############################ FUNCTIONS TO HANDLE aDGVM2 FILES ##############################################################
#' Get a Field for aDGVM2
#' An internal function that reads data from an aDGVM2 run. It actually calls one of two other functions depending on the type of quantity specified.
#' @param source A \code{\linkS4class{Source}} containing the meta-data about the aDGVM2 run
#' @param quant A Quantity object to define what quantity from the aDGVM2 run to extract
#' @param layers Ignored for aDGVM
#' @param target.STAInfo STAInfo object specifying the spatial-temporal-annual extent required. Note that at this stage only the years are selected/
#' @param file.name Character string holding the name of the file. This can be left blank, in which case the file name is automatically generated
#' @param verbose A logical, set to true to give progress/debug information
#' @param adgvm2.scheme A number that defines if pop-files (=1) or trait-files (=2) are used.
#' @param adgvm2.daily A logical, set to true to read daily data (only for \code{adgvm2.scheme=1} and if daily data are provided in pop file)
#' @return A list containing firstly the data.table containing the data, and secondly the STA.info
#' @author Matthew Forrest \email{matthew.forrest@@senckenberg.de}
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso \code{\link{getQuantity_aDGVM2_Scheme1}, \link{getQuantity_aDGVM2_Scheme2}}
getField_aDGVM2 <- function(source,
layers = NULL,
adgvm2.daily) {
# first check that ncdf4 netCDF package is installed
if (! requireNamespace("ncdf4", quietly = TRUE)) stop("Please install ncdf4 R package and, if necessary the netCDF libraries, on your system to read aDGVM2 data.")
if(missing(adgvm2.scheme)) adgvm2.scheme <- 1
if(missing(adgvm2.daily)) adgvm2.daily <- FALSE
if(!is.null(layers)) {
message("Ignoring 'layers' argument for aDGVM2")
warning("Ignoring 'layers' argument for aDGVM2")
if("aDGVM2" %in% quant@format | "Standard" %in% quant@format) {
if(adgvm2.scheme == 1) return(getQuantity_aDGVM2_Scheme1(run = source, target.sta = target.STAInfo, file.name = file.name, variable = quant, adgvm2.daily))
if(adgvm2.scheme == 2) return(getQuantity_aDGVM2_Scheme2(run = source, target.sta = target.STAInfo, file.name = file.name, variable = quant))
else {
stop(paste("Quantity", quant@id, "doesn't seem to be defined for aDGVM2"))
#' Read aDGVM2 quantities from pop file
#' An internal function to read quantities from aDGVM2 pop files. Quantities are provided for trees, C4 grasses and C3 grasses. Trait files are not opened
#' @param run A \code{\linkS4class{Source}} containing the meta-data about the aDGVM2 run
#' @param target.sta STAInfo object containing the space-time-annual extent required.
#' @param file.name Character string holding the name of the file. This can be left blank, in which case the file name is automatically generated
#' @param variable A character string specifying which variable/quantity to get, can be "agb“, "aGPP_std“, "basalarea“, "bgb“, "canopyheight_std“, "LAI_std“, meanheight“, "nind“, "pind“, "vegC_std“, "vegcover_std"
#' @author Simon Scheiter \email{simon.scheiter@@senckenberg.de}, Matthew Forrest \email{matthew.forrest@@senckenberg.de}
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso \code{\link{getQuantity_aDGVM2_Scheme2}}
getQuantity_aDGVM2_Scheme1 <- function(run, variable, target.sta, file.name = file.name, adgvm2.daily)
# To stop NOTES
Day = Lat = Lon = Month = Time = Year = NULL
# Give warning if file.name is used because it is currently being ignored
if(!is.null(file.name)) warning(paste0("Argument file.name (currently set to ", file.name, ") is being ignored."))
# extract first and last year from STAInfo
first.year = target.sta@first.year
last.year =target.sta@last.year
fname <- file.path(run@dir, paste("pop_", run@id,".nc", sep=""))
# STAInfo object to summarise the spatial-temporal-annual dimensions of the data
actual.sta.info <- new("STAInfo")
cat( "Convert", fname, "\n" )
d <- ncdf4::nc_open(fname)
xx <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(d,"lon")
yy <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(d,"lat")
tt <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(d,"time")
len_tt <- length(tt)
# select the years we want
# note that here we are assuming monthing data, so set meta-data to monthly
# also assume that all years are in the days
if(adgvm2.daily) {
actual.sta.info@subannual.resolution <- "Day"
actual.sta.info@subannual.original <- "Day"
time.steps.per.year <- 365
else {
actual.sta.info@subannual.resolution <- "Month"
actual.sta.info@subannual.original <- "Month"
time.steps.per.year <- 12
actual.sta.info@first.year <- run@year.offset
actual.sta.info@last.year <- run@year.offset + length(tt)/ time.steps.per.year - 1
if(length(first.year) == 0) first.year <- actual.sta.info@first.year
if(length(last.year) == 0) last.year <- actual.sta.info@last.year
start.point <- ((first.year-actual.sta.info@first.year) * time.steps.per.year) + 1
n.years <- last.year - first.year +1
time.count <- time.steps.per.year * n.years
end.point <- start.point + time.count - 1
dim.names <- list(xx, yy, start.point:end.point)
nc.start.vec.tr <- c( 1, 1, 1, start.point )
nc.start.vec.g4 <- c( 1, 1, 2, start.point )
nc.start.vec.g3 <- c( 1, 1, 3, start.point )
nc.count.vec <- c( -1,-1, 1, time.count )
# number of years used to calculate fire return interval
years_fire <- 20
#if(variable@id == "firefreq" | variable@id == "burntfraction_std" ){
# tmp <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "firecount", start=c( x,y,len_tt-(years_fire*12)+1 ), count=c( 1,1,years_fire*12 ) )
# fir <- matrix( tmp, ncol=12, byrow=T )[,12]
# tmp.fi <- min( sum(fir)/length(fir), 1)
# z <- max(t_seq)
# # Lon Lat Year Tr C4G C3G Total
# out.vec <- c( xx[x], yy[y], which(t_seq == z), tmp.fi, tmp.fi, tmp.fi, tmp.fi )
# out.all <- rbind( out.all, out.vec )
# }
if(variable@id == "vegcover_std"){
tmp.tr <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumCanopyArea0", start=nc.start.vec.tr, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g4 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumCanopyArea0", start=nc.start.vec.g4, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g3 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumCanopyArea0", start=nc.start.vec.g3, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g4 <- tmp.g4/10000*100 # *100 to convert to %
tmp.g3 <- tmp.g3/10000*100 # *100 to convert to %
tmp.tr <- pmin( tmp.tr/20000*100, 100-(tmp.g4+tmp.g3)) # *100 to convert to %
if(variable@id == "basalarea"){
tmp.tr <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBasalArea", start=nc.start.vec.tr, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g4 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBasalArea", start=nc.start.vec.g4, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g3 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBasalArea", start=nc.start.vec.g3, count=nc.count.vec )
if(variable@id == "canopyheight_std"){
tmp.tr <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "MeanHeight", start=nc.start.vec.tr, count=nc.count.vec )
message(paste("Warning: Canopy height currently equal to mean height!"))
tmp.g3 <- tmp.tr # dummy to avoid error message
tmp.g4 <- tmp.tr # dummy to avoid error message
if(variable@id == "aGPP_std"){
tmp.tr <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "MeanCGain", start=nc.start.vec.tr, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g4 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "MeanCGain", start=nc.start.vec.g4, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g3 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "MeanCGain", start=nc.start.vec.g3, count=nc.count.vec )
ind.tr <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "nind_alive", start=nc.start.vec.tr, count=nc.count.vec )
ind.g4 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "nind_alive", start=nc.start.vec.g4, count=nc.count.vec )
ind.g3 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "nind_alive", start=nc.start.vec.g3, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.tr <- tmp.tr*30.42*ind.tr/2 # 30.42 to scale from monthly to annual, ind. for all plants, 2 for kg->C
tmp.g4 <- tmp.g4*30.42*ind.g4/2 # 30.42 to scale from monthly to annual, ind. for all plants, 2 for kg->C
tmp.g3 <- tmp.g3*30.42*ind.g3/2 # 30.42 to scale from monthly to annual, ind. for all plants, 2 for kg->C
if(variable@id == "LAI_std"){
tmp.tr <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBLeaf", start=nc.start.vec.tr, count=nc.count.vec )*ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "meanSla", start=nc.start.vec.tr, count=nc.count.vec )/10 # division by 10 to scale with stand area and convert t/ha to kg
tmp.g4 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBLeaf", start=nc.start.vec.g4, count=nc.count.vec )*ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "meanSla", start=nc.start.vec.g4, count=nc.count.vec )/10 # division by 10 to scale with stand area and convert t/ha to kg
tmp.g3 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBLeaf", start=nc.start.vec.g3, count=nc.count.vec )*ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "meanSla", start=nc.start.vec.g3, count=nc.count.vec )/10 # division by 10 to scale with stand area and convert t/ha to kg
# tmp.tr <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "MeanLai", start=nc.start.vec.tr, count=nc.count.vec )
# tmp.g4 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "MeanLai", start=nc.start.vec.g4, count=nc.count.vec )
# tmp.g3 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "MeanLai", start=nc.start.vec.g3, count=nc.count.vec )
if(variable@id == "meanheight"){
tmp.tr <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "MeanHeight", start=nc.start.vec.tr, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g4 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "MeanHeight", start=nc.start.vec.g4, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g3 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "MeanHeight", start=nc.start.vec.g3, count=nc.count.vec )
if(variable@id == "pind"){
tmp.tr <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "nind_alive", start=nc.start.vec.tr, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g4 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "nind_alive", start=nc.start.vec.g4, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g3 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "nind_alive", start=nc.start.vec.g3, count=nc.count.vec )
ind_tot <- tmp.tr+tmp.g4+tmp.g3
tmp.tr <- tmp.tr/ind_tot
tmp.g4 <- tmp.g4/ind_tot
tmp.g3 <- tmp.g3/ind_tot
if(variable@id == "nind"){
tmp.tr <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "nind_alive", start=nc.start.vec.tr, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g4 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "nind_alive", start=nc.start.vec.g4, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g3 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "nind_alive", start=nc.start.vec.g3, count=nc.count.vec )
if(variable@id == "agb"){
tmp.tr <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBBark", start=nc.start.vec.tr, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.tr <- tmp.tr + ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBWood", start=nc.start.vec.tr, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g4 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBLeaf", start=nc.start.vec.g4, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g3 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBLeaf", start=nc.start.vec.g3, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.tr <- tmp.tr/20
tmp.g4 <- tmp.g4/2
tmp.g3 <- tmp.g3/2
if(variable@id == "bgb"){
tmp.tr <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBRoot", start=nc.start.vec.tr, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g4 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBRoot", start=nc.start.vec.g4, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g3 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBRoot", start=nc.start.vec.g3, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.tr <- tmp.tr/20
tmp.g4 <- tmp.g4/2
tmp.g3 <- tmp.g3/2
if(variable@id == "vegC_std"){
tmp.tr <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBBark", start=nc.start.vec.tr, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.tr <- tmp.tr + ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBWood", start=nc.start.vec.tr, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.tr <- tmp.tr + ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBLeaf", start=nc.start.vec.tr, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.tr <- tmp.tr + ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBStor", start=nc.start.vec.tr, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.tr <- tmp.tr + ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBRoot", start=nc.start.vec.tr, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.tr <- tmp.tr + ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBRepr", start=nc.start.vec.tr, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g4 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBLeaf", start=nc.start.vec.g4, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g4 <- tmp.g4 + ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBRoot", start=nc.start.vec.g4, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g4 <- tmp.g4 + ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBStor", start=nc.start.vec.g4, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g4 <- tmp.g4 + ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBRepr", start=nc.start.vec.g4, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g3 <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBLeaf", start=nc.start.vec.g3, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g3 <- tmp.g3 + ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBRoot", start=nc.start.vec.g3, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g3 <- tmp.g3 + ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBStor", start=nc.start.vec.g3, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.g3 <- tmp.g3 + ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "SumBRepr", start=nc.start.vec.g3, count=nc.count.vec )
tmp.tr <- tmp.tr/20
tmp.g4 <- tmp.g4/2
tmp.g3 <- tmp.g3/2
# If simulations were done for single study sites only, the tmp.XX variables
# are only one-dimensional (time) and not tree-dimensional (x, y, time).
# Therefore, variables need to be converted into 3d arrays.
if (length(dim(tmp.tr))==1) {
tmp.tr <- array( tmp.tr, c(length(xx), length(yy), length(start.point:end.point) ) )
tmp.g4 <- array( tmp.g4, c(length(xx), length(yy), length(start.point:end.point) ) )
tmp.g3 <- array( tmp.g3, c(length(xx), length(yy), length(start.point:end.point) ) )
dimnames(tmp.tr) <- dim.names
dimnames(tmp.g4) <- dim.names
dimnames(tmp.g3) <- dim.names
# prepare data.table from the slice (array) for each PFT
tr.dt <- as.data.table(melt(tmp.tr))
names(tr.dt) <- c("Lon", "Lat", "Time", "Tr")
setkey(tr.dt, Lon, Lat, Time)
g3.dt <- as.data.table(melt(tmp.g3))
names(g3.dt) <- c("Lon", "Lat", "Time", "C3G")
setkey(g3.dt, Lon, Lat, Time)
g4.dt <- as.data.table(melt(tmp.g4))
names(g4.dt) <- c("Lon", "Lat", "Time", "C4G")
setkey(g4.dt, Lon, Lat, Time)
# merge the data tables for each PFT into one data.table
out.all <- tr.dt[g3.dt[g4.dt]]
# sort out the time dimension
# NOTE: something special is happening here. The ':=' operator is changing the data.table in place.
# this means that you don't need to do a re-assignment using '<-'
out.all[, Year := as.integer(floor((Time-1)/time.steps.per.year) + run@year.offset) ] # - 1]
if(adgvm2.daily) {
out.all[, Day := as.integer(((Time-1) %% time.steps.per.year) + 1)]
else {
out.all[, Month := as.integer(((Time-1) %% time.steps.per.year) + 1)]
out.all[, Time := NULL]
out.all = stats::na.omit(out.all)
# Now that we have the data we can set a spatial.extent
actual.sta.info@spatial.extent <- extent(out.all)
# Set the spatial extent to "Full" if one not provided
if(length(target.sta@spatial.extent.id) == 0) {
actual.sta.info@spatial.extent.id <- "Full"
else {
actual.sta.info@spatial.extent.id <- target.sta@spatial.extent.id
# make the ID and then make and return Field
field.id <- makeFieldID(source = run, quant.string = variable@id, sta.info = actual.sta.info)
id = field.id,
data = out.all,
quant = variable,
source = run,
#' Read aDGVM2 quantities from trait file
#' An internal function to read quantities from aDGVM2 trait files. Quantities are currently provided for raingreen trees, evergreen trees, raingreen shrubs, evergreen shrubs, C4 grasses and C3 grasses. Pop files are not opened.
#' @param run A \code{\linkS4class{Source}} containing the meta-data about the aDGVM2 run
#' @param target.sta STAInfo object containing the space-time-annual extent required.
#' @param variable A character string specifying which variable/quantity to get, can be "agb“, "aGPP_std“, "basalarea“, "bgb“, "canopyheight_std“, "LAI_std“, "nind“, "meanheight“, "pind“, "vegC_std“, "vegcover_std"
#' @param file.name Character string holding the name of the file. This can be left blank, in which case the file name is automatically generated
#' @author Simon Scheiter \email{simon.scheiter@@senckenberg.de}, Matthew Forrest \email{matthew.forrest@@senckenberg.de}
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso \code{\link{getQuantity_aDGVM2_Scheme1}}
getQuantity_aDGVM2_Scheme2 <- function(run, variable, target.sta, file.name = file.name)
# To stop NOTES
Day = Lat = Lon = Month = Time = Year = NULL
# extract first and last year from STAInfo
first.year = target.sta@first.year
last.year = target.sta@last.year
fname <- file.path(run@dir, paste("trait_", run@id,".nc", sep=""))
# STAInfo object to summarise the spatial-temporal-annual dimensions of the data
actual.sta.info <- new("STAInfo")
cat( "Convert", fname, "\n" )
d <- ncdf4::nc_open(fname)
xx <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(d,"lon")
yy <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(d,"lat")
tt <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(d,"time")
len_tt <- length(tt)
max_pop_size <- length(ncdf4::ncvar_get(d,"individual")) # maximum population size
timestep <- tt[2]-tt[1] # time step in file
actual.sta.info@first.year <- run@year.offset
actual.sta.info@last.year <- run@year.offset + (length(tt)-1)*timestep
if(length(first.year) == 0) first.year <- actual.sta.info@first.year
if(length(last.year) == 0) last.year <- actual.sta.info@last.year
actual.sta.info@subannual.resolution <- "Decade"
start.point <- ((first.year-actual.sta.info@first.year) / timestep) + 1
n.years <- (last.year - first.year)/timestep + 1
time.count <- n.years
end.point <- start.point + time.count - 1
dim.names <- list(xx, yy, start.point:end.point)
nc.start.vec <- c( 1, 1, 1, start.point )
nc.count.vec <- c( -1, -1, max_pop_size, time.count )
tmp.te <- array( NA, c(length(xx), length(yy), length(start.point:end.point) ) )
tmp.td <- array( NA, c(length(xx), length(yy), length(start.point:end.point) ) )
tmp.se <- array( NA, c(length(xx), length(yy), length(start.point:end.point) ) )
tmp.sd <- array( NA, c(length(xx), length(yy), length(start.point:end.point) ) )
tmp.g4 <- array( NA, c(length(xx), length(yy), length(start.point:end.point) ) )
tmp.g3 <- array( NA, c(length(xx), length(yy), length(start.point:end.point) ) )
for ( x in 1:length(xx) )
cat( "Progress:", round(x/length(xx)*100,1), "% \r")
for ( y in 1:length(yy) )
for ( z in start.point:end.point )
alive <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "alive", start=c( x,y,1,z ), count=c( 1,1,max_pop_size,1) )
vegtp <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "VegType", start=c( x,y,1,z ), count=c( 1,1,max_pop_size,1) )
pheno <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "Evergreen", start=c( x,y,1,z ), count=c( 1,1,max_pop_size,1) )
stems <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "StemCount", start=c( x,y,1,z ), count=c( 1,1,max_pop_size,1) )
ind.alive <- which( alive==1 )
ind.te <- which( alive==1 & vegtp==0 & pheno==1 & stems<=2.5 ) # indices of evergreen trees in trait data
ind.td <- which( alive==1 & vegtp==0 & pheno==0 & stems<=2.5 ) # indices of deciduous trees in trait data
ind.se <- which( alive==1 & vegtp==0 & pheno==1 & stems> 2.5 ) # indices of evergreen shrubs in trait data
ind.sd <- which( alive==1 & vegtp==0 & pheno==0 & stems> 2.5 ) # indices of deciduous shrubs in trait data
ind.g4 <- which( alive==1 & vegtp==1 ) # indices of grasses in trait data
ind.g3 <- which( alive==1 & vegtp==2 ) # indices of grasses in trait data
if(variable@id == "agb"){
if (length(ind.alive)>0) {
bm.leaf.all <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "BLeaf", start=c( x,y,1,z ), count=c( 1,1,max_pop_size,1) )
bm.wood.all <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "BWood", start=c( x,y,1,z ), count=c( 1,1,max_pop_size,1) )
bm.bark.all <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "BBark", start=c( x,y,1,z ), count=c( 1,1,max_pop_size,1) )
tmp.te1 <- sum(bm.wood.all[ind.te]+bm.bark.all[ind.te])
tmp.td1 <- sum(bm.wood.all[ind.td]+bm.bark.all[ind.td])
tmp.se1 <- sum(bm.wood.all[ind.se]+bm.bark.all[ind.se])
tmp.sd1 <- sum(bm.wood.all[ind.sd]+bm.bark.all[ind.sd])
tmp.g41 <- sum(bm.leaf.all[ind.g4])
tmp.g31 <- sum(bm.leaf.all[ind.g3])
tmp.te[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.te1*1/1000*(1/20) # convert from kg/ha to kgC/m^2
tmp.td[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.td1*1/1000*(1/20) # convert from kg/ha to kgC/m^2
tmp.se[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.se1*1/1000*(1/20) # convert from kg/ha to kgC/m^2
tmp.sd[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.sd1*1/1000*(1/20) # convert from kg/ha to kgC/m^2
tmp.g4[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.g41*1/1000*(1/2) # convert from kg/ha to kgC/m^2
tmp.g3[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.g31*1/1000*(1/2) # convert from kg/ha to kgC/m^2
if(variable@id == "bgb"){
if (length(ind.alive)>0) {
bm.root.all <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "BRoot", start=c( x,y,1,z ), count=c( 1,1,max_pop_size,1) )
tmp.te1 <- sum(bm.root.all[ind.te])
tmp.td1 <- sum(bm.root.all[ind.td])
tmp.se1 <- sum(bm.root.all[ind.se])
tmp.sd1 <- sum(bm.root.all[ind.sd])
tmp.g41 <- sum(bm.root.all[ind.g4])
tmp.g31 <- sum(bm.root.all[ind.g3])
tmp.te[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.te1*1/1000*(1/20) # convert from kg/ha to kgC/m^2
tmp.td[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.td1*1/1000*(1/20) # convert from kg/ha to kgC/m^2
tmp.se[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.se1*1/1000*(1/20) # convert from kg/ha to kgC/m^2
tmp.sd[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.sd1*1/1000*(1/20) # convert from kg/ha to kgC/m^2
tmp.g4[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.g41*1/1000*(1/2) # convert from kg/ha to kgC/m^2
tmp.g3[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.g31*1/1000*(1/2) # convert from kg/ha to kgC/m^2
if(variable@id == "vegC_std"){
if (length(ind.alive)>0) {
bm.leaf <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "BLeaf", start=c( x,y,1,z ), count=c( 1,1,max_pop_size,1) )
bm.wood <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "BWood", start=c( x,y,1,z ), count=c( 1,1,max_pop_size,1) )
bm.bark <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "BBark", start=c( x,y,1,z ), count=c( 1,1,max_pop_size,1) )
bm.repr <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "BRepr", start=c( x,y,1,z ), count=c( 1,1,max_pop_size,1) )
bm.stor <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "BStor", start=c( x,y,1,z ), count=c( 1,1,max_pop_size,1) )
bm.root <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "BRoot", start=c( x,y,1,z ), count=c( 1,1,max_pop_size,1) )
tmp.te1 <- sum(bm.leaf[ind.te]+bm.root[ind.te]+bm.stor[ind.te]+bm.repr[ind.te]+bm.wood[ind.te]+bm.bark[ind.te])
tmp.td1 <- sum(bm.leaf[ind.td]+bm.root[ind.td]+bm.stor[ind.td]+bm.repr[ind.td]+bm.wood[ind.td]+bm.bark[ind.td])
tmp.se1 <- sum(bm.leaf[ind.se]+bm.root[ind.se]+bm.stor[ind.se]+bm.repr[ind.se]+bm.wood[ind.se]+bm.bark[ind.se])
tmp.sd1 <- sum(bm.leaf[ind.sd]+bm.root[ind.sd]+bm.stor[ind.sd]+bm.repr[ind.sd]+bm.wood[ind.sd]+bm.bark[ind.sd])
tmp.g41 <- sum(bm.leaf[ind.g4]+bm.root[ind.g4]+bm.stor[ind.g4]+bm.repr[ind.g4])
tmp.g31 <- sum(bm.leaf[ind.g3]+bm.root[ind.g3]+bm.stor[ind.g3]+bm.repr[ind.g3])
tmp.te[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.te1*1/1000*(1/20) # convert from kg/ha to kgC/m^2
tmp.td[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.td1*1/1000*(1/20) # convert from kg/ha to kgC/m^2
tmp.se[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.se1*1/1000*(1/20) # convert from kg/ha to kgC/m^2
tmp.sd[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.sd1*1/1000*(1/20) # convert from kg/ha to kgC/m^2
tmp.g4[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.g41*1/1000*(1/2) # convert from kg/ha to kgC/m^2
tmp.g3[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.g31*1/1000*(1/2) # convert from kg/ha to kgC/m^2
if(variable@id == "LAI_std"){
if (length(ind.alive)>0) {
tmp.blf <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "BLeaf", start=c( x,y,1,z ), count=c( 1,1,max_pop_size,1) )
tmp.sla <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "Sla", start=c( x,y,1,z ), count=c( 1,1,max_pop_size,1) )
tmp.te[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- sum(tmp.blf[ind.te]*tmp.sla[ind.te])/10000
tmp.td[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- sum(tmp.blf[ind.td]*tmp.sla[ind.td])/10000
tmp.se[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- sum(tmp.blf[ind.se]*tmp.sla[ind.se])/10000
tmp.sd[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- sum(tmp.blf[ind.sd]*tmp.sla[ind.sd])/10000
tmp.g4[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- sum(tmp.blf[ind.g4]*tmp.sla[ind.g4])/10000
tmp.g3[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- sum(tmp.blf[ind.g3]*tmp.sla[ind.g3])/10000
# tmp.all <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "Lai", start=c( x,y,1,z ), count=c( 1,1,max_pop_size,1) )
# tmp.te[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- mean(tmp.all[ind.te])*(length(ind.te)/length(alive))
# tmp.td[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- mean(tmp.all[ind.td])*(length(ind.td)/length(alive))
# tmp.se[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- mean(tmp.all[ind.se])*(length(ind.se)/length(alive))
# tmp.sd[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- mean(tmp.all[ind.sd])*(length(ind.sd)/length(alive))
# tmp.g4[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- mean(tmp.all[ind.g4])*(length(ind.g4)/length(alive))
# tmp.g3[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- mean(tmp.all[ind.g3])*(length(ind.g3)/length(alive))
if(variable@id == "basalarea"){
if (length(ind.alive)>0) {
tmp.all <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "StemDiamTot", start=c( x,y,1,z ), count=c( 1,1,max_pop_size,1) )
tmp.te[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- sum(tmp.all[ind.te])
tmp.td[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- sum(tmp.all[ind.td])
tmp.se[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- sum(tmp.all[ind.se])
tmp.sd[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- sum(tmp.all[ind.sd])
tmp.g4[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- sum(tmp.all[ind.g4])
tmp.g3[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- sum(tmp.all[ind.g3])
if(variable@id == "nind"){
if (length(ind.alive)>0) {
tmp.te[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- length(ind.te)
tmp.td[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- length(ind.td)
tmp.se[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- length(ind.se)
tmp.sd[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- length(ind.sd)
tmp.g4[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- length(ind.g4)
tmp.g3[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- length(ind.g3)
if(variable@id == "meanheight"){
if (length(ind.alive)>0) {
tmp.all <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "Height", start=c( x,y,1,z ), count=c( 1,1,max_pop_size,1) )
tmp.te[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- ifelse( length(ind.te)>0, mean(tmp.all[ind.te]), 0 )
tmp.td[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- ifelse( length(ind.td)>0, mean(tmp.all[ind.td]), 0 )
tmp.se[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- ifelse( length(ind.se)>0, mean(tmp.all[ind.se]), 0 )
tmp.sd[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- ifelse( length(ind.sd)>0, mean(tmp.all[ind.sd]), 0 )
tmp.g4[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- ifelse( length(ind.g4)>0, mean(tmp.all[ind.g4]), 0 )
tmp.g3[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- ifelse( length(ind.g3)>0, mean(tmp.all[ind.g3]), 0 )
#tmp.te[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- sum(tmp.all[ind.te])/length(ind.te)
#tmp.td[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- sum(tmp.all[ind.td])/length(ind.td)
#tmp.se[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- sum(tmp.all[ind.se])/length(ind.se)
#tmp.sd[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- sum(tmp.all[ind.sd])/length(ind.sd)
#tmp.g4[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- sum(tmp.all[ind.g4])/length(ind.g4)
#tmp.g3[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- sum(tmp.all[ind.g3])/length(ind.g3)
if(variable@id == "canopyheight_std"){
if (length(ind.alive)>0) {
tmp.all <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "Height", start=c( x,y,1,z ), count=c( 1,1,max_pop_size,1) )
tmp.te[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- ifelse( length(ind.te)>0, stats::quantile(tmp.all[ind.te],0.95), 0 )
tmp.td[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- ifelse( length(ind.td)>0, stats::quantile(tmp.all[ind.td],0.95), 0 )
tmp.se[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- ifelse( length(ind.se)>0, stats::quantile(tmp.all[ind.se],0.95), 0 )
tmp.sd[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- ifelse( length(ind.sd)>0, stats::quantile(tmp.all[ind.sd],0.95), 0 )
tmp.g4[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- ifelse( length(ind.g4)>0, stats::quantile(tmp.all[ind.g4],0.95), 0 )
tmp.g3[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- ifelse( length(ind.g3)>0, stats::quantile(tmp.all[ind.g3],0.95), 0 )
if(variable@id == "pind"){
if (length(ind.alive)>0) {
tmp.te1 <- length(ind.te)
tmp.td1 <- length(ind.td)
tmp.se1 <- length(ind.se)
tmp.sd1 <- length(ind.sd)
tmp.g41 <- length(ind.g4)
tmp.g31 <- length(ind.g3)
ind.tot <- tmp.te1+tmp.td1+tmp.se1+tmp.sd1+tmp.g41+tmp.g31
tmp.te[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.te1/ind.tot
tmp.td[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.td1/ind.tot
tmp.se[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.se1/ind.tot
tmp.sd[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.sd1/ind.tot
tmp.g4[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.g41/ind.tot
tmp.g3[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.g31/ind.tot
if(variable@id == "vegcover_std"){
if (length(ind.alive)>0) {
tmp.all <- ncdf4::ncvar_get( d, "CrownArea", start=c( x,y,1,z ), count=c( 1,1,max_pop_size,1) )
tmp.te1 <- sum(tmp.all[ind.te])/10000
tmp.td1 <- sum(tmp.all[ind.td])/10000
tmp.se1 <- sum(tmp.all[ind.se])/10000
tmp.sd1 <- sum(tmp.all[ind.sd])/10000
tmp.g41 <- sum(tmp.all[ind.g4])/10000
tmp.g31 <- sum(tmp.all[ind.g3])/10000
tmp.cov <- tmp.te1+tmp.td1+tmp.se1+tmp.sd1+tmp.g41+tmp.g31
if ( tmp.cov<1 ) tmp.cov <- 1
tmp.te[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.te1/tmp.cov*100 # *100 to convert to %
tmp.td[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.td1/tmp.cov*100 # *100 to convert to %
tmp.se[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.se1/tmp.cov*100 # *100 to convert to %
tmp.sd[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.sd1/tmp.cov*100 # *100 to convert to %
tmp.g4[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.g41/tmp.cov*100 # *100 to convert to %
tmp.g3[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- tmp.g31/tmp.cov*100 # *100 to convert to %
if(variable@id == "aGPP_std"){
message(paste(variable@id, "not available in scheme, all values set to zero."))
if (length(ind.alive)>0) {
tmp.te[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- 0
tmp.td[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- 0
tmp.se[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- 0
tmp.sd[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- 0
tmp.g4[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- 0
tmp.g3[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- 0
#if(variable@id == "firefreq" | variable@id == "burntfraction_std" ){
# message(paste(variable@id, "not available in scheme, all values set to zero."))
# if (length(ind.alive)>0) {
# tmp.te[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- 0
# tmp.td[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- 0
# tmp.se[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- 0
# tmp.sd[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- 0
# tmp.g4[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- 0
# tmp.g3[x,y,z-start.point+1] <- 0
# }
cat( " \n\n")
dimnames(tmp.te) <- dim.names
dimnames(tmp.td) <- dim.names
dimnames(tmp.se) <- dim.names
dimnames(tmp.sd) <- dim.names
dimnames(tmp.g4) <- dim.names
dimnames(tmp.g3) <- dim.names
# prepare data.table from the slice (array) for each PFT
te.dt <- as.data.table(melt(tmp.te))
names(te.dt) <- c("Lon", "Lat", "Time", "TrBE")
setkey(te.dt, Lon, Lat, Time)
td.dt <- as.data.table(melt(tmp.td))
names(td.dt) <- c("Lon", "Lat", "Time", "TrBR")
setkey(td.dt, Lon, Lat, Time)
se.dt <- as.data.table(melt(tmp.se))
names(se.dt) <- c("Lon", "Lat", "Time", "TrBES")
setkey(se.dt, Lon, Lat, Time)
sd.dt <- as.data.table(melt(tmp.sd))
names(sd.dt) <- c("Lon", "Lat", "Time", "TrBRS")
setkey(sd.dt, Lon, Lat, Time)
g3.dt <- as.data.table(melt(tmp.g3))
names(g3.dt) <- c("Lon", "Lat", "Time", "C3G")
setkey(g3.dt, Lon, Lat, Time)
g4.dt <- as.data.table(melt(tmp.g4))
names(g4.dt) <- c("Lon", "Lat", "Time", "C4G")
setkey(g4.dt, Lon, Lat, Time)
# merge the data tables for each PFT into one data.table
out.all <- se.dt[sd.dt[te.dt[td.dt[g3.dt[g4.dt]]]]]
# sort out the time dimension
# NOTE: something special is happening here. The ':=' operator is changing the data.table in place.
# this means that you don't need to do a re-assignment using '<-'
out.all[, Year := as.integer(Time*timestep + run@year.offset - timestep) ]
# if(adgvm2.daily) {
# out.all[, Day := ((Time-1) %% time.steps.per.year) + 1]
# }
# else {
out.all[, Month := 1L]
# }
out.all[, Time := NULL]
out.all[, Day := NULL]
out.all = stats::na.omit(out.all)
# Now that we have the data we can set a spatial.extent
actual.sta.info@spatial.extent <- extent(out.all)
# Set the spatial extent to "Full" if one not provided
if(length(target.sta@spatial.extent.id) == 0) {
actual.sta.info@spatial.extent.id <- "Full"
else {
actual.sta.info@spatial.extent.id <- target.sta@spatial.extent.id
# make the ID and then make and return Field
field.id <- makeFieldID(source = run, quant.string = variable@id, sta.info = actual.sta.info)
id = field.id,
data = out.all,
quant = variable,
source = run,
#' List aDGVM2 quantities avialable
#' Simply lists all quantitied aDGVM2 output variables
#' @param source A Source object defining the aDGVM2 model run
#' @param id An id of the model run
#' @param adgvm2.scheme A number that defines if pop-files (=1) or trait-files (=2) are used.
#' @return A list of all the .out files present, with the ".out" removed.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Matthew Forrest \email{matthew.forrest@@senckenberg.de}
availableQuantities_aDGVM2 <- function(source, names, id, adgvm2.scheme ){
run.dir <- source@dir
if ( adgvm2.scheme==1 ) {
fname <- file.path(run.dir, paste("pop_", id,".nc", sep=""))
message(paste("Check quantities in adgvm2.scheme=1,", fname, "\n"))
d <- ncdf4::nc_open(fname)
quantities.ncfile <- names(d[['var']])
quantities.present <- NULL
if(all(c("SumCanopyArea0") %in% quantities.ncfile)==TRUE) quantities.present <- c( quantities.present, "vegcover_std" )
if(all(c("SumBasalArea") %in% quantities.ncfile)==TRUE) quantities.present <- c( quantities.present, "basalarea" )
if(all(c("MeanHeight") %in% quantities.ncfile)==TRUE) quantities.present <- c( quantities.present, "canopyheight_std" )
if(all(c("MeanCGain", "nind_alive") %in% quantities.ncfile)==TRUE) quantities.present <- c( quantities.present, "aGPP_std" )
if(all(c("SumBLeaf", "meanSla") %in% quantities.ncfile)==TRUE) quantities.present <- c( quantities.present, "LAI_std" )
if(all(c("MeanHeight") %in% quantities.ncfile)==TRUE) quantities.present <- c( quantities.present, "meanheight" )
if(all(c("nind_alive") %in% quantities.ncfile)==TRUE) quantities.present <- c( quantities.present, "pind" )
if(all(c("nind_alive") %in% quantities.ncfile)==TRUE) quantities.present <- c( quantities.present, "nind" )
if(all(c("SumBBark", "SumBWood", "SumBLeaf") %in% quantities.ncfile)==TRUE) quantities.present <- c( quantities.present, "abg" )
if(all(c("SumBRoot") %in% quantities.ncfile)==TRUE) quantities.present <- c( quantities.present, "bgb" )
if(all(c("SumBBark", "SumBWood", "SumBLeaf", "SumBStor", "SumBRoot", "SumBRepr") %in% quantities.ncfile)==TRUE) quantities.present <- c( quantities.present, "vegC_std" )
#message("Quantities available for adgvm2.scheme=1: ")
#print( quantities.present )
else if (adgvm2.scheme==2) {
fname <- file.path(run.dir, paste("trait_", id,".nc", sep=""))
message(paste("Check quantities in adgvm2.scheme=2,", fname, "\n"))
d <- ncdf4::nc_open(fname)
quantities.ncfile <- names(d[['var']])
quantities.present <- NULL
if(all(c("alive", "VegType", "Evergreen", "StemCount") %in% quantities.ncfile)==TRUE) {
if(all(c("CrownArea") %in% quantities.ncfile)==TRUE) quantities.present <- c( quantities.present, "vegcover_std" )
if(all(c("StemDiamTot") %in% quantities.ncfile)==TRUE) quantities.present <- c( quantities.present, "basalarea" )
if(all(c("Height") %in% quantities.ncfile)==TRUE) quantities.present <- c( quantities.present, "canopyheight_std" )
#if(all(c("MeanCGain", "nind_alive") %in% quantities.ncfile)==TRUE) quantities.present <- c( quantities.present, "aGPP_std" )
if(all(c("BLeaf", "Sla") %in% quantities.ncfile)==TRUE) quantities.present <- c( quantities.present, "LAI_std" )
if(all(c("Height") %in% quantities.ncfile)==TRUE) quantities.present <- c( quantities.present, "meanheight" )
if(all(c("alive") %in% quantities.ncfile)==TRUE) quantities.present <- c( quantities.present, "pind" )
if(all(c("alive") %in% quantities.ncfile)==TRUE) quantities.present <- c( quantities.present, "nind" )
if(all(c("BBark", "BWood", "BLeaf") %in% quantities.ncfile)==TRUE) quantities.present <- c( quantities.present, "abg" )
if(all(c("BRoot") %in% quantities.ncfile)==TRUE) quantities.present <- c( quantities.present, "bgb" )
if(all(c("BBark", "BWood", "BLeaf", "BStor", "BRoot", "BRepr") %in% quantities.ncfile)==TRUE) quantities.present <- c( quantities.present, "vegC_std" )
#message("Quantities available for adgvm2.scheme=2: ")
#print( quantities.present )
else {
message("alive, VegType, Evergreen or StemCount missing in trait file, can't extract quantities for adgvm2.scheme=2.")
else {
message("Invalid value for adgvm2.scheme.")
quantities.present <- NULL
########### aDGVM2 Layers ########################
#' @format An S4 class object with the slots as defined below.
#' @rdname Layer-class
#' @keywords datasets
aDGVM2.Layers <- list(
id = "C3G",
name = "Boreal/Temperate Grass",
colour = "lightgoldenrod1",
properties = list(type = "PFT",
growth.form = "Grass",
leaf.form = "Broadleaved",
phenology = "GrassPhenology",
climate.zone = "NA")
id = "C4G",
name = "Tropical Grass",
colour = "sienna2",
properties = list(type = "PFT",
growth.form = "Grass",
leaf.form = "Broadleaved",
phenology = "GrassPhenology",
climate.zone = "NA")
id = "Tr",
name = "Tropical Tree",
colour = "palevioletred",
properties = list(type = "PFT",
growth.form = "Tree",
leaf.form = "Broadleaved",
phenology = "Mixed",
climate.zone = "Tropical")
id = "TrBE",
name = "Tropical Broadleaved Evergreen Tree",
colour = "orchid4",
properties = list(type = "PFT",
growth.form = "Tree",
leaf.form = "Broadleaved",
phenology = "Evergreen",
climate.zone = "Tropical",
shade.tolerance = "None")
id = "TrBR",
name = "Tropical Broadleaved Raingreen Tree",
colour = "palevioletred",
properties = list(type = "PFT",
growth.form = "Tree",
leaf.form = "Broadleaved",
phenology = "Raingreen",
climate.zone = "Tropical")
id = "TrBES",
name = "Tropical Broadleaved Evergreen Shrub",
colour = "orchid4",
properties = list(type = "PFT",
growth.form = "Shrub",
leaf.form = "Broadleaved",
phenology = "Evergreen",
climate.zone = "Tropical")
id = "TrBRS",
name = "Tropical Broadleaved Raingreen Shrub",
colour = "palevioletred",
properties = list(type = "PFT",
growth.form = "Shrub",
leaf.form = "Broadleaved",
phenology = "Raingreen",
climate.zone = "Tropical")
########### aDGVM2 QUANTITIES ########################
#' @format The \code{\linkS4class{Quantity}} class is an S4 class with the slots defined below
#' @rdname Quantity-class
#' @keywords datasets
aDGVM2.quantities <- list(
id = "agb",
name = "Above Ground Biomass",
units = "kgC/m^2",
colours = viridis::viridis,
format = c("aDGVM2")),
id = "bgb",
name = "Below Ground Biomass",
units = "kgC/m^2",
colours = viridis::viridis,
format = c("aDGVM2")),
id = "meanheight",
name = "Mean Canopy Height",
units = "m",
colours = viridis::turbo,
format = c("aDGVM2")),
id = "basalarea",
name = "Basal Area",
units = "m^2/ha",
colours = viridis::turbo,
format = c("aDGVM2")),
id = "nind",
name = "Number of individuals",
units = "plants",
colours = grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("white", "darkolivegreen1", "darkolivegreen4", "saddlebrown", "black")),
format = c("aDGVM2")),
id = "pind",
name = "Fraction of individuals",
units = "",
colours = grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("white", "darkolivegreen1", "darkolivegreen4", "saddlebrown", "black")),
format = c("aDGVM2"))
########### aDGVM2 FORMAT ########################
#' @description \code{aDGVM2} - a Format for reading aDGVM2 model output
#' @format A \code{\linkS4class{Format}} object is an S4 class.
#' @aliases Format-class
#' @rdname Format-class
#' @keywords datasets
#' @export
aDGVM2 <- new("Format",
id = "aDGVM2",
availableQuantities = availableQuantities_aDGVM2,
getField = getField_aDGVM2,
predefined.layers = aDGVM2.Layers,
quantities = aDGVM2.quantities
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