Man pages for Laurae2/Laurae
Advanced High Performance Data Science Toolbox for R

bandwidth_rotMASS' Rule of Thumb Bandwidth Estimation
brewer.pal_extendedRColorBrewer's Extended Palettes without Warning
CascadeForestCascade Forest implementation in R
CascadeForest_predCascade Forest Predictor implementation in R
cbindlistdata.table column list binding
CRTreeForestComplete-Random Tree Forest implementation in R
CRTreeForest_predComplete-Random Tree Forest Predictor implementation in R
CRTree_Forest_pred_internalsComplete-Random Tree Forest Predictor (Deferred predictor)...
df_accAccuracy loss (Acc) (computation function, any size)
df_acc_binAccuracy loss (Acc) (computation function, binary...
df_aucArea Under the Curve Loss (AUC) (computation function, any...
df_loglossLogarithmic Loss (Logloss) (computation function, any size)
df_maeMean Absolute Error (MAE) (computation function, any size)
df_mapeMean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) (computation function,...
df_mceMean Cubic Error (MCE) (computation function, any size)
df_medaeMedian Absolute Error (MedAE) (computation function, single...
df_medpaeMedian Absolute Percentage Error (MedPAE) (computation...
df_mseMean Squared Error (MSE) (computation function, any size)
df_rPearson Coefficient of Correlation (R) (computation function,...
df_r2Coefficient of Determination (R^2) (computation function, any...
df_rmseRoot Mean Squared Error (RMSE) (computation function, any...
df_spearmanSpearman Coefficient of Correlation (R) (computation...
DT2matdata.table to matrix
DTcbinddata.table column binding (nearly without) copy
DTcolsampledata.table colsampling (nearly without) copy
DTfillNAdata.table NA fill (nearly without) copy (or data.frame)
DTrbinddata.table row binding (nearly without) copy
DTsubsampledata.table subsampling (nearly without) copy
ExtraOptCross-Entropy -based Hybrid Optimization
FastROCFast AUROC (AUC, ROC) computation
FeatureLookupThe Non-Linear Feature Engineering Assistant
get.max_accMaximum binary accuracy
get.max_f1Maximum F1 Score (Precision with Sensitivity harmonic mean)
get.max_falloutMinimum Fall-Out (False Positive Rate)
get.max_kappaMaximum Kappa statistic
get.max_mccMaximum Matthews Correlation Coefficient
get.max_missrateMinimum Miss-Rate (False Negative Rate)
get.max_precisionMaximum Precision (Positive Predictive Value)
get.max_sensitivityMaximum Sensitivity (True Positive Rate)
get.max_specificityMaximum Specificity (True Negative Rate)
GetPartyRulespartykit's Party Rules to data.table
grid_arrange_shared_legendggplot multiple plot per page
interactive.eda_d3jsInteractive Dashboard for Exploratory Data Analysis (d3js)
interactive.eda_ggplotInteractive Dashboard for Exploratory Data Analysis (ggplot)
interactive.eda_plotlyInteractive Dashboard for Exploratory Data Analysis (Plotly)
interactive.eda_RColorBrewerInteractive Dashboard for Finding the Perfect Color Brewer...
interactive.eda_treeInteractive Dashboard for the Non-Linear Feature Engineering...
interactive.SymbolicLossInteractive Dashboard for Symbolic Gradient/Hessian Loss...
kernel2d_estMASS' Two-Dimensional Kernel Density Estimation
kfold(Un)Stratified k-fold for any type of label
Laurae_loadLaurae Package Loader
LauraeMLLaurae's Machine Learning (Automated modeling, Automated...
LauraeML_gblinearLaurae's Machine Learning (xgboost gblinear helper function)
LauraeML_gblinear_parLaurae's Machine Learning (xgboost gblinear helper parallel...
LauraeML_lgbregLaurae's Machine Learning (LightGBM regression helper...
LauraeML_utils.badlogLaurae's Machine Learning Utility: bad input logger
LauraeML_utils.badscoreLaurae's Machine Learning Utility: bad input score
LauraeML_utils.feat_selLaurae's Machine Learning Utility: subset features to select...
LauraeML_utils.lgb_dataLaurae's Machine Learning Utility: create LightGBM dataset
LauraeML_utils.newlogLaurae's Machine Learning Utility: new input logger
LauraeML_utils.xgb_dataLaurae's Machine Learning Utility: create xgboost dataset
Laurae-packageLaurae's package for (very) advanced Data Science for R
LextravagenzaLaurae's Extravagenza machine learning model
lgbm.cvLightGBM Cross-Validated Model Training Cross-Validated Model Preparation
lgbm.fiLightGBM Feature Importance
lgbm.findFind LightGBM Path Feature Importance Plotting
lgbm.metricLightGBM Metric Output
lgbm.predictLightGBM Prediction
lgbm.trainLightGBM Model Training
LogLossFast Logarithmic Loss (logloss) computation
loss_LKLLaurae's Kullback-Leibler Error (computation function)
loss_LKL_gradLaurae's Kullback-Leibler Error (gradient function)
loss_LKL_hessLaurae's Kullback-Leibler Error (hessian function)
loss_LKL_mathLaurae's Kullback-Leibler Error (math function)
loss_LKL_xgbLaurae's Kullback-Leibler Error (xgboost function)
loss_LLLoglikelihood Error (computation function)
loss_LL_gradLoglikelihood Error (gradient function)
loss_LL_hessLoglikelihood Error (hessian function)
loss_LL_mathLoglikelihood Error (math function)
loss_LL_xgbLoglikelihood Error (xgboost function)
loss_MAEMean Absolute Error (computation function)
loss_MAE_gradMean Absolute Error (gradient function)
loss_MAE_hessMean Absolute Error (hessian function)
loss_MAE_mathMean Absolute Error (symbolic function)
loss_MAE_xgbMean Absolute Error (xgboost function)
loss_MCEMean Cubic Error (computation function)
loss_MCE_gradMean Cubic Error (gradient function)
loss_MCE_hessMean Cubic Error (hessian function)
loss_MCE_mathMean Cubic Error (math function)
loss_MCE_xgbMean Cubic Error (xgboost function)
loss_MSEMean Squared Error (computation function)
loss_MSE_gradMean Squared Error (gradient function)
loss_MSE_hessMean Squared Error (hessian function)
loss_MSE_mathMean Squared Error (symbolic function)
loss_MSE_xgbMean Squared Error (xgboost function)
loss_PoissonLaurae's Poisson Error (computation function)
loss_Poisson_gradLaurae's Poisson Error (gradient function)
loss_Poisson_hessLaurae's Poisson Error (hessian function)
loss_Poisson_mathLaurae's Poisson Error (math function)
loss_Poisson_xgbLaurae's Poisson Error (xgboost function)
mean2Fast mean computation
MGScanningMulti-Grained Scanning implementation in R
MGScanning_predMulti-Grained Scanning Predictor implementation in R
nkfold(Un)Stratified Repeated k-fold for any type of label
partial_dep.featurePartial Dependency, output analyzer
partial_dep.obsPartial Dependency Observation, Contour (single observation)
partial_dep.obs_allPartial Dependency Observation, Contour (multiple...
partial_dep.plotPartial Dependency, plotting function
plotting.max_accMaximum binary accuracy plotting
plotting.max_f1Maximum F1 Score (Precision with Sensitivity harmonic mean)...
plotting.max_falloutMinimum Fall-Out (False Positive Rate) plotting
plotting.max_kappaMaximum Kappa statistic plotting
plotting.max_mccMaximum Matthews Correlation Coefficient plotting
plotting.max_missrateMinimum Miss-Rate (False Negative Rate) plotting
plotting.max_precisionMaximum Precision (Positive Predictive Value) plotting
plotting.max_sensitivityMaximum Sensitivity (True Positive Rate) plotting
plotting.max_specificityMaximum Specificity (True Negative Rate) plotting
predictor_xgbPartial Dependency, xgboost predictor
pred.LextravagenzaLaurae's Extravagenza machine learning model prediction
print_fpPrint appropriately formatted fixed point
print_hybPrint appropriately formatted integer or fixed point (hybrid)
print_intPrint appropriately formatted integer
print_multiPrint appropriately formatted hyperparameters and error
prob.max_accProbability binary accuracy
prob.max_f1Probability F1 Score (Precision with Sensitivity harmonic...
prob.max_falloutProbability Fall-Out (False Positive Rate)
prob.max_kappaProbability Kappa statistic
prob.max_mccProbability Matthews Correlation Coefficient
prob.max_missrateProbability Miss-Rate (False Negative Rate)
prob.max_precisionProbability Precision (Positive Predictive Value)
prob.max_sensitivityProbability Sensitivity (True Positive Rate)
prob.max_specificityProbability Specificity (True Negative Rate)
read_sparse_csvRead sparse (numeric) CSVs
report.lmLinear Regression Modeling HTML report
report.xgbExtreme Gradient Boosting HTML report
report.xgb.helperExtreme Gradient Boosting HTML report helper function
rule_doubleOutlying bivariate linear continuous association rule finder
rule_singleOutlying univariate continuous association rule finder
setDFConvert data.table to data.frame without copy
stat_smooth_funcggplot facet function with printed formula (non Plotly)
stat_smooth_func.plotlyggplot facet function with printed formula (Plotly)
SymbolicLossSymbolic Gradient/Hessian Loss computation
tableplot_jpgBatch tableplot generator to JPEG
timerGet current Time in Milliseconds
timer_funcGet Function Time in Milliseconds
timer_func_printGet Function Time in Milliseconds (with printing)
tsne_gridt-SNE grid search function
xgb.importance.interactivexgboost feature importance interactive table
xgb.max_accxgboost evaluation metric for maximum binary accuracy
xgb.max_f1xgboost evaluation metric for maximum F1 Score (Precision...
xgb.max_falloutxgboost evaluation metric for minimum Fall-Out (False...
xgb.max_kappaxgboost evaluation metric for maximum Kappa statistic
xgb.max_mccxgboost evaluation metric for maximum Matthews Correlation...
xgb.max_missratexgboost evaluation metric for minimum Miss-Rate (False...
xgb.max_precisionxgboost evaluation metric for maximum Precision (Positive...
xgb.max_sensitivityxgboost evaluation metric for maximum Sensitivity (True...
xgb.max_specificityxgboost evaluation metric for maximum Specificity (True...
xgb.ncvxgboost repeated cross-validation (Repeated k-fold)
xgboard.dumpXgboard Dumper
xgboard.eval.errorXgboard Metric Evaluation Error (Binary Accuracy)
xgboard.eval.loglossXgboard Metric Evaluation Logloss (Binary Logloss)
xgboard.initXgboard Metric Evaluation Initialization (Environment)
xgboard.runXgboard Server Launcher (Web Interface Creator)
xgboard.timeXgboard Metric Evaluation Time Reset (Environment)
xgboard.xgbXgboard Metric Evaluation Creator (Wrapper)
xgb.opt.depthxgboost depth automated optimizer
Laurae2/Laurae documentation built on May 8, 2019, 7:59 p.m.