  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

One rep max

The following in example. Let's say someone benches 145 kg for 5 reps, what is his one rep maximum?

equations <- c(

reps <- 5
lift <- 145
one_rm_list <- c()
for (equation in equations) {
  one_rm <- calculate_one_rm(reps, lift, equation)
  one_rm_list <- append(one_rm_list, one_rm)

data.frame(cbind(equations, one_rm_list))


What is the Wilks score for an example powerlifter?

(deadlift <- calculate_one_rm(reps = 2, lift = 180))
(squat <- calculate_one_rm(reps = 4, lift = 135))
(bench <- calculate_one_rm(reps = 6, lift = 105))

wilks <- sum(
  calculate_wilks(weight = 83, sex = "male", deadlift),
  calculate_wilks(weight = 83, sex = "male", squat),
  calculate_wilks(weight = 83, sex = "male", bench)

Plate calculator

Let's load up a bar with 137.5 kg. What plates do we need?

calculate_plates(137.5, bar = 20, plates = c(1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 20))

But what if we have other plates at our gym and the bar is 25 kg?

calculate_plates(137.5, bar = 25, plates = c(1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 25, 35))

MarijnJABoer/befitteR documentation built on April 24, 2020, 5:43 a.m.