Man pages for MadsAlbertsen/ampvis2
Tools for visualising amplicon data

AalborgWWTPsA subset of the MiDAS example data
abundAreCountsCheck whether abundances appear to be read counts (i.e. not...
aggregate_abundAggregate OTUs to a specific taxonomic level
amp_alphadivAlpha-diversity analysis
amp_coreGrouped core community analysis
amp_export_fastaExport raw DNA sequences
amp_export_longTransform ampvis2 objects into a long-format data frame
amp_export_otutableExport OTU-table
amp_filter_samplesSubset ampvis2 objects based on sample metadata
amp_filter_taxaSubset ampvis2 objects based on taxonomy
amp_frequencyFrequency plot
amp_import_biom(Defunct) Import OTU table from BIOM file
amp_import_usearch(Defunct) Import OTU table from USEARCH pipelines
amp_loadLoad data for ampvis2 functions
amp_merge_ampvis2Merge ampvis2 object(s)
amp_merge_replicatesMerge replicate samples
amp_octaveOctave plot
amp_ordinateOrdination plot
amp_otu_networkNetwork plot
amp_rankabundanceRank abundance plot
amp_rarecurveRarefaction curve
amp_rarefyRarefy ampvis2 object
amp_renameTidy up taxonomy
amp_timeseriesAbundance timeseries
amp_vennVenn diagram of core OTUs
ampvis2'ampvis2' package DNAbin object to data.table
checkReqPkgCheck for installed package
dist.JSDCalculate Jensen-Shannon Divergence distances
dist.unifracCalculate weighted or unweighted UniFrac distances. Adopted...
example_metadataA minimal example of sample metadata
example_otutableA minimal example of an OTU-table
example_taxonomyA minimal example of taxonomy
extractFunctionsExtract functional information about Genera from the MiDAS...
filter_otusFilter OTUs by a threshold in percent
findOTUcolDetect OTU/ASV column in a data frame
getLowestTaxLvlFind lowest taxonomic level
getMiDASFGDataGet data from the MiDAS field guide API
importImport any file format
is_ampvis2Check if data has class "ampvis2"
matchOTUsRename OTUs by exact sequence matches from a FASTA file
MiDASMiDAS example data
midasfunctionsFunctional information about microbes at Genus level
normaliseTo100Normalise read counts to 100, i.e. in percent relative...
parseTaxonomyExtract/parse taxonomy from a data.frame
pipePipe operator
print.ampvis2Prints ampvis2 object summary (internal function)
print.coreplotPrints amp_core plots if margin plots are also generated...
print.figcaptionPrint method for figure caption created by amp_ordinate
print.hmfunplotPrints heatmap+functions plot (internal function)
tax_levelsValid taxonomic levels
unzip_fileUnzip file
MadsAlbertsen/ampvis2 documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 7:12 a.m.