form.eq12 <- function(formula.eq1, data, v1, margins, m1d, m2d, copSS = FALSE, inde = NULL){
y1m <- f.eq1 <- NULL
formula.eq1r <- formula.eq1
y1 <- y1.test <- data[, v1[1]]
if(copSS == TRUE) y1 <- y1.test <- y1[inde]
if( v1[1] != as.character(formula.eq1r[2]) ) y1.test <- try(data[, as.character(formula.eq1r[2])], silent = TRUE)
if(class(y1.test) == "try-error") stop("Please check the syntax of the equations' responses.")
if(margins %in% c(m1d,m2d) && min(y1.test, na.rm = TRUE) < 0) stop("The response of one or both margins must be positive.")
if(margins %in% c(m1d,m2d)){
is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) abs(x - round(x)) < tol
if(sum(as.numeric(is.wholenumber(y1.test))) != length(y1.test)) stop("The response of one or both margins must be discrete.")
if(margins %in% c("ZTP") && min(y1.test, na.rm = TRUE) < 1) stop("The response of one or both margins must be greater than 0.")
if(margins %in% c("probit","logit","cloglog","LN","WEI","GO","iG","GA","GAi","DAGUM","SM","FISK") && min(y1.test, na.rm = TRUE) <= 0) stop("The response of one or both margins must be positive.")
if(margins %in% c("TW") && min(y1.test, na.rm = TRUE) < 0) stop("The response of one or both margins must be >= 0.")
if(margins %in% c("BE") && (min(y1.test, na.rm = TRUE) <= 0 || max(y1.test, na.rm = TRUE) >= 1) ) stop("The response of one or both margins must be in the interval (0,1).")
if( margins == "GEVlink" && length(table(y1.test))!=2 ) stop("The response must be binary.")
# matrix useful for fitting
if(margins %in% c("NBIa","NBIIa","NBI","PO","ZTP","DGP","DGPII")){ # no PIG, NBII as these are numerical # a - all analytical
# default for NBII all numerical (no need for y2m)
# default for NBI half num half analyt (need y2m)
ly1 <- length(y1)
y1m <- list()
my1 <- max(y1)
if(margins != "ZTP") for(i in 1:ly1){ y1m[[i]] <- seq(0, y1[i]); length(y1m[[i]]) <- my1+1}
if(margins == "ZTP") for(i in 1:ly1){ y1m[[i]] <- seq(1, y1[i]); length(y1m[[i]]) <- my1}
y1m <-, y1m)
if(max(y1) > 170 && margins %in% c("PO","ZTP") ) y1m <- mpfr( y1m, pmax(53, getPrec(y1)))
if( margins %in% c("N","LO","GU","rGU","GAi","TW") ) formula.eq1 <- update(formula.eq1, (. + mean(.))/2 ~ . )
if( margins %in% c(m1d, m2d) && margins != "GEVlink" && margins != "DGP") formula.eq1 <- update(formula.eq1, log((. + mean(.))/2) ~ . )
if( margins %in% c("LN") ) formula.eq1 <- update(formula.eq1, (log(.) + mean(log(.)))/2 ~ . )
#if( margins %in% c("GO","GA2") ) formula.eq1 <- update(formula.eq1, -(log(.) + mean(log(.)))/2 ~ . )
if( margins %in% c("iG","GA","GGA","DAGUM","SM","FISK") ) formula.eq1 <- update(formula.eq1, log((. + mean(.))/2) ~ . )
if( margins %in% c("WEI") ) formula.eq1 <- update(formula.eq1, log( exp(log(.) + 0.5772/(1.283/sqrt(var(log(.))))) ) ~ . )
if( margins %in% c("BE") ) formula.eq1 <- update(formula.eq1, qlogis((. + mean(.))/2) ~ . )
# changed 19/3/2019
if( margins %in% c("GP","GPII","GPo","DGP","DGPII") ) formula.eq1 <- update(formula.eq1, estobXiGP ~ . )
f.eq1LI <- temp.respV ~ urcfcphmwicu # specific to surv model with L and I
if( margins %in% c("probit") ) { f.eq1 <- update(formula.eq1r, . ~ urcfcphmwicu); formula.eq1 <- update(formula.eq1, -qnorm(Sh) ~ . ) }
if( margins %in% c("logit") ) { f.eq1 <- update(formula.eq1r, . ~ urcfcphmwicu); formula.eq1 <- update(formula.eq1, -qlogis(Sh) ~ . ) }
if( margins %in% c("cloglog") ) { f.eq1 <- update(formula.eq1r, . ~ urcfcphmwicu); formula.eq1 <- update(formula.eq1, log(-log(Sh)) ~ . ) }
list(f.eq1LI = f.eq1LI, formula.eq1 = formula.eq1, formula.eq1r = formula.eq1r, y1 = y1, y1.test = y1.test, y1m = y1m, f.eq1 = f.eq1)
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