Man pages for MCorentin/vargen
Fetching Variants Related to Phenotypes Using Public Databases

annotate_variantsAnnotate variants from a vector of variant IDs
connect_to_gene_ensemblConnect to gene Mart
connect_to_snp_ensemblConnect to snp Mart
convert_gtex_to_rsidsConvert GTEx IDs to rsid
create_gwasCreate a gwaswloc object
format_chrFormat chromosome names
format_outputFormat the variants data.frame
get_fantom5_enhancers_from_hgncGet the enhancers associated to certain genes from FANTOM5
get_fantom5_variantsGet variants on the enhancers of the list of genes given as...
get_genes_variantsGet the variants located on the genes
get_gtex_variantsGet variants from GTEx linked to the given ensembl genes
get_gwas_variantsGet the variants from the gwas catalog associated to the...
get_omim_genesGet ensembl gene IDs from "mim_morbid_accession"
get_phenotype_termsFrom keywords, get a list of phenotypes to use with snp mart
get_variants_from_locationsUsing ensembl API to get the variants at certain locations
get_variants_from_phenotypesGet variants associated with certain phenotypes
list_gtex_tissuesGenerates a vector containing the available GTEx tissue files
list_gwas_traitsList the available gwas traits
list_omim_accessionsList the available OMIM morbid IDs and descriptions
plot_manhattan_gwasManhattan plot for variants found in GWAS
prepare_fantomGenerate data.frame from FANTOM5 enhancer file
select_gtex_tissuesGet the GTEx files corresponding to the tissues of interest
vargen_customGet variants related to specific genes.
vargen_installDownload the files needed to run 'vargen_pipeline'
vargen_pipelineMain vargen function, to get the list of variants
vargen_visualisationGenerate a plot of the variants on the OMIM genes
MCorentin/vargen documentation built on Feb. 6, 2024, 2:32 p.m.