
.EarthRadius         <- 6371220.0
.EarthRadius.polar   <- 6356752.3142
.EarthRadius.equator <- 6378137.0

#' grid cell area along a vector of latitudes
#' Returns the area in square meters along a vetor of latitudes by equal longitude distance.
#' The function returns a vector of area in square meters along a vector
#' of latitudes. These must not be of equal distance. However, for the longitude
#' will be equal along the given latitude vector. The latitude is assumed
#' to be the gridcell midpoint and the northern and southern edges are
#' calculated as half the distance to the next element in the latitude vector.
#' @param lat vetor of latitudes
#' @param dlon longitudinal extent
#' @param scale multiplicator. If 1 (default) unit m^2
#' @param ellipse TRUE (polar and equatorial radius differ) or
#' FALSE (default, polar and equatorial radius are the same)
#' @keywords internal
#' @return vector of gridcell area is m^2
#' @author Joerg Steinkamp \email{joerg.steinkamp@@senckenberg.de}
#' @export
#' @include classes.R
#' @examples
#' dlon <- 0.5
#' lat <- seq(-89.75,89.75,0.5)
#' sum(gridarea1d(lat,dlon))*720*1.e-12
gridarea1d <- function (lat, dlon, scale=1.0, ellipse=FALSE) {
  nlat <- length(lat)
  area <- array(0.0, nlat)
  lat.border <- array(0.0, nlat+1)
  lat.border[1] = lat[1] - (lat[2] -lat[1])/2.
  for (i in 2:nlat) {
    lat.border[i] = lat[i] - (lat[i] - lat[i-1])/2.
  lat.border[nlat+1] = lat[nlat] + (lat[nlat] - lat[nlat-1])/2.
  for (i in 1:nlat) {
    # this causes a negligible difference (510.068 compared to 510.1013 10^6 km^2 @ 0.5 degree resolution globally).
    if (ellipse)
      .EarthRadius = .EarthRadius.equator * cos(lat[i]/180.0*pi)^2 + .EarthRadius.polar * sin(lat[i]/180*pi)^2;
    x <- cos(lat[i]/180.0*pi) * 2. * pi * .EarthRadius / (360.0/dlon);
    y <- 2 * pi * .EarthRadius * (abs(lat.border[i+1] - lat.border[i]) / 360.);
    area[i] <- x*y

#' Returns the area for a lon/lat grid.
#' The function returns a data.table of area in square meters of a lon-lat grid.
#' Coordinates must be gridcell midpoint and the northern and southern edges are
#' calculated as half of the distance to the next element in the latitude vector.
#' Uses \code{\link{gridarea1d}}.
#' @param lat vetor of latitudes
#' @param lon vector of longitudes
#' @param scale multiplicator. If 1 (default) unit m^2
#' @param ellipse TRUE (polar and equatorial radius differ) or
#' FALSE (default, polar and equatorial radius are the same)
#' @keywords internal
#' @import data.table
#' @return data.table of gridcells with columns c("Lon", "Lat", "area")
#' @author Joerg Steinkamp \email{joerg.steinkamp@@senckenberg.de}
#' @export
#' @include classes.R
#' @examples
#' lon <- seq(- 179.75, 179.75, 0.5)
#' lat <- seq(89.75,-89.75,-0.5) 
#' sum(gridarea2d(lon,lat, scale=1.e-12)$area)
#' sum(gridarea2d(lon,lat, scale=1.e-12, ellipse=TRUE)$area)
gridarea2d <- function(lon, lat, scale=1.0, ellipse=FALSE) {
  nlon   <- length(lon)
  nlat   <- length(lat)
  lon2d  <- array(rep(lon, times=nlat), c(nlon, nlat))
  lat2d  <- array(rep(lat, each=nlon), c(nlon, nlat))
  area1d <- gridarea1d(lat, min(lon[2:length(lon)] - lon[1:(length(lon)-1)]), scale=scale, ellipse=ellipse)
  area2d <- array(rep(area1d, each=length(lon)), c(length(lon), length(lat)))
  area   <- data.frame(Lon=as.vector(lon2d),
  area <- data.table(area, key=c("Lon", "Lat"))

#' Extract a regular sequence from unique values in a vector
#' Returns, if possible, an regular spaced sorted vector vector. If more than half of the unique values have unequal distances, the sorted values are returned.    
#' @param x vetor of values (e.g. longitudes or latitudes)
#' @param force.regular force a regular spaced vector with the smallest distance.
#' @param descending sort in descending order if TRUE (default: ascendind)
#' @export
#' @return data.frame of gridcells with columns c("Lon", "Lat", "area")
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Joerg Steinkamp \email{joerg.steinkamp@@senckenberg.de}
extract.seq <- function(x, force.regular=FALSE, descending=FALSE) {
  x <- sort(unique(x))
  d <- x[2:length(x)] - x[1:(length(x)-1)]
  if (length(unique(d)) > length(x)/2 && !force.regular) {
    warning("Irregular steps return just sorted values!")
    if (descending) {
    } else {
  if (descending) {
    x <- seq(max(x), min(x), -min(d))
  } else {
    x <- seq(min(x), max(x), min(d))

#' Adds the gridcell area to a spatial Field or data.table/data.frame
#' Adds the gridcell area to a spatial Field or data.table/data.frame.  Makes a new layer/column called "area".  
#' Unit conversion from "m^2" (default) to "km^2" and "ha" is supported. 
#' @param input a spatial Field or a data.frame/data.table with at least the columns Lon and Lat.
#' @param unit area unit. Default "m^2", can also be "km^2" and "ha"
#' @param ellipse If the eath should be assumed to be a ellipsoid instead of a sphere.
#' @param tolerance Numeric, passed to \code{\link{copyLayers}}. Defines how close the longitudes and latitudes of the gridcells in \code{input} and the internally calculated
#' \code{area} data.table  need to be to the coordinates in order to get a match.  Can be a single numeric (for the same tolerance for both lon and lat) or a vector 
#' of two numerics (for lon and lat separately).
#' #' Default is no rounding (value is NULL) and so is fine for most regular spaced grids.  
#' This is a technical detail, you only need to use it if you have troubles because of coordinates with a few decimal places.
#' @param verbose print some information.
#' @param lon_centres Optional, a numeric vector of the longitudes of the centres of the full grid.  This is useful for calculating gridcell areas on a regular but sparsely populated grid.
#' @param lat_centres Optional, a numeric vector of the latitudes of the centres of the full grid.  This is useful for calculating gridcell areas on a regular but sparsely populated grid.
#' The main use of this function is to calculate gridcell areas internally for gridcells weighted sums and averages in \code{\link{aggregateSpatial}} but it can
#' be utilised by the user for any other purpose.
#' @include classes.R
#' @export
#' @return same class as input
#' @author Joerg Steinkamp \email{joerg.steinkamp@@senckenberg.de}
#' @examples 
#' \donttest{
#' # Get an example Field
#' africa.dir <- system.file("extdata", "LPJ-GUESS_Runs", "CentralAfrica", package = "DGVMTools")
#' africa.Source <- defineSource(name = "LPJ-GUESS", dir = africa.dir,  format = GUESS)
#' field <- getField(source = africa.Source, quant = "cmass", year.aggregate.method="mean")
#' # add area in m^2 - note "Area" column follows immediately after Lon and Lat
#' field.m2 <- addArea(input = field, unit = "m^2")
#' print(field.m2@data)
#' # add area in km^2
#' field.km2 <- addArea(input = field, unit = "km^2")
#' print(field.km2@data)
#' # plot area (also modify plot and legend title to be more meaningful)
#' p <- plotSpatial(field.km2, "Area", title = "Gridcell Area (km^2)", subtitle = NULL)
#' p <- p + guides(fill = guide_colourbar(title = "km^2"))
#' print(p)
#' # add area in km^2 using an ellipse
#' field.km2.ellipse <- addArea(input = field, unit = "km^2", ellipse = TRUE)
#' field.km2.ellipse <- renameLayers(field.km2.ellipse, "Area", "Area_ellipse")
#' # compare areas just for fun
#' comp.layer <- compareLayers(field1=field.km2, field2=field.km2.ellipse, 
#'                             layers1="Area", layers2="Area_ellipse")
#' plot.title <- "Difference in gridcell area for spherical vs ellipsoid Earth"
#' p <- plotSpatialComparison(comp.layer, title= plot.title, subtitle = NULL)
#' p <- p + guides(fill = guide_colourbar(title = "km^2"))
#' print(p)
#' }
addArea <- function(input, unit="m^2", ellipse=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, tolerance = NULL, lon_centres = NULL, lat_centres = NULL) {
  ## to avoid "no visible binding for global variable" during check
  Lat = Lon = Area = NULL
  if (is.na(unit))
  if (!is.logical(ellipse)) {
    warning(paste("'ellipse=", ellipse,"' is not boolean. Using FALSE instead.", sep=""))
  # determine input data types and extract the input lons
  if (is.data.table(input) || is.data.frame(input)) {
    if (verbose)  message("Input is a data.table or data.frame.")
    lon_input <- extract.seq(input$Lon)
    lat_input <- extract.seq(input$Lat)
  } else if (is.Field(input, spatial=TRUE)) {
    if (verbose) message("Input is a spatial Field.")
    lon_input <- extract.seq(input@data$Lon)
    lat_input <- extract.seq(input@data$Lat)
  } else {
    stop(paste("addArea: Don't know what to to with class", class(input)))
  # check and use lon and lat from argument (if defined)
  if(missing(lon_centres) | is.null(lon_centres)) lon <- lon_input
  else {
    # check that the lons are actually in the arguments, and proceed if yes
    if(!all(lon_input %in% lon_centres)) stop("In addArea(), not all longitudes in the data are present in the supplied in the 'longitude_centres' argument.")
    else lon <- lon_centres
  if(missing(lat_centres) | is.null(lat_centres)) lat <- lat_input
  else {
    # check that the lons are actually in the arguments, and proceed if yes
    if(!all(lat_input %in% lat_centres)) stop("In addArea(), not all latitudes in the data are present in the supplied in the 'latitude_centres' argument.")
    else lat <- lat_centres
  # calculate the area based on the lons and lats
  area <- gridarea2d(lon, lat, ellipse=ellipse)
  if (is.data.table(input) || is.Field(input)) {
    area <- as.data.table(area)
    if (is.data.table(input)) {
    } else {
  if (unit!="m^2") {
    if(unit == "km^2") area[, Area := Area / 10^6]
    else if(unit == "ha") area[, Area := Area / 10^4]
    else stop(paste("Unsupported unit string in addArea", unit))
  if (is.data.table(input)) {
    setkeyv(input, key(area))
    input <- copyLayers(from = area, to = input, layer.names = "Area", keep.all.to = TRUE, keep.all.from = FALSE, tolerance = tolerance)
    if (verbose)
      message(paste("Added column 'area' in unit '", unit, "' to data.table.", sep=""))
  } else if (is.data.frame(input)) {
    input <- merge.data.frame(area, input, by=getDimInfo(input))
    if (verbose)
      message(paste("Added column 'Area' in unit '", unit, "' to data.frame.", sep=""))
  } else {
    input <- copyLayers(from = area, to = input, layer.names = "Area", keep.all.to = TRUE, keep.all.from = FALSE, tolerance = tolerance)
    if (verbose)
      message(paste("Added column 'Area' in unit '", unit, "'' to data.table in slot 'data'.", sep=""))
MagicForrest/DGVMTools documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 8:05 a.m.