library("BloodCancerMultiOmics2017") library("Biobase") library("SummarizedExperiment") library("AnnotationDbi") library("") library("dplyr") library("abind") library("reshape2") library("RColorBrewer") library("glmnet") library("ipflasso") library("ggplot2") library("grid") library("DESeq2")
plotDir = ifelse(exists(".standalone"), "", "part11/") if(plotDir!="") if(!file.exists(plotDir)) dir.create(plotDir)
Drug response heterogeneity is caused by the unique deregulations in biology of the tumor cell. Those deregulations leave trace on the different molecular levels and have a various impact on cell's drug sensitivity profile. Here we use multivariate regression to integrate information from the multi-omic data in order to predict drug response profiles of the CLL samples.
Loading the data.
data(list=c("conctab", "drpar", "drugs", "patmeta", "lpdAll", "dds", "mutCOM", "methData"))
Filtering steps and transformations.
e<-dds colnames(e)<-colData(e)$PatID #only consider CLL patients CLLPatients<-rownames(patmeta)[which(patmeta$Diagnosis=="CLL")] #Methylation Data methData = t(assay(methData)) #RNA Data eCLL<-e[,colnames(e) %in% CLLPatients] ### #filter out genes without gene namce AnnotationDF<-data.frame(EnsembleId=rownames(eCLL),stringsAsFactors=FALSE) AnnotationDF$symbol <- mapIds(, keys=rownames(eCLL), column="SYMBOL", keytype="ENSEMBL", multiVals="first") eCLL<-eCLL[AnnotationDF$EnsembleId[!$symbol)],] #filter out low count genes ### minrs <- 100 rs <- rowSums(assay(eCLL)) eCLL<-eCLL[ rs >= minrs, ] #variance stabilize the data #(includes normalizing for library size and dispsersion estimation) vstCounts<-varianceStabilizingTransformation(eCLL) vstCounts<-assay(vstCounts) #no NAs in data any( #filter out low variable genes ntop<-5000 vstCountsFiltered<-vstCounts[order(apply(vstCounts, 1, var, na.rm=T), decreasing = T)[1:ntop],] eData<-t(vstCountsFiltered) #no NAs any( #genetics #remove features with less than 5 occurences mutCOMbinary<-channel(mutCOM, "binary") mutCOMbinary<-mutCOMbinary[featureNames(mutCOMbinary) %in% CLLPatients,] genData<-Biobase::exprs(mutCOMbinary) idx <- which(colnames(genData) %in% c("del13q14_bi", "del13q14_mono")) genData <- genData[,-idx] colnames(genData)[which(colnames(genData)=="del13q14_any")] = "del13q14" minObs <- 5 #remove feutes with less than 5 occurecnes genData<-genData[,colSums(genData, na.rm=T)>=minObs] #IGHV translation <- c(`U` = 0, `M` = 1) stopifnot(all(patmeta$IGHV %in% c("U","M", NA))) IGHVData <- matrix(translation[patmeta$IGHV], dimnames = list(rownames(patmeta), "IGHV"), ncol = 1) IGHVData<-IGHVData[rownames(IGHVData) %in% CLLPatients,,drop=F] #remove patiente with NA IGHV status IGHVData<-IGHVData[!, ,drop=F] any( #demographics (age and sex) patmeta<-subset(patmeta, Diagnosis=="CLL") gender <- ifelse(patmeta[,"Gender"]=="m",0,1) # impute missing values in age by mean ImputeByMean <- function(x) {x[] <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE); return(x)} age<-ImputeByMean(patmeta[,"Age4Main"]) demogrData <- cbind(age=age,gender=gender) rownames(demogrData) <- rownames(patmeta) #Pretreatment pretreated<-patmeta[,"IC50beforeTreatment", drop=FALSE] ##### drug viabilites summaries <- c(paste("viaraw", 1:5, sep=".") %>% `names<-`(paste(1:5)), `4:5` = "viaraw.4_5", `1:5` = "viaraw.1_5") a <- abind, c( along=3, lapply( summaries, function(x) assayData(drpar)[[x]]))) dimnames(a)[[3]] <- names(summaries) names(dimnames(a)) <- c( "drug", "patient", "summary" ) viabData <- acast( melt(a), patient ~ drug + summary ) rownames(viabData)<-c(substr(rownames(viabData),1,4)[1:3], substr(rownames(viabData),1,5)[4:nrow(viabData)])
Check overlap of data and take care of missing values present in methylation and genetic data.
# common patients Xlist<-list(RNA=eData, meth=methData, gen=genData, IGHV=IGHVData, demographics=demogrData, drugs=viabData, pretreated=pretreated) PatientsPerOmic<-lapply(Xlist, rownames) sapply(PatientsPerOmic, length) allPatients<-Reduce(union, PatientsPerOmic) PatientOverview<-sapply(Xlist, function(M) allPatients %in% rownames(M)) Patients <- (1:nrow(PatientOverview)) Omics <- (1:ncol(PatientOverview)) image(Patients,Omics, PatientOverview*1, axes=F, col=c("white", "black"), main="Sample overview across omics") axis(2, at = 1:ncol(PatientOverview), labels=colnames(PatientOverview), tick=F) commonPatients<-Reduce(intersect, PatientsPerOmic) length(commonPatients) XlistCommon<-lapply(Xlist, function(data) data[commonPatients,, drop=F]) #Take care of missing values (present in genetic data) ImputeByMean <- function(x) {x[] <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE); return(x)} #NAs in genetic #remove feauters with less 90% completeness RarlyMeasuredFeautres<- which(colSums($gen))>0.1*nrow(XlistCommon$gen)) XlistCommon$gen<-XlistCommon$gen[,-RarlyMeasuredFeautres] #remove patients with less than 90% of genetic feautres measured IncompletePatients<- rownames(XlistCommon$gen)[ (rowSums($gen))>0.1*ncol(XlistCommon$gen))] commonPatients<-commonPatients[!commonPatients %in% IncompletePatients] XlistCommon<-lapply(XlistCommon, function(data) data[commonPatients,, drop=F]) #replace remaining NA by mean and round to 0 or 1 XlistCommon$gen<-round(apply(XlistCommon$gen, 2, ImputeByMean)) #NAs in methylation #remove feauters with less 90% completeness XlistCommon$meth<- XlistCommon$meth[,colSums($meth))<0.1*nrow(methData)] #impute remainin missing values by mean for each feautre across patients XlistCommon$meth<-(apply(XlistCommon$meth, 2, ImputeByMean)) #final dimensions of the data sapply(XlistCommon, dim)
Use top 20 PCs of methylation and expression as predictors.
pcaMeth<-prcomp(XlistCommon$meth, center=T, scale. = F) XlistCommon$MethPCs<-pcaMeth$x[,1:20] colnames(XlistCommon$MethPCs)<- paste("meth",colnames(XlistCommon$MethPCs), sep="") pcaExpr<-prcomp(XlistCommon$RNA, center=T, scale. = F) XlistCommon$RNAPCs<-pcaExpr$x[,1:20] colnames(XlistCommon$RNAPCs)<-paste("RNA",colnames(XlistCommon$RNAPCs), sep="")
Choose drug viabilites of interest as response variables.
DOI <- c("D_006_1:5", "D_010_1:5", "D_159_1:5","D_002_4:5", "D_003_4:5", "D_012_4:5", "D_063_4:5", "D_166_4:5") drugviab<-XlistCommon$drugs drugviab<-drugviab[,DOI, drop=F] colnames(drugviab) <- drugs[substr(colnames(drugviab),1,5),"name"]
Construct list of designs used and scale all predictors to mean zero and unit variance.
ZPCs<-list(expression=XlistCommon$RNAPCs, genetic=XlistCommon$gen, methylation= XlistCommon$MethPCs, demographics=XlistCommon$demographics, IGHV=XlistCommon$IGHV, pretreated = XlistCommon$pretreated) ZPCs$all<, ZPCs) ZPCsunscaled<-ZPCs ZPCsscaled<-lapply(ZPCs, scale) lapply(ZPCsscaled, colnames)
Define colors.
set1 <- brewer.pal(9,"Set1") colMod<-c(paste(set1[c(4,1,5,3,2,7)],"88",sep=""), "grey") names(colMod) <- c("demographics", "genetic", "IGHV","expression", "methylation", "pretreated", "all")
Fit a linear model using Lasso explaining drug response by each one of the omic set separately as well as all together. As measure of explained variance use R2 from linear models for unpenalized models (IGHV) and fraction of variance explained, i.e. 1- cross-validated mean squared error/total sum of squares for others.
To ensure fair treatment of all features they are standardized to mean 0 and unit variance. To study robustness the cross-validation is repeated 100-times to obtain the mean and standard deviation shown in the figure.
#Function to calculate Var Explained for Penalized Regression R2ForPenRegPlusViz<-function(Z, drugviab, nfolds=10, alpha=1, nrep=100, Parmfrow=c(2,4), ylimMax=0.4, standardize=TRUE){ Zlocal<-Z set.seed(1030) seeds<-sample(1:10000000, nrep) RepeatedR2list<-lapply(1:nrep, function(outer){ #Use same folds for all omics to make comparable set.seed(seeds[outer]) foldsAssignment<-sample(rep(seq(nfolds), length=nrow(drugviab))) R2echOmicadj<-sapply(colnames(drugviab), function(dname) { d<-drugviab[,dname] sapply(names(Zlocal), function(nameZ) { pred<-Zlocal[[nameZ]] #fit a lasso model for omics with more than one features if(ncol(pred)>1){ fitcv<-cv.glmnet(pred,d,family="gaussian", standardize=standardize, alpha=alpha, foldid=foldsAssignment) R2 <- 1-min(fitcv$cvm)/fitcv$cvm[1] }else {#fit a liner model for single feautres (IGHV) fitlm<-lm(d~., data.frame(pred)) R2<- summary(fitlm)$r.squared } R2 }) } ) }) RepeatedR2<-RepeatedR2list #calculate mean and sd across repitions wiht different folds meanR2<-apply(simplify2array(RepeatedR2), 1:2, mean) sdR2<-apply(simplify2array(RepeatedR2), 1:2, sd) par(mfrow=Parmfrow, mar=c(7,5,3,3)) for (i in 1: ncol(meanR2)) { barc<-barplot(meanR2[,i], main= colnames(meanR2)[i], ylim=c(0,ylimMax), las=2, col=colMod[rownames(meanR2)], ylab="R2") segments(barc, meanR2[,i]-sdR2[,i],barc, meanR2[,i]+sdR2[,i]) } RepeatedR2 }
Fit model and show resulting omic-prediction profiles.
#FIG# 5A resultLassoPCA<-R2ForPenRegPlusViz(ZPCsscaled, drugviab, nfold=10, alpha=1, nrep=100, ylimMax=0.4) df_resultLassoPCA <- melt(resultLassoPCA) colnames(df_resultLassoPCA) <- c("omic", "drug", "R2", "run") summaryR2 <- df_resultLassoPCA %>% group_by(omic, drug) %>% dplyr::summarise(meanR2=mean(R2),sdR2 = sd(R2), nR2 = length(R2)) %>% mutate(seR2 = sdR2/sqrt(nR2)) ggplot(summaryR2, aes(x=omic, y=meanR2, fill=omic, group=omic))+ geom_bar(stat = "identity") + scale_fill_manual(values=colMod) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymax = meanR2 + sdR2,ymin = meanR2 - sdR2), position = "dodge", width = 0.25) +facet_wrap(~drug, ncol=4) +theme_bw(base_size = 18) +ylab(bquote(R^2)) + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank(), axis.text = element_text(colour = "black")) +xlab("")+guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Data type"))
Optionally, the model can also be fit for all drugs in the study.
nfolds<-10 nrep<-100 DOI <- grepl("1:5",colnames(XlistCommon$drugs)) | grepl("4:5",colnames(XlistCommon$drugs)) drugviabAll<-XlistCommon$drugs drugviabAll<-drugviabAll[,DOI] colnames(drugviabAll) <- paste0(drugs[substr(colnames(drugviabAll),1,5),"name"], substr(colnames(drugviabAll),6,9)) R2ForPenReg(Zscaled, drugviabAll, nfold=nfolds, alpha=1, nrep=nrep, Parmfrow=c(4,4), ylimMax=0.6)
We perform regression analysis by adaptive LASSO using genetic features, IGHV status (coded as 0 -1 for mutated/unmutated), pretreatment status (coded as 0 -1) and methylation cluster (coded as 0 for lowly-programmed (LP), 0.5 for intermediately-programmed (IP) and 1 for highly-programmed (HP)). For each model we select the optimal penalization parameter of the second step Lasso fit of the adaptive Lasso by repeated cross-validation to get robust results.
As output bar plots showing the coefficients of the selected predictors are produced.
We use the following abbreviations for the different data types.
| | data type | |---|---------------------| | M | methylation cluster | | G | mutations | | V | viability | | I | ighv | | P | pretreatment |
dataType = c(M="Methylation_Cluster", V="viab", G="gen", I="IGHV", P="pretreat")
Color definitions for the groups.
coldef<-list() coldef["I"]<-brewer.pal(9, "Blues")[7] coldef["M"]<-list(brewer.pal(9, "Blues")[c(1, 5, 9)]) coldef["G"]<-brewer.pal(8, "YlOrRd")[8] coldef["P"]<-"chocolate4"
Subselect CLL patients.
lpdCLL = lpdAll[ , lpdAll$Diagnosis=="CLL"]
Prepare the data and limit the number of features by subselecting only those which include at least 5 recorded incidences. List the predictors.
lpdCLL = lpdAll[ , lpdAll$Diagnosis=="CLL"] lpdCLL = BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::prepareLPD(lpd=lpdCLL, minNumSamplesPerGroup=5) (predictorList = BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::makeListOfPredictors(lpdCLL))
The prediction will be made for the following drugs and concentrations.
| | drug name | conc | |-------|---------------|------| | D_159 | doxorubicine | 1-5 | | D_006 | fludarabine | 1-5 | | D_010 | nutlin-3 | 1-5 | | D_166 | PRT062607 HCl | 4-5 | | D_003 | idelalisib | 4-5 | | D_002 | ibrutinib | 4-5 | | D_012 | selumetinib | 4-5 | | D_063 | everolimus | 4-5 |
drs = list("1:5"=c("D_006", "D_010", "D_159"), "4:5"=c("D_002", "D_003", "D_012", "D_063", "D_166"))
predvar = unlist(BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::makePredictions(drs=drs, lpd=lpdCLL, predictorList=predictorList, lim=0.15, std=FALSE, adaLasso=TRUE, colors=coldef), recursive=FALSE)
details = function(dr, what) { predvar[[dr]][["plot"]][[what]] }
#FIG# 5B grid.draw(details("D_006","plot"))
#FIG# 5B grid.draw(details("D_010","plot"))
#FIG# 5B grid.draw(details("D_159","plot"))
#FIG# 5B grid.draw(details("D_002","plot"))
#FIG# 5B grid.draw(details("D_003","plot"))
#FIG# 5B grid.draw(details("D_012","plot"))
#FIG# 5B grid.draw(details("D_063","plot"))
#FIG# 5B grid.draw(details("D_166","plot"))
Plot the legends.
legends = BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::makeLegends(legendFor=c("G","I","M", "P"), coldef)
#FIG# 5B legend grid.draw(legends[["plot"]])
Additionaly we plot the prediction for rotenone.
drs_rot = list("4:5"=c("D_067")) predvar_rot = unlist(BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::makePredictions(drs=drs_rot, lpd=lpdCLL, predictorList=predictorList, lim=0.23, std=FALSE, adaLasso=TRUE, colors=coldef), recursive=FALSE)
#FIG# S26 grid.draw(predvar_rot[["D_067"]][["plot"]][["plot"]])
In a same way the prediction for all the drugs can be made.
alldrs = unique(fData(lpdCLL)[fData(lpdCLL)$type=="viab","id"]) drs = list("1:5"=alldrs, "4:5"=alldrs)
predvar2 = BloodCancerMultiOmics2017:::makePredictions(drs=drs, lpd=lpdCLL, predictorList=predictorList, lim=0.23, colors=coldef)
In order to find out the effect of pre-treatment on the predictions of drug response we provide the following overview. The summary is made for all drugs, separating however, on ranges of drug concentrations (mean drug effect of: all five (1-5) and two lowest (4-5) concentrations of the drugs).
givePreatreatSum = function(predNum) { idx = sapply(predvar2[[predNum]], function(x) length(x)==1) predvar2[[predNum]] = predvar2[[predNum]][!idx] # get model coefficients and reshape coeffs <-,lapply(predvar2[[predNum]], "[[", 'coeffs')) coeffs <- coeffs[-1,] coeffs <- as.matrix(coeffs) # colnames(coeffs) <- unlist(drs["1:5"]) colnames(coeffs) = names(predvar2[[predNum]]) colnames(coeffs) <- drugs[colnames(coeffs),"name"] coeffDF <- melt(as.matrix(coeffs)) colnames(coeffDF) <- c("predictor", "drug", "beta") coeffDF$selected <- coeffDF$beta !=0 #sort by times being selected coeffDF$predictor <- factor(coeffDF$predictor, level=) # number of drugs a predictor is chosen for gg1 <- coeffDF %>% group_by(predictor) %>% dplyr::summarize(selectedSum = sum(selected)) %>% mutate(predictor = factor(predictor, levels=predictor[order(selectedSum)])) %>% ggplot(aes(x=predictor, y=selectedSum)) + geom_bar(stat="identity")+ylab("# drugs selected for") + coord_flip() # boxplots of non-zero coeffients orderMedian <- filter(coeffDF, selected) %>% group_by(predictor) %>% dplyr::summarize(medianBeta = median(abs(beta))) coeffDF$predictor <- factor( coeffDF$predictor, levels=orderMedian$predictor[order(orderMedian$medianBeta)] ) gg2 <- ggplot(filter(coeffDF, selected), aes(x=predictor, y=abs(beta))) + geom_boxplot() + coord_flip() + ggtitle("Distribution of non-zero coefficients") gridExtra::grid.arrange(gg1,gg2, ncol=1) # coefficeints per drug ggplot(filter(coeffDF, selected), aes(x= drug, y=abs(beta), col= predictor=="Pretreatment")) + geom_point() + coord_flip() #drugs pretreatment is selected for as.character(filter(coeffDF, predictor=="Pretreatment" & beta!=0)$drug) PselDrugs <- as.character( filter(coeffDF, predictor=="Pretreatment" & beta!=0)$drug) length(PselDrugs) # length(drs[[1]]) }
Conc. 1-5
Conc. 4-5
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