library("BloodCancerMultiOmics2017") library("Biobase") library("ggplot2") library("grid")
plotDir = ifelse(exists(".standalone"), "", "part04/") if(plotDir!="") if(!file.exists(plotDir)) dir.create(plotDir)
We univariantly tested different features (explained in detail below) for their associations with the drug response using Student t-test (two-sided, with equal variance). Each concentration was tested separately. The minimal size of the compared groups was set to 3. p-values were adjusted for multiple testing by applying the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure. Adjusted p-values were then used for setting the significance threshold.
Loading the data.
data(list=c("drpar", "patmeta", "drugs", "mutCOM", "conctab"))
Below is a general function with which all the tests for single associations were performed.
testFactors = function(msrmnt, factors, test="student", batch=NA) { # cut out the data tmp = colnames(factors) factors = data.frame(factors[rownames(msrmnt),], check.names=FALSE) colnames(factors) = tmp for(cidx in 1:ncol(factors)) factors[,cidx] = factor(factors[,cidx], levels=c(0,1)) # calculate the group size groupSizes =, lapply(factors, function(tf) { tmp = table(tf) data.frame(n.0=tmp["0"], n.1=tmp["1"]) })) # remove the factors with less then 2 cases per group factors = factors[,names(which(apply(groupSizes, 1, function(i) all(i>2)))), drop=FALSE] # calculate the effect effect =, lapply(colnames(factors), function(tf) { tmp = aggregate(msrmnt ~ fac, data=data.frame(fac=factors[,tf]), mean) rownames(tmp) = paste("mean", tmp$fac, sep=".") tmp = t(tmp[2:ncol(tmp)]) data.frame(TestFac=tf, DrugID=rownames(tmp), FacDr=paste(tf, rownames(tmp), sep="."), n.0=groupSizes[tf,"n.0"], n.1=groupSizes[tf,"n.1"], tmp, WM=tmp[,"mean.0"]-tmp[,"mean.1"]) })) # do the test T = if(test=="student") {, lapply(colnames(factors), function(tf) { tmp =, lapply(colnames(msrmnt), function(dr) { res = t.test(msrmnt[,dr] ~ factors[,tf], var.equal=TRUE) data.frame(DrugID=dr, TestFac=tf, pval=res$p.value, t=res$statistic, conf1=res$[1], conf2=res$[2]) })) tmp })) } else if(test=="anova") {, lapply(colnames(factors), function(tf) { tmp =, lapply(colnames(msrmnt), function(dr) { # make sure that the order in batch is the same as in msrmnt stopifnot(identical(rownames(msrmnt), names(batch))) res = anova(lm(msrmnt[,dr] ~ factors[,tf]+batch)) data.frame(DrugID=dr, TestFac=tf, pval=res$`Pr(>F)`[1], f=res$`F value`[1], meanSq1=res$`Mean Sq`[1], meanSq2=res$`Mean Sq`[2]) })) tmp })) } else { NA } enhanceObject = function(obj) { # give nice drug names obj$Drug = giveDrugLabel(obj$DrugID, conctab, drugs) # combine the testfac and drug id obj$FacDr = paste(obj$TestFac, obj$DrugID, sep=".") # select just the drug name obj$DrugID2 = substring(obj$DrugID, 1, 5) obj } list(effect=effect, test=enhanceObject(T)) }
## VIABILITIES ## list of matrices; one matrix per screen/day ## each matrix contains all CLL patients measurements=list() ### Main Screen patM = colnames(drpar)[which(patmeta[colnames(drpar),"Diagnosis"]=="CLL")] measurements[["main"]] =, lapply(list("viaraw.1","viaraw.2","viaraw.3","viaraw.4","viaraw.5"), function(viac) { tmp = t(assayData(drpar)[[viac]][,patM]) colnames(tmp) = paste(colnames(tmp), conctab[colnames(tmp), paste0("c",substring(viac,8,8))], sep="-") tmp })) pats = sort(unique(patM)) ## TESTING FACTORS testingFactors = list() # ighv ighv = setNames(patmeta[pats, "IGHV"], nm=pats) # mutations tmp = cbind(IGHV=ifelse(ighv=="U",1,0), assayData(mutCOM)$binary[pats,]) testingFactors[["mutation"]] = tmp[,-grep("Chromothripsis", colnames(tmp))] # BATCHES j = which(pData(drpar)[patM, "ExpDate"] < as.Date("2014-01-01")) k = which(pData(drpar)[patM, "ExpDate"] < as.Date("2014-08-01") & pData(drpar)[patM, "ExpDate"] > as.Date("2014-01-01")) l = which(pData(drpar)[patM, "ExpDate"] > as.Date("2014-08-01")) measurements[["main"]] = measurements[["main"]][c(patM[j], patM[k], patM[l]),] batchvec = factor( setNames(c(rep(1, length(j)), rep(2, length(k)), rep(3, length(l))), nm=c(patM[j], patM[k], patM[l]))) # LABELS FOR GROUPING beelabs = t(sapply(colnames(testingFactors[["mutation"]]), function(fac) { if(fac=="IGHV") c(`0`="IGHV mut", `1`="IGHV unmut") else if(grepl("[[:upper:]]",fac)) # if all letters are uppercase c(`0`=paste(fac, "wt"),`1`=paste(fac, "mt")) else c(`0`="wt",`1`=fac) }))
We first used the approach explained in the introduction section to test for associations between drug viability assay results and genomic features, which comprised: somatic mutations (aggregated at the gene level), copy number aberrations and IGHV status.
allresultsT = testFactors(msrmnt=measurements[["main"]], factors=testingFactors[["mutation"]], test="student", batch=NA) resultsT = allresultsT$test resultsT$adj.pval = p.adjust(resultsT$pval, method="BH")
However, we ware aware that the main screen was performed in three groups of batches over a time period of 1.5 years; these comprise, respectively, the samples screened in 2013, in 2014 before August and in 2014 in August and September. Therefore, to control for confounding by the different batch groups we repeated the drug-feature association tests using batch group as a blocking factor and a two-way ANOVA test.
allresultsA = testFactors(msrmnt=measurements[["main"]], factors=testingFactors[["mutation"]], test="anova", batch=batchvec) resultsA = allresultsA$test resultsA$adj.pval = p.adjust(resultsA$pval, method="BH")
We then compared the p-values from both tests.
#FIG# S30 xylim = 1e-8 tmp = merge(resultsT[,c("FacDr","Drug","DrugID","DrugID2","FacDr","pval")], resultsA[,c("FacDr","pval")], by.x="FacDr", by.y="FacDr") tmp$DrugName = toCaps(drugs[tmp$DrugID2, "name"]) tmp$Shape = ifelse(tmp$pval.x < xylim | tmp$pval.y < xylim, "tri", "dot") tmp$pval.cens.x = ifelse(tmp$pval.x < xylim, xylim, tmp$pval.x) tmp$pval.cens.y = ifelse(tmp$pval.y < xylim, xylim, tmp$pval.y) ggplot(tmp) + geom_abline(intercept=0, slope=1, colour="hotpink") + geom_point(aes(x=pval.cens.x, y=pval.cens.y, shape=Shape), alpha=0.6) + facet_wrap(~DrugName, ncol=7) + scale_x_log10(labels=scientific_10, limits=c(xylim,1)) + scale_y_log10(labels=scientific_10, limits=c(xylim,1)) + theme_bw() + coord_fixed() + xlab("P-value from Student t-test") + ylab("P-value from ANOVA (including batch group factor)") + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=0, hjust=1, vjust=0.5, size=rel(1.5)), axis.title=element_text(size=18)) + guides(shape=FALSE)
Only one drug, bortezomib, showed discrepant p-values, and exploration of its data suggested that it lost its activity during storage. The data for this drug and NSC 74859 were discarded from further analysis.
badrugs = c("D_008", "D_025") measurements = lapply(measurements, function(drres) { drres[,-grep(paste(badrugs, collapse="|"), colnames(drres))] })
For all remaining associations, testing with and without batch as a blocking factor yielded equivalent results. Therefore, all reported p-values for associations come from the t-tests without using blocking for batch effects.
We tested for associations between drug viability assay results and genomic features (43 features for the pilot screen and 63 for the main screen). p-values were adjusted for multiple testing by applying the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure, separately for the main screen and for each of the two incubation times of the pilot screen.
allresults1 = lapply(measurements, function(measurement) { testFactors(msrmnt=measurement, factors=testingFactors[["mutation"]], test="student", batch=NA) }) effects1 = lapply(allresults1, function(res) res[["effect"]]) results1 = lapply(allresults1, function(res) res[["test"]]) results1 = lapply(results1, function(res) { res$adj.pval = p.adjust(res$pval, method="BH") res })
measurements1 = measurements testingFactors1 = testingFactors beelabs1 = beelabs
In this section we summarize all significant associations for a given mutation in a form of volcano plots. The pink color spectrum indicates a resistant phenotype and the blue color spectrum a sensitive phenotype in the presence of the tested mutation. FDR of 10 % was used.
## CREATE THE PLOTS plotmp01 = BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::run.ggvolcGr2(results=results1, effects=effects1, screen="main", mts="IGHV", fdr=0.1, maxX=0.75, maxY=NA, expY=0.05, hghBox=0.15, axisMarkY=4, breaksX=c(-0.75,-0.5,-0.25,0,0.25,0.5,0.75), arrowLength=0.5, Xhang=0.3, minConc=3) plotmp02 = BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::run.ggvolcGr2(results=results1, effects=effects1, screen="main", mts="trisomy12", fdr=0.1, maxX=0.75, maxY=NA, expY=0.05, hghBox=0.15, axisMarkY=4, breaksX=c(-0.75,-0.5,-0.25,0,0.25,0.5,0.75), arrowLength=0.5, Xhang=0.3, minConc=1)
#FIG# 4B grid.draw(plotmp01$IGHV$figure$plot)
#FIG# 4B legend grid.draw(plotmp01$IGHV$legend$plot)
Trisomy 12.
#FIG# 4C grid.draw(plotmp02$trisomy12$figure$plot)
#FIG# 4C legend grid.draw(plotmp02$trisomy12$legend$plot)
To assess associations between drug effects and genomic features independently of IGHV status, we performed the analyses separately within U-CLL and M-CLL samples. These analyses were only performed if 3 or more samples carried the analyzed feature within both M-CLL and U-CLL subgroups.
Find out which factors we will be testing (with threshold >2 patients in each of the four groups).
fac2test = lapply(measurements, function(mea) { tf = testingFactors[["mutation"]][rownames(mea),] names(which(apply(tf,2,function(i) { if(length(table(i,tf[,1]))!=4) FALSE else all(table(i,tf[,1])>2) }))) })
Construct the table with drug responses.
measurements2 = setNames(lapply(names(measurements), function(mea) { ig = testingFactors[["mutation"]][rownames(measurements[[mea]]),"IGHV"] patU = names(which(ig==1)) patM = names(which(ig==0)) list(U=measurements[[mea]][patU,], M=measurements[[mea]][patM,]) }), nm=names(measurements))
allresults2 = setNames(lapply(names(measurements2), function(mea) { list(U = testFactors(msrmnt=measurements2[[mea]]$U, factors=testingFactors[["mutation"]][ rownames(measurements2[[mea]]$U),fac2test[[mea]]]), M = testFactors(msrmnt=measurements2[[mea]]$M, factors=testingFactors[["mutation"]][ rownames(measurements2[[mea]]$M),fac2test[[mea]]])) }), nm=names(measurements2))
Divide results to list of effects and list of results.
results2 = lapply(allresults2, function(allres) { list(U=allres[["U"]][["test"]], M=allres[["M"]][["test"]]) }) effects2 = lapply(allresults2, function(allres) { list(U=allres[["U"]][["effect"]], M=allres[["M"]][["effect"]]) })
p-values were adjusted for multiple testing by applying the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure to joined results for M-CLL and U-CLL for each screen separately.
results2 = lapply(results2, function(res) { tmp = p.adjust(c(res$U$pval,res$M$pval), method="BH") l = length(tmp) res$U$adj.pval = tmp[1:(l/2)] res$M$adj.pval = tmp[(l/2+1):l] res })
testingFactors2 = testingFactors beelabs2 = beelabs
As an example we show the summary of the results for trisomy 12.
## CREATE THE PLOTS plotmp03 = BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::run.ggvolcGr2(results=results2$main, effects=effects2$main, screen="U", mts="trisomy12", fdr=0.1, maxX=0.75, maxY=7, expY=0.05, hghBox=NA, axisMarkY=4, breaksX=c(-0.75,-0.5,-0.25,0,0.25,0.5,0.75), arrowLength=0.5, Xhang=0.3, minConc=1, fixedHght=6) plotmp04 = BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::run.ggvolcGr2(results=results2$main, effects=effects2$main, screen="M", mts="trisomy12", fdr=0.1, maxX=0.75, maxY=7, expY=0.05, hghBox=NA, axisMarkY=4, breaksX=c(-0.75,-0.5,-0.25,0,0.25,0.5,0.75), arrowLength=0.5, Xhang=0.3, minConc=1, fixedHght=6)
Trisomy 12 - IGHV unmutated.
#FIG# S21 right grid.draw(plotmp03$trisomy12$figure$plot)
#FIG# S21 right legend grid.draw(plotmp03$trisomy12$legend$plot)
Trisomy 12 - IGHV mutated.
#FIG# S21 left grid.draw(plotmp04$trisomy12$figure$plot)
#FIG# S21 left legend grid.draw(plotmp04$trisomy12$legend$plot)
We tested for drug sensitivity differences between different disease entities. The largest group, the CLL samples, was used as the baseline for these comparisons. Here, we compared drug sensitivities across studied diseases entities against all CLL samples Only groups with 3 or more data points were considered (T-PLL, AML, MZL, MCL, B-PLL, HCL, LPL and healthy donor cells hMNC). p-values were adjusted for multiple testing by applying the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure to results for each disease entity separately.
Here we prepare the data for testing the drug response dependence on cell origin of disease.
## VIABILITIES ### main pats = colnames(drpar) # make the big matrix with viabilities measureTMP =, lapply(list("viaraw.1","viaraw.2","viaraw.3", "viaraw.4","viaraw.5"), function(viac) { tmp = t(assayData(drpar)[[viac]][,pats]) colnames(tmp) = paste(colnames(tmp), conctab[colnames(tmp), paste0("c",substring(viac,8,8))], sep="-") tmp })) # select diagnosis to work on pats4diag = tapply(pats, patmeta[pats,"Diagnosis"], function(i) i) diags = names(which(table(patmeta[pats,"Diagnosis"])>2)) diags = diags[-which(diags=="CLL")] # there will be two lists: one with CLL and the second with other diagnosis # (first one is passed as argument to the createObjects function) pats4diag2 = pats4diag[diags] # function that creates testingFactors, measurements and beelabs createObjects = function(pats4diag1, beefix="") { measurements=list() testingFactors=list() # make the list for testing for(m in names(pats4diag1)) { for(n in names(pats4diag2)) { p1 = pats4diag1[[m]] p2 = pats4diag2[[n]] measurements[[paste(m,n,sep=".")]] = measureTMP[c(p1, p2),] testingFactors[[paste(m,n,sep=".")]] = setNames(c(rep(0,length(p1)), rep(1,length(p2))), nm=c(p1,p2)) } } # reformat testingFactors to the df pats=sort(unique(c(unlist(pats4diag1),unlist(pats4diag2)))) testingFactors =, lapply(testingFactors, function(tf) { setNames(tf[pats], nm=pats) }))) # Labels for beeswarms beelabs = t(sapply(colnames(testingFactors), function(fac) { tmp = unlist(strsplit(fac, ".", fixed=TRUE)) c(`0`=paste0(tmp[1], beefix),`1`=tmp[2]) })) return(list(msrmts=measurements, tf=testingFactors, bl=beelabs)) } # all CLL together res = createObjects(pats4diag1=pats4diag["CLL"]) measurements3 = res$msrmts testingFactors3 = res$tf beelabs3 = res$bl
allresults3 = setNames(lapply(names(measurements3), function(mea) { tmp = data.frame(testingFactors3[,mea]) colnames(tmp) = mea rownames(tmp) = rownames(testingFactors3) testFactors(msrmnt=measurements3[[mea]], factors=tmp) }), nm=names(measurements3))
Divide results to list of effects and list of t-test results.
results3 = lapply(allresults3, function(res) res[["test"]]) effects3 = lapply(allresults3, function(res) res[["effect"]])
Adjust p-values.
results3 = lapply(results3, function(res) { res$adj.pval = p.adjust(res$pval, method="BH") res })
We summarize the result as a heat map.
tmpheat = BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::ggheat(results3, effects3)
#FIG# S7 plot grid.draw(tmpheat$figure$plot)
#FIG# S7 legend grid.draw(tmpheat$legend$plot)
data(drugs, lpdAll, mutCOM, conctab)
lpdCLL = lpdAll[ , lpdAll$Diagnosis %in% "CLL"]
Here we highlight the selection of mutation-drug response associations within the different disease subtypes.
#FIG# 4D BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::beeF(diag="CLL", "D_010_2", "TP53", cs=T, y1=0, y2=1.2, custc=T) BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::beeF(diag="CLL", "D_006_3", "TP53", cs=T,y1=0, y2=1.2, custc=T) BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::beeF(diag="CLL", "D_063_5", "CREBBP", cs=T, y1=0, y2=1.2, custc=T) BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::beeF(diag="CLL", "D_056_5", "PRPF8", cs=T, y1=0, y2=1.2, custc=T) BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::beeF(diag="CLL", "D_012_5", "trisomy12", cs=F,y1=0.6, y2=1.2, custc=T)
#FIG# S17 par(mfrow = c(3,4), mar=c(5,4.5,5,2)) BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::beeF(diag="CLL", drug="D_159_3", mut="TP53", cs=T, y1=0, y2=1.2, custc=T) BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::beeF(diag="CLL", "D_006_2", "del17p13", cs=T, y1=0, y2=1.2, custc=T) BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::beeF(diag="CLL", "D_159_3", "del17p13", cs=T, y1=0, y2=1.2, custc=T) BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::beeF(diag="CLL", "D_010_2", "del17p13", cs=T, y1=0, y2=1.2, custc=T) BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::beeF(diag="MCL", "D_006_2", "TP53", cs=T, y1=0, y2=1.2, custc=T) BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::beeF(diag="MCL", "D_010_2", "TP53", cs=T, y1=0, y2=1.2, custc=T) BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::beeF(diag=c("HCL", "HCL-V"), "D_012_3", "BRAF", cs=T, y1=0, y2=1.2, custc=F) BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::beeF(diag=c("HCL", "HCL-V"), "D_083_4", "BRAF", cs=T, y1=0, y2=1.2, custc=F) BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::beeF(diag="CLL", "D_012_5", "KRAS", cs=T, y1=0.6, y2=1.2, custc=T) BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::beeF(diag="CLL", "D_083_5", "KRAS", cs=T, y1=0.6, y2=1.45, custc=T) BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::beeF(diag="CLL", "D_081_4", "UMODL1", cs=T, y1=0, y2=1.2, custc=T) BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::beeF(diag="CLL", "D_001_4", "UMODL1", cs=T, y1=0, y2=1.2, custc=T)
# the below function comes from the CRAN package named monogeneaGM colorBar <-function(colpalette=NULL, min, max=-min, nticks=11, ticks=seq(min, max, len=nticks), tit="") { if(is.null(colpalette)) { scale <- (length(colpalette)-1)/(max-min) rwb <- c("#99000D","#FB6A4A","white","#6BAED6","#084594") colpalette<- colorRampPalette(rwb, space="Lab")(101) } scale <- (length(colpalette)-1)/(max-min) plot(c(0,10), c(min,max), type="n", bty="n", xaxt="n", xlab="", yaxt="n", ylab="", main=tit) axis(2, ticks, las=1) for (i in 1:(length(colpalette)-1)) { y = (i-1)/scale + min rect(0,y,10,y+1/scale, col=colpalette[i], border=NA) } } colorBar(colorRampPalette(c('coral1','blue4'))(100), min=0, max = 1, ticks=c(0,0.5,1))
Bee swarms for pretreatment.
#FIG# S18 par(mfrow = c(2,3), mar=c(5,4.5,2,2)) BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::beePretreatment(lpdCLL, "D_006_1:5", y1=0.2, y2=1.3, fac="TP53", val=c(0,1), name="Fludarabine") BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::beePretreatment(lpdCLL, "D_006_1:5", y1=0.2, y2=1.3, fac="TP53", val=c(0), name="p53 wt: Fludarabine") BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::beePretreatment(lpdCLL, "D_006_1:5", y1=0.2, y2=1.3, fac="TP53", val=c(1), name="p53 mut: Fludarabine") BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::beePretreatment(lpdCLL, "D_002_4:5", y1=0.4, y2=1.3, fac="IGHV Uppsala U/M", val=c(0,1), name="Ibrutinib") BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::beePretreatment(lpdCLL, "D_002_4:5", y1=0.4, y2=1.3, fac="IGHV Uppsala U/M", val=c(0), name="U-CLL: Ibrutinib") BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::beePretreatment(lpdCLL, "D_002_4:5", y1=0.4, y2=1.3, fac="IGHV Uppsala U/M", val=c(1), name="M-CLL: Ibrutinib")
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