
Defines functions calculateWeightsPCA calculateWeightsUnit calculateWeightsGSCAm calculateWeightsGSCA calculateWeightsKettenring calculateWeightsPLS

Documented in calculateWeightsGSCA calculateWeightsGSCAm calculateWeightsKettenring calculateWeightsPCA calculateWeightsPLS calculateWeightsUnit

#' Calculate composite weights using PLS-PM
#' Calculate composite weights using the partial least squares path modeling 
#' (PLS-PM) algorithm \insertCite{Wold1975}{cSEM}.
#' @usage calculateWeightsPLS(
#'   .data                        = args_default()$.data,
#'   .S                           = args_default()$.S,
#'   .csem_model                  = args_default()$.csem_model,
#'   .conv_criterion              = args_default()$.conv_criterion,
#'   .iter_max                    = args_default()$.iter_max,
#'   .PLS_ignore_structural_model = args_default()$.PLS_ignore_structural_model,
#'   .PLS_modes                   = args_default()$.PLS_modes,
#'   .PLS_weight_scheme_inner     = args_default()$.PLS_weight_scheme_inner,
#'   .starting_values             = args_default()$.starting_values,
#'   .tolerance                   = args_default()$.tolerance
#'    )
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @return A named list. J stands for the number of constructs and K for the number
#' of indicators.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{`$W`}{A (J x K) matrix of estimated weights.}
#'   \item{`$E`}{A (J x J) matrix of inner weights.}
#'   \item{`$Modes`}{A named vector of modes used for the outer estimation.}
#'   \item{`$Conv_status`}{The convergence status. `TRUE` if the algorithm has converged 
#'     and `FALSE` otherwise. If one-step weights are used via `.iter_max = 1` 
#'     or a non-iterative procedure was used, the convergence status is set to `NULL`.}
#'   \item{`$Iterations`}{The number of iterations required.}
#' }
#' @references
#'   \insertAllCited{}

calculateWeightsPLS <- function(
  .data                        = args_default()$.data,
  .S                           = args_default()$.S,
  .csem_model                  = args_default()$.csem_model,
  .conv_criterion              = args_default()$.conv_criterion,
  .iter_max                    = args_default()$.iter_max,
  .PLS_ignore_structural_model = args_default()$.PLS_ignore_structural_model,
  .PLS_modes                   = args_default()$.PLS_modes,
  .PLS_weight_scheme_inner     = args_default()$.PLS_weight_scheme_inner,
  .starting_values             = args_default()$.starting_values,
  .tolerance                   = args_default()$.tolerance
) {

  ### Preparation ==============================================================
  ## Get/set the default modes for the outer estimation
  modes <- as.list(ifelse(.csem_model$construct_type == "Common factor", "modeA", "modeB"))
  if(!is.null(.PLS_modes)) {
    # Error if other than "modeA", "modeB", "unit", "modeBNNLS", "PCA", a number, or a vector
    # of numbers of the same length as there are indicators for block j
    modes_check <- sapply(.PLS_modes, 
                          function(x) all(x %in% c("modeA", "modeB", "unit", 
                                                   "modeBNNLS", "PCA") | is.numeric(x)))
    if(!all(modes_check)) {
      stop2("The following error occured in the `calculateWeightsPLS()` function:\n",
            paste0("`", .PLS_modes[!modes_check], "`", collapse = " and "),
            " in `.PLS_modes` is an unknown mode.")
    # Error if construct names provided do not match the constructs of the model
    if(length(names(.PLS_modes)) != 0 &&
       length(setdiff(names(.PLS_modes), names(.csem_model$construct_type))) > 0) {
      stop2("The following error occured in the `calculateWeightsPLS()` function:\n",
        paste0("`", setdiff(names(.PLS_modes), names(.csem_model$construct_type)), 
               "`", collapse = ", ")," in `.PLS_modes` is an unknown construct name.")
    # If only "modeA", "modeB", "modeBNNLS", "PCA", or "unit" is provided set all 
    # of the modes to that mode.
    if(length(names(.PLS_modes)) == 0) {
      if(length(.PLS_modes) == 1) {
        modes <- as.list(rep(.PLS_modes, length(.csem_model$construct_type)))
        names(modes) <- names(.csem_model$construct_type)
      } else {
        stop2("The following error occured in the `calculateWeightsPLS()` function:\n",
          "Only a list of `name = value` pairs or a single mode may be provided to `.PLS_modes`.")
    } else {
      # Replace modes if necessary and keep the others at their defaults
      modes[names(.PLS_modes)] <- .PLS_modes

  ### Calculation/Iteration ====================================================
  W <- .csem_model$measurement
  # if starting values are provided
    W = setStartingValues(.W = W, .starting_values = .starting_values)
  # Scale weights
  W <- scaleWeights(.S = .S, .W = W)

  W_iter       <- W
  tolerance    <- .tolerance
  iter_max     <- .iter_max
  iter_counter <- 0

  repeat {
    # Counter
    iter_counter <- iter_counter + 1

    # Inner estimation
    E <- calculateInnerWeightsPLS(
      .S                           = .S,
      .W                           = W_iter,
      .csem_model                  = .csem_model,
      .PLS_ignore_structural_model = .PLS_ignore_structural_model,
      .PLS_weight_scheme_inner     = .PLS_weight_scheme_inner
    # Outer estimation

    W <- calculateOuterWeightsPLS(
      .data     = .data,
      .S        = .S,
      .W        = W_iter,
      .E        = E,
      .modes    = modes

    # Scale weights
    W <- scaleWeights(.S, W)

    # Check for convergence
    conv <- checkConvergence(W, W_iter, 
                             .conv_criterion = .conv_criterion, 
                             .tolerance = .tolerance)
    if(conv) {
      # Set convergence status to TRUE as algorithm has converged
      conv_status = TRUE
      break # return iterative PLS-PM weights
    } else if(iter_counter == iter_max & iter_max == 1) {
      # Set convergence status to NULL, NULL is used if no algorithm is used
      conv_status = NULL
      break # return one-step PLS-PM weights
    } else if(iter_counter == iter_max & iter_max > 1) {
      # Set convergence status to FALSE, as algorithm has not converged
      conv_status = FALSE
    } else {
      W_iter <- W

  # Get the modes
  modes <- sapply(modes, function(x) 
    ifelse(is.numeric(x) & length(x) > 1, "fixed", 
           ifelse(is.numeric(x) & length(x) == 1, "unit", x)))
  # Return
  l <- list("W" = W, "E" = E, "Modes" = modes, "Conv_status" = conv_status,
            "Iterations" = iter_counter)

  ### For maintenance: ### -----------------------------------------------------
  # W (J x K) := (Block-)diagonal matrix of weights with the same dimension as .csem_model$measurement
  # C (J x J) := Empirical composite correlation matrix
  # E (J x J) := Matrix of inner weights
  # D (J x J) := An "adjacency" matrix with elements equal to one, if proxy j and j' are adjacent
} # END calculateWeightsPLS

#' Calculate composite weights using GCCA
#' Calculates composite weights according to one of the the five criteria
#' "*SUMCORR*", "*MAXVAR*", "*SSQCORR*", "*MINVAR*", and "*GENVAR*"
#' suggested by \insertCite{Kettenring1971;textual}{cSEM}.
#' @usage calculateWeightsKettenring(
#'   .S              = args_default()$.S, 
#'   .csem_model     = args_default()$.csem_model,   
#'   .approach_gcca  = args_default()$.approach_gcca
#'   )
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @return A named list. J stands for the number of constructs and K for the number
#' of indicators.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{`$W`}{A (J x K) matrix of estimated weights.}
#'   \item{`$E`}{`NULL`}
#'   \item{`$Modes`}{The GCCA mode used for the estimation.}
#'   \item{`$Conv_status`}{The convergence status. `TRUE` if the algorithm has converged 
#'     and `FALSE` otherwise. For `.approach_gcca = "MINVAR"` or `.approach_gcca = "MAXVAR"`
#'     the convergence status is `NULL` since both are closed-form estimators.}
#'   \item{`$Iterations`}{The number of iterations required. 0 for 
#'     `.approach_gcca = "MINVAR"` or `.approach_gcca = "MAXVAR"`}
#' }
#' @references
#'   \insertAllCited{}

calculateWeightsKettenring <- function(
  .S              = args_default()$.S,
  .csem_model     = args_default()$.csem_model,
  .approach_gcca  = args_default()$.approach_gcca
) {
  ### Preparation ==============================================================
  # ## Check if all constructs are modeled as composites
  # if("Common factor" %in% .csem_model$construct_type){
  #   stop("Currently Kettenring's approaches are only allowed for pure composite models.", 
  #        call. = FALSE)
  # }

  ## Get relevant objects 
  W <- .csem_model$measurement
  construct_names <- rownames(W)
  indicator_names <- colnames(W)
  indicator_names_ls <- lapply(construct_names, function(x) {
    indicator_names[W[x, ] == 1]
  ## Calculate S_{ii}^{-1/2}}
  sqrt_S_jj_list <- lapply(indicator_names_ls, function(x) {
    solve(expm::sqrtm(.S[x, x, drop = FALSE]))
  ## Put in a diagonal matrix
  H <- as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(sqrt_S_jj_list))
  dimnames(H) <- list(indicator_names, indicator_names)
  if(.approach_gcca %in% c("MAXVAR", "MINVAR")) {
    # Note: The MAXVAR implementation is based on a MATLAB code provided 
    #       by Theo K. Dijkstra
    Rs <- H %*% .S %*% H
    ## Calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Rs and ...
    u <- switch (.approach_gcca,
          "MINVAR" = {
            # ... select the eigenvector corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue
            as.matrix(eigen(Rs)$vectors[, length(Rs[,1])], nocl = 1)
          "MAXVAR" = {
            # ... select the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue
            as.matrix(eigen(Rs)$vectors[, 1], nocl = 1)
    rownames(u) <- indicator_names

    ## Calculate weight
    W <- lapply(indicator_names_ls, function(x) {
      w <- as.vector((H[x, x] %*% u[x, ]) / sqrt(sum(c(u[x, ])^2)))
  } else if(.approach_gcca %in% c("SUMCORR", "GENVAR", "SSQCORR")) {
    # Maximize the sum of the composite correlations sum(w_i%*%S_ii%*%t(w_i)), 
    #   see Asendorf (2015, Appendix B.3.2 Empirical, p. 295)
    ## Define function to be minimized:
    # R       := Empirical indicator correlation matrix (S)
    # RDsqrt  := Blockdiagonal matrix with S_{ii}^{-1/2} on its diagonal (H)
    # nameInd := List with indicator names per block (indicator_names_ls)
    # name    := Vector of composites names (construct_names)
    fn <- switch (.approach_gcca,
      "SUMCORR" = {
        function(wtilde, R, RDsqrt, nameInd, nameLV) {
          -(t(wtilde) %*% RDsqrt %*% R %*% RDsqrt %*% t(t(wtilde)))
      "GENVAR"  = {
        function(wtilde, R, RDsqrt, nameInd, nameLV) {
          det(-(t(wtilde) %*% RDsqrt %*% R %*% RDsqrt %*% t(t(wtilde))))
      "SSQCORR" = {
        function(wtilde, R, RDsqrt, nameInd, nameLV) {
          norm(-(t(wtilde) %*% RDsqrt %*% R %*% RDsqrt %*% t(t(wtilde))), 
               type = "F")
    # Define constraint function: variance of each composite is one
    heq <- function(wtilde, R, RDsqrt, nameInd, nameLV) {
      names(wtilde) = unlist(nameInd)
      h <- rep(NA, length(nameLV))
      for (i in 1:length(h)) {
        h[i] <- t(wtilde[nameInd[[i]]]) %*% t(t(wtilde[nameInd[[i]]])) - 1
    ## Optimization
    utils::capture.output(res <- alabama::auglag(
      par     = runif(length(indicator_names)),
      fn      = fn,
      R       = .S,
      RDsqrt  = H,
      nameInd = indicator_names_ls,
      nameLV  = construct_names,
      heq     = heq
    # Get wtilde
    wtilde <- res$par
    names(wtilde) <- indicator_names
    # Calculate weights w_i = R_{ii}^{-1/2} wtilde_i
    W <- lapply(indicator_names_ls, function(x) {
      w <- as.vector(H[x, x] %*% wtilde[x])

  ## Format, name and scale
  W <- t(as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(W)))
  dimnames(W) <- list(construct_names, indicator_names)
  W <- scaleWeights(.S, W)

  ## Prepare for output
  modes <- rep(.approach_gcca, length(construct_names))
  names(modes) <- construct_names
  ## Prepare output and return
  l <- list(
    "W"           = W, 
    "E"           = NULL, 
    "Modes"       = modes,
    "Conv_status" = if(.approach_gcca %in% c("MINVAR", "MAXVAR")) NULL else res$convergence == 0,  
    "Iterations"  = if(.approach_gcca %in% c("MINVAR", "MAXVAR")) 0 else res$counts[1]
} # END calculateWeightsKettenring

#' Calculate composite weights using GSCA
#' Calculate composite weights using generalized structure component analysis (GSCA). 
#' The first version of this approach was presented in \insertCite{Hwang2004;textual}{cSEM}. 
#' Since then, several advancements have been proposed. The latest version 
#' of GSCA can been found in \insertCite{Hwang2014;textual}{cSEM}. This is the version 
#' \pkg{cSEM}s implementation is based on.
#' @usage calculateWeightsGSCA(
#'   .X                           = args_default()$.X,
#'   .S                           = args_default()$.S,
#'   .csem_model                  = args_default()$.csem_model,
#'   .conv_criterion              = args_default()$.conv_criterion,
#'   .iter_max                    = args_default()$.iter_max,
#'   .starting_values             = args_default()$.starting_values,
#'   .tolerance                   = args_default()$.tolerance
#'    )
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @return A named list. J stands for the number of constructs and K for the number
#' of indicators.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{`$W`}{A (J x K) matrix of estimated weights.}
#'   \item{`$E`}{`NULL`}
#'   \item{`$Modes`}{A named vector of Modes used for the outer estimation, for GSCA
#'     the mode is automatically set to "gsca".}
#'   \item{`$Conv_status`}{The convergence status. `TRUE` if the algorithm has converged 
#'     and `FALSE` otherwise.}
#'   \item{`$Iterations`}{The number of iterations required.}
#' }
#' @references
#'   \insertAllCited{}

calculateWeightsGSCA <- function(
  .X                           = args_default()$.X,
  .S                           = args_default()$.S,
  .csem_model                  = args_default()$.csem_model,
  .conv_criterion              = args_default()$.conv_criterion,
  .iter_max                    = args_default()$.iter_max,
  .starting_values             = args_default()$.starting_values,
  .tolerance                   = args_default()$.tolerance
) {
  ### Calculation (ALS algorithm) ==============================================
  W0 <- Lambda0 <- .csem_model$measurement # Weight relation model
  Lambda0[which(.csem_model$construct_type == "Composite"), ]  <- 0
  B0 <- .csem_model$structural # Structural model
  vars_endo    <- rownames(B0)[rowSums(B0) != 0]
  vars_cf      <- names(which(.csem_model$construct_type == "Common factor"))
  J <- nrow(W0)
  K <- ncol(W0)
  JK <- J + K
  # if starting values are provided
    W0 = setStartingValues(.W = W0, .starting_values = .starting_values)
  # Scale weights
  W <- scaleWeights(.S = .S, .W = W0)
  W_iter       <- W
  tolerance    <- .tolerance
  iter_max     <- .iter_max
  iter_counter <- 0
  repeat {
    # Counter
    iter_counter <- iter_counter + 1
    # Step 1a: Estimate B (the structural coefficients for a given W)
    C <- W_iter %*% .S %*% t(W_iter)
    B <- lapply(vars_endo, function(y) {
      x <-  colnames(B0[y, B0[y, ] != 0, drop = FALSE])
      coef <- solve(C[x, x, drop = FALSE]) %*% C[x, y, drop = FALSE]
      # Since Var(dep_Var) = 1 we have R2 = Var(X coef) = t(coef) %*% X'X %*% coef
      # r2   <- t(coef) %*% .P[indep_var, indep_var, drop = FALSE] %*% coef
      # names(r2) <- x
    # Transform
    tB <- t(B0)
    tB[tB != 0] <- unlist(B)
    # Step 1b: Estimate Lambda (the loadings for a given W)
    if(length(vars_cf) > 0) {
      Lambda_tilde <- W_iter %*% .S
      dep_vars <- names(which(colSums(Lambda0[vars_cf, , drop = FALSE]) !=0))
      Lambda <- lapply(dep_vars, function(y) {
        x <-  which(Lambda0[vars_cf, y] != 0)
        coef <- solve(C[x, x, drop = FALSE]) %*% Lambda_tilde[x, y, drop = FALSE]
      # Transform
      tLambda <- t(Lambda0)
      tLambda[tLambda != 0] <- unlist(Lambda)
    } else {
      tLambda <- t(Lambda0)
    # Build matrices A and V used in GSCA
    # A <- rbind(tLambda, t(tB))
    A <- cbind(t(tLambda), tB)
    V <- rbind(diag(K), W_iter)
    # The following code is based on the ASGSCA package (licensed
    # under GPL-3). Notation is adapted to be conform with the notation of the
    # cSEM package
    tr_w <- 0
    W <- W_iter
    for(j in 1:J){
      t <- K + j
      windex_j <- which(W[j, ] != 0)
      m <- matrix(0, 1, JK)
      m[t] <- 1
      # a <- A[, j]
      a <- A[j, ]
      beta <- m - a
      H1 <- diag(J)
      H2 <- diag(JK)
      H1[j,j] <- 0
      H2[t,t] <- 0
      Delta <- t(A) %*% H1 %*% W - H2 %*% V
      Sp <- .S[windex_j , windex_j]
      if(length(windex_j) != 0) {
        theta <- MASS::ginv(as.numeric(beta%*%t(beta))*.S[windex_j,windex_j]) %*%
          t(beta %*% Delta %*% .S[,windex_j])
        # Update the weights based on the estimated parameters and standardize
        W0[j, windex_j] <- theta
        W <- scaleWeights(.S, W0)
    # Check for convergence
    conv <- checkConvergence(W, W_iter,
                             .conv_criterion = .conv_criterion,
                             .tolerance = .tolerance)
    if(conv) {
      # Set convergence status to TRUE as algorithm has converged
      conv_status = TRUE
      break # return iterative PLS-PM weights
    } else if(iter_counter == iter_max & iter_max == 1) {
      # Set convergence status to NULL, NULL is used if no algorithm is used
      conv_status = NULL
      break # return one-step PLS-PM weights
    } else if(iter_counter == iter_max & iter_max > 1) {
      # Set convergence status to FALSE, as algorithm has not converged
      conv_status = FALSE
    } else {
      W_iter <- W
  # Return
  l <- list("W" = W, "E" = NULL, "Modes" = "gsca", "Conv_status" = conv_status,
            "Iterations" = iter_counter)
  ### For maintenance: ---------------------------------------------------------
  # Hwang and Takane (2004, 2010, 2014, 2017) use a completely different notation
  #   compared to the standard LISREL/Bollen-type notation. This implementation
  #   uses the LISREL notation. This table translates some of the notation
  ## N              := Number of observations
  ## K              := Total number of indicators (J in H&T)
  ## J              := Total number of constructs (P in H&T)
  ## TT             := K + J (T in H&T)
  ## X (N x K)      := Matrix of indicator values (=data) (Z in H&T)
  ## W (J x K)      := (Block-)diagonal matrix of weight relations (W' in H&T)
  ## Lambda (J x K) := (Block-)diagonal matrix of loadings (C in H&T)
  ## B (J x J)      := Matrix of path coefficients (B' in H&T). B is not necessarily
  ##                   lower-triangular (i.e may contain feedback loops)
  ## H (N x J)      := Matrix of proxies/scores
  ## V (K x TT)     := Matrix of indicator and construct relations
  ## Psi (N x TT)   := Matrix of all indicator values and construct scores
} # END calculateWeightsGSCA

#' Calculate weights using GSCAm
#' Calculate composite weights using generalized structured component analysis
#' with uniqueness terms (GSCAm) proposed by \insertCite{Hwang2017;textual}{cSEM}.
#' If there are only constructs modeled as common factors
#' calling [csem()] with `.appraoch_weights = "GSCA"` will automatically call 
#' [calculateWeightsGSCAm()] unless `.disattenuate = FALSE`.
#' GSCAm currently only works for pure common factor models. The reason is that the implementation 
#' in \pkg{cSEM} is based on (the appendix) of \insertCite{Hwang2017;textual}{cSEM}.
#' Following the appendix, GSCAm fails if there is at least one construct 
#' modeled as a composite because calculating weight estimates with GSCAm leads to a product 
#' involving the measurement matrix. This matrix does not have full rank
#' if a construct modeled as a composite is present. 
#' The reason is that the measurement matrix has a zero row for every construct
#' which is a pure composite (i.e. all related loadings are zero) 
#' and, therefore, leads to a non-invertible matrix when multiplying it with its transposed.
#' @usage calculateWeightsGSCAm(
#'   .X                           = args_default()$.X,
#'   .csem_model                  = args_default()$.csem_model,
#'   .conv_criterion              = args_default()$.conv_criterion,
#'   .iter_max                    = args_default()$.iter_max,
#'   .starting_values             = args_default()$.starting_values,
#'   .tolerance                   = args_default()$.tolerance
#'    )
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @return A list with the elements
#' \describe{
#'   \item{`$W`}{A (J x K) matrix of estimated weights.}
#'   \item{`$C`}{The (J x K) matrix of estimated loadings.}
#'   \item{`$B`}{The (J x J) matrix of estimated path coefficients.}
#'   \item{`$E`}{`NULL`}
#'   \item{`$Modes`}{A named vector of Modes used for the outer estimation, for GSCA
#'     the mode is automatically set to 'gsca'.}
#'   \item{`$Conv_status`}{The convergence status. `TRUE` if the algorithm has converged 
#'     and `FALSE` otherwise.}
#'   \item{`$Iterations`}{The number of iterations required.}
#' }
#' @references
#'   \insertAllCited{}

calculateWeightsGSCAm <- function(
  .X                           = args_default()$.X,
  .csem_model                  = args_default()$.csem_model,
  .conv_criterion              = args_default()$.conv_criterion,
  .iter_max                    = args_default()$.iter_max,
  .starting_values             = args_default()$.starting_values,
  .tolerance                   = args_default()$.tolerance
) {
  ## Notes
  # - If disattenuate = TRUE we have Z = Z - UD. Everywhere else in the 
  #   package we assume that S is the correlation matrix of the indicators
  #   where correlation can be polyserial, bravais-person, spearman etc. 
  #   The way GSCAm is implemented now requires the calculation of cor(Z) (e.g. 
  #   step 2) Currently i use R's cor() function. If we want to allow for different
  #   correlation types we need to use our calculateIndicatorCor() function instead
  # - Currently implementation assumes that B0 is a symmetric matrix. This 
  #   is not the case if we include nonlinear model. This has to be checked
  #   once the algorithm is implemented for linear models.
  ### For maintenance: ---------------------------------------------------------
  # Hwang and Takane (2004, 2010, 2014, 2017) use a completely different notation
  #   compared to the standard LISREL/Bollen-type notation.
  ## N              := Number of observations
  ## J              := Total number of indicators
  ## P              := Total number of constructs
  ## TT             := K + J (T in H&T)
  ## Z (N x J)      := Matrix of indicator values (=data)
  ## W (J x P)      := (Block-)diagonal matrix of weight relations (transposed
  ##                    compared to .csem_model$measurement!!)
  ## C (P x J)      := (Block-)diagonal matrix of measurement relations (Lambda in cSEM)
  ## B (P x P)      := Matrix of path coefficients (B' in cSEM). B is not necessarily
  ##                   upper-triangular (i.e may contain feedback loops)
  ## A (P x TT)     := "RHS-builder matrix". If postmultiplied on Gamma each column 
  ##                   of the resulting matrix is the RHS of an regression equation 
  ##                   If A is known each column represents the predicted values. 
  ##                   The columns of Gamma*A therefore correspond to X*beta_t in
  ##                   standard regression notation (where depending on the
  ##                   regression equation t, beta_t contains loadings or
  ##                   path coefficients)
  ## V (J x TT)     := "LHS-builder matrix". If postmultiplied on Z, the resulting
  ##                   (N x TT) matrix Psi contains the LHS of an regression equation
  ##                   in its columns. Depending on the regression equation this 
  ##                   is either an indicator or a proxy.
  ## U (N x J)      := Matrix if unique terms/variables
  ## D (J x J)      := Diagonal matrix of unique parameters/loadings
  ## S (N x TT)     := Matrix of J columns containing predicted unique terms 
  ##                   P zero columns.
  ## Gamma (N x P)  := Gamma = ZW - S; Matrix of proxies/scores. If 
  ##                   disattenuate = FALSE S is a zero matrix.
  ## Psi (N x TT)   := Psi = ZV = Z[I ; Gamma]. Matrix of indicator and construct 
  ##                   scores ("LHS" variables" in regression)
  ## Define matrices
  # Currently only pure common factor models are supported
  if(any(.csem_model$construct_type == "Composite")) {
    stop2("The following error occured in the `calculateWeightsGSCAm()` function:\n",
          "GSCAm only applicable to pure common factor models.")
  Z  <- .X # Z is the data matrix in GSCA, data are already standardized
  W  <- t(.csem_model$measurement) # Matrix of the weighted relation model
  C  <- .csem_model$measurement # Matrix of the measurement model (non-zero only for common factors)
  C[which(.csem_model$construct_type == "Composite"), ]  <- 0
  B  <- t(.csem_model$structural) # Matrix of the structural model
  N  <- nrow(Z) # number of observations
  J  <- nrow(W) # number of indicators
  P  <- ncol(W) # number of constructs
  TT <- J + P
  Ij <- diag(J)
  Ip <- diag(P)
  A  <- cbind(C, B) # (P x TT)
  # V  <- cbind(Ij, W) # (J x TT)
  # Normalize Z
  Z <- Z/sqrt(N - 1) 
  # if starting values are provided
    W = setStartingValues(.W = W, .starting_values = .starting_values)
  # Gamma
  Gamma <- Z %*% W
  # Calculate initial values for the unique variables in U
  # analogous to step 3 of the modified ALS-algorithm
  D          <- Ij
  # Implementation based on the updated MATLAB code provided by Heungsun in 
  # private communication to deal with big dataset (20.10.2021)
  temp <- svd(t(Gamma)%*%Gamma)
  gd2 <- diag(temp$d)
  gv <- temp$v
  GU <- Gamma%*%gv%*%solve(sqrt(gd2))
  M3 <- Z%*%t(D) - GU%*%(t(GU)%*%Z)%*%t(D)
    temp <- svd(t(M3)%*%M3)
    d2 <- diag(temp$d)
    v <- temp$v
    u <- M3%*%v%*%solve(sqrt(d2))
    U <- u[,1:J,drop=FALSE]%*%t(v)
  } else {
    temp = svd(M3)
    u <- temp$u
    v <- temp$v
    U <- u[,1:J,drop = FALSE]%*%t(v)
  # Old GSCAm version which faces problem in case of large datasets
  # Gamma_orth <- qr.Q(qr(Gamma), complete = TRUE)[, (P+1):N, drop = FALSE]
  # s          <- svd(D %*% t(Z) %*% Gamma_orth)
  # U_tilde    <- s$v %*% t(s$u)
  # U          <- Gamma_orth %*% U_tilde # this is the initial matrix U
  D <- diag(diag(t(U) %*% Z))
  est  <-  A[which(A != 0)]
  est0 <- est + 1
  iter_counter <- 0
  while (sum(sum(abs(est0 - est))) > .tolerance & iter_counter < .iter_max) {
    iter_counter  <- iter_counter + 1
    est0  <- est
    X     <- Z - U %*% D
    WW    <- t(C) %*% solve(C %*% t(C) + Ip - 2*B + B %*% t(B))
    for(p in 1:P) {
      windex_p <- which(W[ , p] != 0)
      w        <- WW[windex_p, p]
      Xp       <- X[,windex_p, drop = FALSE]
      # If construct p is a single-indicator construct, dividing w by its norm
      # sometimes doesnt yield 1 exactly due to the way norm() works. This causes
      # problems in verify() since we check if loadings are > 1, which they are

      # if the weight is 1.000000...0002.
      if(length(w) == 1) {
        w <- 1
      } else {
        w        <- w / norm(Xp %*% w, type = "2")
      W[windex_p, p] <- w
      Gamma[ , p]    <- Xp %*% w
    # Step 2a: Update B (the structural coefficients for a given W)
    vcv_gamma <- t(Gamma) %*% Gamma
    vars_endo <- which(colSums(B) != 0)
    beta <- lapply(vars_endo, function(y) {
      x    <- which(B[, y, drop = FALSE] != 0)
      coef <- MASS::ginv(vcv_gamma[x, x, drop = FALSE]) %*% vcv_gamma[x, y, drop = FALSE]
    B[B != 0] <- unlist(beta)
    # Step 2b: Update C (the loadings for a given W)
    vars_cf <- which(.csem_model$construct_type == "Common factor")
    if(length(vars_cf) > 0) {
      cov_gamma_indicators <- t(Gamma) %*% X
      Y <- which(colSums(C[vars_cf, ]) !=0)
      loadings <- lapply(Y, function(y) {
        x    <-  which(C[vars_cf, y] != 0)
        coef <- solve(vcv_gamma[x, x, drop = FALSE]) %*% cov_gamma_indicators[x, y, drop = FALSE]
      # Transform
      tC <- t(C)
      tC[tC != 0] <- unlist(loadings)
      C <- t(tC)
    # Implementation based on the updated MATLAB code provided by Heungsun in 
    # private communication to deal with big dataset (20.10.2021)
    temp <- svd(t(Gamma)%*%Gamma)
    gd2 <- diag(temp$d) 
    gv <- temp$v
    GU <- Gamma%*%gv%*%solve(sqrt(gd2))
    M3 <- Z%*%D - GU%*%(t(GU)%*%Z)%*%t(D)
      temp <- svd(t(M3)%*%M3)
      d2 <- diag(temp$d)
      v <- temp$v
      u <- M3%*%v%*%solve(sqrt(d2))
      U <- u[,1:J,drop=FALSE]%*%t(v)
    } else {
      temp = svd(M3)
      u <- temp$u
      v <- temp$v
      U <- u[,1:J,drop = FALSE]%*%t(v)
    # Old GSCAm implementation
    # Gamma_orth <- qr.Q(qr(Gamma), complete = TRUE)[, (P+1):N, drop = FALSE]
    # s          <- svd(D %*% t(Z) %*% Gamma_orth)
    # U_tilde    <- s$v %*% t(s$u)
    # U          <- Gamma_orth %*% U_tilde # this is the initial matrix U
    D <- diag(diag(t(U) %*% Z))
    # Build A
    A <- cbind(C, B)
    est <- A[which(A != 0)]
  # Return
  l <- list("W" = t(W), 
            "C" = C,
            "B" = B,
            "E" = NULL, 
            "Modes" = "gsca", 
            "Conv_status" = ifelse(iter_counter > .iter_max, FALSE, TRUE),
            "Iterations" = iter_counter)
} # END calculateWeightsGSCAm

#' Calculate composite weights using unit weights
#' Calculate unit weights for all blocks, i.e., each indicator of a block is
#' equally weighted.
#' @usage calculateWeightsUnit(
#'  .S                 = args_default()$.S,
#'  .csem_model        = args_default()$.csem_model,
#'  .starting_values   = args_default()$.starting_values
#'   )
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @return A named list. J stands for the number of constructs and K for the number
#' of indicators.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{`$W`}{A (J x K) matrix of estimated weights.}
#'   \item{`$E`}{`NULL`}
#'   \item{`$Modes`}{The mode used. Always "unit".}
#'   \item{`$Conv_status`}{`NULL` as there are no iterations}
#'   \item{`$Iterations`}{0 as there are no iterations}
#' }
calculateWeightsUnit = function(
  .S                 = args_default()$.S,
  .csem_model        = args_default()$.csem_model,
  .starting_values   = args_default()$.starting_values
  W <- .csem_model$measurement
  # if starting values are provided
    W = setStartingValues(.W = W, .starting_values = .starting_values)
  W <- scaleWeights(.S, W)
  modes        <- rep("unit", nrow(W))
  names(modes) <- rownames(W)
  # Return
  l <- list("W" = W, "E" = NULL, "Modes" = modes, "Conv_status" = NULL,
            "Iterations" = 0)

#' Calculate composite weights using principal component analysis (PCA)
#' Calculate weights for each block by extracting the first principal component
#' of the indicator correlation matrix S_jj for each blocks, i.e., weights
#' are the simply the first eigenvector of S_jj.
#' @usage calculateWeightsPCA(
#'  .S                 = args_default()$.S,
#'  .csem_model        = args_default()$.csem_model
#'   )
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @return A named list. J stands for the number of constructs and K for the number
#' of indicators.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{`$W`}{A (J x K) matrix of estimated weights.}
#'   \item{`$E`}{`NULL`}
#'   \item{`$Modes`}{The mode used. Always "PCA".}
#'   \item{`$Conv_status`}{`NULL` as there are no iterations}
#'   \item{`$Iterations`}{0 as there are no iterations}
#' }

calculateWeightsPCA = function(
  .S                 = args_default()$.S,
  .csem_model        = args_default()$.csem_model
  W <- .csem_model$measurement
  for(j in 1:nrow(W)) {
    block      <- rownames(W[j, , drop = FALSE])
    indicators <- W[block, ] != 0
    temp <- psych::principal(r = .S[indicators, indicators], nfactors = 1)
    # Note that temp$weights is the same as:
    #  1. Calculating the eigenvectors of S[indicators, indicators] and
    #     then taking the first eigenvector. This is the unscaled weight w
    #  2. Obtain the scaled weight by w_s = w / sqrt(w' S[i, i] w)
    #  R Code:
    #    tt <- eigen(.S[indicators, indicators])
    #    w  <- tt$vectors[, 1]
    #    w  <- w / sqrt(w %*% .S[indicators, indicators] %*% w)
    W[block, indicators] <- c(temp$weights)
  modes        <- rep("PCA", nrow(W))
  names(modes) <- rownames(W)
  # Return
  l <- list("W" = W, "E" = NULL, "Modes" = modes, "Conv_status" = NULL,
            "Iterations" = 0)
M-E-Steiner/cSEM documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 5 a.m.