#' R6 DwC Generic class
#' @description R6 class representing a generic data structure for a Darwin Core archive file
#' @details The \code{DwcGeneric} class serves a base class to all Darwin Core archive file types. This class supports all kinds of Darwin Core
#' archive files but may miss some of the specialised functionality of the more specialist classes.
#' See \url{https://dwc.tdwg.org/terms/}{the Darwin core reference guide} for more information on Darwin core classes and the terms
#' supported by them.
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
DwCGeneric <- R6::R6Class("DwCGeneric",
# ====== 1.1. Define private members of the generic class ======
private = list(
# A DwCTerm object containing the term associated with the class
classTermInfo = NULL,
# A name for the particular object
objectName = character(),
# An integer containing the index of the ID column in the dataset
idColumnIndex = integer(),
# An integer vector containing the indeces associated with terms associated with the class (those terms are given in the names attribute of the vector)
termMapping = integer(),
# A list of terms associated with the DwC class
associatedTerms = list(),
# A string representing the default data format
defaultDateFormat = character(),
# A data frame containing the data held in the DwC object
objectData = data.frame(),
# ---- 1.1.1. Define a function to import the class information ----
# This is a private function called by other functions (called usually during initialisation of the class)
setClassInfo = function(classTermInfo, associatedTerms) {
# Utility function to test if the object is DwCTerm object
isTermsObject <- function(inVal) {
any(class(inVal) == "DwCTerm")
# Sanity check the class definition term
if(!isTermsObject(classTermInfo)) {
stop("error encountered during the processing of the class term information: input is not a DwCTerm object")
private$classTermInfo <- classTermInfo
# Sanity check the associated terms
private$associatedTerms <- tryCatch(associatedTerms, error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered during the processing of the associated terms information: ", err)
# Ensure that the composite terms are all DwCTerm objects
if(!all(sapply(X = private$associatedTerms, FUN = isTermsObject))) {
stop("error encountered during the processing of the associated terms information: one or more associated terms in not a DwcTerm object")
# Initialise the term mapping vector based on the names of the associated terms
private$termMapping <- setNames(as.integer(rep(NA, length(private$associatedTerms))), sapply(X = private$associatedTerms, FUN = function(curElement) {
if(any(duplicated(names(private$termMapping)))) {
stop("error encountered during the processing of the associated terms informations: duplicated qualified names of terms")
# Initialise a generic name for the object
private$objectName <- private$classTermInfo$getTermName()
# Initialise the data objects
private$objectData <- data.frame()
private$idColumnIndex <- integer()
# Return the object invisibly
# ---- 1.1.2. Define a function to import the data ----
# This is a private function called by other functions (called usually during initialisation of the class)
setDataInfo = function(objectData, mappingInfo, idColumnInfo) {
# Utility function to convert an input value giving a column title into an index
getColIndex <- function(inName, inColNames) {
tempName <- inName
if(!is.character(tempName) && !is.factor(tempName)) {
tempName <- tryCatch(as.vector(tempName), error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered during processing of column index: ", err)
} else {
tempName <- tryCatch(as.character(tempName), error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered during processing of column index: ", err)
if(length(tempName) <= 0) {
stop("error encountered during procesing of column index: entry has zero length")
} else if(length(tempName) > 2) {
warning("more than one column option provided: only the first will be used")
tempName <- tempName[1]
if(is.character(inName)) {
# If the input is a character vector then find the corresponding index
tempName <- tryCatch(which(inName == as.character(inColNames)), error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered during processing of column index: ", err)
if(length(tempName) <= 0) {
stop("error encountered during processing of column index: name does not correspond to data column")
} else if(length(tempName) > 2) {
stop("error encountered during processing of column index: corresponding column name is duplicated")
# Convert the column index to an integer
tempName <- tryCatch(as.integer(tempName), error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered during processing of column index: ", err)
# Final quality control checks to ensure column indeces are valid
if(is.null(inColNames)) {
stop("error encountered during processing of column index: data object does not have column names")
} else if(tempName <= 0 || tempName > length(inColNames)) {
stop("error encountered during processing of column index: index falls outside width of data object")
# Sanity test the input data
private$objectData <- tryCatch(as.data.frame(objectData), error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered during import of object data: ", err)
# Reinitialise the term mapping
private$termMapping <- setNames(as.integer(rep(NA, length(private$associatedTerms))), sapply(X = private$associatedTerms, FUN = function(curElement) {
# Sanity test the column mappings
termMapping <- tryCatch(
setNames(sapply(X = as.list(mappingInfo), FUN = getColIndex, inColNames = colnames(private$objectData)), names(mappingInfo)),
error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered during processing of mapping information: ", err)
if(is.null(names(termMapping))) {
stop("error encountered during processing of mapping information: mapping info has no names attribute")
private$termMapping[sapply(X = names(termMapping), FUN = function(curTerm, possTermNames) {
matchingIndeces <- unique(c(which(curTerm == possTermNames), which(curTerm == gsub("^.*[\\/\\:]", "", possTermNames, perl = TRUE))))
if(length(matchingIndeces) <= 0) {
stop("error encountered during processing of mapping information: specified term is not one recognised by the class")
} else if(length(matchingIndeces) > 1) {
stop("error encountered during processing of mapping information: multiple terms matching term in the class")
}, possTermNames = names(private$termMapping))] <- termMapping
# If the ID column index is the same as a qualified name of one of the defined terms that set the ID column
# to the same column as that defined term
if((is.character(idColumnInfo) || is.factor(idColumnInfo)) &&
any(as.character(idColumnInfo) == names(private$termMapping[!is.na(private$termMapping)]))
) {
private$idColumnIndex <- private$termMapping[names(private$termMapping) == as.character(idColumnInfo)]
} else {
# Sanity test the ID column entry
private$idColumnIndex <- getColIndex(idColumnInfo, colnames(private$objectData))
# Return the object
public = list(
# ====== 1.2. Function to set the name of the file in the Darwin core archive ======
#' @description
#' Set the name of the file that the data will print to when preparing the Darwin core archive
#' @param inFileName A character scalar giving the name to give the data file in a Darwin core archive
setTableName = function(inTableName) {
private$objectName <- tryCatch(as.character(inTableName), error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered whilst processing file name: ", err)
if(length(private$objectName) == 0) {
private$objectName <- private$classTermInfo$getTermName()
} else if(length(private$objectName) > 1) {
warning("entry for file name has more than one entry: only the first will be used")
private$objectName <- private$objectName[1]
if(is.na(private$objectName)) {
private$objectName <- private$classTermInfo$getTermName()
# ====== 1.3. Function to retrieve the name of the file in the Darwin core archive ======
#' @description
#' Retrieve the name of the file that the data will print to when preparing the Darwin core archive
#' @return The name currently set as the file name in the output archive
getTableName = function() {
# ====== 1.4. Import data into the table ====
#' @description
#' Import data from a \code{data.frame} into a \code{DwCGeneric} object
#' @param objectData A \code{data.frame} containing the data to import into the object
#' @param idColumnInfo Either a \code{character} scalar containing the column name
#' of \code{objectData} or an \code{integer} scalar giving the index of the column of
#' \code{objectData} that corresponds to the ID variable
#' @param ... A named set of parameter corresponding to Darwin core terms associated
#' with the DwCGeneric class type. Each is either a a \code{character} scalar containing
#' the column name of \code{objectData} or an \code{integer} scalar giving the index of
#' the column of \code{objectData} that corresponds to the term
importDataTable = function(objectData, idColumnInfo, ...) {
private$setDataInfo(objectData, list(...), idColumnInfo)
# ====== 1.5. Define an initialisation function for the generic class ======
#' @description
#' Create a new DwCGeneric object
#' @param classTermInfo A \code{DwCTerm} object containing the term information for the class
#' @param associatedTerms A \code{list} of \code{DwCTerm} objects that contain all the terms associated with the class
#' @param objectData A \code{data.frame} containing the data to import into the object
#' @param idColumnInfo Either a \code{character} scalar containing the column name
#' of \code{objectData} or an \code{integer} scalar giving the index of the column of
#' \code{objectData} that corresponds to the ID variable
#' @param nameAutoMap A \code{logical} scalar that if \code{TRUE} maps the columns of \code{objectData}
#' to their respective Darwin core terms based on the column names
#' @param defDateFormat A \code{character} scalar providing the default format for strings denoting dates in the
#' data table. See the \url{https://dwc.tdwg.org/text/#1-introduction}{Darwin Core text guide} for expected values
#' for this string.
#' @param ... A named set of parameter corresponding to Darwin core terms associated
#' with the DwCGeneric class type. Each is either a a \code{character} scalar containing
#' the column name of \code{objectData} or an \code{integer} scalar giving the index of
#' the column of \code{objectData} that corresponds to the term
#' @return A new \code{DwCGeneric} object
#' @seealso \code{\link[DwCTerm]{DwCTerm}}
initialize = function(classTermInfo, associatedTerms, objectData, idColumnInfo, nameAutoMap = FALSE, defDateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", ...) {
mappingParameters <- list(...)
# Set the default date format
# Set the class information
private$setClassInfo(classTermInfo, associatedTerms)
# Sanity check the auto mapping parameter
if(!is.null(nameAutoMap)) {
inAutoMap <- tryCatch(as.logical(nameAutoMap), error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered when processing automapping flag: ", err)
if(length(inAutoMap) > 0) {
if(length(inAutoMap) > 1) {
warning("auto mapping flag parameter has length greater than one: only the first element will be used")
inAutoMap <- inAutoMap[1]
if(!is.na(inAutoMap) && inAutoMap == TRUE) {
# If the user requests for the mapping to be based on column names then test those names against the associated terms
obColNames <- tryCatch(colnames(as.data.frame(objectData)), error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered during auto mapping of column names: ", err)
# Retrieve the column names in the input data table that correspond to associated Darwin core terms
mappedCols <- setNames(sapply(X = private$associatedTerms, FUN = function(curTerm, obColNames) {
outVal <- obColNames[curTerm$getTermName() == obColNames | curTerm$getQualifiedName() == obColNames]
if(length(outVal) <= 0) {
outVal <- NA
} else if(length(outVal) > 2) {
stop("error encountered during auto mapping of column names: duplicate column names in data table")
}, obColNames = obColNames), sapply(X = private$associatedTerms, FUN = function(curTerm) { curTerm$getTermName() }))
mappedCols <- mappedCols[!is.na(mappedCols)]
# Add the auto-mapped parameters to the manually assigned ones
mappingParameters <- tryCatch(append(mappingParameters, as.list(mappedCols)), error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered during auto mapping of column names: ", err)
# Set the data information
private$setDataInfo(objectData, mappingParameters, idColumnInfo)
# Set the table name based on the term containing the class type
# ====== 1.6. Function to get the name of the Darwin core class that the object holds ======
#' @description
#' Retrieve the name of the class used in Darwin core
#' @return A \code{character} scalar contining the name of the Darwin core class
getDwCClassName = function() {
# ====== 1.7. Function to retrieve the term information of the Darwin core class ======
#' @description
#' Retrieve the term information of thee Darwin core class of the object
#' @return A \code{DwCTerm} object containing the term information of the Darwin core class
#' of the object
#' @seealso \code{\link[DwCTerm]{DwCTerm}}
getDwCTermInfo = function() {
# ====== 1.8. Function to retrieve the mapping information =======
#' @description
#' Retrieve the mapping information of the Darwin core terms associated with the class to the
#' columns in the data table
#' @return A \code{data.frame} with one row for each Darwin core term associated with the object's
#' class with two columns: \code{columnIndex} containing the column index of the associated term in the
#' table and \code{columnName} containg the name of the column
getTermMapping = function() {
columnIndex = private$termMapping,
columnName = colnames(private$objectData)[private$termMapping],
row.names = names(private$termMapping))
# ====== 1.9. Function to retrieve the terms associated with the class ======
#' @description
#' Retrieve the terms associated with the Darwin core class of the object
#' @return A \code{list} of \code{DwCTerm} objects containing the term information
getAssociatedTerms = function() {
lapply(X = private$associatedTerms, FUN = function(curEl) { curEl$clone() })
# ====== 1.10. Function to print the object to the console ======
#' Print object to console
#' @description Print the term information
print = function() {
cat(toupper(private$objectName), "CLASS INFORMATION\n")
outMapFrame <- self$getTermMapping()
print(outMapFrame[!is.na(outMapFrame$columnIndex), ])
cat("\nTABLE DATA (ID column index ", self$getIDIndex(), ifelse(is.na(self$getIDName()), "", paste(" - \"", self$getIDName(), "\"", sep = "")), ")\n", sep = "")
# ====== 1.11. Function to export the data ======
#' @description
#' Export the data contained in the table as a \code{data.frame}
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of the object's table data
exportAsDataFrame = function() {
# ====== 1.12. Function to write the data to a text file ======
#' @description
#' Export the table as a text file
#' @param fileName Either a \code{character} string naming a file or a connection open for writing.
#' \code{""} indicates to the console.
#' @param append A \code{logical} scalar. Only relevant if \code{fileName} is a \code{character} string. If
#' \code{TRUE}, the output is appended to the file. If \code{FALSE}, any existing file of the name is
#' destroyed.
#' @param quote A \code{logical} scalar or a \code{numeric} vector. If \code{TRUE}, any character or factor
#' columns will be surrounded by double quotes. If a \code{numeric} vector, its elements are taken as the
#' indeces of columns to quote. In both cases, row and column names are quoted if they are written. If \code{FALSE},
#' nothing is quoted.
#' @param sep The field seperator stirng. Values within each row are separated by this string.
#' @param eol The character(s) to print at the end of each line (row).
#' @param na The string to use for missing values in the data.
#' @param dec The string to use for decimal points in numeric or complex columns: must be a single character
#' @param qmethod A character string specifying how to deal with embedded double quote characters when
#' quoting strings. Must be one of \code{"escape"}, in which case the quote character is escaped in C style by a
#' backslash, or \code{"double"}, in which case it is doubled
#' @param fileEncoding A character string. If non-empty, declares the encoding to be used on a file so the
#' character data can be re-encoded as they are written
#' @param renameMapped A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, replaces mapped column names with their Darwin
#' core versions
exportTable = function(fileName, append = FALSE, quote = TRUE, sep = "\t", eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", qmethod = "escape", fileEncoding = "", renameMapped = FALSE) {
# Sanity test the mapping the rename parameter
inRename <- tryCatch(as.logical(renameMapped), error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered whilst exporting object: ", err)
if(length(inRename) <= 0) {
stop("error encountered whilst exporting object: mapping renaming parameter has length zero")
} else if(length(inRename) > 1) {
warning("mapping renaming parameter has length greater than one: only the first element will be used")
inRename <- inRename[1]
if(is.na(inRename)) {
stop("error encountered whilst exporting object: mapping renaming parameter is NA")
outTable <- private$objectData
if(inRename == TRUE) {
# Rename the columns according to their mapped Darwin core term if requested by the user
mappedTerms <- private$termMapping[!is.na(private$termMapping)]
colnames(outTable)[mappedTerms] <- gsub("^.*[\\/\\:]", "", names(mappedTerms), perl = TRUE)
tryCatch(write.table(outTable, fileName, append, quote, sep, eol, na, dec, FALSE, TRUE, qmethod, fileEncoding), error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered whilst exporting object: ", err)
# ====== 1.13. Function to retrieve the ID column index ======
#' @description
#' Retrieve the column index in the dataset that refers to the unique ID in the dataset
#' @return An \code{integer} scalar giving the index of the column that refers to the unique dataset IDs
getIDIndex = function() {
# ====== 1.14. Function to retrieve the ID column name ======
#' @description
#' Retrieve the column name in the dataset that refers to the unique ID in the dataset
#' @return A \code{character} scalar giving the column name that refers to the unique dataset IDs
getIDName = function() {
outVal <- NA
if(!is.null(colnames(private$objectData))) {
outVal <- colnames(private$objectData)[private$idColumnIndex]
# ====== 1.15. Function to set the default date format ======
#' @description
#' Set the default date format in the dataset
#' @param detDateFormat A \code{character} scalar providing the default format for strings denoting dates in the
#' data table. See the \url{https://dwc.tdwg.org/text/#1-introduction}{Darwin Core text guide} for expected values
#' for this string.
setDefaultYearFormat = function(detDateFormat) {
private$defaultDateFormat <- "YYYY-MM-DD"
if(!is.null(detDateFormat)) {
private$defaultDateFormat <- tryCatch(as.character(detDateFormat), error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered during setting of default date format: ", err)
if(length(private$defaultDateFormat) <= 0) {
private$defaultDateFormat <- "YYYY-MM-DD"
} else if(length(private$defaultDateFormat) > 1) {
warning("entry for default date format has a length greater than one: only the first element will be used")
private$defaultDateFormat <- private$defaultDateFormat[1]
if(is.na(private$defaultDateFormat)) {
private$defaultDateFormat <- "YYYY-MM-DD"
# ====== 1.16. Retrieve the default date format ======
#' @description
#' Retrieve the default date format
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the default date format
getDefaultYearFormat = function() {
# ====== 1.17. Get the term name for the table ======
#' @description
#' Retrieve the term name for the table
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the name to the term defining the table
getTableTermName = function() {
#' Initialize a new DwCGeneric object
#' @param classTermInfo A \code{DwCTerm} object containing the term information for the class
#' @param associatedTerms A \code{list} of \code{DwCTerm} objects that contain all the terms associated with the class
#' @param objectData A \code{data.frame} containing the data to import into the object
#' @param idColumnInfo Either a \code{character} scalar containing the column name of
#' \code{objectData} or an \code{integer} scalar giving the index of the column of
#' \code{objectData} that corresponds to the ID variable. Alternatively, this parameter
#' may be the qualified name of the Darwin core term for which the appropriately mapped column
#' will be used as the ID variable
#' @param nameAutoMap A \code{logical} scalar that if \code{TRUE} maps the columns of \code{objectData}
#' to their respective Darwin core terms based on the column names
#' @param ... A named set of paramaeters corresponding to Darwin core terms associated with the DwCGeneric
#' class type. Each is either a \code{character} scalar containing the column name of \code{objectData}
#' or an \code{integer} scalar giving the index of the column of \code{objectData} that corresponds to the
#' term.
#' @return A new \code{DwCGeneric} object
#' @seealso \code{\link[DwCTerm]{DwCTerm}}
initializeDwCGeneric <- function(classTermInfo, associatedTerms, objectData, idColumnInfo, nameAutoMap = FALSE, ...) {
DwCGeneric$new(classTermInfo = classTermInfo, associatedTerms = associatedTerms, objectData = objectData, idColumnInfo = idColumnInfo, nameAutoMap = nameAutoMap, ...)
# ------ 3. TYPE CHECK FUNCTION ------
#' Test whether an object is derived from DwCGeneric
#' @param inOb An object that you want to test
#' @return A \code{logical} scalar that is \code{TRUE} if \code{inOb} is derived from DwCGeneric
isDwCGeneric <- function(inOb) {
any(class(inOb) == "DwCGeneric")
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