Defines functions AUPR_AUROC_matrix

Documented in AUPR_AUROC_matrix

#' Function to calculate the AUROC and AUPR of a known network.
#' This function was made to test the R implementation of the KBoost Package.
#'@param Net An inferred gene regulatory network
#'@param G_mat A matrix with the gold standard network.
#'@param auto_remove TRUE if the auto-regulation is to be discarded.
#'@param TFs the indexes of the rows of Net that are TFs.
#'@param upper_limit Top number of edges to use.
#'@return list object with AUPR and AUROC of gold standard in matrix format.
#'     data(D4_multi_1)
#'     Net = kboost(D4_multi_1)
#'     g_mat1 = tab_2_matrix_D4(KBoost::G_D4_multi_1,100)
#'     aupr_auroc = AUPR_AUROC_matrix(Net$GRN,g_mat1,auto_remove = TRUE,  seq_len(100))
AUPR_AUROC_matrix <- function(Net,G_mat, auto_remove,TFs, upper_limit){
    # Reshape both matrices to facilitate the calculations
    if (auto_remove){
        g_mat <- matrix(0,(dim(Net)[1]-1)*(dim(Net)[2]),1)
        net <- matrix(0,(dim(Net)[1]-1)*(dim(Net)[2]),1)
        # A counter for indexing the matrices to copy.
        j_o <- 1
        j_f <- dim(Net)[1]-1
        for (j in seq_len(dim(Net)[2])){
            g_mat[j_o:j_f,1]<- G_mat[-TFs[j],j]
            net[j_o:j_f,1] <- Net[-TFs[j],j]
            # update j_o and j_f.
            j_o <- j_o + (dim(Net)[1]-1)
            j_f <- j_f + (dim(Net)[1]-1)
        Net <- net
        G_mat <- g_mat
        N = length(Net)
    } else{
        G_mat <- matrix(G_mat,dim(Net)[1]*dim(Net)[2],1)
        Net <- matrix(Net,dim(Net)[1]*dim(Net)[2],1)
        N <- length(Net)
    if (missing(upper_limit)){
        upper_limit_ex <-  FALSE
    } else if (upper_limit>N || upper_limit<1){
        stop("upper_limit needs to be lower than the number of edges but larger than 1.")
    } else{
        upper_limit_ex <- TRUE
    # Initiate the true positives, false positives, true negatives and false negatives
    TP <- matrix(0,length(Net),1)
    FP <- TP
    TN <- TP
    FN <- TP
    th <- TP
    Prec <- TP
    Rec <- TP
    FPR <- Rec
    AUROC <- 0
    AUPR <- 0
    # Pre-sort Net and order G_mat accordingly.
    o <- order(Net, decreasing = FALSE)
    Net <- Net[o]
    G_mat <- G_mat[o]
    if (upper_limit_ex){
        Net <- Net[seq_len(upper_limit)]
        G_mat <- G_mat[seq_len(upper_limit)]
        N <- upper_limit
    # We will use idx as a counter of values of Net, over which edges are accepted as positives.
    idx <- 1
    # This variable will count how we store the results of TP, FP,etc.
    i <- 0
    # while idx is lower or equal to N. (The length of N)
    while (idx<=N){
        i <- i +1
        # Save current value in th.
        th[i] <- Net[idx]
        # Now we need to check if values down Net are the same or not.
        # Do a while loop until the values are different.
        idx_next <- idx +1
        if (idx!=N){
            while(Net[idx_next]==Net[idx] && idx_next < N){
                idx_next <- idx_next +1
        # Cool Now we will count the TP, FP, FN and TN.
        TP[i] <- sum(G_mat[(idx):N])
        FP[i] <- N-(idx-1) - TP[i]
        FN[i] <- sum(G_mat[seq_len(idx-1)])
        TN[i] <- ((idx-1)) -FN[i]
        Prec[i] <- TP[i]/(TP[i]+FP[i])
        Rec[i] <- TP[i]/(TP[i]+FN[i])
        FPR[i] <- FP[i]/(TN[i]+FP[i])
        if (i>1){
            # Calculate the Area Under the Curve with the trapezoidal rule
            AUPR <- AUPR  -(Rec[i] - Rec[i-1])*(Prec[i] + Prec[i-1])/2
            AUROC <- AUROC + (Rec[i] + Rec[i-1])*(-FPR[i]+(FPR[i-1]))/2
        idx <- idx_next
    Result = list(AUPR=AUPR,AUROC = AUROC, th= th,Prec= Prec,Rec=Rec,FPR=FPR,TP=TP,FP=FP,TN=TN,FN=FN)
Luisiglm/KBoost documentation built on May 13, 2021, 7:27 p.m.