
Defines functions postVb

Documented in postVb

postVb <- function(SemiParFit, VC){

tolH <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) 

Vb.t    <- coef.t <- NULL

He <- HeSh <- SemiParFit$fit$hessian
    # one could use PDef but this has worked fine so far  
    # also tolH has worked ok so far
    He.eig <- eigen(He, symmetric = TRUE)
    if(min(He.eig$values) < tolH && sign( min( sign(He.eig$values) ) ) == -1) He.eig$values <- abs(He.eig$values)  
    if(min(He.eig$values) < tolH ) { pep <- which(He.eig$values < tolH); He.eig$values[pep] <- tolH }
    Vb <- He.eig$vectors%*%tcrossprod(diag(1/He.eig$values, nrow = length(He.eig$values), ncol =  length(He.eig$values)),He.eig$vectors)   
    Vb <- Vb1 <- (Vb + t(Vb) ) / 2 
if( (VC$l.sp1!=0 || VC$l.sp2!=0 || VC$l.sp3!=0 || VC$l.sp4!=0 || VC$l.sp5!=0 || VC$l.sp6!=0 || VC$l.sp7!=0 || VC$l.sp8!=0) && VC$fp==FALSE){

    HeSh <- He - SemiParFit$fit$S.h
    if(VC$surv.flex == TRUE){

    est.c <- SemiParFit$fit$argument
    cm <- rep(1, length(est.c))

    if(VC$informative == "no"){
        if(!is.null(VC$mono.sm.pos)) mono.sm.pos <- VC$mono.sm.pos else mono.sm.pos <- c(VC$mono.sm.pos1, VC$mono.sm.pos2 + VC$X1.d2)  
    if(VC$informative == "yes") mono.sm.pos <- which(names(est.c) %in% names(est.c[VC$mono.sm.pos])) 
    cm[mono.sm.pos] <- exp( est.c[mono.sm.pos] )    
    Vb.t <- t(cm*t(cm*Vb))  
    coef.t <- SemiParFit$fit$argument
    coef.t[mono.sm.pos] <- exp( coef.t[mono.sm.pos] )      
    #invHeSh <- solve(HeSh)
    #invHeSh.t <- t(cm*t(cm*invHeSh))
    #HeSh.t <- solve(invHeSh.t)
    #F.t <- Vb.t%*%HeSh.t 
    #Ve.t <- F.t%*%Vb.t 
    # based on test above, edfs should be the same and 
    # those from magic should be just a bit better maybe
    # 2*diag(F.t) - rowSums(t(F.t)*F.t) gives same res using F and magic
    # should do Ve as well however we only use it
    # for random effects, which are never affected by monotonic smoothing  
    # Ve.t <- t(cm*t(cm*Ve))  
if(SemiParFit$sp.method == "perf"){ 
    F  <- diag(SemiParFit$magpp$edf )             # Vb%*%HeSh 
    F1 <- diag(SemiParFit$magpp$edf1)             # needed for testing
    R  <- SemiParFit$bs.mgfit$R                   # needed for testing especially for RE smoothers, it should not be affected by mono smooth
    Ve <- Vb%*%HeSh%*%Vb                          # diag(SemiParFit$magpp$Ve) and diag(SemiParFit$magpp$Vb) but need to be careful with dispersion parameters
    Ve <- (Ve + t(Ve) ) / 2
if(SemiParFit$sp.method == "efs"){ 

    lbb <- Sl.initial.repara(SemiParFit$Sl, HeSh, inverse = FALSE) 
    p <- ncol(lbb)
    ipiv <- piv <- attr(SemiParFit$L, "pivot")
    ipiv[piv] <- 1:p
    lbb <- SemiParFit$D * t(SemiParFit$D * lbb) 

        R <- suppressWarnings(chol(lbb, pivot = TRUE))
        if (attr(R, "rank") < ncol(R)) {
            retry <- TRUE
            tol <- 0
            eh <- eigen(lbb, symmetric = TRUE)
            mev <- max(eh$values)
            dtol <- 1e-07
            while (retry) {
                eh$values[eh$values < tol * mev] <- tol * mev
                R <- sqrt(eh$values) * t(eh$vectors)
                lbb <- crossprod(R)
                Hp <- lbb + SemiParFit$D * t(SemiParFit$D * SemiParFit$St) # verify St, ok
                SemiParFit$L <- suppressWarnings(chol(Hp, pivot = TRUE))
                if (attr(SemiParFit$L, "rank") == ncol(Hp)) {
                  R <- t(t(R)/SemiParFit$D)
                  retry <- FALSE
                else {
                  tol <- tol + dtol
                  dtol <- dtol * 10
        else {
            ipiv <- piv <- attr(R, "pivot")
            ipiv[piv] <- 1:p
            R <- t(t(R[, ipiv])/SemiParFit$D)
    R <- Sl.repara(SemiParFit$rp, R, inverse = TRUE, both.sides = FALSE)
    R <- Sl.initial.repara(SemiParFit$Sl, R, inverse = TRUE, both.sides = FALSE, cov = FALSE)

    F  <- Vb%*%HeSh                                 
    F1 <- diag(2*diag(F) - rowSums( t(F)*F ))
    Ve <- F%*%Vb                                  
    Ve <- (Ve + t(Ve) ) / 2

Ve   <- Vb

F <- F1 <- diag(rep(1,dim(Vb)[1]))
R <- SemiParFit$bs.mgfit$R


    if(VC$robust == TRUE){
    SemiParFitT <- SemiParFit 
    SemiParFitT$VC <- VC
    SemiParFitT$coefficients <- SemiParFitT$fit$argument 
    SemiParFitT$Vb1          <- Vb1 
    resq <- rIC(SemiParFitT)
    Q <- resq$hbs
    F <- resq$F
    F1 <- diag( 2*diag(F) - rowSums( t(F)*F ) ) # this may need to be checked  
    #Vb <- Vb%*%Q%*%Vb         # this is just freq and not Bayesian but it is ok for now. So Vb and Ve are the same 
    #Vb <- (Vb + t(Vb) ) / 2
    #Ve <- Vb
    # Vb same as standard case
    Ve <- Vb%*%Q%*%Vb         
    Ve <- (Ve + t(Ve) ) / 2
    # R maybe needs some work although it may just be fine
    if( !is.null(VC$sp.fixed) ){
    F  <- Vb%*%HeSh   
    F1 <- diag( 2*diag(F) - rowSums( t(F)*F ) ) 
    R  <- SemiParFit$bs.mgfit$R                   # this is not correct
    Ve <- Vb%*%HeSh%*%Vb                          
    Ve <- (Ve + t(Ve) ) / 2

t.edf <- sum(diag(F))

# need this for poisson intercept only gamlss case
Vb11 <- F11 <- SemiParFit$fit$hessian
d1 <- dim(Vb11)[1]
d2 <- dim(Vb11)[2]
Vb11[1:d1, 1:d2] <- Vb[1:d1, 1:d2] 
 F11[1:d1, 1:d2] <-  F[1:d1, 1:d2] 
Vb <- Vb11
F <- F11

dimnames(SemiParFit$fit$hessian)[[1]] <- dimnames(SemiParFit$fit$hessian)[[2]] <- dimnames(Vb)[[1]] <- dimnames(Vb)[[2]] <- dimnames(HeSh)[[1]] <- dimnames(HeSh)[[2]] <- dimnames(F)[[1]] <- dimnames(F)[[2]] <- dimnames(He)[[1]] <- dimnames(He)[[2]] <- names(SemiParFit$fit$argument)   

list(Vb1 = Vb1, He = He, Vb = Vb, Vb.t = Vb.t, HeSh = HeSh, F = F, F1 = F1, R = R, Ve = Ve, t.edf = t.edf, SemiParFit = SemiParFit, coef.t = coef.t)

KironmoyDas/KD-STAT0035-GMupdate documentation built on Feb. 15, 2021, 12:17 a.m.