library("BloodCancerMultiOmics2017") library("Biobase") library("RColorBrewer") library("grid") library("ggplot2") library("survival") library("gtable") library("forestplot") library("xtable") library("maxstat")
plotDir = ifelse(exists(".standalone"), "", "part08/") if(plotDir!="") if(!file.exists(plotDir)) dir.create(plotDir)
Load the data.
data(lpdAll, patmeta, drugs)
Prepare survival data.
lpdCLL <- lpdAll[ , lpdAll$Diagnosis=="CLL" ] # data rearrangements survT = patmeta[colnames(lpdCLL),] survT[which(survT[,"IGHV"]=="U") ,"IGHV"] = 0 survT[which(survT[,"IGHV"]=="M") ,"IGHV"] = 1 survT$IGHV = as.numeric(survT$IGHV) colnames(survT) = gsub("Age4Main", "age", colnames(survT)) survT$ibr45 <- 1-Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[ "D_002_4:5", rownames(survT) ] survT$ide45 <- 1-Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[ "D_003_4:5", rownames(survT) ] survT$prt45 <- 1-Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[ "D_166_4:5", rownames(survT) ] survT$selu45 <- 1-Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[ "D_012_4:5", rownames(survT) ] survT$ever45 <- 1-Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[ "D_063_4:5", rownames(survT) ] survT$nut15 <- 1-Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[ "D_010_1:5", rownames(survT) ] survT$dox15 <- 1-Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[ "D_159_1:5", rownames(survT) ] survT$flu15 <- 1-Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[ "D_006_1:5", rownames(survT) ] survT$SF3B1 <- Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[ "SF3B1", rownames(survT) ] survT$NOTCH1 <- Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[ "NOTCH1", rownames(survT) ] survT$BRAF <- Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[ "BRAF", rownames(survT) ] survT$TP53 <- Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[ "TP53", rownames(survT) ] survT$del17p13 <- Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[ "del17p13", rownames(survT) ] survT$del11q22.3 <- Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[ "del11q22.3", rownames(survT) ] survT$trisomy12 <- Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[ "trisomy12", rownames(survT) ] survT$IGHV_cont <- patmeta[ rownames(survT) ,"IGHV Uppsala % SHM"] # competinting risk endpoint fpr survT$compE <- ifelse(survT$treatedAfter == TRUE, 1, 0) survT$compE <- ifelse(survT$treatedAfter == FALSE & survT$died==TRUE, 2, survT$compE ) survT$T7 <- ifelse(survT$compE == 1, survT$T5, survT$T6 )
forest <- function(Time, endpoint, title, sdrugs, split, sub) { stopifnot(is.character(Time), is.character(title), is.character(split), is.character(endpoint), all(c(Time, split, endpoint) %in% colnames(survT)), is.logical(survT[[endpoint]]), is.character(sdrugs), !is.null(names(sdrugs))) clrs <- fpColors(box="royalblue",line="darkblue", summary="royalblue") res <- lapply(sdrugs, function(g) { drug <- survT[, g] * 10 suse <- if (identical(sub, "none")) rep(TRUE, nrow(survT)) else (survT[[split]] == sub) stopifnot(sum(suse, na.rm = TRUE) > 1) surv <- coxph(Surv(survT[,Time], survT[,endpoint]) ~ drug, subset=suse) sumsu <- summary(surv) c(p = sumsu[["coefficients"]][, "Pr(>|z|)"], coef = sumsu[["coefficients"]][, "exp(coef)"], lower = sumsu[[""]][, "lower .95"], higher = sumsu[[""]][, "upper .95"]) }) s <-, res) rownames(s) <- names(sdrugs) tabletext <- list(c(NA, rownames(s)), append(list("p-value"), sprintf("%.4f", s[,"p"]))) forestplot(tabletext, rbind( rep(NA, 3), s[, 2:4]), page = new, clip = c(0.8,20), xlog = TRUE, xticks = c(0.5,1, 1.5), title = title, col = clrs, txt_gp = fpTxtGp(ticks = gpar(cex=1) ), new_page = TRUE) }
Combine OS and TTT in one plot.
com <- function( Time, endpoint, scaleX, sub, d, split, drug_names) { res <- lapply(d, function(g) { drug <- survT[,g] * scaleX ## all=99, M-CLL=1, U-CLL=0 if(sub==99) { surv <- coxph(Surv(survT[,paste0(Time)], survT[,paste0(endpoint)] == TRUE) ~ drug)} if(sub<99) { surv <- coxph(Surv(survT[,paste0(Time)], survT[,paste0(endpoint)] == TRUE) ~ drug, subset=survT[,paste0(split)]==sub)} c(summary(surv)[[7]][,5], summary(surv)[[7]][,2], summary(surv)[[8]][,3], summary(surv)[[8]][,4]) }) s <-, res) colnames(s) <- c("p", "HR", "lower", "higher") rownames(s) <- drug_names s } fp <- function( sub, title, d, split, drug_names, a, b, scaleX) { ttt <- com(Time="T5", endpoint="treatedAfter", sub=sub, d=d, split=split, drug_names=drug_names, scaleX=scaleX) rownames(ttt) <- paste0(rownames(ttt), "_TTT") os <- com(Time="T6", endpoint="died", sub=sub, d=d, split=split, drug_names=drug_names, scaleX=scaleX) rownames(os) <- paste0(rownames(os), "_OS") n <- c( p=NA, HR=NA, lower=NA, higher=NA ) nn <- t( data.frame( n ) ) for (i in 1:(nrow(ttt)-1) ) { nn <-rbind(nn, n ) } rownames(nn) <- drug_names od <- order( c(seq(nrow(nn)), seq(nrow(ttt)), seq(nrow(os)) )) s <- data.frame( rbind(nn, ttt, os)[od, ] ) s$Name <- rownames(s) s$x <- 1:nrow(s) s$col <- rep(c("white", "black", "darkgreen"), nrow(ttt) ) s$Endpoint <- factor( c(rep("nn", nrow(nn) ), rep("TTT", nrow(ttt) ), rep("OS", nrow(os) ) )[od] ) s$features <- ""; s[ which(s$Endpoint=="OS"),"features"] <- drug_names s[which(s$Endpoint=="nn"), "Endpoint"] <- "" s <- rbind(s, rep(NA, 8)) p <- ggplot(data=s ,aes(x=x, y=HR, ymin=lower, ymax=higher, colour=Endpoint)) + geom_pointrange() + theme(legend.position="top", legend.text = element_text(size = 20) ) + scale_x_discrete(limits=s$x, labels=s$features ) + expand_limits(y=c(a,b)) + scale_y_log10(breaks=c(0.01,0.1,0.5,1,2,5,10), labels=c(0.01,0.1,0.5,1,2,5,10)) + theme( panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), axis.title.x = element_text(size=16), axis.text.x = element_text(size=16, colour="black"), axis.title.y = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_text(size=12, colour="black"), legend.key = element_rect(fill = "white"), legend.background = element_rect(fill = "white"), legend.title = element_blank(), panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", color="black"), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank() ) + coord_flip() + scale_color_manual(values=c("OS"="darkgreen", "TTT"="black"), labels=c("OS", "TTT", "")) + geom_hline(aes(yintercept=1), colour="black", size=1.5, linetype="dashed", alpha=0.3) + annotate("text", x = 1:nrow(s)+0.5, y = s$HR+0.003, label = ifelse( s$p<0.001, paste0("p<","0.001"), paste0("p=", round(s$p,3) ) ), colour=s$col) plot(p) }
#FIG# S27 d <- c("SF3B1", "NOTCH1", "BRAF", "TP53", "del17p13", "del11q22.3", "trisomy12", "IGHV") drug_names <- c("SF3B1", "NOTCH1", "BRAF", "TP53", "del17p13", "del11q22.3", "Trisomy12" ,"IGHV") fp(sub=99, d=d, drug_names=drug_names, split="IGHV", title="", a=0, b=10, scaleX=1)
#FIG# 6A d <- c("flu15", "nut15", "dox15", "ibr45", "ide45", "prt45", "selu45", "ever45") drug_names <- c("Fludarabine", "Nutlin-3", "Doxorubicine", "Ibrutinib", "Idelalisib", "PRT062607 HCl", "Selumetinib" ,"Everolimus") fp(sub=99, d=d, drug_names=drug_names, split="TP53", title="", a=0, b=5, scaleX=10)
#FIG# S27 left (top+bottom) par(mfcol=c(1,2)) for (fac in paste(c("IGHV", "TP53"))) { survplot( Surv(survT$T5, survT$treatedAfter == TRUE) ~ as.factor(survT[,fac]), snames=c("wt", "mut"), lwd=1.5, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab=1, col= c("darkmagenta", "dodgerblue4"), show.nrisk = FALSE, legend.pos = FALSE, stitle = "", hr.pos= "topright", main = paste(fac), xlab = 'Time (Years)', ylab = 'Time to treatment') }
#FIG# 6B left #FIG# S27 right (top+bottom) par(mfcol=c(1,2)) for (fac in paste(c("IGHV", "TP53"))) { survplot( Surv(survT$T6, survT$died == TRUE) ~ as.factor(survT[,fac]), snames=c("wt", "mut"), lwd=1.5, cex.axis = 1.0, cex.lab=1.0, col= c("darkmagenta", "dodgerblue4"), show.nrisk = FALSE, legend.pos = FALSE, stitle = "", hr.pos= "bottomleft", main = paste(fac), xlab = 'Time (Years)', ylab = 'Overall survival') }
Drug responses were dichotomized using maximally selected rank statistics. The analysis is also perforemd within subgroups: TP53 wt/ mut. and IGHV wt/ mut.
km <- function(drug, split, title, t, hr, c) { stopifnot(is.character(drug), length(drug)==1, is.character(title), length(title)==3) surv <- survT[!([,split])), ] k <- Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[ drug, rownames(surv) ] ms5 <- maxstat.test(Surv(T5, treatedAfter) ~ k, data = surv, smethod = "LogRank", minprop = 0.2, maxprop = 0.8, alpha = NULL) ms6 <- maxstat.test(Surv(T6, died) ~ k, data = surv, smethod = "LogRank", minprop = 0.2, maxprop = 0.8, alpha = NULL) # median & TTT if (c=="med" & t=="TTT") { surv$cutA <- ifelse( k >= median( k[which(!($T5)) ) ] ), "weak", "good") surv$cutM <- ifelse( k >= median( k[ which( surv[,paste0(split)]==1 & !($T5)) ) ], na.rm=TRUE ), "weak", "good") surv$cutU <- ifelse( k >= median( k[ which( surv[,paste0(split)]==0 & !($T5)) ) ], na.rm=TRUE ), "weak", "good") } # median & OS if (c=="med" & t=="OS") { surv$cutA <- ifelse(k >= median(k), "weak", "good") surv$cutM <- ifelse(k >= median( k[ which( surv[,paste0(split)]==1 ) ] ), "weak", "good") surv$cutU <- ifelse(k >= median( k[ which( surv[,paste0(split)]==0 ) ] ), "weak", "good") } #TTT & maxstat if (c=="maxstat" & t=="TTT") { surv$cutA <- surv$cut5 <- ifelse(k >= ms5$estimate, "weak", "good") surv$cutM <- surv$cut5 <- ifelse(k >= ms5$estimate, "weak", "good") surv$cutU <- surv$cut5 <- ifelse(k >= ms5$estimate, "weak", "good") } #OS & maxstat if (c=="maxstat" & t=="OS") { surv$cutA <- surv$cut5 <- ifelse(k >= ms6$estimate, "weak", "good") surv$cutM <- surv$cut5 <- ifelse(k >= ms6$estimate, "weak", "good") surv$cutU <- surv$cut5 <- ifelse(k >= ms6$estimate, "weak", "good") } drName <- toCaps(drugs[stripConc(drug), "name"]) sp <- function(...) survplot(..., lwd = 3, cex.axis = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.5, col= c("royalblue", "darkred"), show.nrisk = FALSE, legend.pos = FALSE, stitle = "", hr.pos=ifelse(hr=="bl", "bottomleft", "topright" ), xlab = 'Time (Years)') if (t=="TTT") { yl <- "Fraction w/o treatment" if (c=="med"){ cat(sprintf("%s median-cutpoint for TTT: %5.2g\n", drName, median(k) ) ) } else { cat(sprintf("%s cutpoint for TTT: %5.2g\n", drName, ms5$estimate )) } sp(Surv(surv$T5, surv$treatedAfter) ~ surv$cutA, subset = rep(TRUE, nrow(surv)), ylab = yl, main = drName) sp(Surv(surv$T5, surv$treatedAfter) ~ surv$cutM, subset = surv[, split]==1, ylab = yl, main = paste(drName, title[1], title[3])) sp(Surv(surv$T5, surv$treatedAfter) ~ surv$cutU, subset = surv[ ,split]==0, ylab = yl, main = paste(drName, title[1], title[2])) } # OS else { yl <- "Fraction overall survival" if (c=="med"){ cat(sprintf("%s median-cutpoint for OS: %5.2g\n", drName, median(k) ) ) } else { cat(sprintf("%s cutpoint for OS: %5.2g\n", drName, ms6$estimate ))} sp(Surv(surv$T6, surv$died) ~ surv$cutA, subset = rep(TRUE, nrow(surv)), ylab = yl, main = drName) sp(Surv(surv$T6, surv$died) ~ surv$cutM, subset = surv[, split]==1, ylab = yl, main = paste(drName, title[1], title[3])) sp(Surv(surv$T6, surv$died) ~ surv$cutU, subset = surv[ ,split]==0, ylab = yl, main = paste(drName, title[1], title[2])) } }
Time to next treatment (maxstat).
par(mfrow=c(1,3), mar=c(5,5,2,0.9)) km(drug = "D_006_1:5", split = "TP53", t="TTT", title=c("(TP53", "wt)", "mut)"), hr="tr", c="maxstat") km(drug = "D_159_1:5", split = "TP53", t="TTT", title=c("(TP53", "wt)", "mut)"), hr="tr", c="maxstat") km(drug = "D_010_1:5", split = "TP53", t="TTT", title=c("(TP53", "wt)", "mut)"), hr="tr", c="maxstat") km(drug = "D_002_4:5", split = "IGHV", t="TTT", title=c("(IGHV", "wt)" , "mut)"), hr="tr", c="maxstat" ) km(drug = "D_003_4:5", split = "IGHV", t="TTT", title=c("(IGHV", "wt)" , "mut)"), hr="tr", c="maxstat" ) km(drug = "D_166_4:5", split = "IGHV", t="TTT", title=c("(IGHV", "wt)" , "mut)"), hr="tr", c="maxstat" )
Overall survival (maxstat).
par(mfrow=c(1,3), mar=c(5,5,2,0.9)) km(drug = "D_006_1:5", split = "TP53", t="OS", title=c("(TP53", "wt)", "mut)"), hr="bl", c="maxstat") #FIG# 6B right #FIG# 6C km(drug = "D_159_1:5", split = "TP53", t="OS", # doxorubicine title=c("(TP53", "wt)", "mut)"), hr="bl", c="maxstat" ) #FIG# 6B middle km(drug = "D_010_1:5", split = "TP53", t="OS", # nutlin-3 title=c("(TP53", "wt)", "mut)"), hr="bl", c="maxstat" ) km(drug = "D_002_4:5", split = "IGHV", t="OS", title=c("(IGHV", "wt)" , "mut)"), hr="bl", c="maxstat" ) km(drug = "D_003_4:5", split = "IGHV", t="OS", title=c("(IGHV", "wt)" , "mut)"), hr="bl", c="maxstat" ) km(drug = "D_166_4:5", split = "IGHV", t="OS", title=c("(IGHV", "wt)" , "mut)"), hr="bl", c="maxstat" )
extractSome <- function(x) { sumsu <- summary(x) data.frame( `p-value` = sprintf("%6.3g", sumsu[["coefficients"]][, "Pr(>|z|)"]), `HR` = sprintf("%6.3g", signif( sumsu[["coefficients"]][, "exp(coef)"], 2) ), `lower 95% CI` = sprintf("%6.3g", signif( sumsu[[""]][, "lower .95"], 2) ), `upper 95% CI` = sprintf("%6.3g", signif( sumsu[[""]][, "upper .95"], 2), check.names = FALSE) ) }
Define covariates and effects.
survT$age <- survT$age/10 survT$IC50beforeTreatment <- ifelse(survT$IC50beforeTreatment==TRUE, 1, 0) survT$IGHVwt <- ifelse(survT$IGHV==1, 0, 1) survT$flu15 <- survT$flu15*10 survT$dox15 <- survT$dox15*10 survT$ibr45 <- survT$ibr45*10 survT$ide45 <- survT$ide45*10 survT$prt45 <- survT$prt45*10
surv1 <- coxph( Surv(T6, died) ~ age + as.factor(IC50beforeTreatment) + as.factor(trisomy12) + as.factor(del11q22.3) + as.factor(del17p13) + as.factor(TP53) + IGHVwt + flu15, # continuous #dox15 + # continuous #flu15:TP53, #TP53:dox15, data = survT ) extractSome(surv1) cat(sprintf("%s patients considerd in the model; number of events %1g\n", summary(surv1)$n, summary(surv1)[6] ) )
write(print(xtable(extractSome(surv1))), file=paste0(plotDir,"flu_MD.tex"))
surv2 <- coxph( Surv(T6, died) ~ #as.factor(survT$TP53) , data=survT ) age + as.factor(IC50beforeTreatment) + as.factor(trisomy12) + as.factor(del11q22.3) + as.factor(del17p13) + as.factor(TP53) + IGHVwt + #flu15 + # continuous dox15 , # continuous #flu15:TP53 , #TP53:dox15, data = survT ) extractSome(surv2) cat(sprintf("%s patients considerd in the model; number of events %1g\n", summary(surv2)$n, summary(surv2)[6] ) )
write(print(xtable(extractSome(surv2))), file=paste0(plotDir,"dox_MD.tex"))
surv4 <- coxph( Surv(T5, treatedAfter) ~ age + as.factor(IC50beforeTreatment) + as.factor(trisomy12) + as.factor(del11q22.3) + as.factor(del17p13) + IGHVwt + ibr45 + IGHVwt:ibr45, data = survT ) extractSome(surv4) cat(sprintf("%s patients considerd in the model; number of events %1g\n", summary(surv4)$n, summary(surv4)[6] ) )
write(print(xtable(extractSome(surv4))), file=paste0(plotDir,"ibr_TTT.tex"))
surv6 <- coxph( Surv(T5, treatedAfter) ~ age + as.factor(IC50beforeTreatment) + as.factor(trisomy12) + as.factor(del11q22.3) + as.factor(del17p13) + IGHVwt + ide45 + IGHVwt:ide45, data = survT ) extractSome(surv6) cat(sprintf("%s patients considerd in the model; number of events %1g\n", summary(surv6)$n, summary(surv6)[6] ) )
write(print(xtable(extractSome(surv6))), file=paste0(plotDir,"ide_TTT.tex"))
surv8 <- coxph( Surv(T5, treatedAfter) ~ age + as.factor(IC50beforeTreatment) + as.factor(trisomy12) + as.factor(del11q22.3) + as.factor(del17p13) + IGHVwt + prt45 + IGHVwt:prt45, data = survT ) extractSome(surv8) cat(sprintf("%s patients considerd in the model; number of events %1g\n", summary(surv8)$n, summary(surv8)[6] ) )
write(print(xtable(extractSome(surv8))), file=paste0(plotDir,"prt_TTT.tex"))
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