# Module for the selection of a dataset =====
# TODO: show withProgress for loading data file (and/or modal dialog)
#' Datasets server
#' @inheritParams isofilesLoadServer
#' @param saved_datasets reactive function returning a vector of saved datasets (with names as the relative path)
#' @family datasets module functions
datasetsServer <- function(input, output, session, data_dir, extensions, load_func, saved_datasets) {
# namespace, and top level params
ns <- session$ns
datasets_dir <- get_datasets_path(data_dir)
rds_pattern <- stringr::str_c("\\.(", stringr::str_c(sprintf("(%s)", stringr::str_subset(extensions, "rds")), collapse = "|"), ")$")
# reactive values
values <- reactiveValues(
datasets = c(), # the datasets
datasets_hash = NULL, # to check for newly added datasets
loaded_dataset = NULL, # currently loaded dataset (to make sure datasets are reloaded when file changes)
loaded_dataset_hash = NULL, # loaded dataset hash
loaded_isofiles = NULL, # loaded isofiles
omit_problematic = c(), # which files to omit
omit_isofiles = NULL, # used isofiles (after omit)
selected_isofiles = c(), # which files to select
update_selected = 0 # trigger selection update (circumventing circular triggers with user selection)
# available datasets ====
# check for updates if content changes or saved datasets changes
invalidateLater(1000, session)
datasets <- c(
list.files(datasets_dir, pattern = rds_pattern) %>%
{ setNames(file.path(datasets_dir, .), file.path(names(datasets_dir), .)) }) %>%
{ .[!duplicated(.)] }
# everything else is isolated
# datasets
if (length(datasets) == 0) {
datasets_df <- tibble::tibble()
} else {
datasets_df <-
filepath = as.character(datasets),
filepath_rel = names(datasets),
mtime = file.mtime(filepath)
) %>%
arrange(mtime, filepath)
# hash
datasets_hash <- generate_content_hash(datasets_df)
# check if anything changed
if (is.null(values$datasets_hash) || values$datasets_hash != datasets_hash ) {
module_message(ns, "debug", "(re)loading datasets list ")
values$datasets_hash <- datasets_hash
values$datasets <- datasets_df
# update datasets ====
if (nrow(values$datasets) == 0) {
# no datasets
updateSelectInput(session, "datasets", choices = c("No datasets available yet" = ""))
} else {
# format datasets for display in groups
datasets <-
values$datasets %>%
sorting = format(mtime, "%Y%m"),
grouping = format(mtime, "%b %Y"),
label = sprintf("%s (%s)", basename(filepath_rel), dirname(filepath_rel))
) %>%
arrange(desc(sorting), label) %>% # sort by names
dplyr::group_by(sorting, grouping) %>%
tibble::tibble(items = list(setNames(.$filepath, .$label)))
}) %>%
arrange(desc(sorting)) %>% # resort after group_by messes up this part of sorting
{ setNames(as.list(.$items), .$grouping) }
updateSelectInput(session, "datasets", choices = c("Choose a dataset" = "", datasets), selected = values$loaded_dataset)
# load dataset ===
observeEvent(input$datasets, {
if (is.null(values$loaded_dataset) || input$datasets != values$loaded_dataset)
load_dataset <- function(dataset) {
if (is.null(dataset)) return()
# safety check
module_message(ns, "debug", "ERROR: dataset file does not exist: ", dataset)
# check if load is necessary
loaded_dataset_hash <- generate_content_hash(list(file = dataset, mtime = file.mtime(dataset)))
if (is.null(values$loaded_dataset_hash) || values$loaded_dataset_hash != loaded_dataset_hash ) {
module_message(ns, "info", "(re)loading dataset '", basename(dataset), "'")
# read dataset
withProgress(message = stringr::str_c('Loading dataset ', basename(dataset)), value = 0.5, {
values$loaded_dataset <- dataset
values$loaded_dataset_hash <- loaded_dataset_hash
if (dataset != input$datasets)
updateSelectInput(session, "datasets", selected = dataset)
values$loaded_isofiles <- iso_as_file_list(do.call(load_func, args = list(paths = dataset, quiet = TRUE, cache = FALSE)))
# problems ===
omit_problematic <- function() {
if (length(values$omit_problematic) > 0 && !is.null(values$loaded_isofiles)) {
values$omit_isofiles <- iso_omit_files_with_problems(
values$loaded_isofiles, quiet = TRUE,
remove_files_with_errors = "error" %in% values$omit_problematic,
remove_files_with_warnings = "warning" %in% values$omit_problematic)
if (length(values$omit_isofiles) == 0)
values$omit_isofiles <- NULL
} else {
values$omit_isofiles <- values$loaded_isofiles
# changing omit
new_omit <- input$omit
values$omit_problematic <- input$omit
# problems button
dataset_problems <- callModule(
problemsServer, "dataset_problems",
dataset = reactive(values$loaded_isofiles), dataset_path = reactive(values$loaded_dataset)
# button visibility
observeEvent(values$loaded_isofiles, toggle("dataset_actions", condition = !is.null(values$loaded_isofiles)))
# isofiles list ====
isofiles_selector <- callModule(
selector_table_server, "isofiles_selector",
id_column = "file_id", col_headers = c("File", "Errors", "Warnings"),
hot_mods = function(hot) hot_col(hot, col = c("Errors", "Warnings"), halign = "htCenter"))
if (length(values$omit_isofiles) == 0) {
} else {
selector_table <-
isoreader::iso_get_problems_summary(values$omit_isofiles, problem_files_only = FALSE) %>%
warning = as.character(warning),
error = as.character(error)
) %>%
dplyr::select(file_id, error, warning)
# set table
# FIXME/DEBUG mode: auto select
# isofiles_selector$set_table(selector_table, initial_selection = selector_table$file_id)
get_selected_isofiles <- reactive({
if (length(isofiles_selector$get_selected()) > 0)
else NULL
# dataset download ====
output$dataset_download <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() { basename(values$loaded_dataset) },
content = function(filename) {
module_message(ns, "info", "downloading dataset ", basename(values$loaded_dataset))
file.copy(from = values$loaded_dataset, to = filename)
output$export_excel <- downloadHandler(
filename = "mytest.xlsx",
content = function(filename) {
cat("test", file = filename)
# dataset reread =====
observeEvent(input$dataset_reread, {
if (!is.null(values$loaded_dataset)) {
module_message(ns, "info", "re-reading dataset ", basename(values$loaded_dataset))
reread_dataset <- function(dataset) {
if (is.null(dataset)) return()
# safety check
module_message(ns, "debug", "ERROR: cannot re-read, dataset file does not exist: ", dataset)
dataset_name <- basename(dataset)
# read files
h4("Re-reading files in dataset ", dataset_name),
p("This may take a few seconds per file for files that have changed or were read previously with an older version of isoreader."),
footer = NULL, fade = FALSE, size = "s"))
withProgress(message = 'Re-reading dataset files', value = 0, {
# set read file event expression (executed in the local environment of the read) to update the progress bar
{ incProgress(1/(nrow(files) + 1), message = sprintf("Re-reading '%s'...", basename(filepath))) })
# re-read the files
values$loaded_isofiles <- iso_reread_files(values$loaded_isofiles, read_cache = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, stop_if_missing = FALSE)
# re-save collection
setProgress(value = 1, detail = "", message = sprintf("Re-saving dataset %s", dataset_name))
iso_save(values$loaded_isofiles, filepath = dataset, quiet = TRUE)
# done reading
# code update ====
code_update <- reactive({
# trigger code update for any of the below variables changing
function(rmarkdown = TRUE) {
dataset = values$loaded_dataset %>% { if(is.null(.)) NULL else basename(.) },
read_func = load_func,
omit_type = values$omit_problematic,
select_files = # omit file selection if ALL files are selected
if (!is.null(values$omit_isofiles) && all(names(values$omit_isofiles) %in% isofiles_selector$get_selected()))
else isofiles_selector$get_selected(),
rmarkdown = rmarkdown
# return functions ====
load_dataset = load_dataset, # loading function
get_dataset_path = reactive({ values$loaded_dataset }),
get_dataset_name = reactive({
if (is.null(values$loaded_dataset)) return(NULL)
else basename(values$loaded_dataset) %>% stringr::str_replace("\\.(\\w+)\\.rds$", "")
get_isofiles = get_selected_isofiles,
get_code_update = code_update
#' Dataset UI
#' @param id the module id
#' @param width box width
#' @param file_list_height height of the file list
#' @family datasets module functions
datasetsUI <- function(id, width = 12, file_list_height = "200px") {
ns <- NS(id)
title = "Dataset", width = width,
selectInput(ns("datasets"), label = NULL, choices = c("Loading..." = "")),
selector_table_ui(ns("isofiles_selector"), height = "200px"),
footer =
div(#style = "height: 50px;",
div(id = ns("dataset_actions"),
tooltipOutput(downloadButton, ns("dataset_download"), "Download",
tooltip = "Download entire dataset"),
tooltipInput(actionButton, ns("dataset_reread"), label = "Re-read", icon = icon("cog"),
tooltip = "Re-read entire dataset. This will re-read any files that have changed since the dataset was created or were read with an old version of isoreader."),
problemsButton(ns("dataset_problems"), tooltip = "Show problems reported for this dataset."),
checkboxGroupInput(ns("omit"), label = NULL, inline = TRUE,
choices = c("Omit files with errors" = "error",
"Omit files with warnings" = "warning"))
) %>% hidden()
#' Problems Server
#' Stand-alone for showing a dataset's problems.
#' @inheritParams fileSelectorServer
#' @param dataset reactive function returning the isofiles list
#' @param dataset_path reactive function returning the dataset's path
#' @family datasets module functions
problemsServer <- function(input, output, session, dataset, dataset_path) {
# namespace and constants
ns <- session$ns
mail_address <- "sebastian.kopf@colorado.edu"
mail_subject <- "Problematic Isofile"
mail_body <- "I have encountered problems reading the attached IRMS data file(s)."
# the modal dialog
problem_modal <- reactive({
module_message(ns, "debug", "showing problems modal dialog")
name <- basename(dataset_path())
title = "Problems",
p("The following problems were encountered during the loading of dataset ", strong(name)),
p("If any problems are unexpected (i.e. the files should have valid data), please ",
strong(a(href = sprintf("mailto:%s?subject=%s&body=%s",
mail_address, stringr::str_replace_all(mail_subject, " ", "%20"), stringr::str_replace_all(mail_body, " ", "%20")),
"send us an email")),
" and attach at least one of the problematic file(s). Your help is much appreciated."),
tableOutput(ns('problems')) %>% withSpinner(type = 7, proxy.height = "50px;"),
footer = modalButton("Close"), fade = FALSE, easyClose = TRUE, size = "l"
# problems table
output$problems <- renderTable({
probs <-iso_get_problems(dataset())
if (nrow(probs) == 0) {
tibble::tibble(Problem = "no problems")
} else {
dplyr::select(probs, File = file_id, Type = type, Function = func, Problem = details) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Function = wrap_function_name(Function, max_length = 15))
}, striped = TRUE, spacing = 'xs', width = 'auto', align = 'l')
# functions
show_problems <- function() {
modal <- problem_modal()
# button trigger
observeEvent(input$show_problems, {
if (is.null(dataset_path()) || is.null(dataset()))
alert("No dataset loaded yet.")
# button label
observeEvent(isoreader::iso_get_problems(dataset()), {
updateActionButton(session, "show_problems",
label = sprintf("Problems (%.0f)", nrow(isoreader::iso_get_problems(dataset()))))
# return functions (note: toggling the button visibility somehow does not work)
show_problems = show_problems
#' Dataset problems button
#' @inheritParams fileSelectorUI
#' @param start_disabled whether to start out with the button disabled
#' @param tooltip what tooltip to display
#' @family datasets module functions
problemsButton <- function(id, tooltip = "Show problems.") {
ns <- NS(id)
tooltipInput(actionButton, ns("show_problems"), "Problems", icon = icon("ambulance"), tooltip = tooltip)
# helper functions ====
# get the datasets path (and make sure it exists)
# the return path is a named vector with the relative path as the name
# this is fixed at the moment but could conceivably become flexibel in the future
get_datasets_path <- function(data_dir) {
path <- file.path(data_dir, "datasets")
if (!dir.exists(path)) dir.create(path)
return(setNames(path, "datasets"))
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