
Defines functions annotate_registered_cluster annotate_registered_clusters

Documented in annotate_registered_clusters

#' Annotated spatially-registered clusters
#' Once you have computed the enrichment t-statistics for your sc/snRNA-seq data
#' using `registration_wrapper()` and related functions, you can then use
#' `layer_stat_cor()` and `layer_stat_cor_plot()` to perform the spatial
#' registartion of your sc/snRNA-seq data. This function helps interpret that
#' matrix and assign layer labels to your clusters.
#' If you change the input `modeling_results` to `layer_stat_cor()` then the
#' interpretation of this function could change. For example, maybe you have
#' your own spatially-resolved transcriptomics data that doesn't have to be
#' about DLPFC layers.
#' @inheritParams layer_stat_cor_plot
#' @param confidence_threshold A `numeric(1)` specifying the minimum correlation
#' that a given cluster must have against any of the layers (by default) to
#' be considered as having a 'good' assignment. Otherwise, the confidence will
#' be 'poor' and the final label will have an asterisk.
#' @param cutoff_merge_ratio A `numeric(1)` specifying the threshold for merging
#' or not layer assignments (by default). This is a proportion of the difference
#' between the current correlation and the next highest given the units of the
#' next highest correlation. Defaults to a difference of 25% of the next highest
#' correlation: if the observed difference is lower than this threshold, then we
#' keep merging. Higher values will lead to more layers (by default) being
#' merged.
#' @return A `data.frame` with 3 columns. Your `cluster`s, the `layer_confidence`
#' which depends on `confidence_threshold`, and the `layer_label`.
#' @export
#' @family Layer correlation functions
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain the necessary data
#' if (!exists("modeling_results")) {
#'     modeling_results <- fetch_data(type = "modeling_results")
#' }
#' ## Compute the correlations
#' cor_stats_layer <- layer_stat_cor(
#'     tstats_Human_DLPFC_snRNAseq_Nguyen_topLayer,
#'     modeling_results,
#'     model_type = "enrichment"
#' )
#' ## Obtain labels
#' annotate_registered_clusters(cor_stats_layer)
#' ## More relaxed merging threshold
#' annotate_registered_clusters(cor_stats_layer, cutoff_merge_ratio = 1)
annotate_registered_clusters <-
        confidence_threshold = 0.25,
        cutoff_merge_ratio = 0.25) {
        annotated <-
                cutoff_merge_ratio = cutoff_merge_ratio

        if (all(colnames(cor_stats_layer) %in% c("WM", paste0("Layer", seq_len(6))))) {
            ## Simplify names when working with the default data
            annotated <- gsub("ayer", "", annotated)
            annotated <- gsub("\\/L", "\\/", annotated)
            annotated <- gsub("^WM\\/", "WM\\/L", annotated)

        confidence <- apply(cor_stats_layer, 1, max) > confidence_threshold

        result <- data.frame(
            cluster = names(annotated),
            layer_confidence = ifelse(
            layer_label = annotated,
            row.names = NULL
        result$layer_label <-
                ifelse(result$layer_confidence == "good", "", "*")

annotate_registered_cluster <-
        label = "",
        current = NULL,
        cutoff_merge_ratio = 0.25) {
        ## Filter negative correlations
        remaining <- remaining[remaining > 0]

        ## There's nothing else to continue with
        if (length(remaining) == 0) {

        ## Find the next highest correlation
        next_i <- which.max(remaining)
        next_cor <- remaining[next_i]

        if (label == "") {
            ## Initial case when we didn't have a label
                remaining = remaining[-next_i],
                label = names(next_cor),
                current = next_cor,
                cutoff_merge_ratio = cutoff_merge_ratio
        } else {
            ## Find the difference, then divide by the next correlation
            next_diff_ratio <- (current - next_cor) / next_cor

            if (next_diff_ratio > cutoff_merge_ratio) {
                ## It's above the cutoff, so we don't decide to merge
                ## and are done =)
            } else {
                ## It's below the cutoff, so we need to look at the next one
                    remaining = remaining[-next_i],
                    label = paste0(label, "/", names(next_cor)),
                    current = next_cor,
                    cutoff_merge_ratio = cutoff_merge_ratio
LieberInstitute/spatialLIBD documentation built on July 17, 2024, 5:05 a.m.