library("colorspace") # hex2RGB
#library("ggtern") # ggtern
library("reshape2") # melt
library("tibble") # as_tibble
plotDir = ifelse(exists(".standalone"), "", "part10/")
if(plotDir!="") if(!file.exists(plotDir)) dir.create(plotDir)

Relative drug effects - ternary diagrams

Ternary diagrams are a good visualisation tool to compare the relative drug effects of three selected drugs. Here we call the drugs by their targets (ibrutinib = BTK, idelalisib = PI3K, PRT062607 HCl = SYK, everolimus = mTOR and selumetinib = MEK). We compare the drug effects within CLL samples as well as U-CLL and M-CLL separatelly.

Load the data.

data("conctab", "lpdAll", "drugs", "patmeta")

Select CLL patients.

lpdCLL <- lpdAll[, lpdAll$Diagnosis=="CLL"]

Additional settings

Function that set the point transparency.

makeTransparent = function(..., alpha=0.18) {

  if(alpha<0 | alpha>1) stop("alpha must be between 0 and 1")

  alpha = floor(255*alpha)  
  newColor = col2rgb(col=unlist(list(...)), alpha=FALSE)

  .makeTransparent = function(col, alpha) {
    rgb(red=col[1], green=col[2], blue=col[3], alpha=alpha, maxColorValue=255)
  newColor = apply(newColor, 2, .makeTransparent, alpha=alpha)


giveColors = function(idx, alpha=1) {
  bp = brewer.pal(12, "Paired")
    sequential_hcl(12, h = coords(as(hex2RGB(bp[idx]), "polarLUV"))[1, "H"])[1],

Calculating the coordinates

# calculate  (x+c)/(s+3c), (y+c)/(s+3c), (z+c)/(s+3c)
prepareTernaryData = function(lpd, targets, invDrugs) {

  # calculate values for ternary
  df = sapply(targets, function(tg) {
    dr = paste(invDrugs[tg], c(4,5), sep="_")
    tmp = 1-Biobase::exprs(lpd)[dr,]
    tmp = colMeans(tmp)
    pmax(tmp, 0)
  df = data.frame(df, sum=rowSums(df), max=rowMax(df))

  tern = apply(df[,targets], 2, function(x) {
    (x+0.005) / (df$sum+3*0.005)
  colnames(tern) = paste0("tern", 1:3)
  # add IGHV status
  cbind(df, tern, IGHV=patmeta[rownames(df),"IGHV"],

Plot ternaries

makeTernaryPlot = function(td=ternData, targets, invDrugs) {

  drn = setNames(drugs[invDrugs[targets],"name"], nm=targets)

  plot = ggtern(data=td, aes(x=tern1, y=tern2, z=tern3)) +
        stat_density_tern(geom='polygon', aes(fill=..level..),
                          position = "identity", contour=TRUE, n=400,
                          weight = 1, base = 'identity', expand = c(1.5, 1.5)) +  
        scale_fill_gradient(low='lightblue', high='red', guide = FALSE) +

        geom_mask() + 
                   color="black", shape=21) +

        theme_rgbw( ) + 
          tern.plot.background="white", base_size = 18 ) +

    labs( x = targets[1], xarrow = drn[targets[1]],
              y = targets[2], yarrow = drn[targets[2]],
              z = targets[3], zarrow = drn[targets[3]] ) +
              theme_showarrows() + theme_clockwise() +

        # lines 
        geom_Tline(Tintercept=.5, colour=giveColors(2)) +
        geom_Lline(Lintercept=.5, colour=giveColors(10)) +
        geom_Rline(Rintercept=.5, colour=giveColors(4)) 

makeTernary = function(lpd, targets, ighv=NA) {

  # list of investigated drugs and their targets
  invDrugs = c("PI3K"="D_003", "BTK"="D_002", "SYK"="D_166",
               "MTOR"="D_063", "MEK"="D_012")

  ternData = prepareTernaryData(lpd, targets, invDrugs)
  if(! ternData = ternData[which(ternData$IGHV==ighv),]

  ternPlot = makeTernaryPlot(ternData, targets, invDrugs)


BCR drugs

#FIG# 3B
makeTernary(lpdCLL, c("PI3K", "BTK", "SYK"), ighv=NA)
#FIG# 3B
makeTernary(lpdCLL, c("PI3K", "BTK", "SYK"), ighv="M")
#FIG# 3B
makeTernary(lpdCLL, c("PI3K", "BTK", "SYK"), ighv="U")


makeTernary(lpdCLL, c("MTOR", "BTK", "MEK"), ighv=NA)
makeTernary(lpdCLL, c("MTOR", "BTK", "MEK"), ighv="M")
makeTernary(lpdCLL, c("MTOR", "BTK", "MEK"), ighv="U")


All CLL samples included.

#FIG# S9 left
makeTernary(lpdCLL, c("MTOR", "PI3K", "MEK"), ighv=NA)


All CLL samples included.

#FIG# S9 right
makeTernary(lpdCLL, c("MTOR", "SYK", "MEK"), ighv=NA)

Comparison of gene expression responses to drug treatments

12 CLL samples (6 M-CLL and 6 U-CLL) were treated with ibrutinb, idelalisib, selumetinib, everolimus and negative control. Gene expression profiling was performed after 12 hours of drug incubation using Illumina microarrays.

Load the data.

data("exprTreat", "drugs")

Do some cosmetics.

e <- exprTreat
colnames( pData(e) ) <- sub( "PatientID", "Patient", colnames( pData(e) ) )
colnames( pData(e) ) <- sub( "DrugID", "Drug", colnames( pData(e) ) )
pData(e)$Drug[$Drug) ] <- "none"
pData(e)$Drug <- relevel( factor( pData(e)$Drug ), "none" )
pData(e)$SampleID <- colnames(e)
colnames(e) <- paste( pData(e)$Patient, pData(e)$Drug, sep=":" )

head( pData(e) )

Remove uninteresting fData columns

fData(e) <- fData(e)[ , c( "ProbeID", "Entrez_Gene_ID", "Symbol", 
    "Cytoband", "Definition" ) ]

Here is a simple heat map of correlation between arrays.

pheatmap( cor(Biobase::exprs(e)), symm=TRUE, cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_cols = FALSE, 
   color = colorRampPalette(c("gray10","lightpink"))(100) )

Differential expression using Limma

Construct a model matrix with a baseline expression per patient, treatment effects for all drugs, and symmetric (+/- 1/2) effects for U-vs-M differences in drug effects.

mm <- model.matrix( ~ 0 + Patient + Drug, pData(e) )
colnames(mm) <- sub( "Patient", "", colnames(mm) )
colnames(mm) <- sub( "Drug", "", colnames(mm) )

Run LIMMA on this.

fit <- lmFit( e, mm )
fit <- eBayes( fit )

How many genes do we get that are significantly differentially expressed due to a drug, at 10% FDR?

a <- decideTests( fit, p.value = 0.1 )
t( apply( a[ , grepl( "D_...", colnames(a) ) ], 2, 
          function(x) table( factor(x,levels=c(-1,0,1)) ) ) )

What is the % overlap of genes across drugs?

a <-
sapply( levels(pData(e)$Drug)[-1], function(dr1) 
   sapply( levels(pData(e)$Drug)[-1], function(dr2) 

   100*( length( intersect(
          unique( topTable( fit, coef=dr1, p.value=0.1,
                            number=Inf )$`Entrez_Gene_ID` ),
          unique( topTable( fit, coef=dr2, p.value=0.1,
                            number=Inf )$`Entrez_Gene_ID` ) ) ) / 
                      length(unique( topTable( fit, coef=dr1, p.value=0.1,
                                               number=Inf )$`Entrez_Gene_ID`)))

rownames(a) <-drugs[ rownames(a), "name" ]
colnames(a) <-rownames(a)
a <- a[-4, -4]

Correlate top 2000 genes with median largest lfc with each other:

  1. For each patient and drug, compute the LFC (log fold changed) treated/untreated
  2. Select the 2000 genes that have the highest across all patients and drugs (median absolute LFC)
  3. Compute the average LFC for each drug across the patients, resulting in 4 vectors of length 2000 (one for each drug)
  4. Compute the pairwise correlation between them
extractGenes = function(fit, coef) {
  tmp = topTable(fit, coef=coef, number=Inf )[, c("ProbeID", "logFC")]
  rownames(tmp) = tmp$ProbeID
  colnames(tmp)[2] = drugs[coef,"name"]
  tmp[order(rownames(tmp)),2, drop=FALSE]

runExtractGenes = function(fit, drs) {
  tmp =, lapply(drs, function(dr) {
    extractGenes(fit, dr)

mt = runExtractGenes(fit, drs=c("D_002","D_003","D_012","D_063"))
mt <- cbind( mt, median=rowMedians(mt))
mt <- mt[order(mt[,"median"]), ]
mt <- mt[1:2000, ]
mt <- mt[,-5]
(mtcr = cor(mt))
#FIG# 3D
pheatmap(mtcr, cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_cols = FALSE,
         col=colorRampPalette(c("white", "lightblue","darkblue") )(100))

Co-sensitivity patterns of the four response groups

Load data.

data("lpdAll", "drugs")
lpdCLL <- lpdAll[ , lpdAll$Diagnosis== "CLL"]

Methodology of building groups

Here we look at the distribution of viabilities for the three drugs concerned and use the mirror method to derive, first, a measure of the background variation of the values for these drugs (ssd) and then define a cutoff as multiple (z_factor) of that. The mirror method assumes that the observed values are a mixture of two components:

The choice of z_factor is, of course, a crucial step. It determines the trade-off between falsely called responders (false positives) versus falsely called non-responders (false negatives). Under normality assumption, it is related to the false positive rate (FPR) by

$$ \text{FPR} = 1 - \text{pnorm}(z) $$

An FPR of 0.05 thus corresponds to

z_factor <- qnorm(0.05, lower.tail = FALSE)

Defining drugs representing BTK, mTOR and MEK inhibition.

drugnames <- c( "ibrutinib", "everolimus", "selumetinib")
ib  <- "D_002_4:5" 
ev  <- "D_063_4:5" 
se  <- "D_012_4:5"
stopifnot(identical(fData(lpdAll)[c(ib, ev, se), "name"], drugnames))
df  <- Biobase::exprs(lpdAll)[c(ib, ev, se), lpdAll$Diagnosis=="CLL"] %>%
  t %>% as_tibble %>% `colnames<-`(drugnames)
mdf <- melt(data.frame(df))
grid.arrange(ncol = 2,
  ggplot(df, aes(x = 1-ibrutinib,  y = 1-everolimus )) + geom_point(),
  ggplot(df, aes(x = 1-everolimus, y = 1-selumetinib)) + geom_point()  

Determine standard deviation using mirror method.

pmdf <- filter(mdf, value >= 1)
ssd  <- mean( (pmdf$value - 1) ^ 2 ) ^ 0.5

Normal density.

dn <- tibble(
  x = seq(min(mdf$value), max(mdf$value), length.out = 100),
  y = dnorm(x, mean = 1, sd = ssd) * 2 * nrow(pmdf) / nrow(mdf) 

First, draw histogram for all three drugs pooled.

#FIG# S10 A
thresh   <- 1 - z_factor * ssd
hh <- ggplot() +
  geom_histogram(aes(x = value, y = ..density..),
                 binwidth = 0.025, data = mdf) +
  theme_minimal() +
  geom_line(aes(x = x, y = y), col = "darkblue", data = dn) +
  geom_vline(col = "red", xintercept = thresh)

Then split by drug.

hh + facet_grid( ~ variable)

Decision rule.


df <- mutate(df,
  group = ifelse(ibrutinib < thresh, "BTK",
          ifelse(everolimus < thresh, "mTOR",
          ifelse(selumetinib < thresh, "MEK", "Non-responder")))

Present the decision rule in the plots.

#FIG# S10 B
mycol <- c(`BTK` = "Royalblue4",
           `mTOR` = "chartreuse4",
           `MEK` = "mediumorchid4",
           `Non-responder` = "grey61")

plots <- list(
  ggplot(df, aes(x = 1-ibrutinib,  y = 1-everolimus)),
  ggplot(filter(df, group != "BTK"), aes(x = 1-selumetinib, y = 1-everolimus))

plots <- lapply(plots, function(x)
  x + geom_point(aes(col = group), size = 1.5) + theme_minimal() +
    coord_fixed() + 
    scale_color_manual(values = mycol) +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 1 - thresh) + 
    geom_vline(xintercept = 1- thresh) +
    ylim(-0.15, 0.32) + xlim(-0.15, 0.32) 


grid.arrange(ncol = 2, grobs  = plots)

The above roules of stratification of patients into drug response groups is contained within defineResponseGroups function inside the package.

sel = defineResponseGroups(lpd=lpdAll)

Mean of each group

# colors
c1 = giveColors(2, 0.5)
c2 = giveColors(4, 0.85)
c3 = giveColors(10, 0.75)

# vectors
p <- vector(); d <- vector();
pMTOR <- vector(); pBTK <- vector(); pMEK <- vector(); pNONE <- vector()
dMTOR <- vector(); dBTK <- vector(); dMEK <- vector(); dNONE <- vector()
dMTOR_NONE <- vector(); pMTOR_NONE <- vector()

# groups                               
sel$grMTOR_NONE <- ifelse(sel$group=="mTOR", "mTOR", NA)
sel$grMTOR_NONE <- ifelse(sel$group=="none", "none", sel$grMTOR_NONE)

sel$grMTOR <- ifelse(sel$group=="mTOR", "mTOR", "rest")
sel$col <- ifelse(sel$group=="mTOR", c3, "grey")
sel$grBTK  <- ifelse(sel$group=="BTK",  "BTK", "rest")
sel$col <- ifelse(sel$group=="BTK",  c1, sel$col)
sel$grMEK  <- ifelse(sel$group=="MEK",  "MEK", "rest")
sel$col <- ifelse(sel$group=="MEK",  c2, sel$col)
sel$grNONE <- ifelse(sel$group=="none", "none", "rest")

for (i in 1: max(which(fData(lpdCLL)$type=="viab"))) {

  fit <- aov(Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[i, rownames(sel)] ~ sel$group)
  p[i] <- summary(fit)[[1]][["Pr(>F)"]][1]

  calc_p = function(clmn) {
      t.test(Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[i, rownames(sel)] ~ sel[,clmn],
             alternative = c("two.sided") )$p.value, "BH" )

  calc_d = function(clmn) {
      t.test(Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[i, rownames(sel)] ~ sel[,clmn])$estimate,
      alternative = c("two.sided") )

  pMTOR_NONE[i] <- calc_p("grMTOR_NONE")
  dMTOR_NONE[i] <- calc_d("grMTOR_NONE")

  pMTOR[i] <- calc_p("grMTOR")
  dMTOR[i] <- calc_d("grMTOR")

  pBTK[i] <- calc_p("grBTK")
  dBTK[i] <- calc_d("grBTK")

  pMEK[i] <- calc_p("grMEK")
  dMEK[i] <- calc_d("grMEK")

  pNONE[i] <- calc_p("grNONE")
  dNONE[i] <- calc_d("grNONE")

  # drugnames
  d[i] <- rownames(lpdCLL)[i]
#FIG# 3F
#construct data frame
ps <- data.frame(drug=d, pMTOR, pBTK, pMEK, pNONE, p )
ds <- data.frame(dMTOR, dBTK, dMEK, dNONE)
rownames(ps) <- ps[,1]; rownames(ds) <- ps[,1]

# selcet only rows for singel concentrations, set non-sig to zero 
ps45 <- ps[rownames(ps)[grep(rownames(ps), pattern="_4:5")],2:5 ]
for (i in 1:4) { ps45[,i] <- ifelse(ps45[,i]<0.05, ps45[,i], 0) }

ds45 <- ds[rownames(ds)[grep(rownames(ds), pattern="_4:5")],1:4 ]
for (i in 1:4) { ds45[,i] <- ifelse(ps45[,i]<0.05, ds45[,i], 0) }

# exclude non-significant rows
selDS <- rownames(ds45)[rowSums(ps45)>0]
selPS <- rownames(ps45)[rowSums(ps45)>0]
ps45 <- ps45[selPS, ]
ds45 <- ds45[selDS, ]

groupMean = function(gr) {
  rowMeans(Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[rownames(ps45), rownames(sel)[sel$group==gr]])

MBTK <- groupMean("BTK")
MMEK <- groupMean("MEK")
MmTOR <- groupMean("mTOR")
MNONE <- groupMean("none")

# create data frame, new colnames
ms <- data.frame(BTK=MBTK, MEK=MMEK, mTOR=MmTOR, NONE=MNONE)
colnames(ms) <- c("BTK", "MEK", "mTOR", "WEAK")
rownames(ms) <- drugs[substr(selPS, 1,5), "name"]

# select rows with effect sizes group vs. rest >0.05
ms <- ms[ which(rowMax(as.matrix(ds45)) > 0.05 ) ,  ]

# exclude some drugs
ms <- ms[-c(
  which(rownames(ms) %in%
          c("everolimus", "ibrutinib", "selumetinib", "bortezomib"))),]

pheatmap(ms[, c("MEK", "BTK","mTOR", "WEAK")], cluster_cols = FALSE,
         cluster_rows =TRUE, clustering_method = "centroid",
         scale = "row",
           c(rev(brewer.pal(7, "YlOrRd")), "white", "white", "white",
             brewer.pal(7, "Blues")))(101)

Bee swarm plots for groups

For selected drugs, we show differences of drug response between patient response groups.

#FIG# 3G
# drug label
giveDrugLabel3 <- function(drid) {
  vapply(strsplit(drid, "_"), function(x) {
    k <- paste(x[1:2], collapse="_")
    paste0(drugs[k, "name"])
  }, character(1))

groups = sel[,"group", drop=FALSE]
groups[which(groups=="none"), "group"] = "WEAK"

# beeswarm function
beeDrug <- function(xDrug) {

   par(bty="l", cex.axis=1.5)
     Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[xDrug, rownames(sel)] ~ groups$group,
     axes=FALSE, cex.lab=1.5, ylab="Viability", xlab="", pch = 16,
     pwcol=sel$col, cex=1,
     ylim=c(min( Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[xDrug, rownames(sel)] ) - 0.05, 1.2) )

   boxplot(Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[xDrug, rownames(sel)] ~ groups$group,  add = T,
           col="#0000ff22", cex.lab=2, outline = FALSE) 

   mtext(side=3, outer=F, line=0, 
       paste0(giveDrugLabel3(xDrug) ), cex=2) 


Kaplan-Meier plot for groups (time from sample to next treatment)

#FIG# S11 A
patmeta[, "group"] <- sel[rownames(patmeta), "group"]

c1n <- giveColors(2)
c2n <- giveColors(4)
c3n <- giveColors(10)
c4n <- "lightgrey"

survplot(Surv(patmeta[ , "T5"],
              patmeta[ , "treatedAfter"] == TRUE)  ~ patmeta$group ,
  lwd=3, cex.axis = 1.2, cex.lab=1.5, col=c(c1n, c2n, c3n, c4n), 
  data = patmeta,  
  legend.pos = 'bottomleft', stitle = 'Drug response', 
  xlab = 'Time (years)', ylab = 'Patients without treatment (%)',

Incidence of somatic gene mutations and CNVs in the four groups

Load data.


Select CLL patients.

lpdCLL <- lpdAll[ , lpdAll$Diagnosis== "CLL"]

Build groups.

sel = defineResponseGroups(lpd=lpdAll)

Calculate total number of mutations per patient.

genes <- data.frame(
  t(Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[fData(lpdCLL)$type %in% c("gen", "IGHV"), rownames(sel)]),
  group = factor(sel$group)

genes <- genes[!(, ]
colnames(genes) %<>%
  sub("del13q14_any", "del13q14", .) %>%
  sub("IGHV.Uppsala.U.M", "IGHV", .)

Nmut = rowSums(genes[, colnames(genes) != "group"], na.rm = TRUE)

mf <- sapply(c("BTK", "MEK", "mTOR", "none"), function(i) 
barplot(mf, ylab="Total number of mutations/CNVs per patient", col="darkgreen")

Test each mutation, and each group, marginally for an effect.

mutsUse <- setdiff( colnames(genes), "group" )
mutsUse <- mutsUse[ colSums(genes[, mutsUse], na.rm = TRUE) >= 4 ]
mutationTests <- lapply(mutsUse, function(m) {
    mutation = m, 
    p = fisher.test(genes[, m], genes$group)$p.value)
}) %>% bind_rows  %>% mutate(pBH = p.adjust(p, "BH")) %>% arrange(p)

mutationTests <- mutationTests %>% filter(pBH < 0.1)

Number of mutations with the p-value meeting the threshold.

groupTests <- lapply(unique(genes$group), function(g) {
    group = g, 
    p = fisher.test(
      colSums(genes[genes$group == g, mutsUse], na.rm=TRUE),
      colSums(genes[genes$group != g, mutsUse], na.rm=TRUE),
      simulate.p.value = TRUE, B = 10000)$p.value)
}) %>% bind_rows %>% arrange(p)


These results show that each of the groups has an imbalanced mutation distribution, and that each of the above-listed mutations is somehow imbalanced between the groups.

Test gene mutations vs. groups

Fisher.test genes vs. groups function. Below function assumes that g is a data.frame one of whose columns is group and all other columns are numeric (i.e., 0 or 1) mutation indicators.

fisher.genes <- function(g, ref) {
  stopifnot(length(ref) == 1)
  ggg <- ifelse(g$group == ref, ref, "other")
  idx <- which(colnames(g) != "group") 

  lapply(idx, function(i)
    if (sum(g[, i], na.rm = TRUE) > 2) {
      ft  <- fisher.test(ggg, g[, i])
        p    = ft$p.value,
        es   = ft$estimate, 
        prop = sum((ggg == ref) & ![, i]), na.rm = TRUE),
        mut1 = sum((ggg == ref) & (g[, i] != 0),  na.rm = TRUE),
        gene = colnames(g)[i])
    }  else {
      tibble(p = 1, es = 1, prop = 0, mut1 = 0, gene = colnames(g)[i])
  ) %>% bind_rows

Calculate p values and effects using the Fisher test and group of interest vs. rest.

pMTOR <- fisher.genes(genes, ref="mTOR") 
pBTK  <- fisher.genes(genes, ref="BTK") 
pMEK  <- fisher.genes(genes, ref="MEK") 
pNONE <- fisher.genes(genes, ref="none")

p    <- cbind(pBTK$p,    pMEK$p,    pMTOR$p,    pNONE$p)
es   <- cbind(pBTK$es,   pMEK$es,   pMTOR$es,   pNONE$es)
prop <- cbind(pBTK$prop, pMEK$prop, pMTOR$prop, pNONE$prop)
mut1 <- cbind(pBTK$mut1, pMEK$mut1, pMTOR$mut1, pNONE$mut1)

Prepare matrix for heatmap.

p <- ifelse(p < 0.05, 1, 0) 
p <- ifelse(es <= 1, p, -p) 
rownames(p) <- pMTOR$gene
colnames(p) <- c("BTK", "MEK", "mTOR", "NONE")

pM <- p[rowSums(abs(p))!=0, ]
propM <- prop[rowSums(abs(p))!=0, ]

Cell labels.

N <- cbind( paste0(mut1[,1],"/",prop[,1] ),
            paste0(mut1[,2],"/",prop[,2] ), 
            paste0(mut1[,3],"/",prop[,3] ),
            paste0(mut1[,4],"/",prop[,4] )

rownames(N) <- rownames(p)

Draw the heatmap only for significant factors in mutUse. Selection criteria for mutUse are >=4 mutations and adjusted p.value < 0.1 for 4x2 fisher test groups (mtor, mek, btk, none) vs mutation.

#FIG# S11 B
mutationTests <-
  mutationTests[which(!(mutationTests$mutation %in%
                          c("del13q14_bi", "del13q14_mono"))), ]
pMA <- p[mutationTests$mutation, ]

pheatmap(pMA, cluster_cols = FALSE, 
         cluster_rows = FALSE, legend=TRUE, annotation_legend = FALSE, 
         color = c("red", "white", "lightblue"),
         display_numbers = N[ rownames(pMA), ]

Differences in gene expression profiles between drug-response groups


sel = defineResponseGroups(lpd=lpdAll)
sel$group = gsub("none","weak", sel$group)
# select patients with CLL in the main screen data 
colnames(dds) <- colData(dds)$PatID
pat <- intersect(colnames(lpdCLL), colnames(dds))
dds_CLL <- dds[,which(colData(dds)$PatID %in% pat)]

# add group label 
colData(dds_CLL)$group <- factor(sel[colnames(dds_CLL), "group"])
colData(dds_CLL)$IGHV = factor(patmeta[colnames(dds_CLL),"IGHV"])

Select genes with most variable expression levels.

vsd <- varianceStabilizingTransformation( assay(dds_CLL) )
colnames(vsd) = colData(dds_CLL)$PatID
rowVariance <- setNames(rowVars(vsd), nm=rownames(vsd))
sortedVar <- sort(rowVariance, decreasing=TRUE)
mostVariedGenes <- sortedVar[1:10000]
dds_CLL <- dds_CLL[names(mostVariedGenes), ]

Run DESeq2.

cb <- combn(unique(colData(dds_CLL)$group), 2)

gg <- list(); ggM <- list(); ggU <- list()
DE <- function(ighv) {
 for (i in 1:ncol(cb)) {
   dds_sel <- dds_CLL[,which(colData(dds_CLL)$IGHV %in% ighv)]
   dds_sel <- dds_sel[,which(colData(dds_sel)$group %in% cb[,i])]
   design(dds_sel) = ~group
   dds_sel$group <- droplevels(dds_sel$group)
   dds_sel$group <- relevel(dds_sel$group, ref=as.character(cb[2,i]) )
   dds_sel <- DESeq(dds_sel)
   res <- results(dds_sel)
   gg[[i]] <- res[order(res$padj, decreasing = FALSE), ]
   names(gg)[i] <- paste0(cb[1,i], "_", cb[2,i])
ggM <- DE(ighv="M")
ggU <- DE(ighv="U")
gg <- DE(ighv=c("M", "U"))
save(ggM, ggU, gg, file=paste0(plotDir,"gexGroups.RData"))

The above code is not executed due to long running time. We load the output from the presaved object instead.

load(system.file("extdata","gexGroups.RData", package="BloodCancerMultiOmics2017"))

We use biomaRt package to map ensembl gene ids to hgnc gene symbols. The maping requires Internet connection and to omit this obstacle we load the presaved output. For completness, we provide the code used to generate the mapping.

# extract all ensembl ids
allGenes = unique(unlist(lapply(gg, function(x) rownames(x))))
# get gene ids for ensembl ids
genSymbols = getBM(filters="ensembl_gene_id",
                   attributes=c("ensembl_gene_id", "hgnc_symbol"),
                   values=allGenes, mart=mart)
# select first id if more than one is present
genSymbols = genSymbols[!duplicated(genSymbols[,"ensembl_gene_id"]),]
# set rownames to ens id
rownames(genSymbols) = genSymbols[,"ensembl_gene_id"]
load(system.file("extdata","genSymbols.RData", package="BloodCancerMultiOmics2017"))

Correlation of IL-10 mRNA expression and response to everolimus within the mTOR subgroup.

#FIG# S14
gen="ENSG00000136634" #IL10
drug   <- "D_063_4:5" 

patsel <- intersect( rownames(sel)[sel$group %in% c("mTOR")], colnames(vsd) )

c <- cor.test( Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[drug, patsel], vsd[gen, patsel] )

# get hgnc_symbol for gen
# mart = useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl", useMart("ensembl"))
# genSym = getBM(filters="ensembl_gene_id", attributes="hgnc_symbol",
# values=gen, mart=mart)
genSym = genSymbols[gen, "hgnc_symbol"]

plot(vsd[gen, patsel], Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[drug, patsel],
     xlab=paste0(genSym, " expression"),
     ylab="Viability (everolimus)", pch=19, ylim=c(0.70, 0.92), col="purple",
     main = paste0("mTOR-group", "\n cor = ", round(c$estimate, 3),
                   ", p = ", signif(c$p.value,2 )),
abline(lm(Biobase::exprs(lpdCLL)[drug, patsel] ~ vsd[gen, patsel]))

Set colors.

c1 = giveColors(2, 0.4)
c2 = giveColors(4, 0.7)
c3 = giveColors(10, 0.6)

Function which extracts significant genes.

sigEx <- function(real) {

  ggsig = lapply(real, function(x) {
    x = data.frame(x)
    x = x[which(!($padj))),]
    x = x[x$padj<0.1,]
    x = x[order(x$padj, decreasing = TRUE),]
    x = data.frame(x[ ,c("padj","log2FoldChange")], ensg=rownames(x) )
    x$hgnc1 = genSymbols[rownames(x), "hgnc_symbol"]
    x$hgnc2 = ifelse(x$hgnc1=="" | x$hgnc1=="T" |$hgnc1),
                     as.character(x$ensg), x$hgnc1)
    x[-(grep(x[,"hgnc2"], pattern="IG")),]
barplot1 <- function(real, tit) { 

  # process real diff genes
  sigExPlus = sigEx(real)
  ng <- lapply(sigExPlus, function(x){ cbind(
    up=nrow(x[x$log2FoldChange>0, ]),
    dn=nrow(x[x$log2FoldChange<0, ]) ) } ) 
  ng = melt(ng)

  p <- ggplot(ng, aes(reorder(L1, -value)), ylim(-500:500)) + 
    geom_bar(data = ng, aes(y =  value, fill=Var2), stat="identity",
             position=position_dodge() ) +
    scale_fill_brewer(palette="Paired", direction = -1,
                      labels = c("up", "down")) +
    ggtitle(label=tit) +

    geom_hline(yintercept = 0,colour = "grey90") + 
           panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),

           axis.title.x = element_blank(),
           axis.text.x = element_text(size=14, angle = 60, hjust = 1),
           axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),

           axis.title.y  = element_blank(),
           axis.text.y = element_text(size=14, colour="black"),
           axis.line.y = element_line(colour = "black",
                                      size = 0.5, linetype = "solid"),

           legend.key = element_rect(fill = "white"),
           legend.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
           legend.title = element_blank(),
           legend.text = element_text(size=14, colour="black"),

           panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", color="white")

#FIG# S11 C
barplot1(real=gg, tit="")

Cytokine / chemokine expression in mTOR group

Here we compare expression levels of cytokines/chemokines within the mTOR group.

Set helpful functions.

# beeswarm funtion
beefun <- function(df, sym) {
 par(bty="l", cex.axis=1.5)
 beeswarm(df$x ~ df$y, axes=FALSE, cex.lab=1.5, col="grey", ylab=sym, xlab="",
          pch = 16, pwcol=sel[colnames(vsd),"col"], cex=1.3)

 boxplot(df$x ~ df$y, add = T, col="#0000ff22", cex.lab=1.5) 

Bulid response groups.

sel = defineResponseGroups(lpdCLL)
sel[,1:3] = 1-sel[,1:3]
sel$IGHV = pData(lpdCLL)[rownames(sel), "IGHV Uppsala U/M"]

c1 = giveColors(2, 0.5)
c2 = giveColors(4, 0.85)
c3 = giveColors(10, 0.75)

# add colors
sel$col <- ifelse(sel$group=="mTOR", c3, "grey")
sel$col <- ifelse(sel$group=="BTK",  c1, sel$col)
sel$col <- ifelse(sel$group=="MEK",  c2, sel$col)

For each cytokine/chemokine we compare level of expression between the response groups.

cytokines <- c("CXCL2","TGFB1","CCL2","IL2","IL12B","IL4","IL6","IL10","CXCL8",
cyEN =  sapply(cytokines, function(i) {

makeEmpty = function() {
  data.frame(matrix(ncol=3, nrow=length(cyEN),
                    dimnames=list(names(cyEN), c("BTK", "MEK", "mTOR"))) )
p = makeEmpty()
ef = makeEmpty()
for (i in 1:length(cyEN) ) {

 geneID <- cyEN[i]
 df <- data.frame(x=vsd[geneID,  ], y=sel[colnames(vsd) ,"group"])
 df$y <- as.factor(df$y)

 beefun(df, sym=names(geneID))

 df <- within(df, y <- relevel(y, ref = "none"))
 fit <- lm(x ~y, data=df)

 p[i,] <- summary(fit)$coefficients[ 2:4, "Pr(>|t|)"]

 abtk = mean(df[df$y=="BTK", "x"], na.rm=TRUE) - mean(df[df$y=="none", "x"],
 amek = mean(df[df$y=="MEK", "x"], na.rm=TRUE) - mean(df[df$y=="none", "x"],
 amtor= mean(df[df$y=="mTOR", "x"], na.rm=TRUE) - mean(df[df$y=="none", "x"],

 ef[i,] <-  c(as.numeric(abtk), as.numeric(amek), as.numeric(amtor)) 

 mtext( paste(    "pBTK=", summary(fit)$coefficients[ 2, "Pr(>|t|)"], 
                "\npMEK=", summary(fit)$coefficients[ 3, "Pr(>|t|)"], 
               "\npMTOR=", summary(fit)$coefficients[ 4, "Pr(>|t|)"], 
              side=3 ))

As a next step, we summarize the above comparisons in one plot.

#FIG# S11 D
# log p-values
plog <- apply(p, 2, function(x){-log(x)} )
plog_m <- melt(as.matrix(plog))
ef_m <- melt(as.matrix(ef))

# introduce effect direction
plog_m$value <- ifelse(ef_m$value>0, plog_m$value, -plog_m$value)

rownames(plog_m) <- 1:nrow(plog_m)

# fdr
fdrmin = min( p.adjust(p$mTOR, "fdr") )

### plot ####
colnames(plog_m) <- c("cytokine", "group", "p")

lev = names(sort(tapply(plog_m$p, plog_m$cytokine, function(p) min(p))))

plog_m$cytokine <- factor(plog_m$cytokine, levels=lev)

 ggplot(data=plog_m, mapping=aes(x=cytokine, y=p, color=group)) + 
    scale_colour_manual(values = c(c1, c2, c3)) +
    geom_point( size=3 ) + 
       panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
       panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
       panel.background = element_blank(),
       ) +
    scale_y_continuous(name="-log(p-value)", breaks=seq(-3,7.5,2),
                       limits=c(-3,7.5)) +
    xlab("") +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
    geom_hline(yintercept = -log(0.004588897), color="purple", linetype="dashed") +
    geom_hline(yintercept = (-log(0.05)), color="grey", linetype="dashed") 

Within the mTOR group it is only IL-10 which have significantly increased expression. The other important cytokines/chemokines were not differentially expressed.


MalgorzataOles/BloodCancerMultiOmics2017 documentation built on March 29, 2024, 2:29 p.m.