
#' Format characteristics and constraints
#' Get a list with characteristics and constraints which can be used in \code{lp} function from \code{lpSolve} package.
#' @section Characteristics specification:
#' \code{characteristics} should be specified as a data frame of characteristics. Each row indicates the characteristics of
#' one item. Each column indicates how all items score on a certain characteristic. Characteristics may be categorical or numeric. 
#' @section Constraint specification:
#' \code{constraints} should be specified as a list of constraints, each constraint is a list with three named values:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{name}}{The column name of the characteristic this constraint applies to. For categorical characteristics the level should be specified as \code{name/value},
#' where \code{name} is the column name of the characteristic and \code{value} is the specific level of the characteristic this constraint applies to.} 
#' \item{\code{op}}{The logical operator to be used. Valid options are \code{"<"}, \code{"="}, \code{">"} and \code{"><"}.}
#' \item{\code{target}}{The target value, numeric. For categorical characteristics, it indicates the number of items of the relevant characteristic that should be administered (\code{"="}), or
#' minimally (\code{">"}), maximally (\code{"<"}), or minimally and maximally (\code{"><"}; vector with two values required) administered. For numeric characteristics,
#' it indicates the minimum and/or maximum sum allowed over all administered items, e.g., maximum time allowed.}
#' }
#' @section Return object:
#' The constraints and characteristics in lp format will be stored within a list. Setting the constraints and characteristics
#' arguments to NULL results in a list with only the test length constraint.
#' Constraints in Shadow Tests are implemented through linear programming, for which the package lpSolve is used. 
#' The returned constraints object is a list with two named elements; lp_constraints and lp_chars. The lp_constraints 
#' and lp_chars are set up to work with lpSolve, and should not be manually edited.
#' @section Note about length:
#' Note that the maximum test length is always included as an additional constraint.
#' @examples
#' max_n <- 30
#' number_items <- 50
#' # set up some dummy characteristics.
#' content <- sample(c('algebra','physics','calculus'), number_items, TRUE)
#' time <- runif(number_items)
#' exclusive <- rep(0, number_items)
#' exclusive[sample(number_items, 4)] <- 1
#' # bind them in a data.fame
#' characteristics <- data.frame(content, time, exclusive)
#' # set up the constraints
#' constraints <- list(
#'   list(name = 'content/algebra',
#'        op = '><',
#'        target = c(5,10)),
#'   list(name = 'content/physics',
#'        op = '><',
#'        target = c(2,5)),
#'   list(name = 'time',
#'        op = '<',
#'        target = 20),
#'   list(name = 'exclusive',
#'        op = '<',
#'        target = 2))
#' # get list of characteristics and constraintrs in lp format
#' ShadowCAT:::constraints_lp_format(max_n = max_n, 
#'                                   number_items = number_items, 
#'                                   characteristics = characteristics, 
#'                                   constraints = constraints)
#' @param max_n Test length at which testing should stop.
#' @param number_items Number of items available in the item bank.
#' @param characteristics Data frame with characteristics, see \code{details}.
#' @param constraints List of constraints, see \code{details}.
#' @return List containing characteristics and constraints in lp format; 
#' the maximum test length is always included as an additional constraint; see \code{details}.
constraints_lp_format <- function(max_n, number_items, characteristics = NULL, constraints = NULL) {
  result <- function() {
    characteristics_numeric <- get_characteristics_numeric()
    constraints_lp <- get_constraints_lp()
    characteristics_numeric_lp <- characteristics_numeric[,constraints_lp$name, drop = FALSE]
    list(lp_constraints = constraints_lp, 
         lp_chars = characteristics_numeric_lp)
  get_characteristics_numeric <- function() {
    if (is.null(characteristics)) 
      return(data.frame(length = rep(1, number_items)))
    numeric_characteristics_list <- lapply(colnames(characteristics), 
                                           function(key) {   
                                             if (is.character(characteristics[[key]]) || is.factor(characteristics[[key]])) {
                                               dummy_matrix <- categorical_to_dummy(characteristics[[key]])
                                               colnames(dummy_matrix) <- paste(key, unique(characteristics[[key]]), sep = '/')
                                               matrix(characteristics[[key]], ncol = 1, dimnames = list(c(), key))

    numeric_characteristics <- unlist_numeric_characteristics(numeric_characteristics_list)
    cbind(data.frame(length = rep(1, number_items)),
  get_names_numeric_characteristics_list <- function(numeric_characteristics_list) {
    unlist(sapply(numeric_characteristics_list, function(key) { colnames(key) }))
  get_constraints_lp <- function() {
    if (is.null(constraints))
      return(data.frame(name = 'length', op = '=', target = max_n, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
    constraints_lp_format_list <- lapply(constraints, function(constraint) { 
                                                        if (constraint$op == "><")  
                                                          rbind(c(constraint$name, ">", constraint$target[1]), 
                                                                c(constraint$name, "<", constraint$target[2]))
                                                          c(constraint$name, constraint$op, constraint$target)

    constraints_lp_format <- unlist_and_name_constraints_lp_format(constraints_lp_format_list)    

    as.data.frame(rbind(data.frame(name = 'length', op = '=', target = max_n, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
  unlist_numeric_characteristics <- function(numeric_characteristics_list) {
    if (is.list(numeric_characteristics_list))
      do.call(cbind, numeric_characteristics_list)
  unlist_and_name_constraints_lp_format <- function(constraints_lp_format_list) {
    if (is.list(constraints_lp_format_list))
      constraints_lp_format <- do.call(rbind, constraints_lp_format_list) 
      constraints_lp_format <- constraints_lp_format_list
    colnames(constraints_lp_format) <- c("name", "op", "target")
  validate <- function() {
    if (!no_missing_information(characteristics, constraints))
      add_error("constraints_and_characteristics", "should either be defined both or not at all")
    if (!characteristics_correct_format(characteristics, number_items))
      add_error("characteristics", "should be a data frame with number of rows equal to the number of items in the item bank")
    if (!constraints_correct_structure(constraints))
      add_error("constraints_structure", "should be a list of length three lists, with elements named 'name', 'op', 'target'")
    if (!constraints_correct_names(constraints, characteristics))
      add_error("constraints_name_elements", "should be defined as described in the details section")
    if (!constraints_correct_operators(constraints))
      add_error("constraints_operator_elements", "should be defined as described in the details section")
    if (!constraints_correct_targets(constraints))
      add_error("constraints_target_elements", "should be defined as described in the details section")
  invalid_result <- function() {
    list(characteristics = NA,
         constraints = NA,
         lp_chars = NA,
         errors = errors())
Karel-Kroeze/ShadowCAT documentation built on May 7, 2019, 12:28 p.m.