
Defines functions GetPSplines GetSplines

Documented in GetPSplines GetSplines

#' Calculate Basis Splines
#' Calculate basis splines (B-Splines) for use in P-splines
#' @param x.i vector of x-values (without NAs) for which splines need to be calculated (determines the number of rows of B.ik)
#' @param x0 x-value which determines knot placement. By default, knot is placed half-interval before last observation
#' @param I interval length between two knots during observation period
#' @param degree degree of splines used. Currently tested only with degree 3
#' @export
#' @return A list containing: a matrix of B-spline values; and a vector of knot locations.
#' @seealso \code{\link{GetPSplines}}
#' @examples
#' ## visualize
#' x.i <- seq(1, 55, 0.025)
#' res <- GetSplines(x.i, I = 2.5)
#' dim(res$B.ik)
#' K <- length(res$knots.k); K
#' plot(res$B.ik[,1] ~ x.i, type= "n", xlab = "time", ylim = c(0,1), ylab = "Splines", xlim = range(x.i))
#' abline(v=res$knots.k, col = seq(1, K), lwd = 1)
#' for (k in 1:K){
#'  lines(res$B.ik[,k]~ x.i, type= "l", col = k, lwd = 1)
#'  }
GetSplines <- function(
  x0 = NULL,
  I = 2.5,
  degree = 3
) {
  if (is.null(x0)) {
    x0 <- max(x.i)-0.5*I
  # get knots, given that one knot needs to be in year0
  knots <- seq(x0-1000*I, x0+1000*I, I)
  while (min(x.i) < knots[1]) knots <- c(seq(knots[1]-1000*I, knots[1]-I,I), knots)
  while (max(x.i) > knots[length(knots)]) knots <- c(knots, seq(knots[length(knots)]+I,
                                                                knots[length(knots)]+1000*I, I))
  Btemp.ik <- bs(x.i, knots = knots[-c(1, length(knots))],  degree = degree,
                 Boundary.knots = knots[c(1, length(knots))])
  indicesofcolswithoutzeroes <- which(apply(Btemp.ik, 2, sum) > 0)
  # only remove columns with zeroes at start and end
  startnonzerocol <- indicesofcolswithoutzeroes[1]
  endnonzerocol <- indicesofcolswithoutzeroes[length(indicesofcolswithoutzeroes)]
  B.ik <- Btemp.ik[,startnonzerocol:endnonzerocol]
  colnames(B.ik) <- paste0("spline", seq(1, dim(B.ik)[2]))
  knots.k <- knots[startnonzerocol:endnonzerocol]
  names(knots.k) <- paste0("spline", seq(1, dim(B.ik)[2]))
  ##value<< List of B-splines containing:
  return(list(B.ik = B.ik, ##<< Matrix, each row is one observation, each column is one B-spline.
              knots.k = knots.k ##<< Vector of knots.

#' Simulate time series of fluctuations based on P-Splines
#' Simulate function \eqn{y = Ba} where the \eqn{a}'s are governed by P-spline process
#' @param B.ik a matrix of B-Splines
#' @param sigma.alpha variance of spline coefficients
#' @param order order of penalization (either 1 or 2).
#' @param seed value of random seed
#' @export
#' @return A list containing: a matrix of B-spline values; and a vector of knot locations.
#' @seealso \code{\link{GetSplines}}
#' @examples
#' x.i <- seq(1, 50, 1)
#' res <- GetSplines(x.i, I = 2.5)
#' nobs <- length(x.i)
#' sigma.alpha <- 0.01
#' y.i <- GetPSplines(res$B.ik, sigma.alpha, order = 1)
#' ggplot(data = NULL, aes(x = x.i, y = y.i)) + geom_line() + geom_point() + theme_bw()

GetPSplines <- function(B.ik,
                        seed = 123){
  K <- dim(B.ik)[2]
  alpha.k <- rep(NA, K)
  alpha.k[1] <- rnorm(1, 0, sigma.alpha)
    for(k in 2:K){
      alpha.k[k] <- rnorm(1, 0, sigma.alpha)
    for(k in 2:K){
      alpha.k[k] <- rnorm(1, alpha.k[k-1], sigma.alpha)
    alpha.k[2] <- rnorm(1, 0, sigma.alpha)
    for(k in 3:K){
      alpha.k[k] <- rnorm(1, (2*alpha.k[k-1] - alpha.k[k-2]), sigma.alpha)
  mu.i <- B.ik%*%alpha.k
MJAlexander/distortr documentation built on July 17, 2020, 4:06 p.m.