
Defines functions ggm.Deriv

Documented in ggm.Deriv

ggm.Deriv <- function(params, s, n, idx, lambda, pen, VC, w.alasso, gamma, a){

params[idx] <- esp.tr(params[idx], "N")$vrb # this does the exp of params[idx]
                                            # and avoids the 0 problem

p     <- ncol(s)
p1    <- length(params)
omega <- matrix(0, p, p)

omega[lower.tri(omega, diag = TRUE)] <- params
omega <- t(omega) + omega - diag(diag(omega))

#### check PD ####

res.omega <- PDef(omega)

omega <- res.omega$res
sigma <- res.omega$res.inv

countPD <- VC$my.env$countPD

if(res.omega$check.eigen == TRUE){ params <- omega[lower.tri(omega, diag = TRUE)]; countPD <- countPD + 1; VC$my.env$countPD <- countPD}


sc.f <- n*0.5

ll <- ( determinant(omega)$modulus[1]-sum(omega*s) )*sc.f

if(VC$NLM == FALSE){

if(VC$method == "H"){

a.gr           <- sigma - s
a.gr           <- ( a.gr + t(a.gr) - diag(diag(a.gr)) )*sc.f
a.gr           <- a.gr[lower.tri(a.gr, diag = TRUE)]
a.gr.star      <- a.gr
a.gr.star[idx] <- a.gr[idx]*params[idx] 

#a.kr  <- -kronecker(sigma, sigma)
#a.dup <- duplication.matrix(p) 
#a.h   <- t(a.dup)%*%a.kr%*%a.dup
#a.h   <- matrix(a.h, p1, p1)*sc.f
#a.h <- a.h*sc.f

  ro <- row(sigma)[lower.tri(sigma, diag = TRUE)]
  co <- col(sigma)[lower.tri(sigma, diag = TRUE)]
  HM <- sigma[ro, ro]*sigma[co, co] + sigma[ro, co]*sigma[co, ro]
  HM[ro == co, ] <- HM[ro == co, ]/2
  HM[,ro==co]    <- HM[, ro == co]/2
  name <- paste(co, "-", ro, sep = "")
  dimnames(HM) <- list(name, name)
  a.h <- -n*HM


# new a.h allowing for omega*

a.h2            <- a.h
a.h2[idx,]      <- a.h[idx,]*params[idx]
a.h2[-idx, idx] <- t(a.h2[idx, -idx])
a.h2[idx,idx]   <- t(t(a.h2[idx,idx])*params[idx])


a.hdiag         <- diag(a.h)[idx]
a.gr.sigma      <- a.gr[idx]
dsig.dsigstar.2 <- params[idx]^2
d2sig.d2sigstar <- params[idx]

a.hdiag <- a.hdiag*dsig.dsigstar.2 + a.gr.sigma*d2sig.d2sigstar 
diag(a.h2)[idx] <- a.hdiag
a.h <- a.h2


if(VC$method == "BHHH"){

dat <- VC$dat
sk <- vector(mode = "list")
for (i in 1:n) sk[[i]] <- dat[i, ] %*% t(dat[i, ])
        a.gr.k <- lapply(sk, function(x, sigma) ((sigma - x) + t(sigma - x) - diag(diag(sigma - x)))/2, sigma = sigma)
        a.gr <- matrix(0, n, p1)
        for (i in 1:length(a.gr.k)) {
            aa <- a.gr.k[[i]]
            aa <- aa[lower.tri(aa, diag = TRUE)]
            aa[VC$idx] <- aa[VC$idx] * params[VC$idx]
            a.gr[i, ] <- aa
        a.gr.star <- colSums(a.gr)
        a.h <- -crossprod(a.gr)



res <- -ll
G   <- -a.gr.star
H   <- -a.h

# since we will be minimising

# penalty setup
S <- sc.f*Dpens(params, type = pen, lambda, w.alasso, gamma, a)
diag(S)[idx] <- 0
S1 <- 0.5*crossprod(params, S)%*%params 
S2 <- S%*%params          
#diag.el <- rep(1, p1)
#diag.el[idx] <- 0  # since we do not want to penalise the variances/precisions
#S  <- lambda*diag(diag.el) 
#S1 <- n/2*crossprod(params, S)%*%params 
#S2 <- n*S%*%params                    
#if(pen == "ridge"){
#diag.el <- rep(1, p1)
#diag.el[idx] <- 0  # since we do not want to penalise the variances/precisions
#S  <- lambda*diag(diag.el) 
#S1 <- 0.5*crossprod(params, S)%*%params # this is to fix as well with sc.f
#S2 <- S%*%params   
#if(pen %in% c("lasso", "alasso", "scad")){
#S <- n*Dpens(params, lambda = lambda )
#diag(S)[idx] <- 0
#S1 <- n/2*crossprod(params, S)%*%params 
#S2 <- n*S%*%params   
#pen0 <- pL$pen0
#pen1 <- pL$pen1
#pen2 <- pL$pen2
#pen0[idx] <- pen1[idx] <- pen2[idx] <- 0
#S1 <- sc.f*lambda*sum(pen0)
#S2 <- sc.f*lambda*pen1
#S  <- sc.f*lambda*diag(pen2) # 0.5 removed...

# final quantities to use in optimisation

Sres <- res
res  <- Sres + S1
G    <- G + S2
H    <- H + S

Li <- list(value = res, gradient = G, hessian = H, S = S, l = Sres, p = p, countPD = countPD)


if(VC$NLM == TRUE){

a.gr           <- sigma - s
a.gr           <- ( a.gr + t(a.gr) - diag(diag(a.gr)) )*sc.f
a.gr           <- a.gr[lower.tri(a.gr, diag = TRUE)]
a.gr.star      <- a.gr
a.gr.star[idx] <- a.gr[idx]*params[idx] 


res <- -ll
G   <- -a.gr.star

S <- sc.f*Dpens(params, type = pen, lambda, w.alasso, gamma, a)
diag(S)[idx] <- 0
S1 <- 0.5*crossprod(params, S)%*%params 
S2 <- S%*%params      

# final quantities to use in optimisation

Sres <- res
res  <- Sres + S1
G    <- G + S2

attr(res, "gradient") <- G


if(VC$NLM == FALSE) Li else res 

KironmoyDas/KD-STAT0035-GMupdate documentation built on Feb. 15, 2021, 12:17 a.m.