
#' @param ktRmc Thermal conductivity of water sediment at residual moisture
#'   content, Q/LTC. (default: 129600.0)
#' @param ktSat	Thermal conductivity of water sediments at full saturation,
#'   Q/LC. (Default: 155520.0)
#' @param cw	Heat capacity of water (Cw), which is the product of density times
#'   specific heat of water, Q/L3 C. (default: 4180000.0)
#' @return Soil transport parameters
#' @seealso \url{http://pubs.usgs.gov/circ/2003/circ1260/pdf/Circ1260.pdf} p.87
#'   for default parameterisation

vs2dh.ConfigureTrans <- function(
  alphaL = 1, 
  alphaT = 0.1, 
  cs = 2180000.0,
  ktRmc = 129600.0,
  ktSat = 155520.0,
  cw = 4180000.0
    alphaL = alphaL, 
    alphaT = alphaT, 
    cs = cs,
    ktRmc = ktRmc,
    ktSat = ktSat,
    cw = cw

#' Configure soil parameters  
#' @param hk  flow properties \code{vs2dh.ConfigureGenuchten()}
#' @param ht  transport properties \code{vs2dh.ConfigureTrans()}
#' @return (Genuchten) flow & transport parameters of soil 

vs2dh.ConfigureSoil <- function(
  hk = vs2dh.ConfigureGenuchten(),
  ht = vs2dh.ConfigureTrans()
  list(hk = hk, ht = ht)

#' Configure soil grid   
#' @param ntex number of different textual classes (default: 2)
#' @param grid grid matrix as retrieved by \code{vs2dh.ConfigureBasicGrid()}
#' @param irow Textural classes are read for each row (irow=0). This option is preferable if many 
### rows differ from the others. irow=1 (FUNCTIONALITY NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!!!):
### Textual classes are read in by blocks of rows, each block consisting of all the rows 
### in sequence consisting of uniform properties or uniform properties separated 
### by vertical interface. (default: 0)
#' @return Grid with soil indexes  

vs2dh.ConfigureSoilGrid <- function(
  ntex = 2, 
  grid = vs2dh.ConfigureBasicGrid(), 
  irow = 0 
  nodes <- grid$matrix$nly * grid$matrix$nxr
  itex <- 1:ntex
  values <- vector()
  for (i in itex) {
    values <- c(values, rep(itex[i], times = nodes/ntex))
  jtex <- matrix(
    data = values, 
    byrow = TRUE, 
    nrow = grid$matrix$nly, 
    ncol = grid$matrix$nxr
  ### Soil boundary (ITEX=0)
  jtex[c(1, nrow(jtex)), ] <- 0
  jtex[, c(1, ncol(jtex))] <- 0
  list(irow = irow, jtex = jtex)

#' Configure Soils
#' @param props Soil (flow & transport) properties as retrieved by
#'   \code{vs2dh.ConfigureSoil()} ordered by itex number, i.e. first list
#'   element = itex1, second = itex2
#' @param grid grid matrix as retrieved by \code{vs2dh.ConfigureSoilGrid}
#' @param wus Weighting option for intercell relative hydraulic conductivity: 1
#'   (for full upstream weighting), 0.5 (for arithmetic mean) and 0.0 (for
#'   geometric mean), (default: 0.5)
#' @return Configuration of soils for flow and energy transport (only hydraulic
#'   function type 1 vanGenuchten model is implemented!)

vs2dh.ConfigureSoils <- function(
  props = list(
    vs2dh.ConfigureSoil(hk = vs2dh.ConfigureGenuchten(ratioKzKh = 100))
  grid = vs2dh.ConfigureSoilGrid(ntex = length(props)),
  wus = 0.5
  if (! is.list(props[[1]]) || length(props[[1]]) != 2) {
      "Check data structure of 'props':\n",
      "Should be a list in the form of: ",
  } else {
    #### ITEX 0 applied to all boundary cells of grid (i.e. first/last row/column)
    soilBoundary <- vs2dh.ConfigureSoil(
      hk = vs2dh.ConfigureGenuchten(
        ratioKzKh = 1, 
        satKh = 0, 
        ss = 0, 
        porosity = 0, 
        alpha = 0, 
        rmc = 0, 
        beta = 0
      ht = vs2dh.ConfigureTrans(
        alphaL = 0, 
        alphaT = 0, 
        cs = 0, 
        ktRmc = 0, 
        ktSat = 0, 
        cw = 0
    ntex <- length(props) + 1 ### +1 because of additional zero boundary soil!
    itex <- 0:(ntex-1) ## starting from zero (0 = boundary soil!)
    props1 <- if (! is.null(ntex) && ntex > 0) {
      labeledList(inpLst = c(list(soilBoundary), props), labelTxt = "itex")
    } else {
    base <- list(
      itex = itex, 
      ntex = ntex, ### ntex: total number of different "itex" classes     
      grid = grid,
      wus = wus,
      hft = 1, ### hydraulic function type: van Genuchten
      ### nprop: Number of flow properties to be read in for each textural class. 
      ###6 when using Brooks and Corey, van Genuchten or Rossi-Nimmo functions 
      ###8 when using Haverkamp functions. 
      ###6 plus number of data points in table.  When using tabulated data 
      ### [For example, if the number of pressure heads in the table is equal 
      ### to N1, then setNPROP=3*(N1+1)+3]
      nprop = 6, ### set to 6 because only vanGenuchten model is implemented!
      nprop1 = 6
    list(base = base, props = props1)

### Initial conditions

#' Configure initial head/soil moisture distribution
#' @param values If NA values are supplied (default): initial conditions are
#'   defined in terms of pressure head, and an equilibrium profile is specified
#'   above a free-water surface at a depth of DWTX until a pressure head of HMIN
#'   is reached. All pressure heads above this are set to HMIN. If one value is
#'   supplied: all initial conditions in terms of pressure head (if
#'   asPressureHead=TRUE) or moisture(if asPressureHead=FALSE) are set equal to
#'   value of "hvalues".
#' @param dwtx  Depth to free-water surface above which an equilibrium profile
#'   is computed, L. All All pressure heads above DWTX this are set to HMIN.
#'   (default: 3.7291667)
#' @param hmin Minimum pressure head to limit height of equilibrium profile, L.
#'   Must be negative. (default: -3.98) matrix (with columns equal to NXR and
#'   rows equals to NLY) needs to be supplied
#' @param asPressureHeads If TRUE, initial flow conditions are pressure heads,
#'   else: moisture content (default: TRUE)
#' @return Initial flow conditions

vs2dh.ConfigureInitialFlow <- function(
  values = NA,
  dwtx = 3.7291667,
  hmin = -3.98,
  asPressureHeads = TRUE
  phrd <- (asPressureHeads || (length(dwtx) == 1 && length(hmin) == 1))
  hiu <- NA
  hifmt <- NA 
  hvalues <- NA 
  if (! is.matrix(values)) {
    if (is.na(values)) {
      hiread <- 2
      hfactor <- 1
      dwtx <- dwtx
      hmin <- hmin
    } else if (length(values) == 1) {
      hiread <- 0
      hfactor <- values
      dwtx <- NA
      hmin <- NA
  } else if  (is.matrix(values)) {
    hiread <- 1
    hfactor <- 1
    hiu <- 5
    hifmt <- "free"
    hvalues <- values
    dwtx <- NA
    hmin <- NA
  } else {
    stop("\nCheck parameter 'values'. It should be either:
1) NA (i.e.initial conditions are defined in terms of pressure head, and an equilibrium profile) 
2) a constant (i.e. constant initial head/saturation for whole model domain or 
3) a matrix with number of rows (equals to nxr) and columns (equals to nly)\n\n")
    phrd = phrd, ### TRUE, i.e. initial conditions are read in as pressure heads
    hiread = hiread, ### only B11-Iread=2 implemented, no other options allowed!
    hfactor = hfactor, ### constant value for B11-Iread=2
    hiu = hiu,
    hifmt = hifmt,
    hvalues = hvalues,
    dwtx = dwtx, 
    hmin = hmin

#' Configure initial temperature distribution:  
#' @param values either constant (for constant initial temperature for whole model
#' domain, or matrix with number of rows (equals to nxr) and columns (equals to nly), 
#' with user defined initial temperature distribution (default: 10 degree C, 
#' constant temperature)
#' @return Initial temperature distribution parameterisation

vs2dh.ConfigureInitialTemp <- function(
  values = 10
  #values=matrix(data=2,nrow = 34, ncol = 46)
  if (! is.matrix(values) && length(values) == 1) { 
    tiread  <- 0
    tfactor <- values
    tiu <- NA
    tifmt <- NA 
    tvalues <- NA
  } else if (is.matrix(values)) {
    tiread  <- 1
    tfactor <- 1 
    tiu <- 5 ### i.e. IU=5, i.e. from "vs2dh.dat"  
    tifmt <- "free" 
    tvalues <- values
  } else {
    stop("\nCheck parameter 'values'. It should be either:
1) a constant (i.e. constant initial temperature for whole model domain or 
2) a matrix with number of rows (equals to nxr) and columns (equals to nly)\n\n")
    tiread = tiread,
    tfactor = tfactor, 
    tiu = tiu,   
    tifmt = tifmt,
    tvalues = tvalues

#' Configure initial conditions
#' @param flow  initial flow conditions (i.e. pressure head or saturation
#'   distribution for model domains, as retrieved by
#'   vs2dh.ConfigureInitialFlow()
#' @param temp  initial temperature distribution as retrieved by
#'   vs2dh.ConfigureInitialTemp()
#' @return Initial model conditions

vs2dh.ConfigureInitial <- function(
  flow = vs2dh.ConfigureInitialFlow(),
  temp = vs2dh.ConfigureInitialTemp()
  list(flow = flow, temp = temp)

### Boundary conditions

#' Configure boundary conditions
#' @param jj vector with row numbers of nodes
#' @param nn vector with column numbers of nodes
#' @param ntx vector with node type identifier for boundary conditions. 
#'0 (for no specified boundary (needed for resetting some nodes after initial 
#'recharge period); 
#'1 (for specified pressure head); 
#'2 (for specified flux per unit horizontal surface area in units of L/T); 
#'3 (for possible seepage face);  
#'4 (for specified total head); 
#'5 (for evaporation, Note: is not implemented yet!); 
#'6 (for specified volumetric flow in units of L3/T). 
#'7 (for gravity drain). (The gravity drain boundary condition allows gravity driven vertical fow out of the domain assuming a unit vertical hydraulic gradient. Flow into the domain cannot occur.)"
#' @param pfdum	vector with specified head for NTX = 1 or 4 or specified flux for NTX = 2 or 
#' 6. If codes 0, 3, 5, or 7 are specified, the line should contain a dummy value
#' for PFDUM or should be terminated after NTX by a blank and a slash (/).
#' @param ntc  vector with node type identifier for transport boundary conditions. 
#' 0 (for no specified boundary); 
#' 1 (for specified temperatures)"
#' @param  cf	vector with specified temperature for NTC = 1 or NTX = 1, 2, 4, 6, or 7. 
#' Present only if TRANS = T.
#' @param  importData Optionally a data.frame with the colnames 
#' (jj,nn,ntx,pfdum,ntc,cf) can be used. In this case the input for the function
#' parameters (jj,nn,ntx,pfdum,ntc,cf) will be ignored! 
#' @param ibc Code for reading in boundary conditions: 0 (by individual node),
#' 1 (by row/column). (default: 0), Note: currently only option 0 is implemented 

#' @return Boundary conditions

vs2dh.ConfigureBoundaryCondition <- function(
  jj = 5,
  nn = 17:26, 
  ntx = 2,
  pfdum = 0.009778035, 
  ntc = 0,
  cf = 10.0,
  importData = NULL,
  ibc = 0
  boundary <- if (is.data.frame(importData)) {
  } else {
    data.frame(jj, nn, ntx, pfdum, ntc, cf)
  list(ibc = ibc, boundary = boundary)

### Configure recharge periods

#' Helper function: node pairs
#' @param j Row of each cell 
#' @param n Column of each cell 
#' @return data.frame with node pairs 

nodePairs <- function(j, n)
  nodes <- data.frame()
  n_n <- length(n)
  n_j <- length(j)
  nodes <- if (n_n == n_j) {
    data.frame(j=j, n=n)
  } else if (n_j == 1) {
    data.frame(j = rep(j, times = n_n), n = n)
  } else if (n_n==1) {
    data.frame(j = j, n = rep(n, times = n_j))
  } else {
    stop("j & n must either have the same length or one has length=1")

#' Configure seepage face
#' @param j Row and column of each cell on possible seepage face, in order from
#'   the lowest to the highest elevation; JJ pairs of values are required.
#' @param n Column of each cell on possible seepage face, in order from the
#'   lowest to the highest elevation; JJ pairs of values are required.
#' @param jlast Number of the node which initially represents the highest node
#'   of the seep; value can range from 0 (bottom of the face) up to JJ (top of
#'   the face). (default: 0)
#' @return Seepage face

vs2dh.ConfigureSeepageFace <- function(j = c(30:20), n = 2, jlast = 0)                                                                                         
  ###Number of nodes on the possible seepage face
  nodes <- nodePairs(j = j, n = n)

  list(nodes = nodes, jj = nrow(nodes), jlast = jlast)

#' Configure seepage
#' @param seepFaces list of seepage faces as retrieved by vs2dh.ConfigureSeepageFace()
#' @return Seepage config

vs2dh.ConfigureSeepage <- function(seepFaces = list(
  vs2dh.ConfigureSeepageFace(j = 30:20, n = 45)
  nfcs <- length(seepFaces)
  if (! is.null(nfcs) && nfcs > 0) {
    seepFaces <- labeledList(inpLst = seepFaces)
    list(seep = TRUE, nfcs = nfcs, seepFaces = seepFaces)
  } else {
    list(seep = FALSE)

#' Configure recharge period options
#' @param prnt If TRUE, = T if heads, temperature, moisture contents, and/or
#'   saturations are to be printed to file "vs2dt.out" after each time step; If
#'   FALSE they are to be written to file "vs2dt.out" only at observation times
#'   and ends of recharge periods. (default: FALSE)
#' @param rbcit NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!!!!!!! If TRUE evaporation is to be
#'   simulated for this recharge period;if FALSE no evaporation is simulated for
#'   this recharge period (default: FALSE)
#' @param retsim NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!!!!!!! If TRUE evapotanspiration
#'   (plant-root extraction) is to be simulated for this recharge period; if
#'   FALSE no evaporation is simulated for this recharge period (default:
#'   FALSE).
#' @param seepage If TRUE are to be simulated for this recharge period; seepage
#'   face not simulated for this recharge period. (default:
#'   vs2dh.ConfigureSeepage())
#' @return Recharge period

vs2dh.ConfigureRechargePeriodOptions <- function(
  prnt = FALSE,
  rbcit = FALSE,
  retsim = FALSE,
  seepage = vs2dh.ConfigureSeepage()                                                  
    prnt = prnt,
    rbcit = rbcit,
    retsim = retsim,
    seepage = seepage

#' Configure recharge period solver
#' @param delt Length of initial time step for this period, T. (default: 1.0E-4)
#' @param tmlt Multiplier for time step length. (default: 1.2)
#' @param dltmx Maximum allowed length of time step, T. (default: 1)
#' @param dltmin Minimum allowed length of time step, T. (default: 1.0E-4)
#' @param tred Factor by which time-step length is reduced if convergence is not
#'   obtained in ITMAX iterations. Values usually should be in the range 0.1 to
#'   0.5. If no reduction of time-step length is desired, input a value of 0.0.
#'   (default: 0.1)
#' @param dsmax Maximum allowed change in head per time step for this period, L.
#'   (default: 10)
#' @param sterr	Steady-state head criterion; when the maximum change in head
#'   between successive time steps is less than STERR, the program assumes that
#'   steady state has been reached for this period and advances to next recharge
#'   period, L. (default: 0)
#' @param pond Maximum allowed height of ponded water for constant flux nodes.
#'   See Lappala and other (1987) for detailed discussion of POND, L. (default:
#'   0)
#' @return Recharge period times

vs2dh.ConfigureRechargePeriodSolver <- function(
  delt = 1.0E-4,
  tmlt = 1.2,
  dltmx = 1,
  dltmin = 1.0E-4,
  tred = 0.1, 
  dsmax = 10, 
  sterr = 0,
  pond = 0
    delt = delt,
    tmlt = tmlt,
    dltmx = dltmx,
    dltmin = dltmin,
    tred = tred, 
    dsmax = dsmax, 
    sterr = sterr,
    pond = pond

#' Configure recharge period
#' @param tper Length of this recharge period, T. (default: 0.1)
#' @param options as retrieved by vs2dh.ConfigureRechargePeriodOptions()
#' @param solver as retrieved by vs2dh.ConfigureRechargePeriodSolver()
#' @param boundary as retrieved by vs2dh.ConfigureBoundaryCondition()
#' @return Recharge period

vs2dh.ConfigureRechargePeriod <- function 
  tper = 0.1,
  options = vs2dh.ConfigureRechargePeriodOptions(),
  solver = vs2dh.ConfigureRechargePeriodSolver(),
  boundary = vs2dh.ConfigureBoundaryCondition()
  c(list(tper = tper), options, solver, boundary) 

#' Configure recharge periods 
#' @param periods list with one or multiple recharge periods with structure as retrieved by 
#' vs2dh.ConfigureRechargePeriod()
#' @return List with parameterisation of recharge periods

vs2dh.ConfigureRechargePeriods <- function(periods = list(
  vs2dh.ConfigureRechargePeriod(tper = 10)
  ### nrech: Number of recharge periods. (NOTE: set NRECH to a negative number (-1 
  ### times actual number of recharge periods) to output binary values of head 
  ### and concentration at selected allows the simulation to be restarted at 
  ### observation times to file fort.12. Selecting this option allows the simulation 
  ### to be restarted at any observation time; however, it may require a large 
  ### amount of disk storage space.) -> neg. number not implemented here!
  nrech <- length(periods) 
  if (! is.null(nrech) && nrech > 0) {
    periods <- labeledList(inpLst = periods)
    list(nrech = nrech, periods = periods)
  } else {
    list(nrech = nrech)

#' Configure basic simulation options: energy transport, evaporation or 
#' evapotranspiration should be simulated? (FUNCTIONALITY NOT IMPLEMENTED YET! 
#' @param trans Should energy transport be simulated? (default: TRUE), Option
#' FALSE currently NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!!!!!!! 
#' @param bcit NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!!!!!!! If TRUE evaporation is to be simulated 
#' for this simulation;if FALSE no evaporation is simulated for this simulation
#' (default: FALSE)
#' @param etsim NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!!!!!!! If TRUE evapotanspiration (plant-root 
#' extraction) is to be simulated for this simulation; if FALSE no evaporation is simulated for 
#' this simulation (default: FALSE).
#' @return   Return basic simulation options 
vs2dh.ConfigureBasicOptions <- function(
  trans = TRUE, bcit = FALSE, etsim = FALSE
  list(trans = trans, bcit = bcit, etsim = etsim)

### Group different parts

#' Configure basic model parameters 
#' @param titl 80-character problem description (formatted read, 20A4)
#' @param units as retrieved by  vs2dh.ConfigureBasicUnits()
#' @param time as retrieved by  vs2dh.ConfigureBasicTime()
#' @param output as retrieved by vs2dh.ConfigureBasicTime()
#' @param solver retrieved by vs2dh.ConfigureBasicSolver()
#' @param grid retrieved by vs2dh.ConfigureBasicGrid()
#' @param options as simulation options as retrieved by
#'   vs2dh.ConfigureBasicOptions (default: TRUE)
#' @return Basic configuration

vs2dh.ConfigureBasic <- function(
  titl = "My title",
  units = vs2dh.ConfigureBasicUnits(),
  time = vs2dh.ConfigureBasicTime(),
  output = vs2dh.ConfigureBasicOutput(),
  solver = vs2dh.ConfigureBasicSolver(), 
  grid = vs2dh.ConfigureBasicGrid(),
  options = vs2dh.ConfigureBasicOptions()
  #### Set automatically
  output$times$numt <- solver$numt
    titl = titl,
    units = units,
    time = time,
    output = output,
    solver = solver,
    grid = grid,
    options = options

#' Configure complete vs2dh parameterisation
#' @param basic parameterisation (title, units, time, output, solver, grid,
#'   options), as retrieved by  vs2dh.ConfigureBasic(),
#' @param soils retrieved by vs2dh.ConfigureSoils()
#' @param initial initial conditions for flow (pressure head or moisture
#'   contents and transport (temperatures), as retrieved by
#'   vs2dh.ConfigureInitial()
#' @param recharge recharge periods as retrieved by
#'   vs2dh.ConfigureRechargePeriods()
#' @return Complete vs2dh parameterisation in R style

vs2dh.Configure <- function(
  basic = vs2dh.ConfigureBasic(),
  soils = vs2dh.ConfigureSoils(),
  initial = vs2dh.ConfigureInitial(),
  recharge = vs2dh.ConfigureRechargePeriods()
    basic = basic,
    soils = soils,
    initial = initial,
    recharge = recharge
KWB-R/kwb.vs2dh documentation built on Sept. 10, 2019, 12:20 p.m.