#' Check Inputs
#' @description
#' Function to check that the inputs given to the function \code{opt_des} are correct. If not, throws the
#' correspondent error message.
#' @inheritParams opt_des
check_inputs <- function(criterion, model, parameters, par_values, design_space,
weight_fun) {
error_msg <- ""
# Check for valid criterion
if (!criterion %in% c("D-Optimality", "Ds-Optimality", "A-Optimality", "I-Optimality", "L-Optimality")) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " Choose a valid criterion: D-Optimality, Ds-Optimality, A-Optimality, I-Optimality or L-Optimality")
# Check that the model is a formula
if (!rlang::is_formula(model)) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " The model must be a formula")
# Check that parameters is a character vector
if (!is.character(parameters) || !is.atomic(parameters) || !is.vector(parameters)) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " parameters must be a character vector")
# check that all the parameters are in the formula
if (!all(purrr::map_lgl(parameters, function(x) grepl(x, paste(format(model),collapse=""))))) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " The model must contain all the parameters")
# Check that x is in the formula
if (!grepl("x", paste(format(model),collapse=""))) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " The model must use x as the variable")
# Check that par_values is a numeric vector
if (!is.numeric(par_values) || !is.atomic(par_values) || !is.vector(par_values)) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " par_values must be a numeric vector")
# Check that there's a nominal value for each parameter
if (length(parameters) != length(par_values)) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " parameters must be of the same length as par_values")
# Check that design space is a length 2 numeric vector
if (!is.numeric(design_space) || !is.atomic(design_space) || !is.vector(design_space) || length(design_space) != 2) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " design_space must be numeric vector of length 2")
# Check that init_design is a dataframe
if (!is.data.frame(init_design)) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " init_design must be a dataframe")
# Check the names of init_design
if (!identical(names(init_design), c("Point", "Weight"))) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " init_design must have two columns: Point and Weight")
# Check that join_thresh is numeric
if (!is.numeric(join_thresh)) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " join_thresh must be numeric")
# Check that delete_thresh is numeric and between 0 and 1
if (!is.numeric(delete_thresh)) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " delete_thresh must be numeric")
if (delete_thresh >= 1 || delete_thresh <= 0) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " delete_thresh must be in (0, 1)")
# Check that delta is numeric and between 0 and 1
if (!is.numeric(delta)) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " delta must be numeric")
if (delta >= 1 || delta <= 0) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " delta must be in (0, 1)")
# Check that tol is numeric and greater than 0
if (!is.numeric(tol)) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " tol must be numeric")
if (tol <= 0) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " tol must be in greater than 0")
# Check that tol2 is numeric and greater than 0
if (!is.numeric(tol2)) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " tol2 must be numeric")
if (tol2 <= 0) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " tol2 must be in greater than 0")
# If Ds-Opt check par int
if (criterion == "Ds-Optimality") {
# Check that par_int is a numeric vector
if (!is.numeric(par_int) || !is.atomic(par_int) || !is.vector(par_int)) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " par_int must be numeric vector")
# Check that all are indexes
if (!is.null(par_int)) {
if (any(par_int %% 1 != 0)) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " par_int must contain only integers")
if (any(par_int > length(parameters))) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " par_int index out of bonds")
if (length(par_int) >= length(parameters)) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " par_int has length equal or greater than the number of parameters. Consider using D-Optimality")
# If I-Optimality check reg_int
if (criterion == "I-Optimality") {
# Check that matB or reg_int are provided
if (is.null(reg_int)) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " reg_int must be provided for I-Optimality")
# Check that reg_int is a numeric vector of length 2
if (!is.null(reg_int) && (!is.numeric(reg_int) || !is.atomic(reg_int) || !is.vector(reg_int) || length(reg_int) != 2)) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " reg_int must be numeric vector of length 2")
# If L-Optimality check matB
if (criterion == "L-Optimality") {
# Check that matB is provided
if (is.null(matB)) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " matB must be provided for L-Optimality")
# Check that matB is a matrix with the correct length
if (!is.null(matB) && (!is.matrix(matB) || nrow(matB) != length(parameters) || ncol(matB) != length(parameters))) {
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " matB must be a square matrix with as many rows as parameters")
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " weight_fun must be a function")
# If there are errors, send them to the user
if (!identical(error_msg, "")) {
stop(error_msg, call. = FALSE)
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