#' @keywords internal
spflow_s2sls <- function(UU,UY,ZZ,ZY,TSS,N,TCORR,pspace_validator,estimation_control) {
# number of auto-regressive parameters and model coefficients and total
nb_rho <- ncol(UY) - 1
nb_delta <- ncol(ZZ)
size_mu <- nb_rho + nb_delta
rho_names <- define_spatial_lag_params(estimation_control[["model"]])
mu_names <- c(rho_names, colnames(ZZ))
# generate the moments of the second stage
stage2_ZZ <- matrix(
nrow = size_mu, ncol = size_mu,
dimnames = list(mu_names, mu_names))
stage2_ZY <- lookup(0, mu_names)
index_rho <- seq_len(nb_rho)
index_delta <- seq_len(nb_delta) + nb_rho
qr_UU <- qr(UU)
assert(qr_UU[["rank"]] == ncol(UU) | estimation_control[["allow_singular"]],
"Encountered singular fit!")
# fill four blocks of the second stage variance moment
UL <- UY[,-1]
ZL <- ZY[,-1]
LL_hat <- crossprod(UL, drop_na(qr.coef(qr_UU, UL)))
stage2_ZZ[index_rho,index_rho] <- LL_hat
stage2_ZZ[index_rho,index_delta] <- t(ZL)
stage2_ZZ[index_delta,index_rho] <- ZL
stage2_ZZ[index_delta,index_delta] <- ZZ
# fill two blocks of the second stage covariance moment
stage2_ZY[index_rho] <- crossprod(UL,drop_na(qr.coef(qr_UU, UY[,1])))
stage2_ZY[index_delta] <- ZY[,1]
# parameters
mu <- qr.coef(qr(stage2_ZZ),stage2_ZY)
dd <- !is.na(mu)
assert(all(dd) | estimation_control[["allow_singular"]],
"Encountered singular fit!")
# standard errors (stage 3)
stage3_ZZ <- stage2_ZZ
stage3_ZY <- stage2_ZY
stage3_ZZ[index_rho,index_rho] <- TSS[index_rho + 1,index_rho + 1]
stage3_ZY[index_rho] <- TSS[1, index_rho + 1]
dd_mu <- drop_na(mu)
RSS <- TSS[1,1] - 2*stage3_ZY %*% dd_mu + dd_mu %*% stage3_ZZ %*% dd_mu
sigma2 <- sum(RSS)/N
# variance covariance matrix of the parameters
varcov <- sigma2 * chol2inv(chol(stage2_ZZ[dd,dd]))
dimnames(varcov) <- list(names(mu[dd]))[c(1,1)]
sd_mu <- mu
sd_mu[colnames(varcov)] <- sqrt(diag(varcov))
results_df <- create_results(
"est" = mu,
"sd" = sd_mu,
df = N - ncol(varcov))
rho <- mu[index_rho]
estimation_diagnostics <- list(
"sd_error" = sqrt(sigma2),
"varcov" = varcov,
"model_coherence" = ifelse(pspace_validator(rho), "Validated", "Unknown"))
if (isTRUE(estimation_control[["track_condition_numbers"]]))
estimation_diagnostics <- c(estimation_diagnostics, "rcond" = rcond(ZZ), "rcond_stage1" = rcond(UU), "rcond_stage2" = rcond(stage2_ZZ))
estimation_results <- spflow_model(
estimation_results = results_df,
estimation_control = estimation_control,
estimation_diagnostics = estimation_diagnostics)
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