
Defines functions google_analytics_3

Documented in google_analytics_3

#' Get Google Analytics v3 data (formerly google_analytics())
#' Legacy v3 API, for more modern API use [google_analytics].
#' @param id A character vector of View Ids to fetch from.
#' @param start Start date in YYY-MM-DD format.
#' @param end End date in YYY-MM-DD format.
#' @param metrics A character vector of metrics. With or without ga: prefix.
#' @param dimensions A character vector of dimensions. With or without ga: prefix.
#' @param sort How to sort the results, in form 'ga:sessions,-ga:bounceRate'
#' @param filters Filters for the result, in form 'ga:sessions>0;ga:pagePath=~blah'
#' @param segment How to segment.
#' @param samplingLevel Level of precision of the API requests
#' @param max_results Default 100. If greater than 10,000 then will batch GA calls.
#' @param type ga = Google Analytics v3; mcf = Multi-Channel Funels.
#' @return For one id a data.frame of data, with meta-data in attributes.  
#' @seealso https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/v3/
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' library(googleAnalyticsR)
#' ## Authenticate in Google OAuth2
#' ## this also sets options
#' ga_auth()
#' ## if you need to re-authenticate use ga_auth(new_user=TRUE)
#' ## if you have your own Google Dev console project keys,
#' ## then don't run ga_auth() as that will set to the defaults.
#' ## instead put your options here, and run googleAuthR::gar_auth()
#' ## get account info, including View Ids
#' account_list <- ga_account_list()
#' ga_id <- account_list$viewId[1]
#' ## get a list of what metrics and dimensions you can use
#' meta <- ga_meta()
#' head(meta)
#' ## pick the account_list$viewId you want to see data for.
#' ## metrics and dimensions can have or have not "ga:" prefix
#' gadata <- google_analytics_3(id = ga_id,
#'                            start="2015-08-01", end="2015-08-02",
#'                            metrics = c("sessions", "bounceRate"),
#'                            dimensions = c("source", "medium"))
#' ## if more than 10000 rows in results, auto batching
#' ## example is setting lots of dimensions to try and create big sampled data
#' batch_gadata <- google_analytics_3(id = ga_id,
#'                                  start="2014-08-01", end="2015-08-02",
#'                                  metrics = c("sessions", "bounceRate"),
#'                                  dimensions = c("source", "medium", 
#'                                                "landingPagePath",
#'                                                "hour","minute"),
#'                                 max=99999999)
#' ## mitigate sampling by setting samplingLevel="WALK"
#' ## this will send lots and lots of calls to the Google API limits, beware
#' walk_gadata <- google_analytics_3(id = ga_id,
#'                                 start="2014-08-01", end="2015-08-02",
#'                                 metrics = c("sessions", "bounceRate"),
#'                                 dimensions = c("source", "medium", "landingPagePath"),
#'                                 max=99999999, samplingLevel="WALK")
#' ## multi-channel funnels set type="mcf"
#' mcf_gadata <- google_analytics_3(id = ga_id,
#'                                start="2015-08-01", end="2015-08-02",
#'                                metrics = c("totalConversions"),
#'                                dimensions = c("sourcePath"),
#'                                type="mcf")
#' ## reach meta-data via attr()
#' attr(gadata, "profileInfo")
#' attr(gadata, "dateRange")
#' }
#' @importFrom googleAuthR gar_api_generator
#' @export
google_analytics_3 <- function(id,
                               metrics = c('sessions', 'bounceRate'),
                               type = c("ga", "mcf")) {
  samplingLevel <- match.arg(samplingLevel)
  start <- as.character(start)
  end <- as.character(end)
  type <-  match.arg(type)
  if(!is.null(filters)) {
    filters <- utils::URLencode(filters, reserved = TRUE)
  id <- sapply(id, checkPrefix, prefix = "ga")
  metrics <- paste(sapply(metrics, checkPrefix, prefix=type), collapse=",")
  dimensions <- paste(sapply(dimensions, checkPrefix, prefix=type), collapse=",")
  ga_pars <- list(ids = id,
                  "max-results"=min(10000, max_results),
  ga_pars <- rmNullObs(ga_pars)
  ga <- gar_api_generator(paste0("https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/data/",
                          pars_args = ga_pars,
                          data_parse_function = parse_google_analytics3,
                          checkTrailingSlash = FALSE)
 results <- gar_api_page(ga, 
                         page_method = "url", 
                         page_f = function(x) attr(x, "nextLink"))
 Reduce(dplyr::bind_rows, results)
MarkEdmondson1234/googleAnalyticsR_public documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 6:27 a.m.