cell_barcode_matching: cell barcode demultiplex statistics for a small sample...

cell_barcode_matchingR Documentation

cell barcode demultiplex statistics for a small sample scRNA-seq dataset to demonstrate capabilities of scPipe


This data.frame contains cell barcode demultiplex statistics with several rows:

  • barcode_unmatch_ambiguous_mapping is the number of reads that do not match any barcode, but aligned to the genome and mapped to multiple features.

  • barcode_unmatch_mapped_to_intron is the number of reads that do not match any barcode, but aligned to the genome and mapped to intron.

  • barcode_match is the number of reads that match the cell barcodes

  • barcode_unmatch_unaligned is the number of reads that do not match any barcode, and not aligned to the genome

  • barcode_unmatch_aligned is the number of reads that do not match any barcode, but aligned to the genome and do not mapped to any feature

  • barcode_unmatch_mapped_to_exon is the number of reads that do not match any barcode, but aligned to the genome and mapped to the exon


a data.frame instance, one row per cell.


NULL, but makes a data frame with cell barcode demultiplex statistics


Luyi Tian


Christin Biben (WEHI). She FACS sorted cells from several immune cell types including B cells, granulocyte and some early progenitors.


sce = SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(counts =as.matrix(sc_sample_data)))
organism(sce) = "mmusculus_gene_ensembl"
gene_id_type(sce) = "ensembl_gene_id"
QC_metrics(sce) = sc_sample_qc
demultiplex_info(sce) = cell_barcode_matching
UMI_dup_info(sce) = UMI_duplication


LuyiTian/scPipe documentation built on Dec. 11, 2023, 8:21 p.m.