
Defines functions c.iso_file_list c.iso_file `[[<-.iso_file_list` `[<-.iso_file_list` `[.iso_file_list` as.list.iso_file_list as.list.iso_file set_ds_file_size update_read_options get_ds_file_path get_ds_file_root set_ds_file_path print.scan print.continuous_flow print.dual_inlet print.iso_file print.iso_file_list iso_as_file_list iso_is_scan iso_is_continuous_flow iso_is_dual_inlet iso_is_object iso_is_file_list iso_is_file is_iso_object_outdated get_iso_object_outdated get_iso_object_versions get_last_structure_update_version make_scan_data_structure make_cf_data_structure make_di_data_structure make_iso_file_data_structure

Documented in iso_as_file_list iso_is_continuous_flow iso_is_dual_inlet iso_is_file iso_is_file_list iso_is_object iso_is_scan print.continuous_flow print.dual_inlet print.iso_file print.iso_file_list print.scan

# Structures ----

# basic data structure
make_iso_file_data_structure <- function(file_id = NA_character_) {
      version = packageVersion("isoreader"),
      read_options = list( # records read options+defaults
        file_info = FALSE, # whether file info was read
        method_info = FALSE, # whether method info was read
        raw_data = FALSE # whether mass data was read
      file_info = tibble::tibble(
        file_id = file_id, # unique identifer
        file_root = NA_character_, # root directory for file path
        file_path = NA_character_, # path to file (file extension is key for processing)
        file_subpath = NA_character_, # sub path in case file is an archive
        file_datetime = lubridate::as_datetime(NA), # the run date and time of the file
        file_size = NA_integer_ # the size of the file in bytes
      method_info = list(), # all methods information
      raw_data = tibble::tibble() # all mass data
    class = c("iso_file")
  ) |>

# basic dual inlet data structure
make_di_data_structure <- function(file_id = NA_character_) {
  struct <- make_iso_file_data_structure(file_id = file_id)
  # vendor data table
  struct$read_options$vendor_data_table <- FALSE
  struct$vendor_data_table <- tibble::tibble()
  # background
  struct$bgrd_data <- tibble::tibble()
  class(struct) <- c("dual_inlet", class(struct))

# basic continuous flow data structure
make_cf_data_structure <- function(file_id = NA_character_) {
  struct <- make_iso_file_data_structure(file_id = file_id)
  # vendor data table
  struct$read_options$vendor_data_table <- FALSE
  struct$vendor_data_table <- tibble::tibble()
  class(struct) <- c("continuous_flow", class(struct))

# basic scan data structure
make_scan_data_structure <- function(file_id = NA_character_) {
  struct <- make_iso_file_data_structure(file_id = file_id)
  class(struct) <- c("scan", class(struct))

# Versions ----

# get last structure update
get_last_structure_update_version <- function() {
  # last version which included any structure updates
  # determines
  # - whether the file version warning will be shown during file read
  # - whether cached files are re-read (if reread_outdated_cache_files is active)
  # - backwards compatibility checks are run during collection reading

# get version for all objects
get_iso_object_versions <- function(iso_obj) {
  iso_obj |> iso_as_file_list() |>
    purrr::map(~if (!is.null(.x$version)) { .x$version } else { as.package_version("0.0.0") })

# get outdated boolean vector
get_iso_object_outdated <- function(iso_obj) {
  iso_obj |>
    get_iso_object_versions() |>
    purrr::map_lgl(~.x < get_last_structure_update_version())

# test whether an iso object structure is outdated
is_iso_object_outdated <- function(iso_obj) {
  iso_obj |> get_iso_object_outdated() |> any()

# Class testing ====

#' Isoreader data structure functions
#' @description \code{iso_is_file} tests if the object is an iso_file
#' @param x an object to test whether it has the specific class
#' @rdname iso_data_structure
#' @export
iso_is_file <- function(x) {
  methods::is(x, "iso_file")

#' @description \code{iso_is_file_list} tests if the object is an iso_file list (collection of iso_files)
#' @rdname iso_data_structure
#' @export
iso_is_file_list <- function(x) {
  methods::is(x, "iso_file_list")

#' @description \code{iso_is_object} test if the object is an iso-object (iso_file or iso_file list)
#' @rdname iso_data_structure
#' @export
iso_is_object <- function(x) {
  iso_is_file(x) || iso_is_file_list(x)

#' @description \code{iso_is_dual_inlet} tests if an iso_file or iso_file list consists exclusively of dual inlet file objects
#' @rdname iso_data_structure
#' @export
iso_is_dual_inlet <- function(x) {
  methods::is(x, "dual_inlet") || methods::is(x, "dual_inlet_list")

#' @description \code{iso_is_continuous_flow} tests if an iso_file or iso_file list consists exclusively of continuous flow file objects
#' @rdname iso_data_structure
#' @export
iso_is_continuous_flow <- function(x) {
  methods::is(x, "continuous_flow") || methods::is(x, "continuous_flow_list")

#' @description \code{iso_is_scan} tests if an iso_file or iso_file list consists exclusively of scan file objects
#' @rdname iso_data_structure
#' @export
iso_is_scan <- function(x) {
  methods::is(x, "scan") || methods::is(x, "scan_list")

# Iso file list ----

#' @description \code{iso_as_file_list} concatenates iso_file and iso_file list object(s) into one combined iso_file list (equivalent to calling \code{c(...)}), flattens all passed lists into one list structure, all individual objects and objects within iso_file lists have to be the same type of iso_file, issues warnings if there are duplicate file ids and summarizes all problems in the iso_file list. If duplicates are allowed (\code{discard_duplicates = FALSE}), their file IDs will append a #1, #2, #3, etc. to preserve unique file IDs (important for many data aggregation operations).
#' @param ... iso_file and iso_file_list objects to concatenate
#' @param discard_duplicates whether to automatically discard files with duplicate file IDs (i.e. duplicate file names). If \code{TRUE} (the default), only the first files are kept and any files with the same file ID are discarded. If \code{FALSE}, all duplicate files are kept but their file IDs are appended with suffix \code{#1}, \code{#2}, etc.
#' @rdname iso_data_structure
#' @export
iso_as_file_list <- function(..., discard_duplicates = TRUE) {

  # global vars
  has_duplicates <- NULL

  # dots passed in
  iso_objs <- list(...)

  # return iso file list right away if it's the only thing passed in
  if (length(iso_objs) == 1 && iso_is_file_list(..1)) return (..1)

  # allow simple list to be passed in
  if (length(iso_objs) == 1 && !iso_is_object(..1) && is.list(..1)) iso_objs <- ..1

  # list classes
  list_classes <- "iso_file_list"

  if (length(iso_objs) == 0) {
    # empty list
    iso_list <- list()
    all_problems <- get_problems_structure() |> mutate(file_id = character()) |> 
      select("file_id", dplyr::everything())
  } else {
    # check if everything is an iso object
    if(!all(is_iso <- map_lgl(iso_objs, iso_is_object))) {
      stop("can only process iso_file and iso_file_list objects, encountered incompatible data type(s): ",
           unlist(lapply(iso_objs[!is_iso], class)) |> unique() |> str_c(collapse = ", "),
           call. = FALSE)

    # flatten isofiles and isofile lists to make one big isofile list
    iso_list <- map(iso_objs, ~if(iso_is_file_list(.x)) { .x } else { list(.x) }) |> unlist(recursive = FALSE)

    # reset file ids
    file_ids <- map_chr(iso_list, ~.x$file_info$file_id)
    if (any(is.na(file_ids)))
      stop("encountered undefined (NA) file ID(s). This is prohibited because it can lead to unexpected behavior in iso files collections.",
           call. = FALSE)
    names(iso_list) <- file_ids

    # check if al elements are the same data type
    classes <- map_chr(iso_list, ~class(.x)[1])
    if (!all(classes == classes[1])) {
      wrong_dt <- classes[classes != classes[1]] |> unique() |> collapse(", ")
      glue("can only process iso_file objects with the same data type (first: {classes[1]}), encountered: {wrong_dt}") |>
        stop(call. = FALSE)
    list_classes <- c(paste0(classes[1], "_list"), list_classes)

    # check for file_id duplicates
    dups <-
        idx = 1:length(iso_list),
        file_id = names(iso_list)
      ) |>
      group_by(.data$file_id) |>
      mutate(n = 1:n(), has_duplicates = any(n > 1)) |>
      ungroup() |>

    # process duplicates
    if (nrow(dups) > 0) {
      msg <- if(discard_duplicates) "duplicate files encountered, only first kept" else "duplicate files kept but with recoded file IDs"

      # work on duplicates
      for (i in 1:nrow(dups)) {
        # register warnings
        idx <- dups$idx[i]
        warn <- dups$n[i] == 1 # only show immediate warning for the first duplicate
        iso_list[[idx]] <- register_warning(
          iso_list[[idx]], sprintf("%s: %s", msg, dups$file_id[i]), warn = warn)
        # recode ID if keeping duplicates
        if (!discard_duplicates) {
          recode_id <- sprintf("%s#%d", iso_list[[idx]]$file_info$file_id, dups$n[i])
          iso_list[[idx]]$file_info$file_id <- recode_id
          names(iso_list)[idx] <- recode_id

      # finalize duplicates
      if (discard_duplicates) {
        # discard all but first duplicate
        iso_list[filter(dups, n > 1)$idx] <- NULL

    # propagate problems
    all_problems <- map(iso_list, ~get_problems(.x) |> mutate(file_id = .x$file_info$file_id)) |>
      bind_rows() |> 
      dplyr::select("file_id", dplyr::everything())

  # problems
  if (nrow(all_problems) > 0) {
    # remove duplicate entries
    all_problems <- unique(all_problems)

  # generate structure
    class = unique(list_classes)
  ) |> set_problems(all_problems)

# Printing ----

#' Isofile printing
#' Print summary of individual iso_files (dual inlet or continuous flow) or collection of iso_files.
#' @param x Object to show.
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to print.default
#' @rdname iso_printing
#' @export
print.iso_file_list <- function(x, ...) {

  # what type of iso files
  if (length(x) == 0) data_type <- "unknown"
  else { 
    data_types <- class(x[[1]]) 
    data_type <- data_types[data_types != "iso_file"][1] |> str_replace("_", " ")

  # print summary
  glue("Data from {length(x)} {data_type} iso files:") |> cat("\n")
  print(iso_get_data_summary(x, quiet = TRUE))

  if (n_problems(x) > 0) {
    cat("\nProblem summary:\n", sep = "")
    print(iso_get_problems_summary(x), ...)

#' @param show_problems whether to show encountered problems
#' @rdname iso_printing
#' @export
print.iso_file <- function(x, ..., show_problems = TRUE) {
  data_types <- class(x) 
  data_type <- data_types[data_types != "iso_file"][1] |> str_to_title() |> str_replace("_", " ")
  if (is.na(data_type)) data_type <- "Iso"
  glue("{data_type} iso file '{x$file_info$file_id}': {get_raw_data_info(x)$raw_data}") |> cat("\n")
  if (show_problems && n_problems(x) > 0) {
    print(iso_get_problems(x), ...)

#' @rdname iso_printing
#' @export
print.dual_inlet <- function(x, ..., show_problems = TRUE) {
  NextMethod("print", x, ..., show_problems = show_problems)

#' @rdname iso_printing
#' @export
print.continuous_flow <- function(x, ..., show_problems = TRUE) {
  NextMethod("print", x, ..., show_problems = show_problems)

#' @rdname iso_printing
#' @export
print.scan <- function(x, ..., show_problems = TRUE) {
  NextMethod("print", x, ..., show_problems = show_problems)

# Set structures fields =====

# set data structure file path
set_ds_file_path <- function(ds, file_root, file_path, file_id = basename(file_path), file_subpath = NA_character_) {
  if (!iso_is_file(ds)) stop("can only set path for iso_file data structures", call. = FALSE)
  ds$file_info$file_root <- file_root
  ds$file_info$file_path <- file_path
  ds$file_info$file_id <- file_id
  ds$file_info$file_subpath <- file_subpath
  if (!file.exists(get_ds_file_path(ds)))
    stop("file/folder does not exist: ", file_path, call. = FALSE)

get_ds_file_root <- function(ds) {
  if (!col_in_df(ds$file_info, "file_root"))
    stop("file_root column does not exist in file info (lost during rename?), cannot proceed", call. = FALSE)

get_ds_file_path <- function(ds, include_root = TRUE) {
  if (!col_in_df(ds$file_info, "file_path"))
    stop("file_path column does not exist in file info (lost during rename?), cannot proceed", call. = FALSE)

  if (include_root) {
    file_root <- get_ds_file_root(ds)
    if (!is.na(file_root)) return(file.path(file_root, ds$file_info$file_path))


# update read options in structure
update_read_options <- function(ds, read_options) {
  # remove read_ prefix in function parameters
  if(!is.list(read_options)) read_options <- as.list(read_options)
  names(read_options) <- names(read_options) |> str_replace("^read_", "")
  update <- read_options[names(read_options) %in% names(ds$read_options)]
  # update all that exist in the read options
  ds$read_options <- modifyList(ds$read_options, update)

# set ds file size if not already set
# safe function, only sets the file size if the path exists
set_ds_file_size <- function(ds) {
  if (!col_in_df(ds$file_info, "file_root")) {
    # legacy file that doesnt have file root info yet

  col_exists <- col_in_df(ds$file_info, "file_size")
  if (col_exists && !is.na(ds$file_info$file_size)) {
    # already set

  # setting file size
  file_path <- get_ds_file_path(ds)
  if (file.exists(file_path))
    file_size <- as.integer(round(file.size(file_path)))
    file_size <- NA_integer_

  # update file size
  ds$file_info <- dplyr::mutate(ds$file_info, file_size = !!file_size)

  # make sure file size is at the proper position if it is introduced for the first time
  if (!col_exists) {
    ds$file_info <- dplyr::select(ds$file_info, dplyr::starts_with("file_"), everything())

# S3 operations =====

#' @export
as.list.iso_file <- function(x, ...) {
  class(x) <- "list"

#' @export
as.list.iso_file_list <- function(x, ...) {
  class(x) <- "list"

# subset iso_file list - note that non-existant indices are silently dropped
#' @export
`[.iso_file_list` <- function(x, i) {
  # subset as regular list
  l <- NextMethod("[")
  # remove NULL entries
  l <- unname(l[!map_lgl(l, is.null)])
  # make iso_file list from the subset

#' @export
`[<-.iso_file_list` <- function(x, i, value) {
  # regular replacement
  l <- NextMethod("[<-")
  # iso_as_file_list with the replaced item

#' @export
`[[<-.iso_file_list` <- function(x, i, value) {
  # regular replacement
  l <- NextMethod("[<-")
  # iso_as_file_list with the replaced item

# combine iso_file with other things
#' @export
c.iso_file <- function(...) {

# combine iso_file with other things
#' @export
c.iso_file_list <- function(...) {
KopfLab/isoreader documentation built on Aug. 6, 2023, 9:22 p.m.