dec2Bin <- function(x) {
res <- NULL
i <- 1L
while (x > 0) {
if (x %% 2L)
res <- c(res, i)
x <- x %/% 2L
i <- i + 1L
#' @rdname dfactorial
#' @export
ldfactorial <- function(x) {
x <- (x + 1) / 2
res <- lgamma(2 * x) - (lgamma(x) + (x - 1) * log(2))
#' Arithmetic Operators
#' double factorial function
#' @param x a numeric scalar or vector
#' @return \code{dfactorial(x)} returns the double factorial, that is
#' \eqn{x\!\! = 1 * 3 * 5 * \ldots * x } and \code{ldfactorial(x)} is the
#' natural logarithm of it.
#' @author Klaus Schliep \email{}
#' @seealso \code{\link[base:Special]{factorial}},
#' \code{\link[ape]{howmanytrees}}
#' @keywords classif
#' @examples
#' dfactorial(1:10)
#' @rdname dfactorial
#' @export dfactorial
"dfactorial" <- function(x) exp(ldfactorial(x))
# Hadamard Conjugation
### @aliases hadamard fhm h4st h2st
#' Hadamard Matrices and Fast Hadamard Multiplication
#' A collection of functions to perform Hadamard conjugation Hv of a
#' Hadamard matrix H with a vector v using fast Hadamard multiplication.
#' \code{h2st} and \code{h4st} perform Hadamard conjugation for 2-state
#' (binary, RY-coded) or 4-state (DNA/RNA) data. \code{}
#' writes splits returned from \code{h2st} or
#' \code{\link[phangorn]{distanceHadamard}} to a nexus file, which can be
#' processed by Spectronet or SplitsTree.
#' @param x a vector of length \eqn{2^n}, where n is an integer.
#' @param v a vector of length \eqn{2^n}, where n is an integer.
#' @param obj a data.frame or character matrix, typical a sequence alignment.
#' @param eps Threshold value for splits.
#' @param levels levels of the sequences.
#' @return \code{hadamard} returns a Hadamard matrix. \code{fhm} returns the
#' fast Hadamard multiplication.
#' @author Klaus Schliep \email{}
#' @seealso \code{\link{distanceHadamard}}, \code{\link{lento}},
#' \code{\link{plot.networx}}
#' @references Hendy, M.D. (1989). The relationship between simple evolutionary
#' tree models and observable sequence data. \emph{Systematic Zoology},
#' \bold{38} 310--321.
#' Hendy, M. D. and Penny, D. (1993). Spectral Analysis of Phylogenetic Data.
#' \emph{Journal of Classification}, \bold{10}, 5--24.
#' Hendy, M. D. (2005). Hadamard conjugation: an analytical tool for
#' phylogenetics. In O. Gascuel, editor, \emph{Mathematics of evolution and
#' phylogeny}, Oxford University Press, Oxford
#' Waddell P. J. (1995). Statistical methods of phylogenetic analysis:
#' Including hadamard conjugation, LogDet transforms, and maximum likelihood.
#' \emph{PhD thesis}.
#' @keywords cluster
#' @examples
#' H <- hadamard(3)
#' v <- 1:8
#' H %*% v
#' fhm(v)
#' data(yeast)
#' # RY-coding
#' dat_ry <- acgt2ry(yeast)
#' fit2 <- h2st(dat_ry)
#' lento(fit2)
#' #, file = "test.nxs")
#' # read this file into Spectronet or SplitsTree to show the network
#' fit4 <- h4st(yeast)
#' old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#' par(mfrow=c(3,1))
#' lento(fit4[[1]], main="Transversion")
#' lento(fit4[[2]], main="Transition 1")
#' lento(fit4[[3]], main="Transition 2")
#' par(old.par)
#' @rdname hadamard
#' @export hadamard
hadamard <- function(x) {
res <- 1
while (x > 0) {
res <- rbind(cbind(res, res), cbind(res, -res))
x <- x - 1
#' @rdname hadamard
#' @export
fhm <- function(v) {
n <- length(v)
n <- log2(n)
res <- .Call("_phangorn_fhm_new", v = as.double(v), n = as.integer(n))
seq2split <- function(s) {
n <- length(s)
res <- fhm(log(fhm(s))) / n
split2seq <- function(q) {
n <- length(q)
res <- fhm(exp(fhm(q))) / n
#' Distance Hadamard
#' Distance Hadamard produces spectra of splits from a distance matrix.
#' @param dm A distance matrix.
#' @param eps Threshold value for splits.
#' @return \code{distanceHadamard} returns a matrix. The first column contains
#' the distance spectra, the second one the edge-spectra. If eps is positive an
#' object of with all splits greater eps is returned.
#' @author Klaus Schliep \email{}, Tim White
#' @seealso \code{\link{hadamard}}, \code{\link{lento}},
#' \code{\link{plot.networx}}, \code{\link{neighborNet}}
#' @references Hendy, M. D. and Penny, D. (1993). Spectral Analysis of
#' Phylogenetic Data. \emph{Journal of Classification}, \bold{10}, 5-24.
#' @keywords cluster
#' @examples
#' data(yeast)
#' dm <- dist.hamming(yeast)
#' dm <- as.matrix(dm)
#' fit <- distanceHadamard(dm)
#' lento(fit)
#' plot(as.networx(fit))
#' @export distanceHadamard
distanceHadamard <- function(dm, eps = 0.001) {
if (inherits(dm, "dist")) {
n <- attr(dm, "Size")
Labels <- attr(dm, "Labels")
if (inherits(dm, "matrix")) {
n <- dim(dm)[1]
Labels <- colnames(dm)
dm <- dm[lower.tri(dm)]
ns <- 2^(n - 1)
if (n > 23)
stop("Hadamard conjugation works only efficient for n < 24")
result <- .Call('dist2spectra', dm, as.integer(n), as.integer(ns))
weights <- -fhm(result) / 2^(n - 2)
if (eps > 0) {
weights <- weights[-1]
ind2 <- which(weights > eps)
n2 <- length(ind2)
splits <- vector("list", n2)
for (i in 1:n2) splits[[i]] <- dec2Bin(ind2[i])
attr(splits, "weights") <- weights[ind2]
attr(splits, "labels") <- Labels
attr(splits, "dm") <- dm
class(splits) <- "splits"
res <- data.frame(distance = result, edges = weights, index = 0:(ns - 1))
attr(res, "Labels") <- Labels
#' @rdname hadamard
#' @export
h4st <- function(obj, levels = c("a", "c", "g", "t")) {
if (!inherits(obj, "phyDat")) stop("obj must be of class phyDat")
if (attr(obj, "nc") != 4L) stop("Error")
obj <- removeAmbiguousSites(obj)
obj <-
n <- dim(obj)[1]
p <- dim(obj)[2]
if (p > 11)
stop("4-state Hadamard conjugation works only efficient for n < 12")
DNAX <- matrix(0, n, p)
DNAY <- matrix(0, n, p)
DNAX[obj == levels[1]] <- 0
DNAX[obj == levels[2]] <- 1
DNAX[obj == levels[3]] <- 1
DNAX[obj == levels[4]] <- 0
DNAY[obj == levels[1]] <- 0
DNAY[obj == levels[2]] <- 1
DNAY[obj == levels[3]] <- 0
DNAY[obj == levels[4]] <- 1
DNAY <- DNAY - DNAY[, p]
DNAX <- DNAX - DNAX[, p]
DNAY <- abs(DNAY[, -p])
DNAX <- abs(DNAX[, -p])
dy <- DNAY %*% (2^(0:(p - 2)))
dx <- DNAX %*% (2^(0:(p - 2)))
INDEX <- dx + 2^(p - 1) * dy
blub <- table(INDEX)
index <- as.numeric(rownames(blub)) + 1
sv <- numeric(4^(p - 1))
sv[index] <- blub
qv <- matrix(seq2split(sv), 2^(p - 1), 2^(p - 1))
sv <- matrix(sv, 2^(p - 1), 2^(p - 1))
transversion <- transition.1 <- transition.2 <- allSplits(p, colnames(obj))
attr(transversion, "weights") <- qv[-1, 1]
attr(transition.1, "weights") <- diag(qv)[-1]
attr(transition.2, "weights") <- qv[1, -1]
result <- list(transversion = transversion, transition.1 = transition.1,
transition.2 = transition.2, qv = qv, sv = sv, n = sum(sv),
names = names(obj))
#' @rdname hadamard
#' @export
h2st <- function(obj, eps = 0.001) {
if (!inherits(obj, "phyDat")) stop("Error")
if (attr(obj, "nc") != 2) stop("Error")
obj <- removeAmbiguousSites(obj)
nr <- attr(obj, "nr") # n
p <- length(obj) # p
weight <- attr(obj, "weight")
if (p > 23)
stop("Hadamard conjugation works only efficient for n < 24")
DNAX <- matrix(0, nr, p - 1)
for (i in 1:(p - 1)) DNAX[, i] <- obj[[i]] - 1
DNAX[obj[[p]] == 2, ] <- 1 - DNAX[obj[[p]] == 2, ]
index <- DNAX %*% (2^(0:(p - 2))) + 1
sv <- numeric(2^(p - 1))
for (i in 1:nr) sv[index[i]] <- sv[index[i]] + weight[i]
qv <- seq2split(sv)
if (eps > 0) {
qv <- qv[-1]
ind2 <- which(qv > eps)
indT <- c(2L^(0:(p - 2)), 2L^(p - 1) - 1)
ind2 <- union(ind2, indT)
n2 <- length(ind2)
splits <- vector("list", n2)
for (i in 1:n2) splits[[i]] <- dec2Bin(ind2[i])
attr(splits, "weights") <- qv[ind2]
attr(splits, "labels") <- names(obj)
class(splits) <- "splits"
result <- data.frame(edges = qv, splits = sv, index = 0:(2^(p - 1) - 1))
attr(result, "Labels") <- names(obj)
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