Man pages for Krebslabrep/SingleMoleculeFootprinting
Analysis tools for Single Molecule Footprinting (SMF) data

BaitCaptureBait capture efficiency
BinMethylationSummarize methylation inside sorting bins
CallContextMethylationCall Context Methylation
CollapseStrandsCollapse strands
CollapseStrandsSMCollapse strands in single molecule matrix
ConversionRateConversion rate
CoverageFilterFilter Cs for coverage
DetectExperimentTypeDetect type of experiment
FilterByConversionRateCalculate reads conversion rate
FilterContextCytosinesFilter Cytosines in context
FixOverhangFixing overhang before stand collapsing
GetQuasRprjGet QuasRprj
GetSingleMolMethMatGet Single Molecule methylation matrix
HierarchicalClusteringPerform Hierarchical clustering on single reads
OneTFstatesDesign states for single TF case
PlotAvgSMFPlot average methylation
PlotSingleMoleculeStackPlot single molecule stack
PlotSingleSiteSMFPlot SMF data at single site
PlotSMWrapper for PlotSingleMoleculeStack function
SampleCorrelationIntersample correlation
SingleTFStateQuantificationPlotSingle TF state quantification bar
SortReadsSort reads by single TF
SortReadsBySingleTFWrapper to SortReads for single TF case
SortReadsByTFClusterWrapper to SortReads for TF cluster case
StateQuantificationPlotPlot states quantification bar
TFPairStateQuantificationPlotTF pair state quantification bar
TFpairStatesDesign states for TF pair case
Krebslabrep/SingleMoleculeFootprinting documentation built on Nov. 19, 2022, 3:56 a.m.