
Defines functions .get_neighs_all_stat_single_batch get_neighs_all_stat .get_neighborhood_preservation_scores_single_batch get_neighborhood_preservation_scores

Documented in get_neighborhood_preservation_scores get_neighs_all_stat

#' get_neighborhood_preservation_scores
#' Calculates cell neighborhood preservation scores by comparing distances to the neighbors from True and Selection k-NN graphs.
#' @param sce SingleCellExperiment object containing gene counts matrix (stored in 'logcounts' assay).
#' @param neighs.all_stat If not NULL, should be precomputed using function geneBasisR::get_neighs_all_stat. Useful to precompute if geneBasisR::get_neighborhood_preservation_scores is planned to be recycled multiple times for different selections.
#' @param genes.all String specifying genes to be used for construction of True kNN-graph.
#' @param genes.selection String specifying genes to be used for construction of Selection kNN-graph.
#' @param batch Name of the field in colData(sce) specifying batch. Default batch=NULL if no batch is applied.
#' @param n.neigh Positive integer > 1 specifying number of neighbors to use for kNN-graph. Default n.neigh=5.
#' @param nPC.all Scalar specifying number of PCs to use for construction of True kNN-graph (or NULL, if no PCA to be applied). Default nPC.all=50.
#' @param nPC.selection Scalar specifying number of PCs to use for construction of True kNN-graph (or NULL, if no PCA to be applied). Default nPC.selection=NULL (no PCA to be applied). We advise to set it to 50 if `length(genes.selection) > 50`.
#' @param option String specifying how average distance for each cell should be calculated. If == 'exact', all other cells in the batch are taken into account. If == 'approx', the random subset of 10% of the cells will be used. 'exact' is default, but 'approx' is faster and is recommended for big data sets.
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @return data.frame, each row corresponds to cell from counts matrix, contains field cell_score = cell neighborhood preservation score
#' @export
#' @importFrom Rfast dista
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment colData
#' @examples
#' require(SingleCellExperiment)
#' n_row = 1000
#' n_col = 100
#' sce = SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(logcounts = matrix(rnorm(n_row*n_col), ncol=n_col)))
#' rownames(sce) = as.factor(1:n_row)
#' colnames(sce) = c(1:n_col)
#' sce$cell = colnames(sce)
#' genes.selection = sample(rownames(sce) , 20)
#' out = get_neighborhood_preservation_scores(sce, genes.selection = genes.selection)
get_neighborhood_preservation_scores = function(sce, neighs.all_stat = NULL, genes.all = rownames(sce),
                                                            genes.selection, batch = NULL, n.neigh = 5, nPC.all = 50, nPC.selection = NULL, option = "exact", ...){
  args = c(as.list(environment()) , list(...))
  if (!"check_args" %in% names(args)){
    sce = .prepare_sce(sce)
    out = .general_check_arguments(args) & .check_batch(sce , batch) & .check_genes_in_sce(sce , genes.all) & .check_genes_in_sce(sce , genes.selection)
  else {
    if (args[[which(names(args) == "check_args")]]){
      sce = .prepare_sce(sce)
      out = .general_check_arguments(args) & .check_batch(sce , batch) & .check_genes_in_sce(sce , genes.all) & .check_genes_in_sce(sce , genes.selection)
  if (is.null(batch)){
    score = .get_neighborhood_preservation_scores_single_batch(sce , neighs.all_stat = neighs.all_stat, genes.all = genes.all,
                                                                 genes.selection = genes.selection, n.neigh = n.neigh , nPC.all = nPC.all , nPC.selection = nPC.selection,
                                                                 option = option)

  else {
    if (is.null(neighs.all_stat)){
      neighs.all_stat = get_neighs_all_stat(sce , genes.all = genes.all , batch = batch, n.neigh = n.neigh, nPC.all = nPC.all, option = option, check_args = FALSE)
    meta = as.data.frame(colData(sce))
    batchFactor = factor(meta[, colnames(meta) == batch])
    score = lapply(unique(batchFactor) , function(current.batch){
      idx = which(batchFactor == current.batch)
      current.sce = sce[, idx]
      current.neighs.all_stat = neighs.all_stat[[which(names(neighs.all_stat) == current.batch)]]
      out = .get_neighborhood_preservation_scores_single_batch(current.sce , neighs.all_stat = current.neighs.all_stat , genes.all = genes.all ,
                                                               genes.selection = genes.selection, n.neigh = n.neigh , nPC.all = nPC.all, nPC.selection = nPC.selection, option = option)
    score = do.call(rbind, score)

#' @importFrom Rfast dista
.get_neighborhood_preservation_scores_single_batch = function(sce, neighs.all_stat = NULL,  genes.all = rownames(sce),
                                                              genes.selection, n.neigh = 5, nPC.all = 50, nPC.selection = NULL, option = "exact"){
  if (n.neigh > ncol(sce)-1){
    stop("Each batch should contain at least > n.neigh cells. Check your dataset or decrease n.neigh.")
  else {
    if (!is.null(neighs.all_stat)){
      out = .check_neighs.all_stat(neighs.all_stat)
    else {
      neighs.all_stat = get_neighs_all_stat(sce, genes.all = genes.all, batch = NULL, n.neigh = n.neigh, nPC.all = nPC.all, option = option)
      out = .check_neighs.all_stat(neighs.all_stat)
    counts = neighs.all_stat$counts
    neighs.all = neighs.all_stat$neighs.all
    mean_dist = neighs.all_stat$mean_dist
    neighs.compare = .get_mapping(sce , genes = genes.selection, batch = NULL, n.neigh = n.neigh, nPC = nPC.selection)
    # order
    counts = counts[order(rownames(counts)),]
    neighs.all = neighs.all[order(rownames(neighs.all)),]
    neighs.compare = neighs.compare[order(rownames(neighs.compare)),]
    mean_dist = mean_dist[order(names(mean_dist))]

    # get score
    score = lapply(1:nrow(counts), function(i){
      dist_neighs.all_coords = median(dista(t(counts[i, ]), counts[neighs.all[i,], ]))
      dist_neighs.compare_coords = median(dista(t(counts[i, ]), counts[neighs.compare[i,], ]))
      current_score = ( mean_dist[i] - dist_neighs.compare_coords )/( mean_dist[i] - dist_neighs.all_coords )
      out = data.frame(cell_score = current_score )
    score = do.call(rbind , score)
    score$cell = rownames(neighs.compare)
    score = score[, c("cell", "cell_score")]

#' get_neighs.all_stat
#' Calculates intermediate stats relevant for cell neighborhoud preservation score that can be recycled for different selection.
#' @param sce SingleCellExperiment object containing gene counts matrix.
#' @param genes.all String specifying genes to be used for construction of True kNN-graph.
#' @param batch Name of the field in colData(sce) to specify batch. Default batch=NULL if no batch is applied.
#' @param n.neigh Positive integer > 1, specifying number of neighbors to use for kNN-graph. Default n.neigh=5.
#' @param nPC.all Scalar specifying number of PCs to use for construction of True kNN-graph. Default nPC.all=50.
#' @param option String specifying how average distance for each cell should be calculated. If = 'exact', all other cells are taken into account. If = 'approx', the random subset of 10000 cells will be used. 'exact' is default and 'approx' is recommended for big datasets.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @return List containing fields 'counts' - PC coordinates for cells in True graph; 'neighs.all' - kNN-graph with assigned neighbors in True graph; 'mean_dist' - vector (for each cell) containing mean distance to other cells.
#' @export
#' @importFrom paleotree reverseList
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment colData
get_neighs_all_stat = function(sce , genes.all = rownames(sce) , batch = NULL, n.neigh = 5 , nPC.all = 50 , option = "exact", ...){
  args = c(as.list(environment()) , list(...))
  if (!"check_args" %in% names(args)){
    sce = .prepare_sce(sce)
    out = .general_check_arguments(args) & .check_batch(sce , batch) & .check_genes_in_sce(sce , genes.all)
  else {
    if (args[[which(names(args) == "check_args")]]){
      sce = .prepare_sce(sce)
      out = .general_check_arguments(args) & .check_batch(sce , batch) & .check_genes_in_sce(sce , genes.all)
  if (is.null(batch)){
    out = .get_neighs_all_stat_single_batch(sce , genes.all = genes.all , n.neigh = n.neigh , nPC.all = nPC.all, option = option)
  else {
    meta = as.data.frame(colData(sce))
    batchFactor = factor(meta[, colnames(meta) == batch])
    neighs.all_stat = lapply(unique(batchFactor) , function(current.batch){
      idx = which(batchFactor == current.batch)
      current.sce = sce[, idx]
      out = .get_neighs_all_stat_single_batch(current.sce , genes.all = genes.all , n.neigh = n.neigh , nPC.all = nPC.all, option = option)
    names(neighs.all_stat) = unique(batchFactor)

#' @importFrom irlba prcomp_irlba
#' @import Matrix
#' @importFrom Rfast dista
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment logcounts
.get_neighs_all_stat_single_batch = function(sce , genes.all = rownames(sce) , n.neigh = 5 , nPC.all = 50 , option = "exact"){
  sce = sce[genes.all, ]
  if (n.neigh > ncol(sce)-1){
    stop("Each batch should contain at least > n.neigh cells. Check your dataset or decrease n.neigh.")
  else {
    res = tryCatch(
        counts = t(as.matrix(logcounts(sce)))
        if (!is.null(nPC.all)){
          pcs = suppressWarnings( prcomp_irlba(counts , n = min(nPC.all, (nrow(counts)-1) , (ncol(counts) - 1))) )
          counts = pcs$x
        rownames(counts) = colnames(sce)

        # get neighs.all
        neighs.all = .assign_neighbors(counts , reference_cells = colnames(sce), query_cells = colnames(sce), n.neigh = n.neigh)

        # get mean
        if (option == "exact"){
          denominator = nrow(counts) - 1
          mean_dist = sapply(rownames(counts), function(cell){
            out = sum(dista(t(counts[cell, ]), counts))/denominator
        else if (option == "approx"){
          n_cells_random = round(nrow(counts)/10)
          cells_random = sample( rownames(counts) , n_cells_random)
          mean_dist = sapply(rownames(counts), function(cell){
            out = mean(dista(t(counts[cell, ]), counts[setdiff(cells_random , cell) , ] ))
        names(mean_dist) = rownames(counts)

        out = list(counts = counts, neighs.all = neighs.all, mean_dist = mean_dist)
      error = function(dummy){
        counts = Matrix::t(logcounts(sce))
        if (!is.null(nPC.all)){
          pcs = suppressWarnings( prcomp_irlba(counts , n = min(nPC.all, (nrow(counts)-1) , (ncol(counts) - 1))) )
          counts = pcs$x
        rownames(counts) = colnames(sce)

        # get neighs.all
        neighs.all = .assign_neighbors(counts , reference_cells = colnames(sce), query_cells = colnames(sce), n.neigh = n.neigh)

        # get mean
        if (option == "exact"){
          denominator = nrow(counts) - 1
          mean_dist = sapply(rownames(counts), function(cell){
            out = sum(dista(t(counts[cell, ]), counts))/denominator
        else if (option == "approx"){
          n_cells_random = round(nrow(counts)/10)
          cells_random = sample( rownames(counts) , n_cells_random)
          mean_dist = sapply(rownames(counts), function(cell){
            out = mean(dista(t(counts[cell, ]), counts[setdiff(cells_random , cell) , ] ))
        names(mean_dist) = rownames(counts)

        out = list(counts = counts, neighs.all = neighs.all, mean_dist = mean_dist)
      error = function(dump){
        message("Something went wrong: likely memory is exhausted or features you selected can not be used for pca. Try downsampling, smaller n.neigh or smaller nPC.all.")
MarioniLab/geneBasisR documentation built on June 30, 2023, 2:04 p.m.