sort_1_to_many: Sort results for 1-to-many forest plot

View source: R/forest_plot_1-to-many.R

sort_1_to_manyR Documentation

Sort results for 1-to-many forest plot


This function sorts user-supplied results for the forest_plot_1_to_many() function. The user supplies their results in the form of a data frame.


  b = "b",
  trait_m = "outcome",
  sort_action = 4,
  group = NULL,
  priority = NULL



Data frame of results supplied by the user.


Name of the column specifying the effect of the exposure on the outcome. The default is "b".


The column specifying the names of the traits. Corresponds to 'many' in the 1-to-many forest plot. The default is "outcome".


Choose how to sort results.

  • sort_action = 1: sort results by effect size within groups. Use the group order supplied by the user.

  • sort_action = 2: sort results by effect size and group. Overides the group ordering supplied by the user.

  • sort_action = 3: group results for the same trait together (e.g. multiple results for the same trait from different MR methods).

  • sort_action = 4: sort by decreasing effect size (largest effect size at top and smallest at bottom).

  • sort_action = 5: sort by increasing effect size (smallest effect size at top and largest at bottom).


Name of grouping variable in mr_res.


If sort_action = 3, choose which value of the trait_m variable should be given priority and go above the other trait_m values. The trait with the largest effect size for the prioritised group will go to the top of the plot.


data frame.

MRCIEU/TwoSampleMR documentation built on Feb. 28, 2025, 9:15 p.m.