
#' Description of the function
#' @param  response a vector response variable
#' @param  regressors a quantitative matrix of regressor
#' @param  group a vector with two levels. (The group of the ANCOVA)
#' @param  a the parameters that indicate how much the coefficients will be fused
#' @param  lambda if the user wants to use it owns values of lambdas
#' @return The coefficients of the fused lasso ANCOVA for the different value of lambda
#' @examples
#' B <- c(1, -1, 1.5, 1.5, rep(0, 6), 2, 0, 2, 0)
#'group <- c(rep('M1', 10), rep('M2', 10))
#'regressors <- matrix(rnorm(6*20), ncol = 6)
#'X  <- model.matrix(~group + group:regressors - 1)
#'y <- X%*%B + rnorm(20)
#'y <- scale(y)
#'mod <- fl2(y, regressors, group)
#'colors <- c(rep("grey",2), rep('green',2),rep('black', 6), rep(c("orange","blue"), 2), 'darkgreen', rep('yellow',3), rep('purple',2))
#'matplot(mod$lambda ,t(mod$beta),type='l',col=colors)
#' @import R6 Matrix gglasso tidyverse glmnet stabs magrittr viridis stringr
#' @export
QTLmod <- R6Class("QTLmod",
                  private = list(
                    x = NULL,
                    y = NULL,
                    intercept= NULL,
                    r= NULL,
                    Data = NULL,
                    tresh = NULL,
                    df = NULL,
                    s= NULL,
                    n =NULL),
                  public = list(
                    res = NULL,
                    pe = NULL,
                    mod = NULL,
                    cv = NULL,
                    stab = NULL,
                    initialize = function(x, y){
                      private$x <- as.matrix(x)
                      private$y <- as.data.frame(y)
                      if(nrow(private$x) != nrow(private$y)) stop("X and Y must have the same number of rows!")
                      private$r <- ncol(private$y)
                      private$n <- nrow(private$x)

                    predict = function(){
                      if(is.null(self$mod))     self$estime()
                      # if(is.null(private$df))
                      #   self$get_df()
                      self $res <- self$res %>%
                        mutate(Yhat = map2(Beta, Intercept, ~ cbind(1,private$x) %*%
                                             rbind(.y,as.matrix(.x)))) %>%
                        mutate(Ehat = map2(Data, Yhat, ~.x - .y)) %>%
                        mutate(Ehat = map(Ehat, ~as.data.frame(.))) %>%
                        mutate(MSE = map(Ehat, ~summarise_all(.,~sum(.^2)))) %>%
                        mutate(DF = private$df) %>%
                        mutate( BIC = map2(MSE, DF,~ private$n*log(.x / private$n) + log(private$n) * .y))

                    plot_error = function(print = TRUE){
                      if(is.null(self$res$MSE))   self$predict()
                      MSE <- self$res$MSE %>%
                        map_dfc(function(x) x %>% t() %>%  as.data.frame()) %>%
                        set_names(colnames(private$y)) %>%
                        rowid_to_column() %>%
                        gather(key, value,-rowid) %>%
                        ggplot(data = MSE, aes (x = rowid, color = key, y = value )) +
                        geom_point() +

                    plot_BIC = function(print = TRUE){
                      if(is.null(self$res$BIC))    self$predict()

                     BIC <- self$res$BIC %>%
                        map_dfc(function(x) x %>% t() %>%  as.data.frame()) %>%
                        set_names(colnames(private$y)) %>%
                        rowid_to_column() %>%
                        gather(key, value,-rowid) %>%
                        ggplot(data = BIC, aes (x = rowid, color = key, y = value )) +
                        geom_point() +

                    plot_coef = function(tresh, sel = colnames(private$y)){
                      if(is.null(self$mod)) self$estime()

                      if(is.null(private$Data) || private$tresh != tresh){
                      private$Data <- self$res$Beta %>% map(~.[,tresh]) %>%
                        set_names(colnames(private$y)) %>%
                        bind_cols(id = colnames(private$x))  %>%
                      private$tresh <- tresh

                       private$Data %>%
                        filter_at(vars(sel), any_vars(. != 0)) %>%
                        gather(key, value, -id) %>%
                        ggplot( aes( x = id, y = key, fill = value)) +
                        scale_fill_viridis() +
                        geom_tile() +
                        theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) + ylab("") + xlab("")


                    ROC = function(b){
                      self$res$Beta %>%
                        map(function(x){x  %>%
                            as.matrix() %>%
                            as.data.frame() %>%
                            gather() %>%
                            group_by(key) %>%
                            summarise_all(  funs(TPR(., b = b), FPR(., b = b)))

                    plot_anime = function(name_pos = NULL, num_max = 30){
                      if (is.null(name_pos)){
                        name_pos        <- 1:ncol(private$x)
                      if(is.null(self$res)) self$estime()
                      self$res %>%
                        mutate( Beta = map(Beta, ~rowid_to_column(.) %>% gather(key,value, -rowid) %>% as.tibble())) %>%
                        mutate(Beta = map2(Beta, Trait, ~ mutate(.x, key = as.numeric(gsub("s", "", key)), Trait = .y, pos = name_pos[rowid]))) %>%
                        select(Beta) %>%
                        summarise_all(~list(bind_rows(.))) %>% extract2(1) %>% extract2(1) %>% filter( key < num_max & value != 0) %>%
                        ggplot(aes( x= pos , y = Trait, color = value)) + geom_point() + transition_time(key) + theme_bw() +
                        scale_color_gradientn(colours = brewer.pal(10,'Spectral'))

                    plot_cv = function(sel = colnames(private$y), s="lambda.min"){
                      if(is.null(self$cv)|| private$s != s){ self$sel_cv(s)
                        private$s <- s

                      self$cv %>% select(Beta) %>% extract2(1)%>% extract2(1) %>% filter(value !=0) %>%
                        ggplot( aes( x = Marker, y = key, fill = value)) +
                        scale_fill_viridis() +
                        geom_tile() +
                        theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) + ylab("") + xlab("")

                    # estime = function(){
                    #   self$res <- self$mod  %>%
                    #     mutate( Beta = map(Model, ~.$beta)) %>%
                    #     select(-Model)
                    # },

Marie-PerrotDockes/ModQTL documentation built on May 16, 2019, 7:26 a.m.