
Defines functions GOF geometric_model Poisson_model

Documented in geometric_model GOF Poisson_model

#' Goodness-of-fit statistic
#' Given the observed and expected counts in different bins, this function returns the goodness-of-fit statistic
#' @param O_c Observed counts in the bins;
#' @param E_c Expected counts in the bins;
#' @param bin.tol If the expected count in one bin is less than bin.tol, we merge this and the next bin together. We continue this process until the counts in every bin is larger than bin.tol.
#' @return a list containing the Goodness-of-fit statistic (GOF) and degree of freedom (df).
#' @export
GOF <- function(O_c, E_c, param, bin.tol = 0) {
  ## bin the counts that are less than five
  ## start with the first cell. bin the cells one by one
  if (bin.tol > 0) {
    for (i in 1:(length(E_c) - 1)) {
      while(length(E_c) > i & E_c[i] < bin.tol) {
        E_c[i] <- E_c[i] + E_c[i+1]
        E_c <- E_c[-(i+1)]
        O_c[i] <- O_c[i] + O_c[i+1]
        O_c <- O_c[-(i+1)]

    ## if the last cell contains less than 5, bin the last two together
    if (E_c[length(E_c)] < bin.tol) {
      E_c[length(E_c) - 1] <- E_c[length(E_c) - 1] + E_c[length(E_c)]
      E_c <- E_c[-length(E_c)]
      O_c[length(O_c) - 1] <- O_c[length(O_c) - 1] + O_c[length(O_c)]
      O_c <- O_c[-length(O_c)]
  ## calculate the goodness-of-fit statistic
  WW <- sum((O_c - E_c)^2/E_c)

  ## degree of freedom of the GOF of the poisson model
  vv <- length(E_c) - param - 1

  return(list(GOF = WW, df = vv))

#' Geometric model for estimating species richness
#' This function implements the species richness estimation with single-exponential mixed Poisson distribution (or geometric distribution)
#' @param input_data An input type that can be processed by convert()
#' @param cutoff Maximal frequency count of the data used to estimating the species richness. Default 10.
#' @return An object of class \code{alpha_estimate}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(breakaway)
#' data(apples)
#' geometric_model(apples, cutoff = 20)

geometric_model <- function(input_data, cutoff = 10) {
  input_data <- convert(input_data)
  included <- input_data[input_data$index <= cutoff,]
  excluded <- input_data[input_data$index > cutoff,]
  if (nrow(included) == 0) {
    included <- input_data
    excluded <- list(index = Inf, frequency = 0)

  ii <- included$index
  ff <- included$frequency

  c_tau <- sum(ff)
  c_excluded <- sum(excluded$frequency)

  n_tau <- as.numeric(crossprod(ii, ff))

  ## parameter in the geometric model
  theta_hat <- n_tau/c_tau - 1

  ## estimated richness
  C_hat_truncated <- (n_tau * c_tau) / (n_tau - c_tau)

  C_hat <- C_hat_truncated + c_excluded

  ## estimated standard error
  se_hat <- C_hat_truncated / sqrt(n_tau - c_tau)

  ## TODO: asymetric confidence interval
  f0 <- C_hat_truncated - c_tau
  d <- ifelse(f0 == 0, 1, exp(1.96 * sqrt(log(1 + se_hat^2/f0^2))))
  C_confint <- c(c_tau + c_excluded + f0/d, c_tau + c_excluded + f0*d)

  O_c <- c(included$frequency, 0)
  E_c <- c(C_hat_truncated * dgeom(included$index, prob = 1/(1 + theta_hat)),
           C_hat_truncated * pgeom(max(included$index), prob = 1/(1 + theta_hat), lower.tail = F))

  GOF0.geom <- GOF(O_c = O_c, E_c = E_c, param = 1, bin.tol = 0)
  GOF5.geom <- GOF(O_c = O_c, E_c = E_c, param = 1, bin.tol = 5)

  ## AICc
  AICc <- 2 * c_tau / (c_tau - 2) - 2 * sum(log(1:c_tau)) +
    2 * sum(sapply(1:length(ff), function(i) {
    })) - 2 * sum(ff * (-log(theta_hat) + ii * log(theta_hat/(1+theta_hat))))

  alpha_estimate(estimate = C_hat,
                 error = se_hat,
                 estimand = "richness",
                 name = "Geometric Model",
                 type = "parametric",
                 model = "Geometric",
                 frequentist = TRUE,
                 parametric = TRUE,
                 reasonable = FALSE,
                 interval = C_confint,
                 interval_type = "Approximate: log-normal",
                 GOF0 = signif(pchisq(GOF0.geom$GOF, GOF0.geom$df, lower.tail = F), 4),
                 GOF5 = signif(pchisq(GOF5.geom$GOF, GOF5.geom$df, lower.tail = F), 4),
                 AICc = AICc,
                 other = list(theta_hat = theta_hat,
                              cutoff = cutoff))


#' Poisson model for estimating species richness
#' This function implements the species richness estimation with a Poisson distribution
#' @param input_data An input type that can be processed by convert()
#' @param cutoff Maximal frequency count of the data used to estimating the species richness. Default 10.
#' @return An object of class \code{alpha_estimate}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(breakaway)
#' data(apples)
#' Poisson_model(apples, cutoff = 20)

Poisson_model <- function(input_data, cutoff = 10) {
  input_data <- breakaway::convert(input_data)

  ## truncate the data by the cutoff
  included <- input_data[input_data$index <= cutoff,]
  excluded <- input_data[input_data$index > cutoff,]

  ## estimate the parameters
  if (nrow(included) == 0) {
    included <- input_data
    excluded <- list(index = Inf, frequency = 0)

  ii <- included$index
  ff <- included$frequency

  c_tau <- sum(ff)
  c_excluded <- sum(excluded$frequency)

  ## total number of individuals in the truncated data
  nn <- sum(ii * ff)

  poisson_fn <- function(lambda) {
    (1 - exp(-lambda))/lambda - c_tau/nn

  lambda_hat <- uniroot(poisson_fn, c(1e-04, 1e+06))$root

  ## estimated number of classes after truncation
  c_hat_truncated <- c_tau/(1 - exp(-lambda_hat))
  C_hat <- c_hat_truncated + c_excluded

  ## estimated standard error
  cc_se <- sqrt(c_hat_truncated / (exp(lambda_hat) - 1 - lambda_hat))

  ## confidence interval
  f0 <- c_hat_truncated - c_tau
  dd <- ifelse(f0 == 0, 1, exp(1.96 * sqrt(log(1 + cc_se^2/f0))))
  C_confint <- c(c_tau + c_excluded + f0/dd, c_tau + c_excluded + f0 * dd)

  ## get expected counts
  E_c <- c(c_hat_truncated * dpois(included$index, lambda = lambda_hat),
           c_hat_truncated * ppois(max(included$index), lambda = lambda_hat, lower.tail = F))
  O_c <- c(included$frequency, 0)

  ## bin the counts that are less than five
  ## start with the first cell. bin the cells one by one
  GOF0.poisson <- GOF(O_c = O_c, E_c = E_c, param = 1, bin.tol = 0)
  GOF5.poisson <- GOF(O_c = O_c, E_c = E_c, param = 1, bin.tol = 5)

  ## AICc

  AICc <- 2 * c_tau / (c_tau - 2) - 2 * sum(log(1:c_tau)) +
    2 * sum(sapply(1:length(ff), function(i) {
    })) -
    2 * sum(sapply(1:length(ff), function(i) {
      ff[i] * (ii[i] * log(lambda_hat) - lambda_hat - sum(log(1:ii[i])) -
                 log(1 - exp(-lambda_hat)))

  ## Return the alpha estimate
  alpha_estimate(estimate = C_hat,
                 error = cc_se,
                 estimand = "richness",
                 name = "Poisson Model",
                 type = "parametric",
                 model = "Poisson",
                 frequentist = TRUE,
                 parametric = TRUE,
                 reasonable = FALSE,
                 GOF0 = signif(pchisq(GOF0.poisson$GOF, GOF0.poisson$df, lower.tail = F), 4),
                 GOF5 = signif(pchisq(GOF5.poisson$GOF, GOF5.poisson$df, lower.tail = F), 4),
                 AICc = AICc,
                 interval = C_confint,
                 interval_type = "Approximate: log-normal",
                 other = list(lambda_hat = lambda_hat,
                              cutoff = cutoff))
KenLi93/CatchAll documentation built on May 7, 2019, 3:59 a.m.