get_fantom5_enhancers_from_hgnc: Get the enhancers associated to certain genes from FANTOM5

View source: R/fantom.R

get_fantom5_enhancers_from_hgncR Documentation

Get the enhancers associated to certain genes from FANTOM5


from the FANTOM5 dataset, get the enhancers associated to the genes using the HGNC symbols, the association must pass the correlation threshold given by the user. Is used internally by get_fantom5_variants


get_fantom5_enhancers_from_hgnc(fantom_df, hgnc_symbols, corr_threshold = 0.25)



the output of prepare_fantom


vector of HUGO ids for the genes of interest


the minimum correlation (z-score) to consider a enhancer/gene assocation valid (default: 0.25). A z-score greater than 0 represents an element greater than the mean, this means that this association has more correlation than random motifs.


a subset of the FANTOM5 data.frame containing the information about the enhancers. The data.frame contains the following columns

  • chr (chromosome)

  • start (start of the enhancers)

  • end (end of the enhancers)

  • symbol (HGNC symbol of the gene associated to the enhancer)

  • corr (correlation z-score from FANTOM5)

  • fdr (False Discovery Rate)

MCorentin/vargen documentation built on Feb. 6, 2024, 2:32 p.m.