
#' Shiny app to be used for some simple investigations.
#' This function opens an interactive Shiny-application that can be
#' used to explain some of the learning outcomes.
#' @param distribution A list that gives details related to the
#'     distribution that will be used for the example of interest.
#'     The list must contain the name of the desired distribution and
#'     a specification of the required parameters. Note that it is
#'     possible to give a vector of values for the parameters.
#' @param n_max An integer, default value \code{250} that specifies
#'     the highest number of observations that will be sampled from
#'     the distribution specified in \code{distribution}.
#' @param R_max An integer, default value \code{1000}, that specifies
#'     the highest number of replicates of samples of size at most
#'     \code{n_max} from the distribution specified in
#'     \code{distribution}.
#' @param seed An integer that can be used to specify a seed-value to
#'     be used when sampling (in order to obtain reproducibility).
#'     The default value \code{NULL} turns of the part of the code
#'     that sets the seed.
#' @return An interactive shiny application will be loaded (if
#'     \code{data_dir} points to a relevant directory containing the
#'     desired data).
#' @export

test_shiny <- function(distribution =
                           list(type = "normal",
                              mean = -2:2,
                              sd = c(.1, .25, .5, 1, 2, 4, 8)),
                       n_max = 250,
                       R_max = 1000,
                       seed = NULL) {
    ## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## ##  TODO: Add some sanity testing to the specified values
    ## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## ##  Seet the seed-value when required.
    ## if (!is.null(seed))
    ##     set.seed(seed)
    ## ##  Create a sample of the desired size


    ## the_sample <- array(
    ##     data = rnorm(n = n_max * R_max),
    ##     dim = c(n_max, R_max),
    ##     dimnames = list(
    ##         n = 1:n_max,
    ##         R = 1:R_max))

    ## ###  Reminder: Add stuff that enables the array functions from
    ## ###  leanRcoding to be used as a part of this framework.

    ## ###  Create helper-functions that can be called in order to
    ## ###  extract the desired information.

    ## ## ##  Plots of interest.
    ## ## boxplot(x = the_sample[1:5, R=13])
    ## ## hist(x = the_sample[1:5, R=13])
    ## ## plot(density(x = the_sample[1:2, R=13]))
    ## ## Add plots that shows how the different estimates behaves when
    ## ## the sample size increases.

    ## test <- the_sample[, R=13]

    ## TEST <- vapply(
    ##     X = 1:n_max,
    ##     FUN = function(i) {
    ##         ##  Compute and return a few values of interest.
    ##         c(quantile(test[1:i]),
    ##           mean = mean(test[1:i]),
    ##           sd = sd(test[1:i]))
    ##     },
    ##     FUN.VALUE = numeric(7))

    ## ## dimnames(TEST)
    ## ## plot(TEST["mean", ], type="s")
    ## ## plot(TEST["sd", ], type="s")

    ## ## plot(TEST["50%", ], type="s")

    ## ####  In addition to this, for a given number of samples, need to
    ## ####  find details related to the distribution of the desired
    ## ####  objects.

    ## TEST2 <- vapply(
    ##     X = 1:R_max,
    ##     FUN = function(r)
    ##         mean(the_sample[, R=r]),
    ##     FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))

    ## ## boxplot(TEST2)
    ## ## hist(TEST2, freq=TRUE)
    ## ## plot(density(TEST2))

    ## ######  Reminder: The key feature here is to identify the
    ## ######  arguments to be used in the input parameters.  I guess
    ## ######  this ougth to be be a selection of values for 'n' and 'R'
    ## ######  with a selection of the plots to include.  Potentially
    ## ######  with some selection of which additional features
    ## ######  (lines/graphs) that could/should be added to the plots
    ##   Help function to create the desired parameter-interface for
    ##   the selected distribution.  The argument '.model' must be one
    ##   of the names from the list 'distribution_details', and the
    ##   argument '.par' must be the name of one of the corresponding
    ##   parameters.  The argument '.label' can be used to add a more
    ##   detailed text to describe the argument.
    ## .model <- "binomial"
    ## .par <- "p"
    parameters <- function(.model, .par, .label = .par) {
        ## Sanity-check of the arguments.
        if (! .model %in% names(distribution_details))
            stop(sprintf("The model '%s' has not been implemented...", .model))
        if (! .par %in% names(distribution_details[[c(.model, "par")]]))
            stop(sprintf("No argument '%s' in the distribution '%s'.", .par, .model))
        ##  Extract the vector of parameters.
        .parameters <- distribution_details[[c(.model, "par", .par)]]
        ##  Find the position of the default value in '.parameters'
        .default <- which(
            .parameters == distribution_details[[c(.model, "par_default", .par)]])
        ##  Create the desired interface.
        .first <- sliderInput(
            inputId = .par,
            label = .label,
            min = 1,
            max = length(.parameters),
            value = .default,
            step = 1,
            animate = animationOptions(
                interval = 333,
                loop = FALSE,
                playButton = NULL,
                pauseButton = NULL))

    ##  Create a list with the interface to be used later on.
    .interface <- list(
        plot_type = radioButtons(
            inputId = "plot_type",
            label = "Select the desired plot-type.",
            choices = c("pdf", "cdf"),
            selected = "pdf",
            inline = TRUE),
        normal_approximation = radioButtons(
            inputId = "normal_approximation",
            label = "Show normal approximation.",
            choices = c("on", "off"),
            selected = "off",
            inline = TRUE),
        mean_pm_sd = radioButtons(
            inputId = "mean_pm_sd",
            label = "Show mean with standard deviations.",
            choices = c("on", "off"),
            selected = "off",
            inline = TRUE),
        show_intervals_areals = radioButtons(
            inputId = "show_intervals_areals",
            label = "Show intervals and areals.",
            choices = c("on", "off"),
            selected = "off",
            inline = TRUE),
        alpha_quantile = radioButtons(
            inputId = "alpha_quantile",
            label = "Select a quantile.",
            choices = local({
                .alternatives <- c(0.1, 0.05, 0.025, 0.010, 0.005, 0.001)
                    .Data = .alternatives,
                    .Names = .alternatives)
            selected = "0.05",
            inline = TRUE),
        side_type = radioButtons(
            inputId = "side_type",
            label = "Select type of interval/areal.",
            choices = structure(
                .Data = c("lower", "two_sided", "upper"),
                .Names = c("Lower", "Two sided", "Upper")),
            selected = "two_sided",
            inline = TRUE),
        scaling = selectInput(
              inputId = "scaling",
              label = "Select the desired scaling",
              choices = c("none", "only x", "only y", "both x and y"),
            selected = "none"))
    ##  Define the 'ui'- and 'server'-components.

    ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
        ## Application title
        titlePanel("Under development - HVL statistkk"),
        ## Define the side-panel
                width = 3,
                ##  A panel for the control of the graphical details.
                    condition = "input.distribution == 'binomial'",
                        ##  Add the required input interface for the parameters
                        parameters(.model = "binomial", .par = "n"),
                        parameters(.model = "binomial", .par = "p"),
                    condition = "input.distribution == 'chi.squared'",
                    "The chi-squared case",
                        ##  Switch to show path-controls.
                                     label = "Show path-controls"))
                    ## wellPanel(
                    ##     renderText("The chi-squared case"),
                    ##     renderPrint("The chi-squared case"))
                    condition = "input.distribution == 'normal'",
                        ##  Add the required input interface for the parameters
                        parameters(.model = "normal", .par = "mean"),
                        parameters(.model = "normal", .par = "sd"),
                    condition = "input.distribution == 't'",
                    "The t case"
                ##  The interface that describes what to plot.
                ## wellPanel(
                ##     .interface$plot_type,
                ##     .interface$normal_approximation,
                ##     .interface$mean_pm_sd
                ## ),
                ##  Additional buttons.
                    ##  Explain details about the interface.
                    checkboxInput(inputId = "explain_interface",
                                  label = "Explanation interface",
                                  value = FALSE),
                    ##  Explain details about the plots.
                    checkboxInput(inputId = "explain_plot",
                                  label = "Explanation plot",
                                  value = TRUE),
                    ##  Get the code for the plots.
                    checkboxInput(inputId = "get_code",
                                  label = " Show code for plot",
                                  value = FALSE)),
                ##  Termination of application.
                    checkboxInput(inputId = "quit",
                                  label = "Enough, stop this crap!",
                                  value = FALSE),
                width = 9,
                    condition = "input.get_code == false",
                    ##  The next part will depend on the selected data.
                    condition = "input.get_code == true",
                    "The following code can be used to create the plot in e.g. an article/paper:",
                    condition = "input.explain_interface == true",
                    ##  Present information about the interface
                    ## verbatimTextOutput("Explain_Interface")
                    condition = "input.explain_plot == true",
                    ##  Present information about the plot.
                    ## verbatimTextOutput("Explain_Interface")
    ## This concludes the definition of 'ui'.    

  server <-
      shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
          ##  Code to ensure that the app stoppes if the web-page is
          ##  closed without using the stop-button.

          ##  Create an insist "I want to quit"-button, to avoid that
          ##  users inadvertently quits the application.
          output$insist_quit <- renderUI(
              if (input$quit) {
                               label = "Yes, I DO want to quit!")
              } else {
          ##  Perform the termination.
              if (! identical(input$insist_quit, NULL))
                  if (input$insist_quit > 0) 

          ##  Create a solution for the selection of the distribution,
          ##  based on the values found in the list
          ##  'distribution_details' (internal to the package).

          output$distribution <- renderUI(selectInput(
              inputId = "distribution",
              label = "Select the desired distribution",
              choices = sort(names(distribution_details)),
              selected = distribution$type))          
          ## ## ## selectInput(inputId, label, choices, selected = NULL, multiple = FALSE,
          ## ## ##             selectize = TRUE, width = NULL, size = NULL)          


###  The aim of this function is to make this interactive application
###  able to deal with all the cases of interest, which implies that
###  the user interface must be completely dynamic.  In order to make
###  the code a tad bit more transparent, the naming conventions will
###  be to mirror 'input' and 'output' to a high degree.  Moreover, to
###  avoid a lot of "select the only available option"-steps in the
###  interface, the aim is to auto-select when no alternatives are
###  available.

          output$graphs <- renderPlot({
              ##  NB: This part must be updated when changes are
              ##  performed in the selection menus.
              {   input$distribution
                  ##  Details for the binomial distribution.
                  ##  Details for the normal distribution.

              ##  Create a noninteractive copy of 'input' for the
              ##  debugging strategy to work properly.
              .input <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(input))
              for (.name in isolate(names(input))) {
                  .input[[.name]] <- isolate(input[[.name]])

              ##  Create a call to be used for the 
              the_plot_call <- leanRcoding::create_call(
                  .cc_fun = the_plot,
                  .input = .input)

              ## capture_env() 
              ##  Create the plot.
              the_plot(.input = input)

    ## This concludes the definition of 'server'.

    ##  Run 'shinyApp'
    shinyApp(ui = ui,
             server = server)


## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
##     ##  Create a logical object to check that data is present.
##     data_exists <- length(TS_content) > 0
##     ##  Extract a list of keys and time-series from 'TS_content'.
##     TS_overview <- structure(
##         .Data = lapply(
##             X = seq_along(TS_content),
##             FUN = function(i) 
##                 names(TS_content[[i]])),
##         .Names = names(TS_content))
## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
##     ##  Extract information about the pre-selected stuff specified in
##     ##  'data_dir'.  Note: Adjust the names to allow subsetting based
##     ##  on the values stored in 'LG_default', i.e. "TS", "Approx",
##     ##  "Spectra", "Boot_Approx" and "Boot_Spectra".
##     pre_selected <- structure(
##         .Data = as.list(data_dir),
##         .Names = LG_default$folder_defaults[names(data_dir)])
##     ##  Add 'TS_key' and 'Approx_branch' when relevant.
##     if (! is.null(data_dir))
##         pre_selected$TS_key <- local(expr = {
##             .match <- vapply(
##                 X = TS_overview,
##                 FUN = function(x) 
##                     pre_selected$TS %in% x,
##                 FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
##             names(.match)[.match]
##         })
##     ##  Add value for 'Approx_branch', when relevant.
##     if (! is.null(pre_selected[["Spectra"]])) 
##         pre_selected$Approx_branch <- "Spectra"
##     if (! is.null(pre_selected[["Boot_Approx"]])) 
##         pre_selected$Approx_branch <- "Bootstrap data"
## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ###  In order to ease the update of the interface, a wrapper function
## ###  will be created to take care of the creation of the
## ###  'selectInput'-functions.
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
##     ##  Create the wrapper around 'selectInput'.
##     wrapper_selectInput <- function(
##         inputId,
##         names,
##         pre_selected) {
##         ##  Initiate basic keywords.
##         word <- switch(
##             EXPR = inputId,
##             TS_key = "group",
##             TS = "time series",
##             Approx = "approximation",
##             Spectra = "spectra",
##             Boot_Approx = "bootstrap approximation",
##             Boot_Spectra = "bootstrap spectra")
##         ##  Create the descriptive text to be used in selector.
##         descriptive_text <- paste(
##             "Select",
##             word,
##             sep = " ")
##         ##  Create the label to be used (text above selector).
##         label <- ifelse(
##             test = length(names) == 1,
##             yes = paste(
##                 "Auto-selected the only available",
##                 word,
##                 sep = " "),
##             no = paste(
##                 length(names),
##                 " ",
##                 word,
##                 if (inputId %in% c("TS_key", "Approx", "Boot_Approx"))
##                     "s",
##                 " available, pick your choice",
##                 sep = ""))
##         ##  Create the default selected value.
##         if (! is.null(pre_selected[[inputId]])) {
##             selected <- pre_selected[[inputId]]
##         } else 
##             selected <- ifelse(
##                 test = length(names) == 1,
##                 yes = names,
##                 no = descriptive_text)
##         ##  Create the value for the 'choices'-argument.
##         choices <- c(descriptive_text, names)
##         ##  Override the previous values when no data was found.
##         if (length(names) == 0) {
##             label <- paste(
##                 "No ",
##                 word,
##                 if (inputId %in% c("TS_key", "Approx", "Boot_Approx"))
##                     "s",
##                 " detected",
##                 sep = "")
##             choices <- "Nothing here to select..."
##             selected <- NULL
##         }
##         ## Return the desired function
##         return(selectInput(
##             inputId = inputId,
##             label = label,
##             choices = choices,
##             selected = selected,
##             width = 333))
##     }
## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ###  The user interface is dynamic and created from the 'server', the
## ###  rule of naming is that the same names should occur in both
## ###  'input' and 'output', i.e. we should have "TS", "Approx",
## ###  "Spectra", "Boot_Approx" and "Boot_Spectra" as common components.
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
##   ##  Define the 'ui'-argument to be delivered to 'shinyApp'.
##   ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
##       ## Application title
##       titlePanel("Local Gaussian Spectral Densities"),
##       ## Define the side-panel
##       fluidRow(
##           column(
##               width = 3,
##               conditionalPanel(
##                   condition = "(input.switch1 + input.switch2) % 2 == 0",
##                   wellPanel(
##                       ##  Switch to hide path-controls.
##                       actionButton("switch1",
##                                    label = "Hide path-controls"),
##                       br(),
##                       br(), 
##                       ##  Present a hoodwinked-message if the
##                       ##  'TS_content' file exist without any data.
##                       uiOutput("Hoodwinked"),
##                       ##  When data exists, add interface for 'TS_key'.
##                       uiOutput("TS_key"),
##                       ##  When valid 'TS_key', add interface for 'TS'.
##                       uiOutput("TS"), 
##                       ##  When 'info' loaded, add interface for 'Approx'.
##                       uiOutput("Approx"),
##                       ##  Add a branching selector for 'Approx'-result.
##                       uiOutput("Approx_branch"),
##                       ##  When branch selected as 'Spectra'.
##                       uiOutput("Spectra"),
##                       ##  When branch selected as 'Boot_Approx'.
##                       uiOutput("Boot_Approx"),
##                       ##  Add selector for 'Boot_Spectra'.
##                       uiOutput("Boot_Spectra")
##                   )
##               ),
##               conditionalPanel(
##                   condition = "(input.switch2 + input.switch1) % 2 == 1",
##                   wellPanel(
##                       ##  Switch to show path-controls.
##                       actionButton("switch2",
##                                    label = "Show path-controls"))
##               ),
##               ##  A panel for the control of the graphical details.
##               wellPanel(
##                   "Select the data to inspect...",
##                   fluidRow(
##                       ##  Add actionButton for 'TS_graphic'.
##                       uiOutput("TS_graphic"), 
##                       ##  Add actionButton for 'Approx_graphic'.
##                       uiOutput("Approx_graphic"),
##                       ##  Add actionButton for 'Spectra_graphic'.
##                       uiOutput("Spectra_graphic"),
##                       ##  Add actionButton for 'Boot_Approx_graphic'.
##                       uiOutput("Boot_Approx_graphic"),
##                       ##  Add actionButton for 'Boot_Spectra_graphic'.
##                       uiOutput("Boot_Spectra_graphic") ),
##                   ##  The next part gives a list of graphical
##                   ##  controls, that will depend on the selected data.
##                   uiOutput("graphical_controls")
##               ),
## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
##               ##  Additional buttons.
##               wellPanel(
##                   ##  Explain details about the interface.
##                   checkboxInput(inputId = "explain_interface",
##                                 label = "Explanation interface",
##                                 value = FALSE),
##                   ##  Explain details about the plots.
##                   checkboxInput(inputId = "explain_plot",
##                                 label = "Explanation plot",
##                                 value = TRUE),
##                   ##  Get the code for the plots.
##                   checkboxInput(inputId = "get_code",
##                                 label = " Show code for plot",
##                                 value = FALSE)),
##               ##  A "show the innards of shiny"-marker.
##               wellPanel(
##                   checkboxInput(inputId = "show_shiny",
##                                 label = " Show shiny innards",
##                                 value = FALSE)),
##               ##  Termination of application.
##               wellPanel(
##                   checkboxInput(inputId = "quit",
##                                 label = "Enough, stop this crap!",
##                                 value = FALSE),
##                   uiOutput("insist_quit"))
##           ),
##           column(
##               width = 9,
##               conditionalPanel(
##                   condition = "input.get_code == false",
##                   ##  The next part will depend on the selected data.
##                   plotOutput("graphs")
##               ),
##               conditionalPanel(
##                   condition = "input.get_code == true",
##                   "The following code can be used to create the plot in e.g. an article/paper:",
##                   verbatimTextOutput("graphs_call")
##               ),
##               conditionalPanel(
##                   condition = "input.explain_interface == true",
##                   ##  Present information about the interface
##                   htmlOutput("Explain_Interface")
##                   ## verbatimTextOutput("Explain_Interface")
##               ),
##               conditionalPanel(
##                   condition = "input.explain_plot == true",
##                   ##  Present information about the plot.
##                   htmlOutput("Explain_Plot")
##                   ## verbatimTextOutput("Explain_Interface")
##               ),
##               conditionalPanel(
##                   condition = "input.show_shiny == true",
##                   verbatimTextOutput("internal_status")
##               )
##           )
##       )
##   ))
##     ## This concludes the definition of 'ui'.
## #################################-------------------------------------    
##     ##  Define the 'server'-argument to be delivered to 'shinyApp'.
##   server <-
##       shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
##           ##  Code to ensure that the app stoppes if the web-page is
##           ##  closed without using the stop-button.
##           session$onSessionEnded(stopApp)
## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ###  The aim of this function is to make this interactive application
## ###  able to deal with all the cases of interest, which implies that
## ###  the user interface must be completely dynamic.  In order to make
## ###  the code a tad bit more transparent, the naming conventions will
## ###  be to mirror 'input' and 'output' to a high degree.  Moreover, to
## ###  avoid a lot of "select the only available option"-steps in the
## ###  interface, the aim is to auto-select when no alternatives are
## ###  available.
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------            

## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ###  In order to get stuff working, we need to instruct 'observe' with
## ###  regard to the priorities to use, and we need a vector specifying
## ###  these in order to ease the testing of what order we should use.
##           observe_priorities <- c(
##               graph_changes = 50,
##               TS_graphical_changes = -1,
##               path_changes = 40,
##               backup_show_graphical = 1000,
##               create_input_copy = 9999,
##               show_graphical = 20,
##               show_graphical_2 = 20)

## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ### Let's start with the end: Code for termination of the application.
## ### Use 'renderUI' to add a new button to verify that a termination of
## ### the present application indeed is the desired action.
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------

##           ##  Add an insist "I want to quit"-button.
##           output$insist_quit <- renderUI(
##               if (input$quit) {
##                   br()
##                   actionButton("insist_quit",
##                                label = "Yes, I DO want to quit!")
##               } else {
##                   return()
##               })
##           ##  Perform the termination.
##           observe({
##               nested_if( 
##                   if_list = list(
##                       ! identical(input$insist_quit, NULL),
##                       (input$insist_quit > 0)), 
##                   expr_all_TRUE = stopApp())
##           })

## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ### Messages related to lack of data in the specified target directory
## ### can be useful, and those components are collected here.
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------

##           ##  Hoodwinked information, there's no data there.
##           output$Hoodwinked <- renderText({
##               if (! data_exists)
##                   paste("You have been hoodwinked!",
##                         br(),
##                         "An empty list was found in the file '",
##                         paste(c(main_dir,
##                                 LG_default$content_file_name),
##                               collapse = .Platform$file.sep),
##                         "'.",
##                         sep = "")
##           })
## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ###  To make the code a tiny bit more transparent, a bunch of reactive
## ###  logical values are collected here.  The naming convention is that
## ###  values ending with '_include' turns on and off different parts of
## ###  the interface, whereas those ending with '_load' governs whether
## ###  or not information will be loaded from files.
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------

##           ##  Logic value: Interface 'TS'.
##           TS_include <- reactive(
##               nested_if(
##                   if_list = list(
##                       ! identical(input$TS_key, NULL),
##                       any(names(TS_content) == input$TS_key)),
##                   expr_not_all_TRUE = FALSE) )
##           ##  Logic value: Load 'info'-object.
##           info_load <- reactive(
##               nested_if(
##                   if_list = list(
##                       ! identical(input$TS, NULL),
##                       ! str_detect(string = toupper(input$TS),
##                                    pattern = toupper("Select"))),
##                   expr_not_all_TRUE = FALSE) )

##           ##  Logic value: Interface 'Approx'.
##           Approx_include <- reactive(
##               nested_if(
##                   if_list = list(
##                       ! identical(input$TS_key, NULL),
##                       ! str_detect(string = toupper(input$TS_key),
##                                    pattern = toupper("Select")),
##                       info_load()),
##                   expr_not_all_TRUE = FALSE) )
##           ##  Logic value:  Interface 'Approx_branch' 
##           Approx_branch_include <- reactive(
##               nested_if(
##                   if_list = list(
##                       Approx_include(),
##                       ! identical(input$Approx, NULL),
##                       ! str_detect(string = toupper(input$Approx),
##                                    pattern = toupper("Select"))),
##                   expr_not_all_TRUE = FALSE) )

##           ##  Logic value: Interface 'Spectra'
##           Spectra_include <- reactive(
##               nested_if(
##                   if_list = list(
##                       Approx_branch_include(),
##                       ! identical(input$Approx_branch, NULL),
##                       str_detect(string = input$Approx_branch,
##                                  pattern = "Spectra")),
##                   expr_not_all_TRUE = FALSE) )

##           ##  Logic value: Interface 'Boot_Approx'
##           Boot_Approx_include <- reactive(
##               nested_if(
##                   if_list = list(
##                       Approx_branch_include(),
##                       ! identical(input$Approx_branch, NULL),
##                       str_detect(string = input$Approx_branch,
##                                  pattern = "Bootstrap data")),
##                   expr_not_all_TRUE = FALSE) )
##           ##  Logic value: Interface 'Boot_Spectra'
##           Boot_Spectra_include <- reactive(
##               nested_if(
##                   if_list = list(
##                       Boot_Approx_include(),
##                       ! identical(input$Boot_Approx, NULL),
##                       ! str_detect(string = toupper(input$Boot_Approx),
##                                    pattern = toupper("Select"))),
##                   expr_not_all_TRUE = FALSE) )

## #####-----------------
## ###  Buttons to inspect the data by graphical means, When this has
## ###  been tested, they can be inserted at the natural positions in the
## ###  list above.
## #####-----------------

##           ##  Logic value: Interface 'TS_graphic'
##           TS_graphic_include <- reactive(
##               Approx_include() )
##           ##  Logic value: Interface 'Approx_graphic'
##           Approx_graphic_include <- reactive(
##               Approx_branch_include() )
##           ##  Logic value: Interface 'Spectra_graphic'
##           Spectra_graphic_include <- reactive(
##               nested_if(
##                   if_list = list(
##                       Spectra_include(),
##                       ! identical(input$Spectra, NULL),
##                       ! str_detect(string = toupper(input$Spectra),
##                                    pattern = toupper("Select"))),
##                   expr_not_all_TRUE = FALSE) )
##           ##  Logic value: Interface 'Boot_Approx_graphic'
##           Boot_Approx_graphic_include <- reactive(
##               nested_if(
##                   if_list = list(
##                       Boot_Approx_include(),
##                       ! identical(input$Boot_Approx, NULL),
##                       ! str_detect(string = toupper(input$Boot_Approx),
##                                    pattern = toupper("Select"))),
##                   expr_not_all_TRUE = FALSE) )
##           ##  Logic value: Interface 'Boot_Spectra_graphic'
##           Boot_Spectra_graphic_include <- reactive(
##               nested_if(
##                   if_list = list(
##                       Boot_Spectra_include(),
##                       ! identical(input$Boot_Spectra, NULL),
##                       ! str_detect(string = toupper(input$Boot_Spectra),
##                                    pattern = toupper("Select"))),
##                   expr_not_all_TRUE = FALSE) )
## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ###  The logical values defined above will now be used in order to
## ###  create the interface and load different files.
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------

##           ##  Select input based on TS_content.
##           output$TS_key <- renderUI(
##               expr =
##                   if (data_exists)
##                       wrapper_selectInput(
##                           inputId = "TS_key",
##                           names = names(TS_content),
##                           pre_selected = pre_selected))
##           ##  Create selector for 'TS', i.e. time series.
##           output$TS <- renderUI(
##               if (TS_include()) 
##                   wrapper_selectInput(
##                       inputId = "TS",
##                       names = names(TS_content[[input$TS_key]]),
##                       pre_selected = pre_selected) )

##           ##  When a valid 'TS' is selected, load the info-object.
##           info <- reactive(
##               if (info_load()) {
##                   load(file = file.path(
##                            paste(c(main_dir,
##                                    input$TS),
##                                  collapse = .Platform$file.sep),
##                            LG_default$info_file_name))
##                   ##  This gives us 'info' to return to the work-flow.
##                   info
##               })
##           ##     observe({
##           ##         print("****")
##           ##         nested_if(
##           ##             if_list = list(
##           ##                 ! identical(input$TS, NULL),
##           ##                 ! str_detect(string = input$TS,
##           ##                              pattern = "Select")),
##           ##             expr_all_TRUE = print(names(info()$App)))
##           ## })

##           ## observe(print(names(input)))

##           ##  User interfaces for Approx
##           output$Approx <- renderUI(
##               if (Approx_include()) {
##                   approx_names <-
##                       names(info())[str_detect(
##                           string = names(info()),
##                           pattern = "Approx")]
##                   wrapper_selectInput(
##                       inputId = "Approx",
##                       names = approx_names,
##                       pre_selected = pre_selected)
##               })
##           ##  User interface for branching point.
##           output$Approx_branch <- renderUI(
##               if (Approx_branch_include()) {
##                   ##  Find the content of the branchings.
##                   Approx_content <-
##                       names(info()[[input$Approx]])
##                   ##  Count 'Spectra' and 'Boot_Approx'.
##                   S <- sum(str_count(
##                       string = Approx_content,
##                       pattern = "Spectra"))
##                   BA <- sum(str_count(
##                       string = Approx_content,
##                       pattern = "Boot_Approx"))
##                   ##  Create 'label', 'choices' and
##                   ##  'selected' to be used in the selector.
##                   if (S + BA == 0) {
##                       label <- "Detected neither spectra nor bootstrap-data"
##                       choices <- "Nothing to select"
##                       selected <- NULL
##                   } else {
##                       if (S * BA == 0) {
##                           if (BA == 0) {
##                               label <- "No bootstrap data detected, auto-selected spectra"
##                               choices <- c(
##                                   "Select a branch",
##                                   "Spectra")
##                               selected <- "Spectra"
##                           } else {
##                               label <- "No spectra detected, auto-selected bootstrap data"
##                               choices <- c(
##                                   "Select a branch",
##                                   "Bootstrap data")
##                               selected <- "Bootstrap data"
##                           }
##                       } else {
##                           label <- "Inspect spectra or bootstrap data?"
##                           choices <- c(
##                               "Select a branch",
##                               "Spectra",
##                               "Bootstrap data")
##                           selected = NULL
##                       }
##                   }
## #####  TASK: How to only use the pre_selected stuff when relevant?  If
## #####  the present path coincide with the path from from 'data_dir',
## #####  then use default - otherwise use the one selected above.

## #####  HERE!!! Dealing with 'pre_selected' directly.
## ###  This short intermezzo seems to be the only place where a direct
## ###  investigation of 'pre_selected' is made.
##                   if (! is.null(pre_selected$Approx_branch))
##                       ##  Compare present and pre-selected
##                       if (prod(
## ### Remember: Single-bracket indexing of reactive-values object is not
## ### allowed.
##                           c(input$TS_key,
##                             input$TS,
##                             input$Approx) ==
##                                 pre_selected[c("TS_key", "TS", "Approx")]))
##                           ## Use pre_selected when matching.
##                           selected <- pre_selected$Approx_branch
## #####  WHAT TO DO HERE?  Always using the pre_selected when available?

## #####  HERE!!! Dealing with 'pre_selected' directly.

## #####  Doesn't look quite satisfying.
##                   selectInput(
##                       inputId = "Approx_branch",
##                       label = label,
##                       choices = choices,
##                       selected = selected)
##               })

##           ##  User interface for spectra.
##           output$Spectra <- renderUI(
##               if (Spectra_include()) {
##                   ##  Find the available spectra.
##                   Approx_content <-
##                       names(info()[[input$Approx]])
##                   ##---
##                   spectra_names <- 
##                       Approx_content[str_detect(
##                           string = Approx_content,
##                           pattern = "Spectra")]
##                   ##  Create the selector.
##                   wrapper_selectInput(
##                       inputId = "Spectra",
##                       names = spectra_names,
##                       pre_selected = pre_selected)
##               })

##           ##  User interface for bootstrap data (when selected).
##           output$Boot_Approx <- renderUI(
##               if (Boot_Approx_include()) {
##                   ##  Find the available bootstrap data.
##                   Approx_content <-
##                       names(info()[[input$Approx]])
##                   ##---
##                   bootstrap_names <- 
##                       Approx_content[str_detect(
##                           string = Approx_content,
##                           pattern = "Boot_Approx")]
##                   ##  Create the selector.
##                   wrapper_selectInput(
##                       inputId = "Boot_Approx",
##                       names = bootstrap_names,
##                       pre_selected = pre_selected)
##               })

##           ##  User interface for bootstrap spectra.
##           output$Boot_Spectra <- renderUI(
##               if (Boot_Spectra_include()) {
##                   ##  Find the available bootstrap spectra.
##                   Bootstrap_content <-
##                       names(info()[[c(input$Approx,
##                                       input$Boot_Approx)]])
##                   ##---
##                   Bootstrap_spectra_names <- 
##                       Bootstrap_content[str_detect(
##                           string = Bootstrap_content,
##                           pattern = "Boot_Spectra")]
##                   ##  Create the selector.
##                   wrapper_selectInput(
##                       inputId = "Boot_Spectra",
##                       names = Bootstrap_spectra_names,
##                       pre_selected = pre_selected)
##               })

## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ###  Controls with regard to graphical interface will be placed in a
## ###  separate window.

## #####  TASK: It might be that a modified version of the part where
## #####  these stuff are added to the interface would simplify the
## #####  definitions here, but then the code would be more messy another
## #####  place instead.

##           ##  Graphical select 'TS'
##           output$TS_graphic <- renderUI(
##               if (TS_graphic_include())
##                   column(width = 2,
##                          actionButton(
##                              inputId = "TS_graphic",
##                              label = "TS") ))
##           ##  Graphical select 'Approx'
##           output$Approx_graphic <- renderUI(
##               if (Approx_graphic_include())
##                   column(width = 2,
##                          actionButton(
##                              inputId = "Approx_graphic",
##                              label = "Approx") ))
##           ##  Graphical select 'Spectra'
##           output$Spectra_graphic <- renderUI(
##               if (Spectra_graphic_include())
##                   column(width = 2,
##                          actionButton(
##                              inputId = "Spectra_graphic",
##                              label = "Spectra")) )
##           ##  Graphical select 'Boot_Approx'
##           output$Boot_Approx_graphic <- renderUI(
##               if (Boot_Approx_graphic_include())
##                   column(width = 3,
##                          actionButton(
##                              inputId = "Boot_Approx_graphic",
##                              label = "Boot Approx")) )
##           ##  Graphical select 'Boot_Spectra'
##           output$Boot_Spectra_graphic <- renderUI(
##               if (Boot_Spectra_graphic_include())  
##                   column(width = 3,
##                          actionButton(
##                              inputId = "Boot_Spectra_graphic",
##                              label = "Boot Spectra")) )

## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ###  Additional controls with regard to the inspection of the
## ###  TS-object, i.e. we want to see the plot of the time series
## ###  itself, and related plots like 'acf', 'pacf', 'spec.pgram' and so
## ###  on, and in particular I want to add an option where we can
## ###  quickly see if the Local Gaussian auto-covariances for the
## ###  different lags differ by a significant amount.

##           ##  TS graphical select 'plot'
##           output$TS_plot <- renderUI(
##               column(width = 2,
##                      actionButton(
##                          inputId = "TS_plot",
##                          label = "plot") ))
##           ##  TS graphical select 'acf'
##           output$TS_acf <- renderUI(
##               column(width = 2,
##                      actionButton(
##                          inputId = "TS_acf",
##                          label = "acf") ))
##           ##  TS graphical select 'pacf'
##           output$TS_pacf <- renderUI(
##               column(width = 2,
##                      actionButton(
##                          inputId = "TS_pacf",
##                          label = "pacf")) )
##           ##  TS graphical select 'spec.pgram'
##           output$TS_spec.pgram <- renderUI(
##               column(width = 3,
##                      actionButton(
##                          inputId = "TS_spec.pgram",
##                          label = "spec.pgram")) )
##           ##  TS graphical select 'lags'
##           output$TS_lags <- renderUI(
##               column(width = 3,
##                      actionButton(
##                          inputId = "TS_lags",
##                          label = "lags")) )

## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ###  Define triggers for use later on.

##           ##  We need a reactive 'trigger' that can sense when a part
##           ##  of the 'select graphical'-interface is adjusted.
##           graphic_trigger <- reactive(
##               paste(input$TS_graphic,
##                     input$Approx_graphic,
##                     input$Spectra_graphic,
##                     input$Boot_Approx_graphic,
##                     input$Boot_Spectra_graphic) )

##           ##  We need a reactive 'trigger' that can sense when a part
##           ##  of the path-interface is adjusted.
##           path_trigger <- reactive(
##               paste(input$TS_key,
##                     input$TS,
##                     input$Approx,
##                     input$Spectra,
##                     input$Boot_Approx,
##                     input$Boot_Spectra,
##                     input$Approx_branch) )

## #####  HERE !!!!
##           ##  We need a reactive 'trigger' that can sense when a part
##           ##  of the TS-specific plots are desired.
##           TS_graphic_trigger <- reactive(
##               paste(input$TS_plot,
##                     input$TS_acf,
##                     input$TS_pacf,
##                     input$TS_spec.pgram,
##                     input$TS_lags) )
## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ###  In order to decide which kind of graphical display that should be
## ###  shown, we need to take into account the values returned from the
## ###  action-buttons and we must also consider the effect of
## ###  adjustments in the path-selections.  In order to figure out what
## ###  plots to show when, we will start out by the creation of two
## ###  intermediate logical vectors that then will be used to figure out
## ###  reasonable changes to the graphical setup.
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------

##           ##  Initiate 'graph_selection_matrix'.
##           graph_selection_matrix <- matrix(
##               data = 0,
##               nrow = 2,
##               ncol = 5,
##               dimnames = list(
##                   c("old", "new"),
##                   c("TS", "Approx", "Spectra",
##                     "Boot_Approx", "Boot_Spectra")))
##           ## graph_new_selection_vector <- reactive(
##           ##     c(TS = ifelse(
##           ##           test = identical(input$TS_graphic, NULL),
##           ##           yes  = 0,
##           ##           no   = input$TS_graphic),
##           ##       Approx = ifelse(
##           ##           test = identical(input$Approx_graphic, NULL),
##           ##           yes  = 0,
##           ##           no   = input$Approx_graphic),
##           ##       Spectra = ifelse(
##           ##           test = identical(input$Spectra_graphic, NULL),
##           ##           yes  = 0,
##           ##           no   = input$Spectra_graphic),
##           ##       Boot_Approx = ifelse(
##           ##           test = identical(input$Boot_Approx_graphic, NULL),
##           ##           yes  = 0,
##           ##           no   = input$Boot_Approx_graphic),
##           ##       Boot_Spectra = ifelse(
##           ##           test = identical(input$Boot_Spectra_graphic, NULL),
##           ##           yes  = 0,
##           ##           no   = input$Boot_Spectra_graphic)) )

##           ##  Use 'observe' to update 'graph_selection_matrix', and
##           ##  create/update a logical vector that reveals the most
##           ##  recent changes due to the action-buttons.
##           observe(
##               priority = observe_priorities["graph_changes"],
##               x = {
##                   tmp <- graph_selection_matrix
##                   tmp["old", ] <- tmp["new", ]
##                   ##---
##                   tmp["new", ] <-
## ###                          graph_new_selection_vector()
##                       c(TS = ifelse(
##                             test = identical(input$TS_graphic, NULL),
##                             yes  = 0,
##                             no   = input$TS_graphic),
##                         Approx = ifelse(
##                             test = identical(input$Approx_graphic, NULL),
##                             yes  = 0,
##                             no   = input$Approx_graphic),
##                         Spectra = ifelse(
##                             test = identical(input$Spectra_graphic, NULL),
##                             yes  = 0,
##                             no   = input$Spectra_graphic),
##                         Boot_Approx = ifelse(
##                             test = identical(input$Boot_Approx_graphic, NULL),
##                             yes  = 0,
##                             no   = input$Boot_Approx_graphic),
##                         Boot_Spectra = ifelse(
##                             test = identical(input$Boot_Spectra_graphic, NULL),
##                             yes  = 0,
##                             no   = input$Boot_Spectra_graphic))
##                   ##  Update 'graph_selection_matrix'
##                   assign(x = "graph_selection_matrix",
##                          value = tmp,
##                          envir = where("graph_selection_matrix"))
##                   ##  Create/update logial vector.
##                   assign(x = "graph_changes",
##                          value = tmp["new", ] > tmp["old", ],
##                          envir = where("graph_selection_matrix"))
##               })

## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ###  At a 'deeper level' in the interface, we need to keep track of
## ###  the specified selection of inspection tool for the time series
## ###  under consideration, and we thus need a similar setup as the one
## ###  dealing with 'graph_selection_matrix' and 'graph_changes'.
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------

##           ##  Initiate 'TS_graphical_matrix', and add an attribute to
##           ##  give better control with when it should be updated.
##           TS_graphical_matrix <- matrix(
##               data = 0,
##               nrow = 2,
##               ncol = 5,
##               dimnames = list(
##                   c("old", "new"),
##                   c("TS_plot", "TS_acf", "TS_pacf",
##                     "TS_spec.pgram", "TS_lags")))
##           ##---
##           attr(x = TS_graphical_matrix,
##                which = "ignore_next_update") <- FALSE

## #####
##           ## ##  Initiate an initial value of 'TS_graphical_changes',
##           ## ##  that later on will be updated to a logical vector
##           ## ##  revealing the status of the most recently selected
##           ## ##  action-button.  Need to define this here in order to get
##           ## ##  simpler code inside of 'LG_shiny_helper'.
##           ##          TS_graphical_changes <- NULL
## #####  TASK: The part above turned out to be superfluous when I used a
## #####  negative value on the priority, which is kind of interesting...
##           ##  Use 'observe' to update 'TS_graphical_matrix', and
##           ##  create/update a logical vector that reveals the most
##           ##  recent changes due to the action-buttons.

##           observe(
##               priority = observe_priorities["TS_graphical_changes"],
##               x = {
##                   tmp <- TS_graphical_matrix
##                   if (attributes(tmp)$ignore_next_update) {
##                       attr(x = tmp,
##                            which = "ignore_next_update") <- FALSE
##                   } else {
##                       tmp["old", ] <- tmp["new", ]
##                       ##---
##                       tmp["new", ] <-
## ###                          graph_new_selection_vector()
##                           c(TS_plot = ifelse(
##                                 test = identical(input$TS_plot, NULL),
##                                 yes  = 0,
##                                 no   = input$TS_plot),
##                             TS_acf = ifelse(
##                                 test = identical(input$TS_acf, NULL),
##                                 yes  = 0,
##                                 no   = input$TS_acf),
##                             TS_pacf = ifelse(
##                                 test = identical(input$TS_pacf, NULL),
##                                 yes  = 0,
##                                 no   = input$TS_pacf),
##                             TS_spec.pgram = ifelse(
##                                 test = identical(input$TS_spec.pgram, NULL),
##                                 yes  = 0,
##                                 no   = input$TS_spec.pgram),
##                             TS_lags = ifelse(
##                                 test = identical(input$TS_lags, NULL),
##                                 yes  = 0,
##                                 no   = input$TS_lags))
##                   }
##                   ##  Update 'TS_graphical_matrix'
##                   assign(x = "TS_graphical_matrix",
##                          value = tmp,
##                          envir = where("TS_graphical_matrix"))
##                   ##  Create/update logial vector.
##                   assign(x = "TS_graphical_changes",
##                          value = tmp["new", ] > tmp["old", ],
##                          envir = where("TS_graphical_matrix"))
##               })


## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
##           ##  Initiate information about the path-selection.
##           path_selection_list <- list(
##               old = pre_selected,
##               new = pre_selected)
##           ##  Create a help-function to compare 'old' and 'new' from
##           ##  'path_selection_list' (Reminder: Can't 'unlist' and
##           ##  compare as vectors, since the list can contain 'NULL').
##           path_changes_FUN <- function(path_selection_list) {
##               .list <- path_selection_list
##               .result <- vector(
##                   mode = "logical",
##                   length = length(.list[[1]]))
##               names(.result) <- names(.list[[1]])
##               for (.name in names(.list[[1]]))
##                   .result[.name] <- ! identical(
##                       x = .list[[c("old", .name)]],
##                       y = .list[[c("new", .name)]])
##               ##  Return the result to the workflow
##               .result
##           }
##           ##  Use 'observe' to update 'path_selection_list' with new
##           ##  values from the path-controls, and create/update a
##           ##  logical vector revealing the most recent modifications.
##           observe(priority = observe_priorities["path_changes"],
##                   x = {
##                       ##  Update 'path_selection_list'.
##                       assign(x = "path_selection_list",
##                              value = list(
##                                  old = path_selection_list[["new"]],
##                                  new = list(
##                                      TS_key = input$TS_key,
##                                      TS = input$TS,
##                                      Approx = input$Approx,
##                                      Spectra = input$Spectra,
##                                      Boot_Approx = input$Boot_Approx,
##                                      Boot_Spectra = input$Boot_Spectra,
##                                      Approx_branch = input$Approx_branch)),
##                              envir = where("path_selection_list"))
##                       ##  Create/update logical vector.
##                       assign(x = "path_changes",
##                              value = path_changes_FUN(path_selection_list),
##                              envir = where("path_selection_list"))
##                   })

## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ###  Based on the values in the matrix, we should now create the
## ###  required vector of logical values that will decide the selection
## ###  of the interface and the plot to be shown.  We will start out
## ###  with those adjustment triggered by the 'select-graphical'
## ###  interface, and then adjustments due to the 'select-path'
## ###  interface will be taken into account.
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
##           ##  Initiate logical vector 'show_graphical'.
##           show_graphical <- vector(
##               mode = "logical",
##               length = dim(graph_selection_matrix)[2])
##           names(show_graphical) <- colnames(graph_selection_matrix)

##           ##  To reduce the risk of "strange behaviour" due to
##           ##  combined updates of path- and graphical-selectors, let's
##           ##  ensure that we have a copy of the existing graphical
##           ##  setting before we start messing around with it.

##           ##  Create a backup of 'show_graphical', triggered by any
##           ##  changes from the interface in the present "iteration" of
##           ##  the server-script.

##           observe(
##               priority = observe_priorities["backup_show_graphical"],
##               x = {
##                   graphic_trigger()
##                   path_trigger()
##                   ##---
##                   assign(x = "backup_show_graphical",
##                          value = show_graphical,
##                          envir = where("show_graphical"))
##               })
##           ##  Update 'show_graphical' based on 'graph_changes'
##           observe(
##               priority = observe_priorities["show_graphical"],
##               x = {
##                   graphic_trigger()
##                   ##  If 'graph_changes' equals 'show_graphical',
##                   ##  then a plot has been turned on and off, and
##                   ##  all values in 'show_graphical' should be set
##                   ##  to FALSE -- otherwise use 'graph_changes'
##                   ##  for the update.
##                   tmp <- graph_changes
##                   if (identical(show_graphical, graph_changes))
##                       tmp[] <- FALSE
##                   ##---
##                   assign(x = "show_graphical",
##                          value = tmp,
##                          envir = where("show_graphical"))
##               })

##           ##  Update 'show_graphical' based on 'path_changes',
##           ##  ignoring any changes due to 'graph_changes'.
##           observe(
##               priority = observe_priorities["show_graphical_2"],
##               x = {
##                   path_trigger()
##                   tmp <- backup_show_graphical
##                   ##  Register the main (i.e. first) path-change.
##                   adjusted_part <- names(path_changes)[path_changes][1]
##                   ##  Update 'tmp' based on 'adjusted_part'.
##                   if (adjusted_part %in% c("TS_key", "TS"))
##                       tmp[] <- FALSE
##                   if (adjusted_part == "Approx")
##                       tmp[names(tmp) != "TS"] <- FALSE
##                   if (adjusted_part %in% c("Spectra", "Boot_Spectra"))
##                       tmp[adjusted_part] <- FALSE
##                   if (adjusted_part %in% c("Boot_Approx", "Approx_branch"))
##                       tmp[c("Boot_Approx", "Boot_Spectra")] <- FALSE
##                   ##  Update 'show_graphical' with 'tmp'.
##                   assign(x = "show_graphical",
##                          value = tmp,
##                          envir = where("show_graphical"))
##               })

## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
## #############---------------------------------------------------------
## ###  Time to create an interface showing the controls for the
## ###  different plots, at the moment only a minor test.

##           ##  Create 'graphical_controls' that will contain a list of
##           ##  controls for the showing of the details (at least if the
##           ##  idea I have got in mind is feasible to use).

##           ##  Create a nonreactive copy of 'input', to avoid problems
##           ##  when outsourcing the creation of parts of the interface.
##           nonreactive_input <- NULL
##           observe(
##               priority = observe_priorities["create_input_copy"],
##               x = {
##                   ##  The triggers needed in order to ensure that the
##                   ##  updates are performed when necessary.
##                   graphic_trigger()
##                   path_trigger()
##                   TS_graphic_trigger()
##                   input$point_type
##                   input$Vi
##                   input$Vj
##                   input$spectrum_variant
##                   input$od_c_a_sqc
##                   ##  A nonreactive version of 'input'
##                   .input <- vector(mode = "list",
##                                    length = length(input))
##                   for (.name in isolate(names(input))) {
##                       .input[[.name]] <- isolate(input[[.name]])
##                   }
##                   assign(x = "nonreactive_input",
##                          value = .input,
##                          envir = where("nonreactive_input"))
##               }
##           )

##           output$graphical_controls  <- renderUI({
##               ##  Update when changes in the selection-menus.
##               { graphic_trigger()
##                 path_trigger()
##                 ##  Triggers created by 'LG_shiny_helper' (store in a
##                 ##  collected trigger later on when testing finished?)
##                 ## input$type ##  Specific for 'TS'

##                 ##  Stuff related to the main investigation, only
##                 ##  include those that might require an update of the
##                 ##  interface!

##                 ## ## input$type
##                 input$point_type
##                 input$Vi
##                 input$Vj
##                 input$spectrum_variant
##                 input$od_c_a_sqc
##                 ## ## input$window
##                 ## ## input$confidence_interval
##                 ## ## input$bw_points
##                 ## ## input$cut
##                 ## ## input$levels
##                 ## ## input$levels_Horizontal
##                 ## ## input$levels_Vertical
##                 ## ## input$levels_Line
##                 ## ## input$omega_range
##                 ## ## input$Y_range
## #####  I'm not quite sure if this can work...  Better test it before I
## #####  have made to many changes that depends upon this.

## #####  Some details not quite as I had wished for, the playing of the
## #####  plots got messed up, but I can think more upon that later on.
##                 TS_graphic_trigger()
##             }
##               ##  Use 'LG_shiny_helper' to take care of the interface
##               ##  and the loading of the data.

## ################################################################################
## #####  2017-01-13: After a lot of messing around, it finally worked.
## #####  The strategy (for this particular function) is to ensure that
## #####  the stuff of interest is no longer reactive.  I wonder if
## #####  capture_env can be adjusted into this setting with some use of
## #####  the tricks below, and an extended rule for capturing previous
## #####  environments...  Well, that's not an issue to pursue at the
## #####  moment.
##               .info <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(info()))
##               for (.name in isolate(names(info()))) {
##                   .info[[.name]] <- isolate(info()[[.name]])
##               }                  
##               .input <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(input))
##               for (.name in isolate(names(input))) {
##                   .input[[.name]] <- isolate(input[[.name]])
##               }
##               Path_selection_list <- path_selection_list
##               Show_graphical <- show_graphical
##               Default_type <- ifelse(
##                   test = identical(.input$type, NULL),
##                   yes  = default_type,
##                   no   = input$type)
##               .Env <- pryr::where("show_graphical")
##               .Env2 <- pryr::where("TS_graphical_matrix")

##               nonreactive_input <- nonreactive_input
##               LG_shiny_helper_call <- create_call(
##                   .cc_fun = LG_shiny_helper,
##                   info = .info,
##                   input = nonreactive_input,
##                   ## input = .input,
##                   path_selection_list = Path_selection_list,
##                   show_graphical = Show_graphical,
##                   default_type = Default_type,
##                   .env = .Env,
##                   .env2 = .Env2)

##               ## if (! is.null(input$point_type))
##               ##     if (input$point_type == "off_diag")
##               ##         capture_env() 

##               ## if (any(show_graphical))
##               ##     capture_env() 
## ################################################################################
##               LG_shiny_helper(
##                   info = info(),
##                   input = nonreactive_input,
##                   ## input = input,
##                   path_selection_list = path_selection_list,
##                   show_graphical = show_graphical,
##                   default_type = 
##                       ifelse(
##                           test = identical(input$type, NULL),
## #####  TASK: This solution sucks, I must add an extra layer to ensure
## #####  that the argument is reset if the path changes, otherwise it's
## #####  no point having 'default_type' as an argument in 'LG_shiny'.
##                           yes  = default_type,
##                           no   = input$type),
##                   .env = pryr::where("show_graphical"),
##                   .env2 = pryr::where("TS_graphical_matrix"))
##           })


## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
##           ##  Can the problem with the production of that damned plot
##           ##  for the lagged pairs be resolved by means of an external
##           ##  observer with a suitably selected priority?

##           ## ## ## ## ##  Initiate plot-data.
##           TS_lag_arguments <- NULL

##           ##  Create a pointer to the present environment.
##           ...env... <- pryr::where("show_graphical")
##           ##  For inspection later on, define 'my_global_env' outside
##           ##  of this function, and use the line below.
##           ## my_global_env <- ...env...

## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------

##           ##  How to add the plots...
##           output$graphs <- renderPlot({
##               ##  Update when changes in the selection menus.
##               {## graphic_trigger()
##                   ## path_trigger()

##                   ##  2017-01-17: Not updating as expected...
##                   input$global_local
##                   input$type
##                   input$point_type
##                   input$Vi
##                   input$Vj
##                   input$spectrum_variant
##                   input$od_c_a_sqc
##                   input$window
##                   input$confidence_interval
##                   input$bw_points
##                   input$cut
##                   input$levels
##                   input$levels_Horizontal
##                   input$levels_Vertical
##                   input$levels_Line
##                   input$omega_range
##                   input$Y_range


##                   ##  stuff specific for 'TS', store in separate trigger
##                   ##  when testing has been performed.
##                   TS_graphic_trigger()
## #####  HERE
##                   ##---
##                   input$lag_slider
##                   input$lag_point
##            }

##               ##  Create the plot when 'input$get_code' is 'FALSE'.
##               LG_plot_helper(
##                   main_dir = main_dir,
##                   input = input,
##                   show_graphical = show_graphical,
##                   path_selection_list = path_selection_list,
##                   .env = pryr::where("show_graphical"))
##           })

## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
##           ##  How to add the code required to create a specified
##           ##  plot in e.g. a paper.
##           output$graphs_call <- renderPrint({
##               ##  Update when changes in the selection menus.
##               {## graphic_trigger()
##                ## path_trigger()
##                   input$global_local
##                   input$type
##                   input$point_type
##                   input$Vi
##                   input$Vj
##                   input$spectrum_variant
##                   input$od_c_a_sqc
##                   input$window
##                   input$confidence_interval
##                   input$bw_points
##                   input$cut
##                   input$levels
##                   input$levels_Horizontal
##                   input$levels_Vertical
##                   input$levels_Line
##                   input$omega_range
##                   input$Y_range                  

##                ##  stuff specific for 'TS', store in separate trigger
##                ##  when testing has been performed.
##                TS_graphic_trigger()
##                ##---
##                input$lag_slider
##                input$lag_point
##                input$get_code
##               }

##               ##  Create the code for the plot.
##               .plot_code <- LG_plot_helper(
##                   main_dir = main_dir,
##                   input = input,
##                   show_graphical = show_graphical,
##                   path_selection_list = path_selection_list,
##                   .env = pryr::where("show_graphical"))
##               ##  Include a test to avoid errors when switching back
##               ##  and forth between the plot and its required code.
##               if (! is.list(.plot_code))
##                   cat(.plot_code,
##                       sep  = "\n")
##           })

## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
##           output$Explain_Interface <- renderPrint({
##               ##  Update when changes in the selection menus.
##               {   graphic_trigger()
##                   path_trigger()
##                   input$global_local
##                   input$type
##                   input$point_type
##                   input$Vi
##                   input$Vj
##                   input$spectrum_variant
##                   input$od_c_a_sqc
##                   input$window
##                   input$confidence_interval
##                   input$bw_points
##                   input$cut
##                   input$levels
##                   input$levels_Horizontal
##                   input$levels_Vertical
##                   input$levels_Line
##                   input$omega_range
##                   input$Y_range                  

##                   ##  stuff specific for 'TS', store in separate trigger
##                   ##  when testing has been performed.
##                   TS_graphic_trigger()
##                   ##---
##                   input$lag_slider
##                   input$lag_point
##                   input$get_code
##               }

## ################################################################################
##               ## .info <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(info()))
##               ## for (.name in isolate(names(info()))) {
##               ##     .info[[.name]] <- isolate(info()[[.name]])
##               ## }                  
##               ## .input <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(input))
##               ## for (.name in isolate(names(input))) {
##               ##     .input[[.name]] <- isolate(input[[.name]])
##               ## }
##               ## Path_selection_list <- path_selection_list
##               ## Show_graphical <- show_graphical
##               ## Default_type <- ifelse(
##               ##     test = identical(.input$type, NULL),
##               ##     yes  = default_type,
##               ##     no   = input$type)
##               ## .Env <- pryr::where("show_graphical")
##               ## .Env2 <- pryr::where("TS_graphical_matrix")
##               ## main_dir <- main_dir

##               ## nonreactive_input <- nonreactive_input
##               ## LG_shiny_explain_interface_call <- create_call(
##               ##     .cc_fun = LG_shiny_explain_interface,
##               ##     main_dir = main_dir,
##               ##     ## ## ## ## ## info = .info,
##               ##     input = nonreactive_input,
##               ##     ## input = .input,
##               ##     show_graphical = Show_graphical,
##               ##     path_selection_list = Path_selection_list,
##               ##     ## default_type = Default_type,
##               ##     .env = .Env)

##               ## capture_env() 

## ################################################################################

##               LG_shiny_explain_interface(
##                   main_dir = main_dir,
##                   input = input,
##                   show_graphical = show_graphical,
##                   path_selection_list = path_selection_list,
##                   .env = pryr::where("show_graphical"))
##           })

##           output$Explain_Plot <- renderPrint({
##               ##  Update when changes in the selection menus.
##               {   graphic_trigger()
##                   path_trigger()
##                   input$type
##                   input$point_type
##                   input$Vi
##                   input$Vj
##                   input$spectrum_variant
##                   input$od_c_a_sqc
##                   input$window
##                   input$confidence_interval
##                   input$bw_points
##                   input$cut
##                   input$levels
##                   input$levels_Horizontal
##                   input$levels_Vertical
##                   input$levels_Line
##                   input$omega_range
##                   input$Y_range                  

##                   ##  stuff specific for 'TS', store in separate trigger
##                   ##  when testing has been performed.
##                   TS_graphic_trigger()
##                   ##---
##                   input$lag_slider
##                   input$lag_point
##                   input$get_code
##               }

## ################################################################################
##               .info <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(info()))
##               for (.name in isolate(names(info()))) {
##                   .info[[.name]] <- isolate(info()[[.name]])
##               }                  
##               .input <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(input))
##               for (.name in isolate(names(input))) {
##                   .input[[.name]] <- isolate(input[[.name]])
##               }
##               Path_selection_list <- path_selection_list
##               Show_graphical <- show_graphical
##               Default_type <- ifelse(
##                   test = identical(.input$type, NULL),
##                   yes  = default_type,
##                   no   = input$type)
##               .Env <- pryr::where("show_graphical")
##               .Env2 <- pryr::where("TS_graphical_matrix")
##               main_dir <- main_dir

##               ## nonreactive_input <- nonreactive_input
## #####  OBS: nonreactive_input not suited for this part!
##               LG_shiny_explain_plots_call <- create_call(
##                   .cc_fun = LG_shiny_explain_plots,
##                   main_dir = main_dir,
##                   ## ## ## ## ## info = .info,
##                   ## input = nonreactive_input,
##                   input = .input,
##                   show_graphical = Show_graphical,
##                   path_selection_list = Path_selection_list,
##                   ## default_type = Default_type,
##                   .env = .Env)

##               ## capture_env() 
##               ## if (! is.null(.input$levels_Horizontal))
##               ##     if (.input$levels_Horizontal != .input$levels_Vertical)
##               ##         capture_env() 

## ################################################################################
##               LG_shiny_explain_plots(
##                   main_dir = main_dir,
##                   input = input,
##                   show_graphical = show_graphical,
##                   path_selection_list = path_selection_list,
##                   .env = pryr::where("show_graphical"))

##           })          
##           help_fun <- function(.list) {
##               .names <- names(.list)
##               paste("\n\t",
##                     paste(.names, " = ", .list, collapse = "\n\t"),
##                     sep = "")
##           }

##           help_fun2 <- function(.env) {
##               help_fun(reactiveValuesToList(.env))
##           }

##           output$internal_status <- renderPrint(
##               cat("Some information about the values ",
##                   "\n",
##                   "Pre selected:",
##                   help_fun(pre_selected), "\n\n",
##                   "Values from input:",
##                   help_fun2(input),
##                   "\n\n",
##                   "Some stuff from the 'server'-environment:",
##                   {
##                       ##  Remove the problematic stuff i.e.  'output'
##                       ##  and 'session'.  Ignore 'input' and 'info'
##                       ##  (treated separately further down).
##                       .pattern <- setdiff(
##                           ls(...env...,
##                              all.names = TRUE),
##                           c("input", "output", "session", "info"))
##                       ##  Get rid of names pointing to functions.
##                       .pattern <- .pattern[
##                           vapply(X = .pattern,
##                                  FUN = function(x) {
##                                      ! is.function(...env...[[x]])},
##                                  FUN.VALUE = logical(1))]
##                       ##  Present the 'str'-information, for the
##                       ##  desired objects.
##                       help_fun(vapply(X = .pattern,
##                                       FUN = function(x) {
##                                           paste(capture.output(str(
##                                               object = ...env...[[x]])),
##                                               collapse = "\n\t")
##                                       },
##                                       FUN.VALUE = character(1)))
##                   },
##                   "\n\n",
##                   "The info object...",
##                   help_fun(info()$TS_info),
##                   if (object.size(info()) > object.size(1:1000)) {
##                       "\nNot showing info object, too large, lots of messy text."
##                   } else
##                       help_fun(info())
##                   )
##           )


##       })
##     ## This concludes the definition of 'server'.

## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
##     ##  Define the 'options'-argument to be delivered to 'shinyApp',
##     ##  which again can contain an 'options'-argument to be sent to
##     ##  'runApp' -- and the latter might be nice to keep in mind under
##     ##  development in order to inspect the interaction between the
##     ##  different components.
##     options <- list(
##         test = "TEST",
##         options = list(display.mode = "showcase"))
## #####  This did not work like I thought at all, and it might be that
## #####  the problem is due to lack of maturity of the 'shinyApp' and
## #####  'runApp'...  I can't find anything at the web either, so I will
## #####  just have to make an attempt without "showcase" for the time
## #####  being.  I suppose I could create an ordinary app to experiment
## #####  with if all else fail.  It should probably be more or less
## #####  sufficient to add the stuff in 'ui' and 'server' into a folder
## #####  to get a work-around for it.
## ###-------------------------------------------------------------------
##     ##  Run 'shinyApp'
##     shinyApp(ui = ui,
##              server = server,
##              options = options)
## }
LAJordanger/HVLstatistikk documentation built on June 21, 2019, 7:56 p.m.